path: root/2024/organizers-notebook/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/2024/organizers-notebook/ b/2024/organizers-notebook/
index 74d15746..167796f4 100644
--- a/2024/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/2024/organizers-notebook/
@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ interests you!
:CUSTOM_ID: phases
-** TODO Draft CFP
+** DONE Draft CFP
+CLOSED: [2024-09-17 Tue 16:45]
@@ -146,5 +147,89 @@ CLOSED: [2024-06-11 Tue 19:21] DEADLINE: <2024-06-14 Fri>
:CREATED: [024-06-03 Mon 10:1]
-**** TODO Post CFP in the usual places
+**** DONE Post CFP in the usual places
+CLOSED: [2024-09-17 Tue 16:45]
emacsconf-discuss,, Emacs News, emacs-tangents, Mastodon, X
+** Draft schedule
+:CUSTOM_ID: draft-schedule
+#+NAME: schedule
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value replace :exports none :eval never-export
+(require 'emacsconf)
+(require 'emacsconf-schedule)
+(setq emacsconf-schedule-tracks
+ '((:label "Saturday"
+ :start "2024-12-07 9:00"
+ :end "2024-12-07 18:00"
+ :tracks ("General"))
+ (:label "Sunday"
+ :start "2024-12-08 9:00"
+ :end "2024-12-08 18:00"
+ :tracks ("General"))))
+(let ((emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 15)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 20)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-break-time 10)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-lunch-time 60)
+ (emacsconf-use-absolute-url t)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-allocate-buffer-time
+ emacsconf-schedule-copy-previous-track))
+ (emacsconf-schedule-validation-functions
+ '(emacsconf-schedule-validate-time-constraints
+ ;; emacsconf-schedule-validate-live-q-and-a-sessions-are-staggered
+ emacsconf-schedule-validate-all-talks-present
+ emacsconf-schedule-validate-no-duplicates)))
+ (setq emacsconf-schedule-plan
+ '(("GEN Saturday, Dec 7" :start "2024-12-07 09:00" :set-track "General")
+ sat-open
+ emacs30 ; probably any
+ project ; any
+ org-teach ; any
+ hyperdrive ; >= 11:00 Sat
+ (lunch :start "12:00")
+ theme ; >= 12:30
+ water ; >= 13:00 Sat, same speaker as shell
+ shell ; >= 13:00 Sat
+ literate ; >= 13:00
+ writing ; >= 15:30 Sat
+ rust ; Dec 7
+ sat-close
+ ("GEN Sunday, Dec 8" :start "2024-12-08 09:00" :set-track "General")
+ sun-open
+ flp ; any
+ graph ; <= 12:00
+ gypsum ; <= 11:00
+ p-search ; any
+ pgmacs ; <= 15:00
+ (lunch :start "12:00")
+ learning ; any
+ sharing ; any, same speaker as learning
+ casual ; >= 13:00
+ blee ; any
+ julia ; >= 13:00
+ (transducers :start "16:00") ; >= 16:00 sun
+ (sun-close :start "16:50")
+ ))
+ (setq emacsconf-schedule-draft (emacsconf-schedule-prepare (emacsconf-schedule-inflate-sexp emacsconf-schedule-plan)))
+ (prog1 (string-join (emacsconf-schedule-validate emacsconf-schedule-draft) "\n")
+ (let ((emacsconf-schedule-svg-modify-functions
+ '(emacsconf-schedule-svg-color-by-availability
+ ;emacsconf-schedule-svg-color-by-status
+ )))
+ (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "schedule.svg" (file-name-directory emacsconf-org-file))
+ (svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 300 emacsconf-schedule-draft)))
+ (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "schedule.svg" (expand-file-name "organizers-notebook" (expand-file-name emacsconf-year emacsconf-directory)))
+ (svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 300 emacsconf-schedule-draft))))
+ (clear-image-cache)))
+#+RESULTS: schedule
+[[my-include:schedule.svg?wrap=export html]]
+Coloring by availability:
+- light blue: constraint is <= a time
+- peach: constraint is >= a time