path: root/2023/organizers-notebook
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/2023/organizers-notebook/ b/2023/organizers-notebook/
index b06df8ad..7d2fa2af 100644
--- a/2023/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/2023/organizers-notebook/
@@ -302,27 +302,135 @@ CFP deadline? I'd like to see if we can get away without officially
extending the CFP this time.
+*** Lessons learned :lessons:
+- Early acceptances are nice. A few got comments within the 1-week period.
+- It's a good idea to send the review and acceptance e-mails even to fellow organizers/volunteers, even if they helped write the page. =)
+- I added some more automation for including a template in a mail reply
+- We successfully didn't panic about submissions, yay! It was nice to be able to draft schedules as we went along.
** 2023-09-22 EmacsConf 2023 progress report
:CUSTOM_ID: 2023-09-22
-- talks accepted so far
+- 42 talks accepted so far, whee!
+- 3 talks penciled in (woof, emms, devel) - we'll save time for them in the schedule, no worries
- doublecheck:
- all proposals responded to?
(everything accepted except for Noah's talk, which she cancelled)
- availability correctly captured?
- draft schedule
+- lessons learned
- next steps:
- start coordinating with speakers regarding draft schedule, wishlist of any talks they want to attend live
- -
+ - coordinating with FSF regarding
** Draft schedule
:CUSTOM_ID: draft-schedule
-#+INCLUDE: schedule.svg export EXPORT EXPORT EXPORT html
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value replace :exports none
+(require 'emacsconf)
+(require 'emacsconf-schedule)
+(setq emacsconf-schedule-tracks
+ '((:label "Saturday"
+ :start "2023-12-02 9:00"
+ :end "2023-12-02 18:00"
+ :tracks ("General" "Development"))
+ (:label "Sunday"
+ :start "2023-12-03 9:00"
+ :end "2023-12-03 18:00"
+ :tracks ("General" "Development"))))
+(let ((emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 10)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 20)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-break-time 10)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-lunch-time 60)
+ (emacsconf-use-absolute-url t)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-max-time 30)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-allocate-buffer-time))
+ (emacsconf-schedule-validation-functions
+ '(emacsconf-schedule-validate-time-constraints
+ ;; emacsconf-schedule-validate-live-q-and-a-sessions-are-staggered
+ emacsconf-schedule-validate-all-talks-present
+ emacsconf-schedule-validate-no-duplicates)))
+ (setq emacsconf-schedule-plan
+ '(("GEN Saturday, Dec 2" :start "2023-12-02 09:00")
+ sat-open
+ adventure
+ uni
+ table
+ taming
+ one
+ lunch
+ writing
+ nabokov
+ solo
+ collab
+ ref
+ unentangling
+ poltys
+ (devel :track "General")
+ (sat-close)
+ ("DEV Saturday, Dec 2" :start "2023-12-02 10:00")
+ (matplotllm :track "Development")
+ (voice :track "Development")
+ (llm :track "Development")
+ lunch
+ (overlay :start "12:50")
+ (eval)
+ (repl)
+ (extending :track "Development")
+ (emacsen :track "Development")
+ (woof :track "Development")
+ ("GEN Sunday, Dec 3" :start "2023-12-03 09:00")
+ sun-open
+ hyperamp
+ koutline
+ (parallel :track "General")
+ steno
+ cubing
+ lunch
+ (eat :start "12:50")
+ (hyperdrive :track "General")
+ mentor
+ (hn :start "15:00")
+ web
+ sharing
+ sun-close
+ ("DEV Sunday, Dec 3" :start "2023-12-03 10:00")
+ scheme
+ lspocaml
+ test
+ lunch
+ (gc :start "12:50")
+ (flat :track "Development")
+ (windows :track "Development")
+ (emacsconf :track "Development")
+ (emms :track "Development")
+ ))
+ (setq emacsconf-schedule-draft (emacsconf-schedule-prepare (emacsconf-schedule-inflate-sexp emacsconf-schedule-plan)))
+ (prog1 (string-join (emacsconf-schedule-validate emacsconf-schedule-draft) "\n")
+ (let ((emacsconf-schedule-svg-modify-functions
+ '(;emacsconf-schedule-svg-color-by-availability
+ emacsconf-schedule-svg-color-by-status)))
+ (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "schedule.svg" (file-name-directory emacsconf-org-file))
+ (svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 200 emacsconf-schedule-draft)))
+ (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "schedule.svg" (expand-file-name "organizers-notebook" (expand-file-name emacsconf-year emacsconf-directory)))
+ (svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 200 emacsconf-schedule-draft))))
+ (clear-image-cache)))
+#+INCLUDE: schedule.svg export html
Schedule notes:
@@ -331,22 +439,25 @@ Schedule notes:
- emacsconf:adventure is the first talk because of availability constraints; would be nice to connect it to emacsconf:solo
- emacsconf:uni for teaching, table for grading
- emacsconf:taming and emacsconf:one both deal with exports in some way
- - emacsconf:writing is connected to emacsconf:nabokov
+ - emacsconf:writing is connected to emacsconf:nabokov (blogs, novel)
+ - [[emacsconf:steno]] might be more of a development talk than a writing/Org talk. Could go into dev track Sat morning, maybe, if we need extra time in the Sat afternoon general track?
- emacsconf:solo and emacsconf:collab are amusing to pair together
-- Saturday morning Development track: large language models, AI. Has to be morning because of emacsconf:matplotllm.
- emacsconf:llm is about general interfaces, so we can put that last.
-- Saturday afternoon, developer track: REPLs (+ woof because it's Org-related, so we can put it on Org day next to a non-live Q&A)
- emacsconf:eval and emacsconf:repl are related
+ - [[emacsconf:unentangling]] and [[emacsconf:taming]] are related, but they have opposite availability constraints
+- Saturday morning Development track: large language models, AI. Has to be morning because of emacsconf:matplotllm. emacsconf:llm is about general interfaces, so we can put that last.
+ Can't swap it with Sunday morning because [[emacsconf:test]] should stick with [[emacsconf:hyperamp]] and emacsconf:koutline (Hyperbole talks), and the Hyperbole talks won't fit into Saturday morning
+- Saturday afternoon, developer track: REPLs (+ woof because it's Org-related, so we can put it on Org day)
+ - emacsconf:eval and emacsconf:repl are related
- if emacsconf:woof happens, it could be nice to have the Q&A go into Org devel brainstorming
-- Sunday morning: Hyperbole (gen track, then crossing over to dev for testing)
+- Sunday morning: Hyperbole (gen track, then crossing over to dev for testing) + misc talks
- morning because [[emacsconf:test]] has to be in the morning; emacsconf:hyperamp and emacsconf:koutline go before it, try to avoid conflicts so they can attend each other's talks
- Sunday morning after emacsconf:test could be a fun extended "let's write tests together" session if someone wants to lead it
+ - emacsconf:parallel needs to go in the morning. Might be a general talk.
+ - emacsconf:poltys and emacsconf:cubing aren't related to Hyperbole
+ - it would be nice to connect emacsconf:poltys (talking to web browsers from Emacs) to emacsconf:web (doing web stuff in Emacs instead). emacsconf:poltys needs to be in the morning (which is pretty full) and emacsconf:web is in the afternoon because Yuchen is in Australia/Sydney.
- Sunday afternoon: community theme (emacsconf:mentor to emacsconf:sharing), with an aside on [[emacsconf:web]] (using Emacs as a client for stuff). [[emacsconf:sharing]] is possible closing keynote - encourage people to go out and explore/share all year?
-- if the gray talks don't materialize or if talks get cancelled, we can have an open meetup possibly with breakout rooms
-- it would be nice to connect emacsconf:poltys (talking to web browsers from Emacs) to emacsconf:web (doing web stuff in Emacs instead). emacsconf:poltys needs to be in the morning (which is pretty full) and emacsconf:web is in the afternoon because Yuchen is in Australia/Sydney.
-- emacsconf:cubing and emacsconf:steno are both about doing things quickly, but emacsconf:steno can also be placed near emacsconf:nabokov (writing and then editing, even if it might not be Org). emacsconf:cubing can be something fun to transition to lunch, then.
-- emacsconf:parallel needs to go in the morning. Might be a general talk.
+- emacsconf:cubing and emacsconf:steno are both about doing things quickly, but emacsconf:steno can also be placed near emacsconf:nabokov. emacsconf:cubing can be something fun to transition to lunch, then.
- checking with emacsconf:web and emacsconf:hn if ~3pm Sunday afternoon (~7am local time) is okay with them. It would be nice to pair it with emacsconf:hn, which is nice to pair with emacsconf:mentor, but maybe I can swap it with emacsconf:emms and emacsconf:devel if needed.
+- if the gray talks don't materialize or if talks get cancelled, we can have an open meetup possibly with breakout rooms
- coordination notes:
- TODO emacsconf:repl, emacsconf:eval
- emacsconf:hyperamp, emacsconf:koutline, and emacsconf:test are all in touch because they work on Hyperbole together
@@ -417,6 +528,9 @@ Schedule notes:
| 2023-12-03 Sun 15:40-16:20 | [[emacsconf:emms][emms]] | Emacs MultiMedia System (EMMS) | Yoni Rabkin |
| 2023-12-03 Sun 16:20-16:40 | [[emacsconf:sharing][sharing]] | Sharing Emacs is Caring Emacs: Emacs education and why I embraced video | Jacob Boxerman |
| 2023-12-03 Sun 17:00-17:10 | [[emacsconf:sun-close][sun-close]] | Sunday closing remarks | |
* E-mail templates
** Review
*** Template