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+[[!meta title="Updates on Org Mode maintenance"]]
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+<!-- Initially generated with emacsconf-publish-talk-page and then left alone for manual editing -->
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+# The Future of Org
+Ihor Radchenko
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+# Discussion
+## Questions and answers
+- Q:<\_viz\> Q: Is the track-changes item about the org-element
+ parser? \[10:34\]
+ - A:Yes
+ - <Ihor\> Moreover, track-changes has been developed with my
+ input specifically aimed to make sure that it can support
+ org-element use case. See
+ [](
+ /bugreport.cgi?bug=70077
+- Q: Could you please keep IRC alive? I prefer it to Matrix. Thx.
+ - A: I am mostly live on IRC from mobile (via Revolution IRC) and
+ should be able to see most of the messages. Except when my
+ mobile phone does not have good internet connection or is
+ discharged
+ - I got a suggestion to use as a bouncer. I will look
+ into it to make the connection more reliable. (It is not bad
+ now, but I do miss messages once in a while).
+- Q: Is there any plan for adding support for other modalities of
+ notes like handwritten,  audio, etc.? Would that be interesting to
+ the community? It will definitely be useful for me.
+ - A: Might want to look into jkitchin's repos (possibly via
+ tesseract)
+ - tesseract + image paste:
+ []( 
+ - John Kitchin \[Youtube\] (2021) scimax - #drawing
+ screenshot, tesseract, pngpaste and ox-clip
+ - For audio, I do not know much. My bookmarks contain a couple
+ of possibly related items:
+ - [\~lxsameer/orion](
+ - [\--output](
+ - You can use attachment and images to paste.
+ - <Ihor\> In terms of actually adding support for hadwritten
+ notes/audio, it is not 100% clear what that support would
+ consitute. Tooling to convert images/sound to text would
+ probably not be appropriate for Org mode. It would be better
+ done as a separate package(s). Then, using such tooling could be
+ supported, but again, it is not clear what such a support would
+ constitute.
+ - "Would that be interesting to the community?" Go and ask ;)
+ Just write about your idea in details to the mailing list and
+ you will get feedback. What I can tell is that this topic does
+ not surface frequently as far as I am aware.
+- Q: I spent some time writing a library for myself which involved
+ working with org files. One thing I struggled with was finding a
+ good source of reference code which demonstrated idiomatic usage. Is
+ there/could there be a resource with which to recommend particularly
+ well written codebases for review by others?
+ - A: Ideally, Org codebase should be such a place. Unfortunately,
+ not every part of Org is a good reference for others (I hope to
+ keep pushing for improvements).
+ - Decent references could be ox.el, many ob-\* backends, and
+ ox-\* backends. But I cannot suggest something definite
+ without knowing what exactly you tried to do. There are many
+ APIs in Org mode.
+ - What might be useful is
+ [](
+ and
+ [](
+ - Maybe also
+ [](
+- Q: WRT IETF standardization, have you looked at Karl Voit's OrgDown? 
+ - A: Lot of pushback to this idea on the mailing-list.
+ - A large part of it was about naming
+ - Some links:
+ - [](
+ - My followup:
+ [](
+ - Despite pushback, Karl's idea did align with our IETF idea
+ and with one of the point I make in the presentation about
+ making life easier for non-Emacs apps.
+ - See
+ [](
+ - I will quote Bastien here:
+ - [](
+ - What occurred to me while rereading this thread is
+ that definining a
+ - syntax for a IETF RFC on an Org mimetype probably
+ needs to be done not
+ - just by this Emacs Org-mode community, but by
+ bringing together other
+ - "consumers" of .org files, from ecosystems outside
+ of Emacs.
+ - Such a collective work could lead to define what
+ subset of the Org
+ - syntax is useful as the corner-stone for .org files
+ everywhere - which
+ - is what you rightfully brought up with "Orgdown".
+ - If successful, such a process could end up in
+ defining the minimal and
+ - official "Org syntax" while allowing
+ implementations (like the one for
+ - Emacs org-mode) to supercharge this syntax if deemed
+ useful.
+ - Perhaps TEC is right and we will end up having the
+ minimal syntax
+ - being the one we currently use for Org-mode: we'll
+ see.
+- Q: About a year ago we discussed switching GNU documentation from texinfo to org. Do you still consider this?
+ - A: We don't want to complicate org syntax to adjust to the
+ texinfo markup.
+ - ...But we want to keep org's syntax generic so that it can be
+ customized to support the necessary Texinfo constructs
+ - I detailed my vision in
+ [](
+ - apart from Texinfo parity, the idea is to help
+ addressing various syntax edge cases by providing
+ aliases to the existing markup elements
+## Notes
+- Nice to see mobile apps actively being considered when talking about org :D
+- Transient integration in org will be a very welcome improvement! Being able to save the
+ transient state on org-export would be very nice indeed
+- fun fact: Transient did take some inspiration from Org's menus
+ - tarsius: Oh, I did not know this!
+ - From which menus exactly, those implemented by Nicolas
+ for the exporter?
+ - Not any specific menus but the "dim unreachable
+ commands, when the user typed an incomplete key sequence"
+ feature.
+- love to hear how folks in emacs real approach
+ project development as social endeavors to a significant degree
+- Another mobile app that understands org-markdown is
+ ZettelNotes
+ ([](
+ - It is not the only one missed. For a reason. I did not
+ find source code.
+ - Ah ok, that is fair.
+- <jaafar\>There is a Ruby parser too, in the Guthub renderer
+ - Right. It is also listed at
+ [](
+ (alongside with Pandoc)
+- As an org user but someone who is not familiar with
+ development (and has no context on org's direction before Ihor's stewardship), I'm really excited about the priorities being expressed in this talk :) Thanks
+ \[10:47\]
+- another great (and absolute core to me) app with org-mode
+ support (respectively org files are at the core of it) for iOS
+ devices is: beorg
+ [](
+ - the dev is responsive and open for feedback/feature requests, from my experience so far. i'm still "a noob", but org-mode, emacs and beorg allow me to structure my workflows/needs and to get rid of possibly many other apps/software.
+ - The list of iOS-native apps are still quite small with varying quality. So far, I'm quite happy with beorg. Tried out other too (1-2 i may be missing, maybe considering buying them, even if it's just a small contribution to Emacs/orgmode as community as such). as far as the libre aspect. true, but i have to be pragmatic at some point, and firstly i want to be productive/efficient/effective. As long as it's a sole dev / community-inspired thing, and not a big corporate raider, i'm fine with non-libre software, if the standards are kept and no proprietary overhead stuff is modifying the core of org-mode (in this example for example).
+- Really encouraging stuff, thanks :D
+- Thank you yantar92\` 
+- Thank you for this wonderful talk!
+- We appreciate all the work being done
+- really enjoying this talk as a long time user who hasn't
+ ever really thought about how org mode gets developed (much less
+ contributed)
+- For audio transcription, I use Speech Note (offline) and copy the
+ text to orgmode
+- It's great to see Carsten, Bastien and Ihor together. I run my life
+ with orgmode, so we owe you guys a lot :)
+- I think a huge part of Org Mode is workflow, and that's
+ both highly individual and highly social - we learn about what's
+ possible by hearing about how other people do things
+- Thank you for taking over org! I use it every day and I'm happy to see that org's future is in good hands.
+- YouTube comments:
+ - Congratulations! I'm super excited for the things to come, especially about mobile apps not being an afterthought anymore. Also looking forward to the transition to transient menus!
+ - That was a great talk. Thank you for bringing all that information together and thank you for your work on org-mode. I use it every day and it's good to see it's still in active and constructive development. I particularly like the focus on the standard and parsers to define the format and clean up code bases both in org-mode and beyond.
+ - As someone who has just started using org mode, it's really reassuring to see that someone with such a well thought through, comprehensive, specific, detailed, and balanced vision of the future of org is taking the helm! May your bugs always be shallow and your users grateful <3
+ - I've been using org-mode for over a decade now, and can't imagine life without it. So welcome aboard, Ihor, may org-mode continue to prosper with you as Maintainer!
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