path: root/2023/captions
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diff --git a/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-doc--literate-documentation-with-emacs-and-org-mode--mike-hamrick--main--chapters.vtt b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-doc--literate-documentation-with-emacs-and-org-mode--mike-hamrick--main--chapters.vtt
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+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:57.760
+00:00:57.760 --> 00:02:14.080
+Org Babel and literate programming
+00:02:14.080 --> 00:04:53.479
+This presentation
+00:04:53.480 --> 00:06:55.779
+Getting started
+00:06:55.780 --> 00:07:23.499
+00:07:23.500 --> 00:08:10.459
+Writing a code block
+00:08:10.460 --> 00:08:40.319
+:results none
+00:08:40.320 --> 00:10:36.959
+00:10:36.960 --> 00:13:52.600
+Running blocks automatically
+00:13:53.000 --> 00:16:05.699
+Export options
+00:16:05.700 --> 00:17:25.739
+Substituting constants
+00:17:25.740 --> 00:20:02.960
+Getting the properties
+00:20:03.060 --> 00:21:05.239
+00:21:05.240 --> 00:22:09.019
+Properties in practice
+00:22:09.020 --> 00:23:42.009
+Using a prefix
+00:23:42.010 --> 00:27:14.149
+Switching distributions
+00:27:14.150 --> 00:30:16.199
+A tour
+00:30:16.200 --> 00:31:09.249
+TeX and LaTeX
+00:31:09.250 --> 00:32:00.059
+Other prerequisites
+00:32:00.060 --> 00:36:20.609
+00:36:20.610 --> 00:39:29.439
+Looking at the PDF
+00:39:29.440 --> 00:42:31.989
+00:42:31.990 --> 00:42:45.200
+Final thoughts
diff --git a/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-doc--literate-documentation-with-emacs-and-org-mode--mike-hamrick--main.vtt b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-doc--literate-documentation-with-emacs-and-org-mode--mike-hamrick--main.vtt
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+WEBVTT captioned by jc, checked by sachac
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.320
+Hello, everyone.
+00:00:04.320 --> 00:00:07.280
+This talk is on literate documentation
+00:00:07.280 --> 00:00:10.320
+with Emacs and org-mode.
+00:00:10.320 --> 00:00:12.080
+I'm going to take just a moment here
+00:00:12.080 --> 00:00:14.279
+to unpack what I just said.
+00:00:14.280 --> 00:00:17.800
+Emacs, as most of us probably already know,
+00:00:17.800 --> 00:00:21.360
+is a powerful text editor and list programming environment
+00:00:21.360 --> 00:00:23.480
+from the 1970s.
+00:00:23.480 --> 00:00:25.800
+Chances are, if you're attending this talk,
+00:00:25.800 --> 00:00:28.819
+you already know a bit about Emacs.
+00:00:28.820 --> 00:00:32.640
+org-mode is an Emacs major mode and authoring tool
+00:00:32.640 --> 00:00:36.360
+that helps you write documents in a plain text markup
+00:00:36.360 --> 00:00:37.739
+language called Org.
+00:00:37.740 --> 00:00:40.200
+These Org documents can be exported
+00:00:40.200 --> 00:00:42.520
+to a number of different document formats,
+00:00:42.520 --> 00:00:48.520
+like HTML, PDF, ODT, Markdown, and more.
+00:00:48.520 --> 00:00:51.160
+org-mode has a lot of features.
+00:00:51.160 --> 00:00:54.240
+It can be an outliner, a to-do list manager,
+00:00:54.240 --> 00:00:57.760
+an agenda, organizer, and much more.
+NOTE Org Babel and literate programming
+00:00:57.760 --> 00:00:59.600
+Today, we're going to be demonstrating
+00:00:59.600 --> 00:01:03.360
+what I consider to be org-mode's killer feature called
+00:01:03.360 --> 00:01:04.840
+Org Babel.
+00:01:04.840 --> 00:01:07.879
+Babel allows you to take human language prose,
+00:01:07.880 --> 00:01:11.400
+computer language source code blocks, and their outputs
+00:01:11.400 --> 00:01:13.840
+and weave them together seamlessly
+00:01:13.840 --> 00:01:16.160
+to form a cohesive document.
+00:01:16.160 --> 00:01:19.080
+It is seriously cool.
+00:01:19.080 --> 00:01:21.880
+Literate documentation is a play on the term
+00:01:21.880 --> 00:01:25.280
+literate programming, popularized by Donald Knuth
+00:01:25.280 --> 00:01:27.379
+in the early 1980s.
+00:01:27.380 --> 00:01:29.280
+Knuth's literate programming idea
+00:01:29.280 --> 00:01:31.920
+was that computer programs could be
+00:01:31.920 --> 00:01:34.880
+expressed in a natural language and be
+00:01:34.880 --> 00:01:38.800
+human-readable documents rather than written exclusively
+00:01:38.800 --> 00:01:40.799
+for machines to read.
+00:01:40.800 --> 00:01:43.000
+In a traditional program, you might
+00:01:43.000 --> 00:01:45.680
+have a bunch of machine-readable source code
+00:01:45.680 --> 00:01:48.560
+and a handful of human-readable comments,
+00:01:48.560 --> 00:01:51.600
+which attempt to describe what the program is doing.
+00:01:51.600 --> 00:01:54.360
+Literate programming flips this on its head.
+00:01:54.360 --> 00:01:56.680
+A literate program is a document that
+00:01:56.680 --> 00:02:01.160
+describes how the program works with machine-readable source
+00:02:01.160 --> 00:02:02.880
+code blocks inside of it.
+00:02:02.880 --> 00:02:04.800
+These source code blocks are later
+00:02:04.800 --> 00:02:08.440
+tangled out of the document and submitted to the machine
+00:02:08.440 --> 00:02:14.080
+either to be compiled or interpreted and ultimately run.
+NOTE This presentation
+00:02:14.080 --> 00:02:15.600
+Throughout this presentation, you'll
+00:02:15.600 --> 00:02:19.400
+see my browser window here on the left side of the screen.
+00:02:19.400 --> 00:02:22.240
+And on the right side, I've got a terminal session
+00:02:22.240 --> 00:02:23.960
+running tmux.
+00:02:23.960 --> 00:02:28.039
+This allows us to have a virtual terminal window connected
+00:02:28.040 --> 00:02:35.040
+to two separate Linux machines, one running Ubuntu Server 2204
+00:02:35.040 --> 00:02:39.720
+and another running Fedora Server 38.
+00:02:39.720 --> 00:02:43.240
+I've specifically chosen these two distributions for my demo
+00:02:43.440 --> 00:02:46.720
+because they are representative of the two dominant flavors
+00:02:46.720 --> 00:02:49.880
+of GNU Linux, Debian and RedHat.
+00:02:49.880 --> 00:02:53.120
+In both cases, these are bare-bones server additions
+00:02:53.120 --> 00:02:55.440
+with the stock packages installed.
+00:02:55.440 --> 00:03:00.200
+I've manually installed a few packages like Git, emacs-noex
+00:03:00.200 --> 00:03:04.000
+to get the terminal version of emacs, and tmux.
+00:03:04.000 --> 00:03:06.000
+But otherwise, these Linux installs
+00:03:06.000 --> 00:03:08.719
+are what you'd get right out of the box.
+00:03:08.720 --> 00:03:12.480
+For this demo, I've created a literate org-mode document
+00:03:12.480 --> 00:03:16.360
+that describes how to build GNU Emacs from its source code
+00:03:16.360 --> 00:03:19.939
+on both Debian and RedHat-based systems.
+00:03:19.940 --> 00:03:22.920
+While both operating systems are very similar,
+00:03:22.920 --> 00:03:25.440
+they differ substantially on which packages
+00:03:25.440 --> 00:03:29.080
+are installed out of the box, how optional packages are
+00:03:29.080 --> 00:03:32.600
+named, searched, and installed, and of course,
+00:03:32.600 --> 00:03:34.240
+the distributions have different names,
+00:03:34.240 --> 00:03:36.800
+like Ubuntu or Fedora.
+00:03:36.800 --> 00:03:39.200
+I chose building Emacs from source
+00:03:39.200 --> 00:03:41.640
+as a topic for this demonstration
+00:03:41.640 --> 00:03:43.800
+because while the process is largely
+00:03:43.800 --> 00:03:46.880
+the same on both RedHat and Debian,
+00:03:46.880 --> 00:03:49.360
+there are a lot of minor little differences
+00:03:49.360 --> 00:03:52.680
+that need to be accounted for, which really prohibits you
+00:03:52.680 --> 00:03:57.120
+from hard coding names of packages and package management
+00:03:57.120 --> 00:04:01.200
+tools and distributions into your document.
+00:04:01.200 --> 00:04:05.320
+I suppose you could create two versions of the same document,
+00:04:05.320 --> 00:04:09.960
+one specifically for RedHat and one specifically for Debian,
+00:04:09.960 --> 00:04:13.280
+but that would be really tedious to maintain.
+00:04:13.280 --> 00:04:16.280
+Like if, for example, you updated some prose
+00:04:16.280 --> 00:04:18.720
+in one document, you'd have to remember
+00:04:18.720 --> 00:04:20.280
+to do it in the other one too.
+00:04:20.280 --> 00:04:22.920
+And if you weren't careful, the two documents
+00:04:22.920 --> 00:04:25.259
+could drift out of sync.
+00:04:25.260 --> 00:04:27.720
+In this demo, I'll show you techniques
+00:04:27.720 --> 00:04:30.960
+for creating dynamic, literate documents that
+00:04:30.960 --> 00:04:34.619
+can change based on parameters and constants embedded
+00:04:34.620 --> 00:04:38.439
+into the non-exported regions of the document.
+00:04:38.440 --> 00:04:41.800
+I'll show how with a single org-mode source document,
+00:04:41.800 --> 00:04:44.800
+you can press a couple of keys to configure
+00:04:44.800 --> 00:04:48.720
+it to export a RedHat-specific version of my building
+00:04:48.720 --> 00:04:53.479
+Emacs from source essay or a Debian-specific version.
+NOTE Getting started
+00:04:53.480 --> 00:04:55.320
+All right, let's get started.
+00:04:55.320 --> 00:04:58.720
+We'll begin by firing up a new terminal Emacs session
+00:04:58.720 --> 00:05:00.639
+on my Ubuntu machine.
+00:05:00.640 --> 00:05:04.600
+Now, I installed Emacs on this machine using apt-get.
+00:05:04.600 --> 00:05:07.960
+And doing that, you get version 27.1,
+00:05:07.960 --> 00:05:10.640
+which is, hey, only two major versions
+00:05:10.640 --> 00:05:13.010
+behind the current version of Emacs.
+00:05:13.011 --> 00:05:15.000
+This is another reason why I thought
+00:05:15.000 --> 00:05:18.080
+writing a guide on how to build Emacs from source code
+00:05:18.080 --> 00:05:19.719
+might be a good idea.
+00:05:19.720 --> 00:05:22.720
+You can get a much newer version of Emacs on Ubuntu
+00:05:22.720 --> 00:05:25.800
+if you install it via Snap, but, uh, Snaps.
+00:05:25.800 --> 00:05:28.239
+Don't get me started.
+00:05:28.240 --> 00:05:30.921
+Now, I wanted to use a completely vanilla
+00:05:30.922 --> 00:05:34.619
+terminal mode install of Emacs for this demonstration
+00:05:34.620 --> 00:05:38.040
+because my personal Emacs config has a ton of packages
+00:05:38.040 --> 00:05:41.199
+installed and is heavily modified.
+00:05:41.200 --> 00:05:43.640
+I want folks to be able to follow along
+00:05:43.640 --> 00:05:47.579
+with a bog-standard, out-of-the-box Emacs config.
+00:05:47.580 --> 00:05:49.520
+The Emacs config on this Ubuntu machine
+00:05:49.520 --> 00:05:51.200
+has just two settings.
+00:05:51.200 --> 00:05:55.240
+I require org-tempo because my fingers are hardwired
+00:05:55.240 --> 00:05:58.719
+to use some of the handy shortcuts that it provides.
+00:05:58.720 --> 00:06:00.520
+And I also turn off the menu bar
+00:06:00.520 --> 00:06:03.139
+because I just can't stand to look at it.
+00:06:03.140 --> 00:06:07.040
+Let's begin by opening a file called,
+00:06:07.040 --> 00:06:08.480
+which will be the source code
+00:06:08.480 --> 00:06:11.079
+for our literate org-mode document.
+00:06:11.080 --> 00:06:12.840
+Now, in preparation for this talk,
+00:06:12.840 --> 00:06:14.960
+I've already written this document,
+00:06:14.960 --> 00:06:17.979
+and we'll take a look at the finished product
+00:06:17.980 --> 00:06:19.160
+here in a bit, but let's first take a look
+00:06:19.160 --> 00:06:22.408
+at how we might approach this task.
+00:06:22.409 --> 00:06:24.400
+We'll start at the top of the document
+00:06:24.400 --> 00:06:27.119
+by filling out some export keywords.
+00:06:27.120 --> 00:06:30.520
+These keywords are something that every backend exporter,
+00:06:30.520 --> 00:06:35.000
+be it LaTeX or plain text or ODT or whatever, understands,
+00:06:35.000 --> 00:06:38.120
+and they're essentially document metadata.
+00:06:38.120 --> 00:06:42.120
+As you can see, I'm typing `#+`
+00:06:42.120 --> 00:06:43.760
+followed by a couple characters
+00:06:43.760 --> 00:06:45.880
+and then `M-TAB` to auto-complete.
+00:06:45.880 --> 00:06:50.360
+If you hit #+ by itself and then M-TAB,
+00:06:50.360 --> 00:06:53.119
+you can see all the possible completions.
+00:06:53.120 --> 00:06:55.779
+And as you can see, there's a lot.
+00:06:55.780 --> 00:06:58.520
+The next thing we're gonna do is make a README section
+00:06:58.520 --> 00:06:59.760
+at the top of this document.
+00:06:59.760 --> 00:07:02.240
+This section is intended for folks
+00:07:02.240 --> 00:07:04.280
+who are looking at the org-mode document,
+00:07:04.280 --> 00:07:06.679
+trying to figure out what it's for.
+00:07:06.680 --> 00:07:09.600
+We don't want to actually export the section heading,
+00:07:09.600 --> 00:07:13.859
+so we're gonna tag it with the :noexport: tag.
+00:07:13.860 --> 00:07:15.640
+And then here, we just write something quick
+00:07:15.640 --> 00:07:17.760
+to let folks know that this document
+00:07:17.760 --> 00:07:19.800
+can potentially execute code
+00:07:19.800 --> 00:07:23.499
+and just a little something about what the document is for.
+NOTE Writing a code block
+00:07:23.500 --> 00:07:26.059
+Okay, so now that we've written some text,
+00:07:26.060 --> 00:07:29.599
+let's try our hand at writing a code block.
+00:07:29.600 --> 00:07:31.288
+I'm getting pretty sick of looking at
+00:07:31.289 --> 00:07:32.939
+the default Emacs theme.
+00:07:32.940 --> 00:07:35.440
+All that blue and purple in the document
+00:07:35.440 --> 00:07:37.879
+makes it look bruised.
+00:07:37.880 --> 00:07:40.320
+Let's make an Emacs Lisp code block
+00:07:40.320 --> 00:07:41.400
+that switches the theme
+00:07:41.400 --> 00:07:44.560
+to one of my favorite built-in themes, Leuven.
+00:07:44.560 --> 00:07:48.400
+Leuven was created by my man, Fabrice Niessen,
+00:07:48.400 --> 00:07:52.120
+who I personally have learned a ton of org-mode stuff about
+00:07:52.120 --> 00:07:54.039
+just by studying his work.
+00:07:54.040 --> 00:07:56.360
+Now, if we cruise back up to the code block,
+00:07:56.360 --> 00:07:58.840
+we should be able to hit `C-c C-c`,
+00:07:58.840 --> 00:08:00.379
+and have it execute.
+00:08:00.380 --> 00:08:03.880
+And there you have it, a high-contrast color theme
+00:08:03.880 --> 00:08:06.979
+that was designed to look great in org-mode.
+00:08:06.980 --> 00:08:08.080
+So that's great and all,
+00:08:08.080 --> 00:08:10.459
+but there are a couple of things I don't like.
+NOTE :results none
+00:08:10.460 --> 00:08:13.599
+First of all, we don't need to see a #+RESULTS block here,
+00:08:13.600 --> 00:08:15.280
+and that's because we're not really interested
+00:08:15.280 --> 00:08:18.720
+in what the Emacs Lisp function `load-theme` returns.
+00:08:18.720 --> 00:08:22.200
+I mean, it's great it returned t and all to indicate success,
+00:08:22.200 --> 00:08:23.720
+we just don't need to see it.
+00:08:23.720 --> 00:08:26.560
+We can slap a `:results none` header arg
+00:08:26.560 --> 00:08:30.039
+on the code block to keep things nice and clean.
+00:08:30.040 --> 00:08:32.560
+There are a lot of different header args,
+00:08:32.560 --> 00:08:35.360
+and I often confuse and misremember them.
+00:08:35.360 --> 00:08:38.920
+So I'll always refer back to the org-mode manual
+00:08:38.920 --> 00:08:40.319
+when working with them.
+NOTE Confirmation
+00:08:40.320 --> 00:08:42.160
+The second thing I don't like is that
+00:08:42.160 --> 00:08:45.999
+when we hit C-c C-c to execute the block,
+00:08:46.000 --> 00:08:49.600
+Emacs prompted us if we really wanted to run the block.
+00:08:49.600 --> 00:08:52.040
+Emacs Lisp is Emacs' mother tongue,
+00:08:52.040 --> 00:08:53.920
+and I don't wanna be hassled when speaking
+00:08:53.920 --> 00:08:55.379
+my native language.
+00:08:55.380 --> 00:08:57.520
+There's a variable that controls this
+00:08:57.520 --> 00:09:00.680
+called `org-confirm-babel-evaluate`.
+00:09:00.680 --> 00:09:03.960
+And this can be either set to t or nil
+00:09:03.960 --> 00:09:06.840
+to either always confirm or never confirm.
+00:09:06.840 --> 00:09:10.920
+If however, you provided a lambda, an anonymous function,
+00:09:10.920 --> 00:09:14.560
+Org will call your function with the name of the language
+00:09:14.560 --> 00:09:16.840
+and the source block that it's about to run.
+00:09:16.840 --> 00:09:19.080
+And your function can make the decision
+00:09:19.080 --> 00:09:24.200
+about if Emacs should ask you for confirmation or not.
+00:09:24.200 --> 00:09:27.840
+What I'm doing here is setting `org-confirm-babel-evaluate`
+00:09:27.840 --> 00:09:30.539
+as a "file local variable".
+00:09:30.540 --> 00:09:33.320
+This means whenever the file is opened by Emacs,
+00:09:33.320 --> 00:09:38.059
+it'll set this variable to be a lambda that returns nil,
+00:09:38.060 --> 00:09:42.859
+meaning don't confirm, on Elisp code blocks.
+00:09:42.860 --> 00:09:45.920
+As you can see, the variable is currently set
+00:09:45.920 --> 00:09:50.879
+to its default value of t, meaning always confirm.
+00:09:50.880 --> 00:09:53.640
+Now if we save the buffer, exit Emacs,
+00:09:53.640 --> 00:09:55.040
+and pop back in again,
+00:09:55.040 --> 00:10:00.120
+`org-confirm-babel-evaluate` should be set how we like it.
+00:10:00.120 --> 00:10:02.640
+We were however prompted for confirmation
+00:10:02.640 --> 00:10:04.400
+on setting the file-local variable,
+00:10:04.400 --> 00:10:06.280
+which controls if we're prompted
+00:10:06.280 --> 00:10:09.699
+for Elisp source code block evaluation.
+00:10:09.700 --> 00:10:12.679
+I feel like there's a Yo Dawg joke here somewhere.
+00:10:12.680 --> 00:10:15.240
+When we were prompted, we hit the exclamation mark,
+00:10:15.240 --> 00:10:18.400
+which automatically marks this variable as being safe.
+00:10:18.400 --> 00:10:21.520
+So you won't be bothered the next time you open this file.
+00:10:21.520 --> 00:10:26.760
+This variable is called `safe-local-variable-values`
+00:10:26.760 --> 00:10:29.560
+and if we pop over to our .emacs file,
+00:10:29.560 --> 00:10:32.520
+you can see that Emacs' customize tooling
+00:10:32.520 --> 00:10:36.959
+helpfully updated this variable in our config file for us.
+NOTE Running blocks automatically
+00:10:36.960 --> 00:10:38.120
+Now that's great and all,
+00:10:38.120 --> 00:10:42.120
+but I really don't like having to hit `C-c C-c`
+00:10:42.120 --> 00:10:45.160
+on that source block every time I open this document
+00:10:45.160 --> 00:10:47.739
+just to bring up the Leuven theme.
+00:10:47.740 --> 00:10:50.520
+Let's have this source block run automatically
+00:10:50.520 --> 00:10:53.179
+every time the document is opened.
+00:10:53.180 --> 00:10:54.999
+Now I know what you're thinking.
+00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:57.640
+Shouldn't you just put all of this configuration stuff
+00:10:57.640 --> 00:11:01.159
+in your .emacs file and keep it out of the document?
+00:11:01.160 --> 00:11:04.760
+Well, that's what I've done with my personal Emacs config,
+00:11:04.760 --> 00:11:08.160
+but we want this document to be able to be used by folks
+00:11:08.160 --> 00:11:11.040
+with a completely vanilla Emacs setup,
+00:11:11.040 --> 00:11:13.440
+or even a completely tricked out Emacs setup,
+00:11:13.440 --> 00:11:16.059
+so we can't assume anything.
+00:11:16.060 --> 00:11:19.800
+The idea is if the Emacs user who opens the document
+00:11:19.800 --> 00:11:22.400
+agrees to setting all of the variables
+00:11:22.400 --> 00:11:24.359
+and running all of the code within,
+00:11:24.360 --> 00:11:26.560
+they'll be able to export the document
+00:11:26.560 --> 00:11:28.840
+as well as run all of the code blocks inside of it
+00:11:28.840 --> 00:11:30.799
+just as we intended.
+00:11:30.800 --> 00:11:33.880
+And the differences in base Emacs configuration
+00:11:33.880 --> 00:11:35.979
+will be completely minimized.
+00:11:35.980 --> 00:11:39.080
+Now it's worth pointing out that the file-local variables
+00:11:39.080 --> 00:11:43.023
+we're setting here are local, in this case, buffer-local.
+00:11:43.024 --> 00:11:45.280
+The configuration we use in this document
+00:11:45.280 --> 00:11:48.280
+won't override someone's carefully constructed
+00:11:48.280 --> 00:11:49.499
+org-mode setup.
+00:11:49.500 --> 00:11:50.800
+The first thing we're gonna wanna do
+00:11:51.000 --> 00:11:53.080
+in order to make this block execute
+00:11:53.080 --> 00:11:55.988
+when the document is loaded is to give it a name.
+00:11:55.989 --> 00:11:58.800
+It's always a good idea to give every source block
+00:11:58.800 --> 00:12:01.337
+you create in your document a unique name,
+00:12:01.338 --> 00:12:03.400
+even if you don't refer to it elsewhere.
+00:12:03.700 --> 00:12:06.960
+I do this because when I'm debugging my documents,
+00:12:07.160 --> 00:12:10.019
+Emacs will prompt me about running a block.
+00:12:10.020 --> 00:12:12.960
+If the block has a name, Emacs mentions it,
+00:12:12.960 --> 00:12:15.960
+and I know there's a problem with the result caching
+00:12:15.960 --> 00:12:17.840
+or something with the "foo" block.
+00:12:17.840 --> 00:12:20.280
+But if the block doesn't have a name,
+00:12:20.280 --> 00:12:22.160
+it can be really hard to figure out
+00:12:22.160 --> 00:12:24.579
+which block Emacs is complaining about.
+00:12:24.580 --> 00:12:27.459
+So I always name my blocks.
+00:12:27.460 --> 00:12:30.360
+Now we're gonna add another file local variable,
+00:12:30.360 --> 00:12:32.115
+but this one is special.
+00:12:32.116 --> 00:12:34.360
+If your "variable"
+00:12:34.360 --> 00:12:36.320
+just happens to be named "eval",
+00:12:36.320 --> 00:12:38.760
+it means that Emacs should evaluate
+00:12:38.760 --> 00:12:40.800
+the Lisp expression that follows.
+00:12:40.800 --> 00:12:43.240
+Here we'll use the progn function
+00:12:43.240 --> 00:12:46.040
+to sequentially run two elisp functions
+00:12:46.040 --> 00:12:48.760
+and return the value of the last one executed.
+00:12:48.760 --> 00:12:53.320
+The first function is `org-babel-goto-named-source-block`,
+00:12:53.320 --> 00:12:55.440
+which jumps us to the startup block.
+00:12:55.440 --> 00:12:59.280
+The second one is `org-babel-execute-src-block`,
+00:12:59.280 --> 00:13:02.092
+which executes the current source block.
+00:13:02.093 --> 00:13:03.630
+That should get the job done.
+00:13:03.631 --> 00:13:05.840
+Now all we have to do is save the document,
+00:13:05.840 --> 00:13:08.199
+exit Emacs, jump back in,
+00:13:08.200 --> 00:13:10.280
+and once we've confirmed that we're willing
+00:13:10.280 --> 00:13:14.239
+to run the new "eval" line in our file local variables,
+00:13:14.240 --> 00:13:15.859
+we're good to go.
+00:13:15.860 --> 00:13:18.480
+Now if we want to add new configuration stuff
+00:13:18.480 --> 00:13:21.839
+to the document, we can just add it to the startup block
+00:13:21.840 --> 00:13:24.880
+and not have to muck about with confirmations
+00:13:24.880 --> 00:13:28.679
+or adding new file-local variables or whatever.
+00:13:28.680 --> 00:13:31.960
+And just like before, we'll let Emacs' customize system
+00:13:31.960 --> 00:13:34.939
+save this decision to our .emacs file.
+00:13:34.940 --> 00:13:37.760
+Now that all that business with confirmations,
+00:13:37.760 --> 00:13:40.080
+file-local variables, and the startup block
+00:13:40.080 --> 00:13:41.120
+are out of the way,
+00:13:41.120 --> 00:13:44.120
+we can get on with writing our introduction.
+00:13:44.120 --> 00:13:47.880
+We'll create a new top level headline called introduction
+00:13:47.880 --> 00:13:51.440
+and explain to the reader of the exported document
+00:13:51.440 --> 00:13:52.600
+what this is all about.
+NOTE Export options
+00:13:53.000 --> 00:13:55.640
+Now as you can see, we've actually hard-coded
+00:13:55.640 --> 00:13:58.280
+the name of the Linux distro in our prose.
+00:13:58.280 --> 00:14:00.880
+I promised you a single document that could be
+00:14:00.880 --> 00:14:03.720
+for either RedHat or Debian distros,
+00:14:03.720 --> 00:14:05.319
+so we can't have this.
+00:14:05.320 --> 00:14:08.840
+Astute members in the audience have probably been uneasy
+00:14:08.840 --> 00:14:11.280
+ever since I hard coded the name "Debian"
+00:14:11.280 --> 00:14:13.859
+in the README section above.
+00:14:13.860 --> 00:14:17.520
+One way of solving this problem is by using exclude tags.
+00:14:17.520 --> 00:14:21.960
+Let's add the `#+EXCLUDE_TAGS` export keyword to our document.
+00:14:21.960 --> 00:14:24.200
+This keyword tells the exporter,
+00:14:24.200 --> 00:14:27.959
+"Hey, if you see a headline tagged with any of these tags,
+00:14:27.960 --> 00:14:29.600
+don't export it."
+00:14:29.600 --> 00:14:33.559
+By default, the tag `:noexport:` is excluded.
+00:14:33.560 --> 00:14:36.480
+And if you'll notice, we tagged our README section
+00:14:36.480 --> 00:14:38.360
+with that tag, so it doesn't show up
+00:14:38.360 --> 00:14:40.339
+in the exported document.
+00:14:40.340 --> 00:14:42.280
+We'll keep this tag in the list,
+00:14:42.280 --> 00:14:47.080
+but we'll also add the tag `:redhat:` as a tag to exclude.
+00:14:47.080 --> 00:14:50.400
+Now it's just a matter of creating two introduction
+00:14:50.400 --> 00:14:53.960
+sections, one for Debian, one for RedHat.
+00:14:53.960 --> 00:14:56.520
+And if you want the RedHat version of the document,
+00:14:56.520 --> 00:14:59.200
+you can just modify the `#+EXCLUDE_TAGS` line
+00:14:59.200 --> 00:15:00.440
+at the top of the document.
+00:15:00.440 --> 00:15:02.339
+Awesome, right?
+00:15:02.340 --> 00:15:03.539
+00:15:03.540 --> 00:15:05.544
+OK, this is not that great.
+00:15:05.545 --> 00:15:07.387
+Well, it does work.
+00:15:07.388 --> 00:15:10.081
+And you can see if we export the document,
+00:15:10.082 --> 00:15:12.840
+we'll get something that only references Debian,
+00:15:12.840 --> 00:15:15.188
+and the `:noexport:` and `:redhat:`
+00:15:15.189 --> 00:15:17.450
+tagged headlines are omitted.
+00:15:17.451 --> 00:15:19.319
+This strategy would work great
+00:15:19.320 --> 00:15:22.120
+when the RedHat- and Debian-specific sections
+00:15:22.120 --> 00:15:24.400
+are substantially different, but that's not
+00:15:24.400 --> 00:15:26.198
+the case with the introduction.
+00:15:26.199 --> 00:15:28.640
+We definitely don't want to have to maintain
+00:15:28.640 --> 00:15:30.824
+two distinct introductions.
+00:15:30.825 --> 00:15:34.080
+I also noticed that the export tags are included
+00:15:34.080 --> 00:15:36.519
+in the exported document.
+00:15:36.520 --> 00:15:38.720
+That's a terrible default. We'll fix that,
+00:15:38.720 --> 00:15:42.040
+and we'll also ensure that my email address appears
+00:15:42.040 --> 00:15:43.371
+at the top of the document.
+00:15:43.372 --> 00:15:45.440
+Let's also take this opportunity to get rid
+00:15:45.440 --> 00:15:47.354
+of the table of contents.
+00:15:47.355 --> 00:15:48.867
+We don't need it.
+00:15:48.868 --> 00:15:51.120
+These are all export option settings
+00:15:51.120 --> 00:15:53.800
+and can be modified using the options keyword
+00:15:53.800 --> 00:15:55.508
+at the top of the doc.
+00:15:55.509 --> 00:15:57.480
+The manual is really your friend here,
+00:15:57.480 --> 00:16:00.979
+as there are a ton of export options.
+00:16:00.980 --> 00:16:03.120
+Now when we export the document again,
+00:16:03.120 --> 00:16:05.699
+it should look a lot better.
+NOTE Substituting constants
+00:16:05.700 --> 00:16:09.059
+Now that we've cleaned up the look of the exported document,
+00:16:09.060 --> 00:16:10.640
+we'll take a look at a better way
+00:16:10.640 --> 00:16:13.377
+of solving the problem with the introduction.
+00:16:13.378 --> 00:16:15.518
+Thinking like a programmer for a moment,
+00:16:15.519 --> 00:16:19.734
+what I really want here is a way of specifying a constant.
+00:16:19.735 --> 00:16:22.640
+Rather than hard-coding the name "Debian" or "RedHat"
+00:16:22.640 --> 00:16:24.569
+or whatever into my document,
+00:16:24.570 --> 00:16:28.234
+I want to substitute that text with a symbolic constant,
+00:16:28.235 --> 00:16:31.960
+named something like "distro", that can dynamically change
+00:16:31.960 --> 00:16:36.120
+to "Debian" or "RedHat" or "Slackware" or whatever,
+00:16:36.120 --> 00:16:38.689
+depending on how the document is configured.
+00:16:38.690 --> 00:16:41.640
+In the past, I've come up with some pretty cumbersome ways
+00:16:41.640 --> 00:16:44.640
+of doing this, but eventually I stumbled upon the idea
+00:16:44.640 --> 00:16:46.639
+of using Org-mode properties
+00:16:46.640 --> 00:16:49.409
+as a way of storing these constants.
+00:16:49.410 --> 00:16:53.059
+Like it says in the docs, properties are key-value pairs
+00:16:53.060 --> 00:16:55.169
+that are associated with an entry
+00:16:55.170 --> 00:16:58.379
+and they live in a collapsible properties drawer.
+00:16:58.380 --> 00:17:00.699
+Let's do a bit of cleanup on our document
+00:17:00.700 --> 00:17:02.600
+and we'll put things into sections.
+00:17:02.600 --> 00:17:14.000
+We'll also add a section for document constants.
+00:17:14.000 --> 00:17:19.560
+And that's where we'll put the properties drawer
+00:17:19.560 --> 00:17:25.739
+with the "distro" property.
+NOTE Getting the properties
+00:17:25.740 --> 00:17:27.120
+Now the question is,
+00:17:27.120 --> 00:17:30.099
+how do we reference these properties in the document?
+00:17:30.100 --> 00:17:32.520
+It turns out there's an Elisp function
+00:17:32.520 --> 00:17:35.440
+called `org-property-values`, which does what we want.
+00:17:35.440 --> 00:17:38.840
+If we run it and give it the name of our property,
+00:17:38.840 --> 00:17:42.679
+it returns a list with the string "Debian" in it.
+00:17:42.680 --> 00:17:45.919
+It's worth noting that this function is named
+00:17:45.920 --> 00:17:49.989
+`org-property-values` with values being plural.
+00:17:49.990 --> 00:17:52.889
+In org-mode, there could be a property named "foo"
+00:17:52.890 --> 00:17:55.880
+that has different values depending on which heading level
+00:17:55.880 --> 00:17:57.609
+you're at in the document,
+00:17:57.610 --> 00:17:59.720
+which is why the function returns a list.
+00:17:59.720 --> 00:18:01.289
+For our purposes though,
+00:18:01.290 --> 00:18:04.480
+we can just pull off the first value in the list with car
+00:18:04.480 --> 00:18:05.680
+and we're good to go.
+00:18:05.680 --> 00:18:10.040
+Now we'll make an Emacs Lisp list function called `get_prop`
+00:18:10.040 --> 00:18:11.440
+that does just that.
+00:18:11.440 --> 00:18:14.160
+This function takes one argument called `prop`,
+00:18:14.160 --> 00:18:15.920
+which is the property to look up
+00:18:15.920 --> 00:18:18.519
+and we'll give it a default value of "distro".
+00:18:18.520 --> 00:18:20.960
+So we can hit `C-c C-c` on the block
+00:18:20.960 --> 00:18:23.149
+to verify that it works.
+00:18:23.150 --> 00:18:25.480
+Now we just have to make an inline call
+00:18:25.480 --> 00:18:26.920
+to our `get_prop` function
+00:18:26.920 --> 00:18:29.559
+within the prose of the introduction section.
+00:18:29.560 --> 00:18:31.659
+And that should get us much closer
+00:18:31.660 --> 00:18:35.619
+to not hard coding distro names into our document.
+00:18:35.620 --> 00:18:36.869
+But before we do that,
+00:18:36.870 --> 00:18:39.849
+I need to clean up something that's been bothering me.
+00:18:39.850 --> 00:18:42.909
+By default, Emacs' `fill-column` variable
+00:18:42.910 --> 00:18:44.989
+is set to 70 characters,
+00:18:44.990 --> 00:18:47.720
+which may have been appropriate for 1970,
+00:18:47.720 --> 00:18:51.319
+but it's not great for 2023.
+00:18:51.320 --> 00:18:53.920
+We'll just cruise up to our startup block
+00:18:53.920 --> 00:18:56.539
+and set the variable there.
+00:18:56.540 --> 00:18:58.800
+We'll hit `C-c C-c`,
+00:18:58.800 --> 00:19:02.289
+and now our document will wrap at 100 columns,
+00:19:02.290 --> 00:19:05.829
+which for our purposes, I think is much more reasonable.
+00:19:05.830 --> 00:19:09.320
+The org-mode syntax for making an inline function call
+00:19:09.320 --> 00:19:13.059
+within the prose of your document is `call_`,
+00:19:13.060 --> 00:19:15.000
+followed by the name of the function,
+00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:17.040
+some optional header arguments,
+00:19:17.040 --> 00:19:19.719
+and then the function arguments.
+00:19:19.720 --> 00:19:21.680
+Now, when we export the document,
+00:19:21.680 --> 00:19:26.049
+we see that it's replaced our previously hard coded "Debian"
+00:19:26.050 --> 00:19:29.409
+with the value from the property. Huzzah!
+00:19:29.410 --> 00:19:32.959
+Now this is close to, but not exactly what we want.
+00:19:32.960 --> 00:19:36.720
+You can see that "Debian" is surrounded by a backtick
+00:19:36.720 --> 00:19:37.800
+and a single quote,
+00:19:37.800 --> 00:19:40.320
+which is the plain text exporters way
+00:19:40.320 --> 00:19:43.029
+of showing you verbatim text.
+00:19:43.030 --> 00:19:45.600
+In more sophisticated document backends,
+00:19:45.600 --> 00:19:49.379
+verbatim text is rendered in monospace.
+00:19:49.380 --> 00:19:54.080
+We can fix that by adding a ":results raw" header argument
+00:19:54.080 --> 00:19:56.459
+to the inline call.
+00:19:56.460 --> 00:19:58.239
+Now, when we export the document,
+00:19:58.240 --> 00:20:00.289
+it looks like what we'd expect.
+00:20:00.290 --> 00:20:02.960
+Now this is getting better, but it's still not great.
+NOTE Macros
+00:20:03.060 --> 00:20:05.840
+The `call_` syntax is pretty cumbersome,
+00:20:05.840 --> 00:20:08.560
+and it's a lot to type every time we want
+00:20:08.560 --> 00:20:09.849
+to reference a constant
+00:20:09.850 --> 00:20:13.219
+and not have it be marked up as verbatim.
+00:20:13.220 --> 00:20:17.169
+This is where org-mode macros come to our rescue.
+00:20:17.170 --> 00:20:19.469
+If we head to the top of the document,
+00:20:19.470 --> 00:20:21.480
+we can create a couple of macros
+00:20:21.480 --> 00:20:24.699
+using the `#+MACRO:` export keyword.
+00:20:24.700 --> 00:20:27.600
+We'll define two macros with short names.
+00:20:27.600 --> 00:20:30.240
+One named "p" for "property",
+00:20:30.240 --> 00:20:34.640
+and the other one named "pr" for "property raw".
+00:20:34.640 --> 00:20:39.160
+Org-mode macros are expanded when the document is exported,
+00:20:39.160 --> 00:20:41.640
+and any positional arguments provided
+00:20:41.640 --> 00:20:43.559
+are referenced by their number.
+00:20:43.860 --> 00:20:45.160
+Now in the introduction,
+00:20:45.160 --> 00:20:47.880
+we can use the macro replacement syntax,
+00:20:47.880 --> 00:20:49.800
+which is three curly braces,
+00:20:49.800 --> 00:20:52.760
+followed by the macro name and any arguments,
+00:20:52.760 --> 00:20:55.559
+and then three ending curly braces.
+00:20:55.560 --> 00:20:58.699
+You see why I kept the macro name short.
+00:20:58.700 --> 00:21:01.280
+That's six curly braces in total we're typing,
+00:21:01.280 --> 00:21:05.239
+which still takes up a fair amount of space.
+NOTE Properties in practice
+00:21:05.240 --> 00:21:07.120
+Now let's take a look at how we might use
+00:21:07.120 --> 00:21:09.159
+these properties in practice.
+00:21:09.160 --> 00:21:10.920
+Debian and RedHat distros differ
+00:21:11.120 --> 00:21:12.929
+on how they install packages.
+00:21:12.930 --> 00:21:16.120
+So we're gonna want an "install" property,
+00:21:16.120 --> 00:21:24.579
+where in Debian we use `sudo apt-get install -qq`,
+00:21:24.580 --> 00:21:26.939
+and on RedHat we'll use something like
+00:21:26.940 --> 00:21:33.119
+`sudo dnf install -y`.
+00:21:33.120 --> 00:21:35.329
+Now development packages
+00:21:35.330 --> 00:21:38.049
+also have a different naming convention.
+00:21:38.050 --> 00:21:40.760
+For example, the `ncurses` library on Debian
+00:21:40.760 --> 00:21:43.520
+is called `libncurses-dev`,
+00:21:43.520 --> 00:21:48.259
+where on RedHat it's called `ncurses-devel`.
+00:21:48.260 --> 00:21:49.640
+There are likely going to be
+00:21:49.640 --> 00:21:52.120
+many more little differences like this
+00:21:52.120 --> 00:21:55.339
+that we'll need to solve with properties.
+00:21:55.340 --> 00:21:58.609
+Now I already don't like where this is going.
+00:21:58.610 --> 00:22:00.880
+Switching between the Debian and RedHat
+00:22:00.880 --> 00:22:03.160
+versions of the document is gonna mean
+00:22:03.160 --> 00:22:05.200
+commenting and uncommenting out
+00:22:05.200 --> 00:22:06.989
+a bunch of different properties,
+00:22:06.990 --> 00:22:09.019
+which is pretty janky.
+NOTE Using a prefix
+00:22:09.020 --> 00:22:11.079
+Luckily we can solve this problem
+00:22:11.080 --> 00:22:14.439
+with a little bit of Emacs Lisp.
+00:22:14.440 --> 00:22:16.879
+We'll start by modifying our properties,
+00:22:16.880 --> 00:22:19.140
+so their property names are prefixed
+00:22:19.141 --> 00:22:23.119
+with either `deb_` or `rh_`
+00:22:23.120 --> 00:22:27.719
+to signify which distro the property applies to.`
+00:22:27.720 --> 00:22:31.160
+We'll also create a single property called "prefix",
+00:22:31.160 --> 00:22:34.589
+which will be prepended to the property name
+00:22:34.590 --> 00:22:36.529
+by the `get_prop` function
+00:22:36.530 --> 00:22:39.509
+if the requested property is not found.
+00:22:39.510 --> 00:22:42.200
+This way, when we want to switch between
+00:22:42.200 --> 00:22:45.349
+the Debian and RedHat versions of the document,
+00:22:45.350 --> 00:22:49.029
+we just need to change the prefix property.
+00:22:49.030 --> 00:22:51.379
+So now we'll change the Elisp code.
+00:22:51.380 --> 00:22:55.209
+So we'll use a let expression with two bound variables.
+00:22:55.210 --> 00:22:56.919
+The first one is called ret,
+00:22:56.920 --> 00:22:59.160
+which determines if the initial call
+00:22:59.160 --> 00:23:01.949
+to `org-property-values` succeeds.
+00:23:01.950 --> 00:23:04.039
+The second variable is called prefix,
+00:23:04.040 --> 00:23:06.219
+which is the prefix property.
+00:23:06.220 --> 00:23:09.120
+If the first call to `org-property-values` succeeds,
+00:23:09.120 --> 00:23:11.159
+we return it as normal.
+00:23:11.160 --> 00:23:14.249
+If not, we concatenate the property value
+00:23:14.250 --> 00:23:15.920
+that was passed into the function
+00:23:15.920 --> 00:23:18.969
+onto the prefix and try again.
+00:23:18.970 --> 00:23:23.800
+Now when we call the `get_prop` function with "distro"
+00:23:23.800 --> 00:23:26.360
+as the prop argument, it won't be found.
+00:23:26.360 --> 00:23:29.689
+So the code will slap our prefix tag on the front,
+00:23:29.690 --> 00:23:33.249
+making it something like `rh_distro`,
+00:23:33.250 --> 00:23:35.329
+and it will be found and returned.
+00:23:35.330 --> 00:23:39.999
+Let's see that in action.
+00:23:40.000 --> 00:23:42.009
+All right, now we're talking.
+NOTE Switching distributions
+00:23:42.010 --> 00:23:44.419
+This setup is starting to look pretty good,
+00:23:44.420 --> 00:23:46.040
+but there are just a few things
+00:23:46.040 --> 00:23:48.659
+that I want to add before we move on.
+00:23:48.660 --> 00:23:51.240
+First of all, I think the document should have a subtitle,
+00:23:51.240 --> 00:23:53.960
+something that tells you if you're looking at the RedHat
+00:23:53.960 --> 00:23:56.160
+or the Debian version of the document.
+00:23:56.160 --> 00:23:57.880
+I also think it would be great
+00:23:57.880 --> 00:24:00.520
+if the file name of the exported document
+00:24:00.520 --> 00:24:04.999
+reflected the distribution as well.
+00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:08.040
+I also want to add a quick Debian only section
+00:24:08.040 --> 00:24:11.799
+to the document that explains how it got its name.
+00:24:11.800 --> 00:24:17.739
+Now let's see what happens when we export the document.
+00:24:17.740 --> 00:24:20.439
+This did not work out as we wanted.
+00:24:20.440 --> 00:24:23.360
+As you can see, the macro we used in the subtitles
+00:24:23.360 --> 00:24:24.959
+didn't expand properly,
+00:24:24.960 --> 00:24:28.640
+and as a result, our subtitle didn't render right.
+00:24:28.640 --> 00:24:30.640
+Sadly, you can't use macros
+00:24:30.640 --> 00:24:32.909
+or inline function calls everywhere.
+00:24:32.910 --> 00:24:34.680
+And one place where they don't work
+00:24:34.680 --> 00:24:37.189
+is inside of certain export keywords.
+00:24:37.190 --> 00:24:43.219
+So we're gonna have to hard code them here.
+00:24:43.220 --> 00:24:46.320
+Another mistake that we made is we forgot to update
+00:24:46.320 --> 00:24:49.099
+the `#+EXCLUDE_TAGS` export keyword,
+00:24:49.100 --> 00:24:51.439
+because with the RedHat version of the document,
+00:24:51.440 --> 00:24:54.509
+we want to exclude the Debian tag.
+00:24:54.510 --> 00:24:56.400
+Now when we export the document,
+00:24:56.400 --> 00:24:57.839
+everything should be correct.
+00:24:57.840 --> 00:25:00.619
+The word RedHat should appear in the subtitle,
+00:25:00.620 --> 00:25:04.799
+and the Debian fun fact section should not be present.
+00:25:04.800 --> 00:25:06.960
+Now we just need to add a section to the README
+00:25:06.960 --> 00:25:09.280
+that explains the steps you need to take
+00:25:09.280 --> 00:25:11.000
+in order to switch the document
+00:25:11.000 --> 00:25:12.759
+from RedHat to Debian.
+00:25:12.760 --> 00:25:14.000
+Okay, let's see here.
+00:25:14.000 --> 00:25:18.309
+We have to change `#+SUBTITLE`, change the `#+EXCLUDE_TAGS`,
+00:25:18.310 --> 00:25:20.429
+change the `#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME`,
+00:25:20.430 --> 00:25:23.289
+and change the `prefix` property.
+00:25:23.290 --> 00:25:26.289
+This is OK, but it's not great.
+00:25:26.290 --> 00:25:29.429
+Emacs Lisp can once again come to our rescue.
+00:25:29.430 --> 00:25:32.080
+What we'll do is make an Elisp code block
+00:25:32.080 --> 00:25:35.480
+that will invite the user to hit `C-c C-c` on.
+00:25:35.480 --> 00:25:39.520
+And the code block will essentially make all these changes
+00:25:39.520 --> 00:25:40.919
+in the document for them.
+00:25:40.920 --> 00:25:43.280
+This code block, which we'll call `switch_distro`,
+00:25:43.280 --> 00:25:45.680
+takes one argument called `os`,
+00:25:45.680 --> 00:25:48.689
+which by default is set to "Debian".
+00:25:48.690 --> 00:25:50.760
+It starts out with a let expression
+00:25:50.760 --> 00:25:53.029
+that defines three bound variables.
+00:25:53.030 --> 00:25:55.969
+The `debian` variable is a boolean that is true
+00:25:55.970 --> 00:25:58.699
+if the distro we're switching to is Debian.
+00:25:58.700 --> 00:26:00.360
+Based on the value of this boolean,
+00:26:00.360 --> 00:26:04.169
+we'll set the `noexport` and `prefix` variables accordingly.
+00:26:04.170 --> 00:26:06.720
+The `save-excursion` block tells Emacs
+00:26:06.720 --> 00:26:09.199
+that we're going to be moving around in the document
+00:26:09.200 --> 00:26:11.680
+and to remember to put our point back where we started
+00:26:11.680 --> 00:26:13.429
+when the block finishes.
+00:26:13.430 --> 00:26:16.249
+After that, we essentially go to the top of the document
+00:26:16.250 --> 00:26:19.839
+and search and replace the subtitle, `exclude_tags`,
+00:26:19.840 --> 00:26:22.499
+`export_file_name`, and the `prefix`.
+00:26:22.500 --> 00:26:23.389
+Pretty cool.
+00:26:23.390 --> 00:26:25.029
+Let's see this in action.
+00:26:25.030 --> 00:26:27.869
+If we hit `C-c C-c` on this block,
+00:26:27.870 --> 00:26:30.480
+we should see the document automatically change a bit.
+00:26:30.480 --> 00:26:32.320
+And now when we export it,
+00:26:32.320 --> 00:26:36.089
+we get the Debian version of the doc.
+00:26:36.090 --> 00:26:37.629
+If we want to change it back,
+00:26:37.630 --> 00:26:39.880
+we can just head back over to the code block
+00:26:39.880 --> 00:26:43.149
+and change the default value for the os variable
+00:26:43.150 --> 00:26:47.619
+from "Debian" to "RedHat" and hit `C-c C-c` again.
+00:26:47.620 --> 00:26:49.919
+And now when we re-export,
+00:26:49.920 --> 00:26:52.909
+we're looking at the RedHat version of the document.
+00:26:52.910 --> 00:26:55.859
+Just as an aside, if you ever thought to yourself,
+00:26:55.860 --> 00:26:58.159
+"I should learn Emacs Lisp someday"
+00:26:58.160 --> 00:27:01.289
+Make it someday soon. You'll be happy you did.
+00:27:01.290 --> 00:27:03.769
+Not only is it a fun programming language,
+00:27:03.770 --> 00:27:06.679
+but you can do powerful things with it in Emacs,
+00:27:06.680 --> 00:27:12.149
+which I hope is a point that folks take away from this talk.
+00:27:12.150 --> 00:27:14.149
+All right, that was a lot.
+NOTE A tour
+00:27:14.150 --> 00:27:16.840
+Now that we've spent the past 20 minutes or so
+00:27:16.840 --> 00:27:19.409
+digging into some of the tips and tricks I used
+00:27:19.410 --> 00:27:22.879
+when creating my build Emacs from source document,
+00:27:22.880 --> 00:27:26.279
+we'll say goodbye to this document we've been working on
+00:27:26.280 --> 00:27:27.480
+and we'll start a tour
+00:27:27.480 --> 00:27:29.960
+of the actual literate document I wrote.
+00:27:29.960 --> 00:27:33.080
+A document that I'll demonstrate actually downloading
+00:27:33.080 --> 00:27:35.659
+and building a new Emacs when I export it
+00:27:35.660 --> 00:27:38.959
+on both my Ubuntu and RedHat virtual machines.
+00:27:38.960 --> 00:27:41.689
+I'll also show you how org-mode can generate
+00:27:41.690 --> 00:27:44.519
+slick professional looking PDF files
+00:27:44.520 --> 00:27:46.579
+through the power of LaTeX.
+00:27:46.580 --> 00:27:49.619
+We'll start here at the orgdemo2 directory,
+00:27:49.620 --> 00:27:51.229
+which I've cloned from GitLab.
+00:27:51.230 --> 00:27:55.599
+This repository has all the source materials for this talk.
+00:27:55.600 --> 00:27:59.040
+The file is where most of the good stuff is.
+00:27:59.040 --> 00:28:01.479
+So that's where we'll start.
+00:28:01.480 --> 00:28:03.360
+There's a lot of file-local variables
+00:28:03.360 --> 00:28:04.800
+that we'll need to confirm.
+00:28:04.800 --> 00:28:06.439
+So we'll do that too.
+00:28:06.440 --> 00:28:07.560
+So the first thing we're gonna do
+00:28:07.560 --> 00:28:10.080
+is hit `C-u TAB` twice,
+00:28:10.780 --> 00:28:13.360
+which will give us a top-level overview
+00:28:13.360 --> 00:28:15.139
+of all of our headings.
+00:28:15.140 --> 00:28:16.600
+As you can see, we've got a lot
+00:28:16.600 --> 00:28:20.119
+of the same familiar export keywords we had before.
+00:28:20.120 --> 00:28:23.099
+`#+TITLE`, `#+SUBTITLE`, `#+AUTHOR`, `#+EMAIL`,
+00:28:23.100 --> 00:28:25.359
+plus a few we haven't seen before.
+00:28:25.360 --> 00:28:27.720
+For example, I've squirreled away
+00:28:27.720 --> 00:28:30.619
+a lot of the `#+LATEX_HEADER` export keywords
+00:28:30.620 --> 00:28:33.539
+in this file called latex.setup.
+00:28:33.540 --> 00:28:36.539
+And I did this just so they don't clutter up the document.
+00:28:36.540 --> 00:28:38.320
+Much of the LaTeX magic
+00:28:38.320 --> 00:28:40.909
+that makes the exported document look good
+00:28:40.910 --> 00:28:42.589
+is in these headers.
+00:28:42.590 --> 00:28:45.119
+LaTeX commands begin with a backslash.
+00:28:45.120 --> 00:28:49.679
+And a common one we use a lot here is `\usepackage`.
+00:28:49.680 --> 00:28:52.200
+This lets us bring in packages like geometry,
+00:28:52.200 --> 00:28:56.539
+svg for the cool SeaGL SVG logo,
+00:28:56.540 --> 00:28:58.440
+`fancyhdr` and fancy verbatim [`fancyvrb`]
+00:28:58.440 --> 00:29:00.689
+to keep things looking pretty fancy.
+00:29:00.690 --> 00:29:03.200
+Using a scalable vector image format
+00:29:03.200 --> 00:29:05.720
+makes it possible for us to do really cool things
+00:29:05.720 --> 00:29:09.269
+like having a scaled-down version of the SeaGL logo
+00:29:09.270 --> 00:29:11.979
+appear in the fancy footer below.
+00:29:11.980 --> 00:29:15.360
+I also include some macros in a separate file
+00:29:15.360 --> 00:29:18.120
+just to help keep things tidy in the main document.
+00:29:18.120 --> 00:29:20.600
+Here I've got the familiar macros
+00:29:20.600 --> 00:29:23.399
+we've seen before for `get_prop`.
+00:29:23.400 --> 00:29:25.520
+But here I use different permutations
+00:29:25.520 --> 00:29:28.160
+depending on if I want results raw
+00:29:28.160 --> 00:29:31.869
+or raw verbatim or just verbatim.
+00:29:31.870 --> 00:29:35.069
+I also have a couple of macros here at the top of the file
+00:29:35.070 --> 00:29:40.280
+that are for pulling strings out of results blocks
+00:29:40.280 --> 00:29:41.920
+and then trimming them
+00:29:41.920 --> 00:29:44.719
+so there's no white space on either side.
+00:29:44.720 --> 00:29:46.440
+Like in the version of the document
+00:29:46.440 --> 00:29:48.429
+we worked on at the start of this talk,
+00:29:48.430 --> 00:29:51.079
+the real document also has a README section
+00:29:51.080 --> 00:29:53.469
+marked with the `:noexport:` tag.
+00:29:53.470 --> 00:29:55.400
+It also has a section about choosing
+00:29:55.400 --> 00:29:57.909
+which version of the document to export
+00:29:57.910 --> 00:30:00.599
+and a code block on how to switch between them.
+00:30:00.600 --> 00:30:03.000
+It's also got a lot of helpful information in it
+00:30:03.000 --> 00:30:05.819
+like what OS and Emacs versions
+00:30:05.820 --> 00:30:09.559
+the document has been tested to "run" on,
+00:30:09.560 --> 00:30:12.329
+a section on the LaTeX prerequisites
+00:30:12.330 --> 00:30:14.080
+and the section on executing
+00:30:14.080 --> 00:30:16.199
+the document's various code blocks.
+NOTE TeX and LaTeX
+00:30:16.200 --> 00:30:19.199
+The latter two sections we'll take a look at now.
+00:30:19.200 --> 00:30:22.579
+Out of the box on Fedora and Ubuntu server distros,
+00:30:22.580 --> 00:30:24.709
+the TeX typesetting system
+00:30:24.710 --> 00:30:27.669
+also by noted computer scientist Donald Knuth
+00:30:27.670 --> 00:30:28.859
+is not installed.
+00:30:28.860 --> 00:30:31.719
+So we'll need to install some packages.
+00:30:31.720 --> 00:30:34.449
+Starting out we'll need the `texlive` package
+00:30:34.450 --> 00:30:37.459
+which gets you a fully featured TeX setup.
+00:30:37.460 --> 00:30:39.289
+This also gets you LaTeX
+00:30:39.290 --> 00:30:42.789
+which can be viewed as a distribution of TeX macros.
+00:30:42.790 --> 00:30:44.899
+You'll also need XeTeX.
+00:30:44.900 --> 00:30:49.779
+This gets you Unicode support and lets you use modern fonts.
+00:30:49.780 --> 00:30:52.809
+We'll also want to install pdfTeX.
+00:30:52.810 --> 00:30:57.209
+This gets us the ability to generate PDFs from TeX sources.
+00:30:57.210 --> 00:31:01.299
+And finally, we're gonna need to install latexmk
+00:31:01.300 --> 00:31:02.400
+which is a Perl script
+00:31:02.400 --> 00:31:05.139
+that knows how to run LaTeX multiple times
+00:31:05.140 --> 00:31:09.249
+in order to properly deal with intra-document links.
+NOTE Other prerequisites
+00:31:09.250 --> 00:31:11.069
+But wait, there's more.
+00:31:11.070 --> 00:31:12.960
+We're also gonna need Inkscape
+00:31:12.960 --> 00:31:15.520
+to rasterize our SeaGL vector logo
+00:31:15.520 --> 00:31:17.339
+at different resolutions.
+00:31:17.340 --> 00:31:20.360
+And we're gonna need the JetBrains Mono font
+00:31:20.360 --> 00:31:23.059
+to make our source code look snazzy.
+00:31:23.060 --> 00:31:24.680
+We'll also need the Inter font
+00:31:24.680 --> 00:31:28.039
+to make our prose look snazzy as well.
+00:31:28.040 --> 00:31:31.299
+I've helpfully added a bash code block in the README
+00:31:31.300 --> 00:31:35.739
+that you can hit C-c C-c on to install.
+00:31:35.740 --> 00:31:38.520
+This really does lock up Emacs for a few minutes
+00:31:38.520 --> 00:31:40.329
+and it's sort of annoying.
+00:31:40.330 --> 00:31:43.040
+When we export the document and turn off all caching
+00:31:43.040 --> 00:31:45.599
+and it actually builds Emacs for real,
+00:31:45.600 --> 00:31:48.769
+Emacs can be locked up for tens of minutes.
+00:31:48.770 --> 00:31:50.880
+There's a package called ob-async
+00:31:50.880 --> 00:31:54.259
+that I've been meaning to check out that might help here.
+00:31:54.260 --> 00:31:55.760
+But since I wanted this document
+00:31:55.760 --> 00:31:58.000
+to work on bog-standard Emacs setups,
+00:31:58.000 --> 00:32:00.059
+I didn't get around to it.
+NOTE Caching
+00:32:00.060 --> 00:32:03.139
+Before we get into talking about running the document,
+00:32:03.140 --> 00:32:06.449
+let's talk briefly about results caching.
+00:32:06.450 --> 00:32:08.839
+We'll take a look at the section of the document
+00:32:08.840 --> 00:32:13.139
+where we talk about Git tags for an example.
+00:32:13.140 --> 00:32:15.760
+The `num_tags` bash code block determines
+00:32:15.760 --> 00:32:19.039
+how many tags there are in the Emacs Git repo.
+00:32:19.040 --> 00:32:21.600
+And when I hit C-c C-c on that block
+00:32:21.600 --> 00:32:25.059
+several days ago, when I was first creating the document,
+00:32:25.060 --> 00:32:28.019
+that number was 183.
+00:32:28.020 --> 00:32:32.169
+That result has remained cached in the document since then.
+00:32:32.170 --> 00:32:34.899
+And you can see a snippet of the SHA1 hash
+00:32:34.900 --> 00:32:38.389
+of the contents of the source block below.
+00:32:38.390 --> 00:32:40.800
+You can see where I referenced the result
+00:32:40.800 --> 00:32:44.960
+using the `sr` for string raw macro in the prose below,
+00:32:44.960 --> 00:32:50.509
+and how it gets rendered in the exported PDF document.
+00:32:50.510 --> 00:32:52.880
+All the source blocks in the exported sections
+00:32:52.880 --> 00:32:56.559
+of the document include cached results like this.
+00:32:56.560 --> 00:33:01.389
+If I export the document now, it won't take that long to do
+00:33:01.390 --> 00:33:03.800
+because while there are a ton of code blocks
+00:33:03.800 --> 00:33:09.069
+in the exported sections, they're all cached.
+00:33:09.070 --> 00:33:11.560
+Now let's get back to the section of the README
+00:33:11.560 --> 00:33:14.909
+that explains how to execute the code in the document.
+00:33:14.910 --> 00:33:17.640
+Here I explain that if you want to build Emacs
+00:33:17.640 --> 00:33:20.189
+on your computer using this document,
+00:33:20.190 --> 00:33:22.019
+you've got a couple of options.
+00:33:22.020 --> 00:33:25.649
+The first option is to manually invalidate the caches
+00:33:25.650 --> 00:33:28.960
+and take C-c C-c on every code block
+00:33:28.960 --> 00:33:30.959
+in the main document.
+00:33:30.960 --> 00:33:33.160
+This lets you supervise the entire process,
+00:33:33.160 --> 00:33:36.939
+and it also creates new cached result blocks,
+00:33:36.940 --> 00:33:39.239
+but it's time consuming.
+00:33:39.240 --> 00:33:43.440
+There is also an internal link to the main document here,
+00:33:43.440 --> 00:33:47.379
+and you can jump to it with C-c C-o.
+00:33:47.380 --> 00:33:50.040
+This is one of those intra-document links
+00:33:50.040 --> 00:33:52.999
+that is really tricky to get right with LaTeX,
+00:33:53.000 --> 00:33:56.989
+and is why we opted to use the latexmk Perl script
+00:33:56.990 --> 00:34:00.049
+to build the PDF version of the document.
+00:34:00.050 --> 00:34:01.920
+I'm mentioning it specifically here
+00:34:01.920 --> 00:34:05.629
+because it took me forever to figure this out.
+00:34:05.630 --> 00:34:07.269
+The second option you've got
+00:34:07.270 --> 00:34:09.280
+is to change the default header arg
+00:34:09.280 --> 00:34:13.739
+from `:cache yes` to `:cache no` at the top of the document.
+00:34:13.740 --> 00:34:16.269
+If we cruise up to the top of the document,
+00:34:16.270 --> 00:34:19.129
+you can see that this header argument property
+00:34:19.130 --> 00:34:22.440
+basically says that unless a code block
+00:34:22.440 --> 00:34:24.160
+explicitly says otherwise,
+00:34:24.160 --> 00:34:27.118
+it's by default supposed to be cached.
+00:34:27.119 --> 00:34:29.440
+That's how we were able to export the document
+00:34:29.440 --> 00:34:31.558
+before so quickly.
+00:34:31.559 --> 00:34:34.819
+The code block named `no_cache_no_confirm`
+00:34:34.820 --> 00:34:38.618
+uses the `save-excursion` and regex replace trick
+00:34:38.619 --> 00:34:40.348
+that I demonstrated earlier
+00:34:40.349 --> 00:34:42.819
+to munch the default cache header arg
+00:34:42.820 --> 00:34:45.409
+from "cache yes" to "cache no".
+00:34:45.410 --> 00:34:49.299
+And it also turns off confirmations on bash code blocks.
+00:34:49.300 --> 00:34:51.939
+Let's do that now.
+00:34:51.940 --> 00:34:54.559
+Now we'll export the document to PDF,
+00:34:54.560 --> 00:34:57.439
+which will ignore the cache result blocks
+00:34:57.440 --> 00:35:00.319
+and clone the Git repository on Savannah,
+00:35:00.320 --> 00:35:01.760
+create a branch that points
+00:35:01.760 --> 00:35:05.459
+to the most recently tagged version of Emacs 29,
+00:35:05.460 --> 00:35:07.759
+run configure a handful of times,
+00:35:07.760 --> 00:35:10.720
+installing packages to fix missing dependencies
+00:35:10.720 --> 00:35:12.399
+along the way,
+00:35:12.400 --> 00:35:16.099
+build Emacs, install Emacs in our home directory,
+00:35:16.100 --> 00:35:19.339
+verify that it has successfully built a binary,
+00:35:19.340 --> 00:35:22.549
+run it in batch mode with some sample Elisp
+00:35:22.550 --> 00:35:26.869
+and show the file sizes and dates of the generated files.
+00:35:26.870 --> 00:35:28.339
+This is gonna take a while.
+00:35:28.340 --> 00:35:32.829
+And while it's running, we'll pop over to our Fedora box.
+00:35:32.830 --> 00:35:34.680
+All right, now we'll fire up Emacs,
+00:35:34.680 --> 00:35:39.280
+hit `C-c C-c` on the `configure_document` code block
+00:35:39.280 --> 00:35:41.849
+to configure the document for RedHat
+00:35:41.850 --> 00:35:45.709
+since Fedora here is a RedHat based distro.
+00:35:45.710 --> 00:35:47.040
+Then what we'll do is we'll pop down
+00:35:47.040 --> 00:35:49.589
+and hit `C-c C-c`
+00:35:49.590 --> 00:35:53.699
+on the `rh_install_latex` code block
+00:35:53.700 --> 00:35:56.229
+to install the LaTeX prerequisites
+00:35:56.230 --> 00:35:58.459
+for this Fedora virtual machine.
+00:35:58.460 --> 00:36:02.589
+Finally, we'll execute the `no_cache_no_confirm` block
+00:36:02.590 --> 00:36:05.049
+and then kick off the export.
+00:36:05.050 --> 00:36:07.280
+Then we'll go and check back on what's happening
+00:36:07.280 --> 00:36:09.529
+on the Ubuntu box.
+00:36:09.530 --> 00:36:11.240
+Ooh, top looks pretty quiet.
+00:36:11.240 --> 00:36:14.039
+I think the export is complete.
+00:36:14.040 --> 00:36:17.559
+Ooh, those are the words I love to see in the status area,
+00:36:17.560 --> 00:36:20.609
+PDF file produced!
+NOTE Looking at the PDF
+00:36:20.610 --> 00:36:22.600
+Now I can't use my web browser
+00:36:22.600 --> 00:36:24.959
+to take a look at this PDF file
+00:36:24.960 --> 00:36:27.080
+because I haven't set up a web server
+00:36:27.080 --> 00:36:30.759
+or anything like that on the Ubuntu virtual machine.
+00:36:30.760 --> 00:36:34.439
+I can, however, use TRAMP with the ssh method
+00:36:34.440 --> 00:36:36.560
+to poke around on the ubuntu host
+00:36:36.560 --> 00:36:39.120
+on my personal version of Emacs.
+00:36:39.120 --> 00:36:40.939
+So let's do that.
+00:36:40.940 --> 00:36:44.809
+Okay, so now if we go into the source directory
+00:36:44.810 --> 00:36:48.039
+and then we hop into the orgdemo2 directory
+00:36:48.040 --> 00:36:51.619
+and then we look at the deb version of the PDF,
+00:36:51.620 --> 00:36:54.149
+there she blows.
+00:36:54.150 --> 00:36:58.160
+Now, if we go down to the Building Emacs section,
+00:36:58.160 --> 00:37:00.129
+we can see that it built.
+00:37:00.130 --> 00:37:03.839
+And if we look in the bin directory,
+00:37:03.840 --> 00:37:06.779
+we can see that at 17:01,
+00:37:06.780 --> 00:37:11.379
+that's when all of those files got created.
+00:37:11.380 --> 00:37:15.589
+Also the file creation date on the PDF is 17:01.
+00:37:15.590 --> 00:37:18.720
+So all of this code executed roughly the same time
+00:37:18.720 --> 00:37:21.159
+the PDF was created.
+00:37:21.160 --> 00:37:25.339
+All right, so now let's head back over to the Fedora box
+00:37:25.340 --> 00:37:27.920
+and then we'll navigate to the source directory,
+00:37:27.920 --> 00:37:30.119
+the orgdemo2 directory,
+00:37:30.120 --> 00:37:35.719
+and there is our RedHat version of the built Emacs PDF.
+00:37:35.720 --> 00:37:38.219
+And Bob's your uncle.
+00:37:38.220 --> 00:37:42.549
+And you can see it is the RedHat version of the document
+00:37:42.550 --> 00:37:44.939
+because this is a RedHat box.
+00:37:44.940 --> 00:37:51.639
+And if we go over to the What did we install? section,
+00:37:51.640 --> 00:37:56.049
+you can see that these binaries were built at 17:35.
+00:37:56.050 --> 00:37:58.699
+And now if we pop open dired
+00:37:58.700 --> 00:38:00.739
+and we take a look at the PDF,
+00:38:00.740 --> 00:38:07.329
+we can see it also was created at 17:35.
+00:38:07.330 --> 00:38:10.039
+All right, in the couple minutes remaining,
+00:38:10.040 --> 00:38:11.640
+I thought it would be a good idea
+00:38:11.640 --> 00:38:15.739
+just to take a look at the document
+00:38:15.740 --> 00:38:19.000
+and maybe just go through some of what it actually does
+00:38:19.000 --> 00:38:22.579
+in explaining how to build Emacs from source.
+00:38:22.580 --> 00:38:27.139
+We'll look at the RedHat version since we're here.
+00:38:27.140 --> 00:38:28.160
+And the first thing you do is
+00:38:28.160 --> 00:38:31.539
+you have to get access to the source code.
+00:38:31.540 --> 00:38:32.840
+And before you can do anything,
+00:38:32.840 --> 00:38:35.419
+this is a RedHat-specific section
+00:38:35.420 --> 00:38:38.299
+where you need to install some development tools.
+00:38:38.300 --> 00:38:41.539
+And this development tools group actually has Git.
+00:38:41.540 --> 00:38:44.640
+Now I installed Git earlier, but if you didn't do that,
+00:38:44.640 --> 00:38:46.939
+that would be the first thing that you need to do.
+00:38:46.940 --> 00:38:50.039
+We create a source directory, we cd into it,
+00:38:50.040 --> 00:38:53.059
+we clone the repo from Savannah.
+00:38:53.060 --> 00:38:56.059
+And then we start to take a look at some of the Git tags.
+00:38:56.060 --> 00:38:58.560
+And we showed this before where we check out
+00:38:58.560 --> 00:39:00.369
+how many different tags there are.
+00:39:00.370 --> 00:39:02.400
+And then we run this kind of funky Git command
+00:39:02.400 --> 00:39:06.040
+to sort of list all the tags that begin with 'emacs-29',
+00:39:06.040 --> 00:39:08.759
+and we sort them by when they were tagged.
+00:39:08.760 --> 00:39:12.400
+So we can see that Emacs 29.1.pretest
+00:39:12.400 --> 00:39:14.439
+is the most recent version.
+00:39:14.440 --> 00:39:15.880
+So that's the one we grab
+00:39:15.880 --> 00:39:18.659
+and that's the one we decide to build.
+00:39:18.660 --> 00:39:22.779
+And then we create a branch that is based on this tag.
+00:39:22.780 --> 00:39:27.479
+And this is dynamically generated based on what we saw here.
+00:39:27.480 --> 00:39:29.439
+So that's what we use here.
+NOTE Errors
+00:39:29.440 --> 00:39:32.920
+In this case, we're piping standard error
+00:39:32.920 --> 00:39:35.099
+to where standard out goes.
+00:39:35.100 --> 00:39:36.069
+That's another trick.
+00:39:36.070 --> 00:39:39.559
+If you want to actually see an error get created,
+00:39:39.560 --> 00:39:44.119
+org-mode will capture any errors that code blocks produce,
+00:39:44.120 --> 00:39:46.819
+and it will show you the error message in a buffer.
+00:39:46.820 --> 00:39:49.240
+So if you actually wanna show what it looks like
+00:39:49.240 --> 00:39:53.059
+when something errors out, this is the trick you have to use.
+00:39:53.060 --> 00:39:56.200
+And then what we do is we look for a configure script
+00:39:56.200 --> 00:39:57.419
+and there isn't one.
+00:39:57.420 --> 00:39:58.599
+And then we realize,
+00:39:58.600 --> 00:40:00.909
+uh-oh, we're gonna have to deal with autotools.
+00:40:00.910 --> 00:40:05.560
+So, you know, we run the autogen script and it complains
+00:40:05.560 --> 00:40:08.679
+because we're missing some prerequisites.
+00:40:08.680 --> 00:40:11.349
+So we have to install autoconf,
+00:40:11.350 --> 00:40:13.019
+and then we run it again,
+00:40:13.020 --> 00:40:15.959
+and finally it generates a configure script.
+00:40:15.960 --> 00:40:19.019
+And this is another case where I pull this number
+00:40:19.020 --> 00:40:21.979
+right here into the actual prose.
+00:40:21.980 --> 00:40:24.840
+And I can see it's, oh, it's, you know, this how many bytes.
+00:40:24.840 --> 00:40:26.800
+When was the last time you wrote a shell script
+00:40:26.800 --> 00:40:29.579
+that was this many bytes long?
+00:40:29.580 --> 00:40:31.320
+And then we configure the build process.
+00:40:31.320 --> 00:40:33.760
+And, you know, it's not gonna work right away
+00:40:33.760 --> 00:40:36.699
+because we don't have GNU Texinfo installed.
+00:40:36.700 --> 00:40:41.439
+So we gotta do that, which we do with `dnf install` here.
+00:40:41.440 --> 00:40:44.320
+And then there's this section that is either RedHat-
+00:40:44.320 --> 00:40:48.919
+or Debian-specific that talks about, like,
+00:40:48.920 --> 00:40:51.240
+if you don't know the name of a package
+00:40:51.240 --> 00:40:55.160
+that contains a given file name, how do you query it?
+00:40:55.160 --> 00:40:59.519
+And in the RedHat world, you use `dnf provides makeinfo`.
+00:40:59.520 --> 00:41:02.289
+In the Debian world, you do something entirely different.
+00:41:02.290 --> 00:41:06.639
+And then we have to install the `ncurses` binary.
+00:41:06.640 --> 00:41:10.299
+And finally we get like a minimal configuration
+00:41:10.300 --> 00:41:13.699
+and you can see that there's a whole bunch of nos here.
+00:41:13.700 --> 00:41:15.200
+So, you know, we don't have cairo,
+00:41:15.200 --> 00:41:18.799
+we don't have imagemagick, we don't have dbus,
+00:41:18.800 --> 00:41:20.600
+you know, there's a whole bunch of stuff we don't have.
+00:41:20.600 --> 00:41:23.880
+We don't have X, we don't have libjansson, no tree-sitter.
+00:41:23.880 --> 00:41:25.960
+This is really a bare-bones Emacs
+00:41:25.960 --> 00:41:28.639
+that is strictly terminal mode.
+00:41:28.640 --> 00:41:30.800
+Then we actually build Emacs, which is, you know,
+00:41:30.800 --> 00:41:33.259
+kind of boring, we're just gonna type make
+00:41:33.260 --> 00:41:35.259
+and then make is gonna run successfully.
+00:41:35.260 --> 00:41:37.880
+And make is gonna spew a ton of output, right?
+00:41:37.880 --> 00:41:41.099
+So here's where I do that /dev/null trick,
+00:41:41.100 --> 00:41:42.600
+where I pipe everything to /dev/null
+00:41:42.600 --> 00:41:45.819
+and then I, or I pipe standard output to /dev/null
+00:41:45.820 --> 00:41:47.520
+and then I pipe standard error
+00:41:47.520 --> 00:41:50.239
+to wherever standard output's going.
+00:41:50.240 --> 00:41:52.799
+And then at the end to say that it ran successfully,
+00:41:52.800 --> 00:41:55.379
+I say "Make ran successfully!"
+00:41:55.380 --> 00:41:57.799
+Then we take a look at the Emacs binary
+00:41:57.800 --> 00:41:59.879
+and you know, it's an elf binary.
+00:41:59.880 --> 00:42:01.720
+And, you know, because this is running on my Mac,
+00:42:01.720 --> 00:42:06.619
+this is an ARM-based machine, this virtual machine is.
+00:42:06.620 --> 00:42:10.519
+Oops, and this is a bug.
+00:42:10.520 --> 00:42:12.200
+This really should be a macro call,
+00:42:12.200 --> 00:42:14.800
+but I think I have the wrong number of curly braces
+00:42:14.800 --> 00:42:16.159
+or something in there.
+00:42:16.160 --> 00:42:19.129
+I need to figure out why that's not right.
+00:42:19.130 --> 00:42:21.109
+I'll look into that later.
+00:42:21.110 --> 00:42:23.979
+And then we install Emacs and then we kind of show
+00:42:23.980 --> 00:42:27.719
+like the file sizes of everything in the home directory.
+00:42:27.720 --> 00:42:31.989
+And then we, you know, show the binaries that got installed.
+NOTE Final thoughts
+00:42:31.990 --> 00:42:35.599
+Anyway, so this is the final thoughts section.
+00:42:35.600 --> 00:42:39.219
+And my final thoughts are, is I hope you enjoyed this talk
+00:42:39.220 --> 00:42:42.379
+and I hope you actually learned a thing or two.
+00:42:42.380 --> 00:42:43.360
+All right, thanks everybody.
+00:42:43.360 --> 00:42:45.200
+And I'll see you all next time.
diff --git a/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-ref--orgmode-workflow-informal-reference-tracking--christopher-howard--main--chapters.vtt b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-ref--orgmode-workflow-informal-reference-tracking--christopher-howard--main--chapters.vtt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a61c9cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-ref--orgmode-workflow-informal-reference-tracking--christopher-howard--main--chapters.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:02:06.040
+00:02:06.040 --> 00:03:14.919
+Tip about completion frameworks
+00:03:14.920 --> 00:05:39.320
+References file overview
+00:05:39.320 --> 00:08:02.719
+The Emacs Lisp code
+00:08:02.720 --> 00:11:41.539
+Example reference to Elfeed article
+00:11:41.540 --> 00:15:04.320
+Searching the references
diff --git a/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-ref--orgmode-workflow-informal-reference-tracking--christopher-howard--main.vtt b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-ref--orgmode-workflow-informal-reference-tracking--christopher-howard--main.vtt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f678c7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-ref--orgmode-workflow-informal-reference-tracking--christopher-howard--main.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+WEBVTT captioned by bhavin192, checked by sachac
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.940
+Hello, this is Christopher Howard,
+00:00:04.940 --> 00:00:06.520
+and welcome to my talk,
+00:00:06.520 --> 00:00:08.800
+"Informal Reference Tracking."
+00:00:08.800 --> 00:00:10.574
+This is a workflow talk,
+00:00:10.574 --> 00:00:12.240
+so I need to explain a little bit about
+00:00:12.240 --> 00:00:14.840
+what my needs were.
+00:00:14.840 --> 00:00:18.760
+I am not a professional scholar or academic,
+00:00:18.760 --> 00:00:20.200
+but there are a number of subjects
+00:00:20.200 --> 00:00:21.607
+that I'm interested in,
+00:00:21.607 --> 00:00:23.240
+and I occasionally like to write
+00:00:23.240 --> 00:00:25.600
+gemlog posts about them.
+00:00:25.600 --> 00:00:28.680
+So I needed some way to keep track of references.
+00:00:28.680 --> 00:00:32.960
+References to webpage articles, references to books,
+00:00:32.960 --> 00:00:37.280
+pages in books, and notes about them.
+00:00:37.280 --> 00:00:39.480
+Something that was searchable,
+00:00:39.480 --> 00:00:42.440
+but also something that was quick and easy to use,
+00:00:42.440 --> 00:00:45.200
+and something that I could set up quickly.
+00:00:45.200 --> 00:00:47.360
+And the approach I took, it only took me
+00:00:47.360 --> 00:00:49.520
+about an hour or two to figure out
+00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:52.160
+how to put it together.
+00:00:52.160 --> 00:00:53.840
+I do want to emphasize
+00:00:53.840 --> 00:00:56.520
+that there are better ways to do this.
+00:00:56.520 --> 00:00:58.960
+I'm not recommending you use my code
+00:00:58.960 --> 00:01:02.120
+or follow my exact approach.
+00:01:02.120 --> 00:01:05.940
+In particular, what I'm doing was meant to be done
+00:01:05.940 --> 00:01:09.240
+with Org's built-in capture
+00:01:09.240 --> 00:01:11.800
+and templates functionality,
+00:01:11.800 --> 00:01:14.907
+so that's something that's more flexible,
+00:01:14.907 --> 00:01:21.440
+programmable, and there's also a lot of add-ins
+00:01:21.440 --> 00:01:23.960
+that can be tied into that.
+00:01:23.960 --> 00:01:31.320
+For example, tools that allow you to search for,
+00:01:31.320 --> 00:01:34.480
+you know, feed in a URL, and it automatically
+00:01:34.480 --> 00:01:38.240
+pulls all the reference data for you.
+00:01:38.240 --> 00:01:39.760
+And there's tools out there
+00:01:39.760 --> 00:01:43.120
+that are really meant for scientific writing,
+00:01:43.120 --> 00:01:46.760
+so if you do this professionally,
+00:01:46.760 --> 00:01:49.960
+you may need to keep track of dozens of details
+00:01:49.960 --> 00:01:51.080
+for each reference
+00:01:51.080 --> 00:01:55.320
+and then have some fancy system to generate that
+00:01:55.320 --> 00:02:00.800
+into your, or output that into your paper.
+00:02:00.800 --> 00:02:02.440
+So there are better systems,
+00:02:02.440 --> 00:02:06.040
+but this is what worked for me and what was easy.
+NOTE Tip about completion frameworks
+00:02:06.040 --> 00:02:11.320
+I do want to emphasize that if you haven't,
+00:02:11.320 --> 00:02:14.640
+you really want to learn how to use helm-mode
+00:02:14.640 --> 00:02:20.440
+H-E-L-M, or one of the similar systems in Emacs
+00:02:20.440 --> 00:02:26.440
+that does fuzzy search on Emacs commands.
+00:02:26.440 --> 00:02:29.340
+For example, in Helm here,
+00:02:29.340 --> 00:02:39.007
+I input one keychord, and then I just have to remember
+00:02:39.007 --> 00:02:40.720
+a few characters of some command,
+00:02:40.720 --> 00:02:43.479
+and they don't even have to be right next to each other,
+00:02:43.480 --> 00:02:47.640
+like H-O-C will bring up `helm-occur`.
+00:02:47.640 --> 00:02:51.360
+That's based on its algorithms
+00:02:51.360 --> 00:02:53.000
+of what I most likely meant
+00:02:53.000 --> 00:02:55.160
+and the ones that I've used in the past.
+00:02:55.160 --> 00:02:57.920
+So it usually brings up the command that I want,
+00:02:57.920 --> 00:02:59.579
+or the one that I want
+00:02:59.580 --> 00:03:03.080
+is one or two spots away in the entry.
+00:03:03.080 --> 00:03:05.074
+That just saves me a lot of time
+00:03:05.074 --> 00:03:06.960
+[and] a lot of memorization.
+00:03:06.960 --> 00:03:09.120
+So if you haven't learned Helm
+00:03:09.120 --> 00:03:14.919
+or a similar system for Emacs, you really want to.
+NOTE References file overview
+00:03:14.920 --> 00:03:18.240
+So what is my approach?
+00:03:18.240 --> 00:03:24.880
+Well, basically, what it comes down to is really
+00:03:24.880 --> 00:03:27.307
+fundamentally nothing more than just a list
+00:03:27.307 --> 00:03:30.640
+of Org entries in a file.
+00:03:30.640 --> 00:03:35.579
+And there's one entry per reference.
+00:03:35.580 --> 00:03:37.207
+Fundamentally, that's all it is.
+00:03:37.207 --> 00:03:39.207
+But I'll go over the parts.
+00:03:39.207 --> 00:03:43.080
+You can see there's the title for the entry,
+00:03:43.080 --> 00:03:44.800
+and that's not necessarily
+00:03:44.800 --> 00:03:47.400
+the title of the book or the article,
+00:03:47.400 --> 00:03:50.840
+but that's my perspective on it,
+00:03:50.840 --> 00:03:52.720
+that's what I want to remember about it,
+00:03:52.720 --> 00:03:54.560
+and what I'll be looking for later
+00:03:54.560 --> 00:03:56.560
+when I do a search on my references.
+00:03:56.560 --> 00:04:06.659
+There's also in here the use of Org's tags
+00:04:06.660 --> 00:04:08.274
+here to the right of the title,
+00:04:08.274 --> 00:04:12.040
+very handy for searching for entries later.
+00:04:12.040 --> 00:04:18.160
+I use some Org properties attached to each entry.
+00:04:18.160 --> 00:04:21.740
+I automatically add in here an ID
+00:04:21.740 --> 00:04:24.074
+that can be useful if you want to
+00:04:24.074 --> 00:04:27.800
+link entries together later.
+00:04:27.800 --> 00:04:30.400
+I automatically add in here the date
+00:04:30.400 --> 00:04:31.840
+that the entry was created,
+00:04:31.840 --> 00:04:35.699
+which can be useful to me if things
+00:04:35.700 --> 00:04:38.360
+got sorted in a different order at some point,
+00:04:38.360 --> 00:04:39.940
+I could still look through
+00:04:39.940 --> 00:04:42.507
+the most recent entries that I had made
+00:04:42.507 --> 00:04:45.040
+if I wanted to do that for some reason.
+00:04:45.040 --> 00:04:48.640
+And sometimes I add in this publication year field
+00:04:48.640 --> 00:04:52.720
+with the idea that one day I might want to do
+00:04:52.720 --> 00:04:55.840
+a search for entries based on the publication year
+00:04:55.840 --> 00:04:57.360
+of the book or the article,
+00:04:57.360 --> 00:05:00.774
+say, only to use recent references
+00:05:00.774 --> 00:05:03.080
+or something like that.
+00:05:03.080 --> 00:05:05.360
+And then down here below the properties
+00:05:05.360 --> 00:05:10.080
+is where I paste in the URL to the webpage, or
+00:05:10.080 --> 00:05:13.007
+type in the title and author of the book
+00:05:13.007 --> 00:05:16.959
+on the pages, maybe the pages that were relevant,
+00:05:16.960 --> 00:05:21.640
+the pages of the periodical, or something like that.
+00:05:21.640 --> 00:05:23.920
+And I could put anything that I want down here,
+00:05:23.920 --> 00:05:25.840
+some other notes about what's important
+00:05:25.840 --> 00:05:29.939
+about this article to me.
+00:05:29.940 --> 00:05:32.200
+So fundamentally, that's all it is.
+00:05:32.200 --> 00:05:35.240
+Of course, I've added in a bit of convenience code
+00:05:35.240 --> 00:05:37.080
+to make this go a lot faster
+00:05:37.080 --> 00:05:39.320
+rather than typing all this out.
+NOTE The Emacs Lisp code
+00:05:39.320 --> 00:05:45.879
+For that, I'll switch back to my init.el file.
+00:05:45.880 --> 00:05:49.480
+There's really just five functions.
+00:05:49.480 --> 00:05:52.840
+The first two here are ones
+00:05:52.840 --> 00:05:54.560
+that I've adapted off the Internet.
+00:05:54.560 --> 00:05:56.160
+Honestly, I can't remember
+00:05:56.160 --> 00:05:58.239
+exactly where that I got them from,
+00:05:58.240 --> 00:06:00.240
+but basically, they're just some functions
+00:06:00.240 --> 00:06:04.240
+for making a block of text writable or readable.
+00:06:04.240 --> 00:06:09.299
+Writable or not writable, I should say.
+00:06:09.300 --> 00:06:12.200
+The idea there is that
+00:06:12.200 --> 00:06:13.480
+when I'm creating a new entry,
+00:06:13.480 --> 00:06:16.307
+I don't want to accidentally delete
+00:06:16.307 --> 00:06:18.960
+or write over some earlier entries that I've made.
+00:06:18.960 --> 00:06:24.880
+So I use a little bit of Emacs functionality for that.
+00:06:24.880 --> 00:06:29.440
+And then here are the three reference functions
+00:06:29.440 --> 00:06:32.440
+that I've actually written.
+00:06:32.440 --> 00:06:35.040
+Really trivial, basic stuff here.
+00:06:35.040 --> 00:06:41.800
+The core of it is the `new-reference` function.
+00:06:41.800 --> 00:06:44.840
+Basically, what that does is
+00:06:44.840 --> 00:06:47.560
+it opens up the references file,
+00:06:47.560 --> 00:06:52.040
+jumps to the end of the reference file,
+00:06:52.040 --> 00:06:57.440
+starts a new entry, inserts the asterisk.
+00:06:57.440 --> 00:07:01.520
+It jumps back to the previous text,
+00:07:01.520 --> 00:07:03.474
+and whatever previous text there is,
+00:07:03.474 --> 00:07:04.880
+it makes that read-only.
+00:07:04.880 --> 00:07:08.120
+Again, so that I don't accidentally delete that,
+00:07:08.120 --> 00:07:10.800
+or cut, or type over it, or something
+00:07:10.800 --> 00:07:14.579
+when I'm making a new reference.
+00:07:14.580 --> 00:07:17.680
+Then it goes back to the new reference,
+00:07:17.680 --> 00:07:21.339
+automatically adds in a unique ID for that,
+00:07:21.340 --> 00:07:25.360
+and then automatically stamps it with
+00:07:25.360 --> 00:07:28.999
+the date the entry was created — today's date.
+00:07:29.000 --> 00:07:32.760
+Now, I've got two other functions here.
+00:07:32.760 --> 00:07:34.540
+One is `view-references`,
+00:07:34.540 --> 00:07:37.807
+which does nothing but open up the reference file
+00:07:37.807 --> 00:07:39.400
+and switch to that buffer
+00:07:39.400 --> 00:07:42.539
+if you're not already on it.
+00:07:42.540 --> 00:07:45.880
+And then there's one other here, `edit-references`,
+00:07:45.880 --> 00:07:50.159
+which does the exact same thing except for
+00:07:50.160 --> 00:07:53.560
+it also goes over all the text in the buffer
+00:07:53.560 --> 00:07:55.040
+and makes it writable.
+00:07:55.040 --> 00:07:58.120
+So if I really do want to edit those other references,
+00:07:58.120 --> 00:08:02.719
+I've got a function to quickly make that possible.
+NOTE Example reference to Elfeed article
+00:08:02.720 --> 00:08:07.499
+Let me give an example of this.
+00:08:07.500 --> 00:08:13.979
+I type in here, new reference.
+00:08:13.980 --> 00:08:16.440
+Now I've jumped to the end of my references file.
+00:08:16.440 --> 00:08:19.080
+See, it's ready to take the title.
+00:08:19.080 --> 00:08:21.720
+Well, I guess I need to have something,
+00:08:21.720 --> 00:08:23.659
+some content, to put in here.
+00:08:23.660 --> 00:08:28.879
+Let's say I was looking through Elfeed,
+00:08:28.880 --> 00:08:31.600
+and let's say I found this interesting article
+00:08:31.600 --> 00:08:38.219
+about Mars earthquakes.
+00:08:38.220 --> 00:08:40.007
+Let's say I open it up [and]
+00:08:40.007 --> 00:08:41.159
+I read through the article.
+00:08:41.160 --> 00:08:43.840
+First, I'd figure out what it is
+00:08:43.840 --> 00:08:47.259
+that I find interesting about this, what it is that
+00:08:47.260 --> 00:08:51.579
+I'm going to want to remember and look up later.
+00:08:51.580 --> 00:08:57.479
+So I come up with a quick title based on that.
+00:08:57.480 --> 00:09:01.899
+Let's go back to the references with `view-reference`.
+00:09:01.900 --> 00:09:05.674
+And, let's just call it
+00:09:05.674 --> 00:09:13.879
+"Study of Mars Earthquake."
+00:09:13.880 --> 00:09:18.199
+Now I'm going to also want to put in some tags.
+00:09:18.200 --> 00:09:21.107
+On my system, that's done with
+00:09:21.107 --> 00:09:23.639
+Control C, Control Q (`C-c C-q`).
+00:09:23.640 --> 00:09:25.520
+And I can put in some tags.
+00:09:25.520 --> 00:09:29.160
+I like to go ahead and insert the colons.
+00:09:29.160 --> 00:09:30.799
+You can leave those out,
+00:09:30.800 --> 00:09:32.560
+but they're going to get added anyway,
+00:09:32.560 --> 00:09:36.779
+so I'm in the habit of using them.
+00:09:36.780 --> 00:09:41.120
+Let's say we'll call this 'Astronomy' as one tag,
+00:09:41.120 --> 00:09:47.059
+and the next tag could be 'Planets'.
+00:09:47.060 --> 00:09:48.400
+If I wanted to use a tag
+00:09:48.400 --> 00:09:50.400
+that was more than one word in the tag,
+00:09:50.400 --> 00:09:53.540
+I'd need to use underscores or something like that.
+00:09:53.540 --> 00:10:00.499
+If I wanted a tag that was 'Mars Earthquakes',
+00:10:00.500 --> 00:10:05.059
+I could do it like that, but that's kind of silly.
+00:10:05.060 --> 00:10:08.659
+Now I try not to be too clever with the tags.
+00:10:08.660 --> 00:10:10.600
+I don't spend a lot of time thinking about them.
+00:10:10.600 --> 00:10:13.107
+I just come up with some general buckets
+00:10:13.107 --> 00:10:15.019
+to throw things in.
+00:10:15.020 --> 00:10:16.880
+You can see the tags were added there,
+00:10:16.880 --> 00:10:19.379
+to the right of the title.
+00:10:19.380 --> 00:10:23.399
+Now you can see down here under PROPERTIES,
+00:10:23.400 --> 00:10:25.320
+the ID has already been added,
+00:10:25.320 --> 00:10:27.040
+the Date_Created has been added.
+00:10:27.040 --> 00:10:30.200
+Sometimes, I'll like to put in the publication year,
+00:10:30.200 --> 00:10:38.139
+and for that, I use the `org-set-property` command.
+00:10:38.140 --> 00:10:43.439
+Publication_Year, this year in this case.
+00:10:43.440 --> 00:10:46.679
+And then I just need to paste in the URL.
+00:10:46.680 --> 00:10:48.080
+I do that manually.
+00:10:48.080 --> 00:10:53.480
+I use Org's bracket format for that.
+00:10:53.480 --> 00:10:57.639
+So I start that, go back to the article,
+00:10:57.640 --> 00:11:02.099
+copy the URL, paste that in.
+00:11:02.100 --> 00:11:04.480
+If I want, I can add it in the title
+00:11:04.480 --> 00:11:07.459
+with the second pair of brackets here.
+00:11:07.460 --> 00:11:14.200
+Don't have to, but often like to.
+00:11:14.200 --> 00:11:18.560
+Close that off, and there it is.
+00:11:18.560 --> 00:11:20.879
+That was really it.
+00:11:20.880 --> 00:11:22.120
+I add a return on the end here,
+00:11:22.120 --> 00:11:26.619
+just so the next entry comes out with the right spacing.
+00:11:26.620 --> 00:11:28.307
+But really, that's it,
+00:11:28.307 --> 00:11:31.000
+and typically, when I'm not explaining it,
+00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:37.499
+that only takes 20 seconds or so, or 30 seconds.
+00:11:37.500 --> 00:11:41.539
+Pretty quick. Pretty easy.
+NOTE Searching the references
+00:11:41.540 --> 00:11:45.539
+What about searching later?
+00:11:45.540 --> 00:11:50.474
+Well, often the easiest thing is just do a simple,
+00:11:50.474 --> 00:11:54.639
+boring incremental search.
+00:11:54.640 --> 00:11:55.880
+I usually know roughly
+00:11:55.880 --> 00:11:58.499
+what it is that I'm looking for already.
+00:11:58.500 --> 00:12:02.379
+If I was looking for that wildflower article,
+00:12:02.380 --> 00:12:06.000
+I could just do an incremental search for wildflowers
+00:12:06.000 --> 00:12:07.920
+and jump through that. It's pretty simple.
+00:12:07.920 --> 00:12:13.200
+Not very impressive, but honestly, most of the time
+00:12:13.200 --> 00:12:16.439
+that gets me there pretty quick.
+00:12:16.440 --> 00:12:20.360
+Sometimes I find it useful to do an Occur search,
+00:12:20.360 --> 00:12:23.240
+more specifically a Helm Occur search.
+00:12:23.240 --> 00:12:31.259
+If I use the `helm-occur` command,
+00:12:31.260 --> 00:12:34.680
+then I like to use this to search by tag.
+00:12:34.680 --> 00:12:36.760
+That's where it really becomes handy.
+00:12:36.760 --> 00:12:39.207
+Let's say I want to narrow it down
+00:12:39.207 --> 00:12:42.640
+to all my astronomy references
+00:12:42.640 --> 00:12:50.039
+and then narrow it down a little bit more to planets.
+00:12:50.040 --> 00:12:54.119
+I can put spaces in between and it still works.
+00:12:54.120 --> 00:12:57.199
+You can see here in one window,
+00:12:57.200 --> 00:13:00.239
+it gives me the bottom window there.
+00:13:00.240 --> 00:13:03.479
+It's giving…, just because of the way
+00:13:03.480 --> 00:13:06.440
+the tags are formatted with the title, it gives me
+00:13:06.440 --> 00:13:09.519
+a list of all the titles that have those tags.
+00:13:09.520 --> 00:13:11.520
+And I usually find what I want pretty quick
+00:13:11.520 --> 00:13:13.400
+by just tapping through here.
+00:13:13.400 --> 00:13:16.499
+Once I find the one that I think I want,
+00:13:16.500 --> 00:13:24.139
+I press enter, and now I'm focused on just that entry.
+00:13:24.140 --> 00:13:26.960
+There is some advanced functionality, I believe,
+00:13:26.960 --> 00:13:29.960
+that I used in the past where you could search
+00:13:29.960 --> 00:13:33.119
+based on the property fields.
+00:13:33.120 --> 00:13:37.880
+So do something like search for publication —
+00:13:37.880 --> 00:13:42.439
+the most recent publications in the last 10 years.
+00:13:42.440 --> 00:13:46.200
+There's some kind of advanced syntax for that,
+00:13:46.200 --> 00:13:48.219
+which I used once or twice.
+00:13:48.220 --> 00:13:51.400
+Honestly, I use that so infrequently
+00:13:51.400 --> 00:13:54.840
+that I have to go back to the Emacs manual
+00:13:54.840 --> 00:13:57.739
+and figure it out each time, and figure out again
+00:13:57.740 --> 00:13:59.880
+how I did that the last time.
+00:13:59.880 --> 00:14:02.000
+But since I do it only once
+00:14:02.000 --> 00:14:06.679
+every three or four months, it's not a problem.
+00:14:06.680 --> 00:14:11.519
+So I'm not going to go over that today.
+00:14:11.520 --> 00:14:16.479
+That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
+00:14:16.480 --> 00:14:19.974
+Again, the code that I wrote, this specific approach
+00:14:19.974 --> 00:14:24.279
+is not really what I'm recommending.
+00:14:24.280 --> 00:14:31.160
+But here it is if you really do want to use it.
+00:14:31.160 --> 00:14:36.239
+Maybe I can make a link to the URL
+00:14:36.240 --> 00:14:40.059
+and share that in the chat room or something.
+00:14:40.060 --> 00:14:46.759
+But I consider this to be trivial code.
+00:14:46.760 --> 00:14:49.799
+So just use that if you want to use it.
+00:14:49.800 --> 00:14:53.440
+I should be signing off here now.
+00:14:53.440 --> 00:14:58.259
+I should be in the chat room, in the IRC chat room,
+00:14:58.260 --> 00:15:01.920
+or you can reach out to me by email if you'd like.
+00:15:01.920 --> 00:15:04.320
+Thank you very much.
diff --git a/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-unentangling--unentangling-projects-and-repos--alexey-bochkarev--main.vtt b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-unentangling--unentangling-projects-and-repos--alexey-bochkarev--main.vtt
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+00:00.000 --> 00:04.000
+Hello, I'm Alexey Bychkadov, and I'm talking about
+00:04.000 --> 00:07.000
+unentangling projects and repositories,
+00:07.000 --> 00:10.000
+or maybe entangling them, depending on how you look at that.
+00:12.000 --> 00:15.000
+So that's going to be a short workflow note.
+00:15.000 --> 00:19.000
+I work as a researcher,
+00:19.000 --> 00:23.000
+so there are three main components to my work, I guess.
+00:23.000 --> 00:27.000
+First, I think, so I try to come up with new ideas,
+00:27.000 --> 00:31.000
+and that usually results in some collection of notes I have.
+00:31.000 --> 00:35.000
+Second, I try things out, so it usually means that I write code.
+00:35.000 --> 00:39.000
+And third, I communicate, so I prepare papers,
+00:39.000 --> 00:43.000
+presentations, memos, and so on and so forth.
+00:43.000 --> 00:47.000
+And so the workflow problem I had is
+00:47.000 --> 00:51.000
+sometimes all this does not really fit
+00:51.000 --> 00:55.000
+into a concept of a single repository per project,
+00:55.000 --> 00:59.000
+so I might want to have, for example,
+00:59.000 --> 01:03.000
+a source code in one repository, and then I would like to have a paper
+01:03.000 --> 01:07.000
+in another one, and then I want to have a collection of notes somewhere
+01:07.000 --> 01:11.000
+unrelated to those two. And yeah,
+01:11.000 --> 01:15.000
+Emacs is pretty good at supporting your workflows, and I figured I should
+01:15.000 --> 01:19.000
+share what I use and what works for me.
+01:19.000 --> 01:23.000
+01:23.000 --> 01:27.000
+from the technical perspective, things are
+01:27.000 --> 01:31.000
+pretty easy, so I use a collection of pretty standard components
+01:31.000 --> 01:35.000
+of Emacs, so it's a projectile org-mode with its capture templates and other
+01:35.000 --> 01:39.000
+things. Then I sustain a collection of notes in something
+01:39.000 --> 01:43.000
+that is called org-roam, which is, well, essentially, it's a glorified
+01:43.000 --> 01:47.000
+collection of org-mode files. Then I use directory
+01:47.000 --> 01:51.000
+local variables, maybe a ctext to jump through the source code,
+01:51.000 --> 01:55.000
+and very, very little Elisp glue to make this
+01:55.000 --> 01:59.000
+all work, but that's not really rocket science.
+01:59.000 --> 02:03.000
+So that's the workflow I would like to talk about today.
+02:03.000 --> 02:07.000
+So, what I mean by all that,
+02:07.000 --> 02:11.000
+it's pretty straightforward to make
+02:11.000 --> 02:15.000
+it easy to jump around a single repository in Emacs.
+02:15.000 --> 02:19.000
+Now, I have Doom Emacs, but that's not really specific to Doom.
+02:19.000 --> 02:23.000
+That'll work in any Emacs configuration.
+02:23.000 --> 02:27.000
+Well, kbindings might be
+02:27.000 --> 02:31.000
+different, but that's not the point, I guess, for the workflow. So, if I hit space
+02:31.000 --> 02:35.000
+two times, I have all the list of files within my project.
+02:35.000 --> 02:39.000
+So, if I create a couple of custom shortcuts,
+02:39.000 --> 02:43.000
+so if I press a magic button,
+02:43.000 --> 02:47.000
+hyperlp, don't worry about hyperkey, so I want it to have a
+02:47.000 --> 02:51.000
+modifier key all to myself, so that would, no program
+02:51.000 --> 02:55.000
+on my computer would use that except Emacs, and Emacs would
+02:55.000 --> 02:59.000
+use that only when I tell it to, so I have a hyperkey instead of caps lock, that's pretty easy
+02:59.000 --> 03:03.000
+to do in GNU Linux system. So,
+03:03.000 --> 03:07.000
+when I press this magic keys, I have a menu that's a normal
+03:07.000 --> 03:11.000
+kbinding, yeah, essentially in Emacs, and
+03:11.000 --> 03:15.000
+if I hit, for example, R, I end up in a readme file within
+03:15.000 --> 03:19.000
+this specific repository I was sitting in, right, so if I want to document something
+03:19.000 --> 03:23.000
+real quick, I go to the readme file. Then I could have, I could
+03:23.000 --> 03:27.000
+go to a changelog file, right, so I have a list of changes
+03:27.000 --> 03:31.000
+and the way it works, usually, for example, if I'm working on some code,
+03:31.000 --> 03:35.000
+I created a couple of dummy files in there, so
+03:35.000 --> 03:39.000
+I'm working on some code, and then I implemented something, and I can
+03:39.000 --> 03:43.000
+just use the org mode capture
+03:43.000 --> 03:47.000
+mechanisms to keep track of what
+03:47.000 --> 03:51.000
+I want to discuss with colleagues next time, for example, I could just hit
+03:51.000 --> 03:55.000
+capture repo specific changelog entry
+03:55.000 --> 03:59.000
+and I implemented a feature
+03:59.000 --> 04:03.000
+and I can continue working
+04:03.000 --> 04:07.000
+without this context switching, and then if I want to go to the changelog,
+04:07.000 --> 04:11.000
+well, it is there, and next time I talk
+04:11.000 --> 04:15.000
+to the colleagues about the source code, I can open the changelog and go through entries one by one
+04:15.000 --> 04:19.000
+and discuss what I have implemented last time.
+04:19.000 --> 04:23.000
+I could go to project specific
+04:23.000 --> 04:27.000
+to, sorry, to repo specific to-do list, and I have
+04:27.000 --> 04:31.000
+a list of to-dos that would live within a repository, and
+04:31.000 --> 04:35.000
+for example, I could have a high-level structure here,
+04:35.000 --> 04:39.000
+work distribution between team members and other things that sort of face
+04:39.000 --> 04:43.000
+the world, so to speak, and of course,
+04:43.000 --> 04:47.000
+there are very many ways to jump through the source code conveniently,
+04:47.000 --> 04:51.000
+I ended up not using language servers, I used a special program called
+04:51.000 --> 04:55.000
+ctags, and so the way it works is just I call
+04:55.000 --> 04:59.000
+projectile regenerate tags, and it creates the special
+04:59.000 --> 05:03.000
+tags file within the repository,
+05:03.000 --> 05:07.000
+and then I can, again, run
+05:07.000 --> 05:11.000
+I usually just hit a single keystroke,
+05:11.000 --> 05:15.000
+and here is all the symbols that are there in my
+05:15.000 --> 05:19.000
+source code, regardless of the language, right, so I can jump to the main function
+05:19.000 --> 05:23.000
+and that'll be a C++ file, or I could go to the super function, which I
+05:23.000 --> 05:27.000
+had in my Python file, and this comes in pretty convenient if I have
+05:27.000 --> 05:31.000
+a mixture of languages, so sometimes I can have some algorithm-specific code
+05:31.000 --> 05:35.000
+in Julia, and then I can have some Python glue within the same
+05:35.000 --> 05:39.000
+source code repository, and it makes it really convenient to jump
+05:39.000 --> 05:43.000
+between all of those, right,
+05:43.000 --> 05:47.000
+but I have a few problems here,
+05:47.000 --> 05:51.000
+just to give you a little bit of context, for example, here is the
+05:51.000 --> 05:55.000
+a real project that corresponds to a real paper,
+05:55.000 --> 05:59.000
+I have a single note about that project,
+05:59.000 --> 06:03.000
+where I keep all the things related to that project here, but that's a private
+06:03.000 --> 06:07.000
+note, so for example, again, I hit a special key that
+06:07.000 --> 06:11.000
+invokes my org-roam function that gives me a menu of my
+06:11.000 --> 06:15.000
+notes, and so here is the paper,
+06:15.000 --> 06:19.000
+essentially, and I can have a paper timeline, and I can
+06:19.000 --> 06:23.000
+have a list of all the dates, what happened to the paper, with links
+06:23.000 --> 06:27.000
+to my email, right, so for example, if I hit this link,
+06:27.000 --> 06:31.000
+that'll open a specific email, and that doesn't work outside of my
+06:31.000 --> 06:35.000
+computer, it doesn't make any sense to keep it in the outer world-facing
+06:35.000 --> 06:39.000
+repository, for example, so that's something to myself, right, sometimes I want
+06:39.000 --> 06:43.000
+to have, like, this list of
+06:43.000 --> 06:47.000
+working notes, right, that contain, like, for example,
+06:47.000 --> 06:51.000
+I might produce this kind of things for internal discussion, right,
+06:51.000 --> 06:55.000
+it has some marks, it has some margin notes, and things like that,
+06:55.000 --> 06:59.000
+maybe, again, health-based ideas that may or may not end up
+06:59.000 --> 07:03.000
+in a repository, in a final paper, or in a source code,
+07:03.000 --> 07:07.000
+but still I want to have it somewhere, and
+07:07.000 --> 07:11.000
+well, long story short, I need a project folder
+07:11.000 --> 07:15.000
+that would be unrelated to the source code, or
+07:15.000 --> 07:19.000
+to the source code repository, or to the paper itself,
+07:19.000 --> 07:23.000
+or a final report, right, and one way,
+07:23.000 --> 07:27.000
+as usual, there are multiple ways to achieve that, I suppose, and one way to do that
+07:27.000 --> 07:31.000
+is, so, I create
+07:31.000 --> 07:35.000
+a special folder within my org-roam
+07:35.000 --> 07:39.000
+storage, so it's a special folder outside of any
+07:39.000 --> 07:43.000
+repositories that got backed up to my hard drive, with
+07:43.000 --> 07:47.000
+certain redundancy, but I don't really need, like, version control, full-blown
+07:47.000 --> 07:51.000
+version control for that, I'm okay with just having a couple of backups, right, so
+07:51.000 --> 07:55.000
+this is the folder you see here, so pkb stands for personal knowledge
+07:55.000 --> 07:59.000
+base, and I have a folder, project notes in there, right, so
+07:59.000 --> 08:03.000
+and, how does it work, so I have a
+08:03.000 --> 08:07.000
+folder per project in there, essentially, and here I can
+08:07.000 --> 08:11.000
+have all the stuff that is, that kind of belongs to me, and I
+08:11.000 --> 08:15.000
+do not publish it anywhere, and then
+08:15.000 --> 08:19.000
+for example, a source code
+08:19.000 --> 08:23.000
+repository knows about that folder, and a paper repository
+08:23.000 --> 08:27.000
+knows about that folder, and anything else that might live in separate
+08:27.000 --> 08:31.000
+places all over my system can know about that folder, and how do I achieve that,
+08:31.000 --> 08:35.000
+well, essentially, this is one of the use cases for the directory
+08:35.000 --> 08:39.000
+local variables, right, so, for example,
+08:39.000 --> 08:43.000
+how does it work from the user perspective, so if I hit a special
+08:43.000 --> 08:47.000
+key, oh, sorry, if I hit a special key
+08:47.000 --> 08:51.000
+that would be open project
+08:51.000 --> 08:55.000
+and then, for example,
+08:55.000 --> 08:59.000
+org mode file, right, so this is my personal notes about the emacs conf, not
+08:59.000 --> 09:03.000
+specifically about this very talk, but I can have, you know,
+09:03.000 --> 09:07.000
+half-baked ideas here, again, presentation tools, and things like that,
+09:07.000 --> 09:11.000
+and how does that happen if we try to
+09:11.000 --> 09:15.000
+look at the code, the elisp magic here, what
+09:15.000 --> 09:19.000
+is happening is, it's just a couple lines of code, in fact, so
+09:19.000 --> 09:23.000
+let me just press control, help
+09:23.000 --> 09:27.000
+key, and so the key I was
+09:27.000 --> 09:31.000
+pressing is open project org mode file, and so
+09:31.000 --> 09:35.000
+what we see here, there is a single, so it's just a call to a find
+09:35.000 --> 09:39.000
+file function, so I open that file, and there is a special function that
+09:39.000 --> 09:43.000
+figures out what is the, like, umbrella
+09:43.000 --> 09:47.000
+project notes file, and that's, again, that's very easy, so
+09:47.000 --> 09:51.000
+essentially, if a variable describing this
+09:51.000 --> 09:55.000
+the name for that project is defined, then
+09:55.000 --> 09:59.000
+I use that as my project folder name, if not, I take the project name from the
+09:59.000 --> 10:03.000
+project towel, and well, that's pretty much it,
+10:03.000 --> 10:07.000
+and how do I define this
+10:07.000 --> 10:11.000
+variable is, essentially, there is this
+10:11.000 --> 10:15.000
+magical file in a folder called dear locals elisp,
+10:15.000 --> 10:19.000
+and I just put it there, and then, whenever I
+10:19.000 --> 10:23.000
+go into that folder, or any of its children folders, I get this
+10:23.000 --> 10:27.000
+variable defined, and that's pretty much it, that's how
+10:27.000 --> 10:31.000
+it works for me.
+10:31.000 --> 10:35.000
+I guess one thing that I wanted to emphasize
+10:35.000 --> 10:39.000
+specifically about that is, of course, it's
+10:39.000 --> 10:43.000
+time tracking, right, so what I find especially important when I work in
+10:43.000 --> 10:47.000
+something, and I want to clock time, I usually do not want
+10:47.000 --> 10:51.000
+this information to be in a source code repository or in a paper repository
+10:51.000 --> 10:55.000
+because other people I work with will not be particularly happy about that
+10:55.000 --> 10:59.000
+especially if most of them do not use Emacs, and they will see
+10:59.000 --> 11:03.000
+this long list of org clocked data, and that doesn't look
+11:03.000 --> 11:07.000
+nice in a plain text format, so what I usually
+11:07.000 --> 11:11.000
+do if I want to clock in some time, and then later analyze what I've
+11:11.000 --> 11:15.000
+been spending time on, so I go to my org mode file
+11:15.000 --> 11:19.000
+and I go to my current project
+11:19.000 --> 11:23.000
+to-dos, and I clock in there, and that's
+11:23.000 --> 11:27.000
+how it works, so again
+11:27.000 --> 11:31.000
+what comes in handy if I hit ctrl-o, I just go
+11:31.000 --> 11:35.000
+back to the file I jumped from, so that's also
+11:35.000 --> 11:39.000
+pretty handy, so again, no rocket science in there
+11:39.000 --> 11:43.000
+so I create a directory local variable that helps me
+11:43.000 --> 11:47.000
+to figure out what umbrella project does
+11:47.000 --> 11:51.000
+this particular folder belongs to, and this way
+11:51.000 --> 11:55.000
+I make Emacs aware of, for example, facts like so this
+11:55.000 --> 11:59.000
+source code belongs to that project, and this repository with the paper
+11:59.000 --> 12:03.000
+also belongs to that project, and I can have capture templates
+12:03.000 --> 12:07.000
+that would save my notes into my private notes
+12:07.000 --> 12:11.000
+file, and my to-dos go to my private note files
+12:11.000 --> 12:15.000
+and so on and so forth, so I find it pretty simple, but
+12:15.000 --> 12:19.000
+that really helps to reduce this context
+12:19.000 --> 12:23.000
+switching, and I don't believe it allows me to save time
+12:23.000 --> 12:27.000
+but that probably helps me to stay focused, and this
+12:27.000 --> 12:31.000
+is what is really important, I believe, so thank you
+12:31.000 --> 12:35.000
+very much, and if you have any comments or suggestions to that, please do jump
+12:35.000 --> 12:39.000
+into the discussion, yeah, after the talk, thank you.