path: root/2022
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+00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:07.879
+What is D-Bus?
+00:01:07.880 --> 00:01:45.359
+Why D-Bus?
+00:01:45.360 --> 00:02:55.359
+The D-Bus Model
+00:02:55.360 --> 00:03:19.999
+Well-known Busses
+00:03:20.000 --> 00:04:06.239
+Common interfaces
+00:04:06.240 --> 00:05:09.319
+Emacs Native D-Bus
+00:05:09.320 --> 00:05:23.879
+00:05:23.880 --> 00:06:13.439
+Debase: Objects
+00:06:13.440 --> 00:06:51.079
+Debase: Retarget objects
+00:06:51.080 --> 00:07:12.479
+Debase: Object binding
+00:07:12.480 --> 00:07:29.399
+Debase: Raw binding
+00:07:29.400 --> 00:08:14.199
+Debase: Codegen
+00:08:14.200 --> 00:09:08.679
+Debase: Codegen example
+00:09:08.680 --> 00:09:44.479
+Debase: ObjectManager
+00:09:44.480 --> 00:11:01.479
+Demo: Discomfort
+00:11:01.480 --> 00:13:16.279
+Demo: Remote eval
+00:13:16.280 --> 00:14:11.879
+Demo: Remote Org capture
+00:14:11.880 --> 00:15:07.320
+Future directions
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-dbus--the-wheels-on-dbus--ian-eure--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-dbus--the-wheels-on-dbus--ian-eure--main.vtt
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+WEBVTT captioned by sachac
+NOTE What is D-Bus?
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.879
+Welcome to my EmacsConf 2022 talk, The Wheels on D-Bus.
+00:00:04.880 --> 00:00:07.439
+In this talk, we'll cover what D-Bus is,
+00:00:07.440 --> 00:00:10.759
+why you might want to use it, and how to use it with Emacs.
+00:00:10.760 --> 00:00:13.679
+D-Bus is fundamentally based on passing messages
+00:00:13.680 --> 00:00:16.999
+in between processes, using the bus as a mediator.
+00:00:17.000 --> 00:00:20.599
+On top of this is built an RPC system with method invocation
+00:00:20.600 --> 00:00:22.799
+that has argument lists and return values,
+00:00:22.800 --> 00:00:25.479
+like you might find in any programming language.
+00:00:25.480 --> 00:00:27.839
+These are commonly used for verb-type actions
+00:00:27.840 --> 00:00:29.999
+like "restart my computer."
+00:00:30.000 --> 00:00:32.639
+You can also associate a collection of attributes
+00:00:32.640 --> 00:00:35.839
+with objects on the bus, and these are called properties.
+00:00:35.840 --> 00:00:39.839
+The properties can be read-only, write-only, or read-write.
+00:00:39.840 --> 00:00:43.159
+Signals are a way of notifying participants on the bus
+00:00:43.160 --> 00:00:45.999
+of updated state, and are the basis
+00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:47.799
+for building dynamic user interfaces
+00:00:47.800 --> 00:00:50.479
+that react to changes in the system.
+00:00:50.480 --> 00:00:52.759
+It has a static and strong type system,
+00:00:52.760 --> 00:00:55.359
+so if you send a message with the wrong type signature,
+00:00:55.360 --> 00:00:57.839
+it simply gets rejected instead of going through
+00:00:57.840 --> 00:00:59.599
+to the remote service.
+00:00:59.600 --> 00:01:02.319
+It also manages service life cycles,
+00:01:02.320 --> 00:01:04.399
+so you're not running services at all times.
+00:01:04.400 --> 00:01:07.879
+They can be started and stopped by D-Bus on demand.
+NOTE Why D-Bus?
+00:01:07.880 --> 00:01:10.519
+D-Bus has two major use cases.
+00:01:10.520 --> 00:01:13.359
+The first is acting as a lower-level substrate
+00:01:13.360 --> 00:01:14.679
+for higher-level programs,
+00:01:14.680 --> 00:01:16.919
+like a graphical desktop environment.
+00:01:16.920 --> 00:01:19.599
+For example, if you want to manage your network connectivity
+00:01:19.600 --> 00:01:21.239
+from your graphical environment,
+00:01:21.240 --> 00:01:23.919
+instead of having to build all of that from the ground up,
+00:01:23.920 --> 00:01:26.239
+you can rely on the D-Bus service to do that
+00:01:26.240 --> 00:01:28.679
+and only build the graphical component of it.
+00:01:28.680 --> 00:01:31.319
+This gives you consistency between desktop environments
+00:01:31.320 --> 00:01:33.799
+and reduces code duplication.
+00:01:33.800 --> 00:01:37.319
+Another application is automating desktop programs.
+00:01:37.320 --> 00:01:39.279
+If your program offers a D-Bus service,
+00:01:39.280 --> 00:01:40.959
+then it can be remote-controlled,
+00:01:40.960 --> 00:01:42.759
+and if all of your programs offer D-Bus,
+00:01:42.760 --> 00:01:45.359
+you can control your entire desktop.
+NOTE The D-Bus Model
+00:01:45.360 --> 00:01:48.559
+Let's look at the abstractions that D-Bus provides.
+00:01:48.560 --> 00:01:51.239
+The top level object is called a bus,
+00:01:51.240 --> 00:01:52.359
+and it's like a partition
+00:01:52.360 --> 00:01:54.919
+that messages get exchanged inside of.
+00:01:54.920 --> 00:01:57.279
+Messages don't cross buses.
+00:01:57.280 --> 00:01:59.559
+Inside of a bus are services.
+00:01:59.560 --> 00:02:03.159
+Services are normally identified in reverse FQDN order,
+00:02:03.160 --> 00:02:06.159
+so org.foobar.FooService.
+00:02:06.160 --> 00:02:08.599
+Each service provides some set of features
+00:02:08.600 --> 00:02:11.759
+related to a particular area of functionality.
+00:02:11.760 --> 00:02:14.439
+Inside of each service are objects.
+00:02:14.440 --> 00:02:16.599
+Objects use a path notation,
+00:02:16.600 --> 00:02:19.759
+and usually follow the same reverse FQDN format
+00:02:19.760 --> 00:02:21.959
+as the service identifier.
+00:02:21.960 --> 00:02:24.879
+Each object has one or more interfaces.
+00:02:24.880 --> 00:02:27.279
+An interface is like a facet that you can use
+00:02:27.280 --> 00:02:29.479
+to interact with an object,
+00:02:29.480 --> 00:02:32.239
+and inside of the interface are properties, methods,
+00:02:32.240 --> 00:02:33.999
+and signals, which we covered before.
+00:02:34.000 --> 00:02:37.039
+Properties are attributes that can be read or written.
+00:02:37.040 --> 00:02:40.239
+Methods are verbs that you can call to invoke an action,
+00:02:40.240 --> 00:02:43.319
+and a signal is something that's used to move state
+00:02:43.320 --> 00:02:47.239
+in between a service and another participant on the bus.
+00:02:47.240 --> 00:02:49.599
+There can be any number of interfaces on an object,
+00:02:49.600 --> 00:02:51.479
+any number of objects in a service,
+00:02:51.480 --> 00:02:53.439
+and any number of services on a bus,
+00:02:53.440 --> 00:02:55.359
+and any number of buses on a system.
+NOTE Well-known Busses
+00:02:55.360 --> 00:03:00.039
+There are two well-known busses,
+00:03:00.040 --> 00:03:02.359
+and these roughly map to those two use cases
+00:03:02.360 --> 00:03:03.639
+I mentioned before.
+00:03:03.640 --> 00:03:06.479
+The system bus is for interfacing with hardware
+00:03:06.480 --> 00:03:08.439
+and operating-system-level concerns
+00:03:08.440 --> 00:03:11.679
+like disks, networks, and so forth.
+00:03:11.680 --> 00:03:14.319
+The session bus is tied to a user login,
+00:03:14.320 --> 00:03:19.999
+and is more in the desktop automation use case.
+NOTE Common interfaces
+00:03:20.000 --> 00:03:21.919
+There are some common interfaces you'll find
+00:03:21.920 --> 00:03:23.959
+if you go exploring D-Bus.
+00:03:23.960 --> 00:03:25.999
+The Introspectable interface is the basis
+00:03:26.000 --> 00:03:27.919
+of a lot of the reflection features.
+00:03:27.920 --> 00:03:30.119
+It has a single method called introspect
+00:03:30.120 --> 00:03:32.239
+that returns the XML interface description
+00:03:32.240 --> 00:03:33.399
+of whatever you call it on.
+00:03:33.400 --> 00:03:36.559
+Peer is used for lower level connectivity,
+00:03:36.560 --> 00:03:39.679
+for example, pinging a service to see if it's running.
+00:03:39.680 --> 00:03:41.759
+And the Properties interface is the basis
+00:03:41.760 --> 00:03:43.119
+of the read-write properties,
+00:03:43.120 --> 00:03:45.799
+which are secretly method calls under the cover.
+00:03:45.800 --> 00:03:48.519
+Just about every object you interact with on D-Bus
+00:03:48.520 --> 00:03:51.399
+will support all three of these interfaces.
+00:03:51.400 --> 00:03:54.759
+Additionally, ObjectManager is used for services
+00:03:54.760 --> 00:03:56.759
+that manage collections of objects.
+00:03:56.760 --> 00:03:59.839
+For example, the disk service has an object
+00:03:59.840 --> 00:04:01.279
+for each disk that's attached,
+00:04:01.280 --> 00:04:02.799
+and the object manager allows you
+00:04:02.800 --> 00:04:06.239
+to enumerate all of those.
+NOTE Emacs Native D-Bus
+00:04:06.240 --> 00:04:10.359
+Emacs supports D-Bus natively since version 23.1.
+00:04:10.360 --> 00:04:12.119
+It's a combination of native bindings
+00:04:12.120 --> 00:04:14.639
+with a C library and dbus.el.
+00:04:14.640 --> 00:04:17.559
+While there are some ports of D-Bus
+00:04:17.560 --> 00:04:19.479
+to non-Linux operating systems,
+00:04:19.480 --> 00:04:22.039
+it's probably only available on Linux
+00:04:22.040 --> 00:04:24.439
+and almost certainly only usable on Linux.
+00:04:24.440 --> 00:04:28.919
+If you want to interact with D-Bus from Emacs,
+00:04:28.920 --> 00:04:30.079
+it's fairly straightforward.
+00:04:30.080 --> 00:04:33.199
+There's a collection of functions like `dbus-get-property'
+00:04:33.200 --> 00:04:35.039
+or `dbus-call-method', et cetera,
+00:04:35.040 --> 00:04:37.639
+and they almost all take this same set
+00:04:37.640 --> 00:04:39.319
+of four arguments at the beginning:
+00:04:39.320 --> 00:04:42.119
+bus, service, path, and interface.
+00:04:42.120 --> 00:04:45.439
+In this case, it takes a single additional property,
+00:04:45.440 --> 00:04:46.599
+which is the one to read.
+00:04:46.600 --> 00:04:49.679
+And what we're calling is the hostname1 service,
+00:04:49.680 --> 00:04:51.519
+which gives you just a little bit of information
+00:04:51.520 --> 00:04:54.759
+about the system, like its hostname or its chassis.
+00:04:54.760 --> 00:04:56.199
+And in this case, you can see I'm running
+00:04:56.200 --> 00:04:57.719
+this presentation off my laptop.
+00:04:57.720 --> 00:05:00.959
+The problem with this and what I don't like about it
+00:05:00.960 --> 00:05:04.599
+is that all of these identifiers are very verbose
+00:05:04.600 --> 00:05:05.719
+and very repetitive.
+00:05:05.720 --> 00:05:07.679
+And if you end up calling these a lot,
+00:05:07.680 --> 00:05:09.319
+it gets old really quickly.
+NOTE Debase
+00:05:09.320 --> 00:05:12.999
+So I wrote a wrapper called Debase,
+00:05:13.000 --> 00:05:15.839
+which is convenience on top of the built-in functions.
+00:05:15.840 --> 00:05:18.839
+Most of the stock functions have Debase versions
+00:05:18.840 --> 00:05:21.519
+just by replacing "dbus" with "debase".
+00:05:21.520 --> 00:05:23.879
+And let's look how that works.
+NOTE Debase: Objects
+00:05:23.880 --> 00:05:27.999
+The fundamental idea of Debase is that you can bind together
+00:05:28.000 --> 00:05:30.319
+all of those arguments into a single object
+00:05:30.320 --> 00:05:31.559
+that represents the endpoint.
+00:05:31.560 --> 00:05:35.599
+This is an EIEIO class, and it takes keyword arguments,
+00:05:35.600 --> 00:05:36.879
+so there's never any chance
+00:05:36.880 --> 00:05:38.559
+of mixing up which thing is what.
+00:05:38.560 --> 00:05:41.479
+So this sets the endpoint to that object,
+00:05:41.480 --> 00:05:43.119
+calls `debase-get-property' on it,
+00:05:43.120 --> 00:05:45.039
+and you can see it works exactly the same.
+00:05:45.040 --> 00:05:47.359
+The thing that's really nice about this, though,
+00:05:47.360 --> 00:05:50.199
+is it knows that so many of these arguments
+00:05:50.200 --> 00:05:52.919
+are very similar that it can compute most of them
+00:05:52.920 --> 00:05:54.279
+if you don't provide them all.
+00:05:54.280 --> 00:05:57.159
+So if you just say service, it will assume
+00:05:57.160 --> 00:05:59.159
+that you want the same object that matches
+00:05:59.160 --> 00:06:00.879
+and the same interface that matches,
+00:06:00.880 --> 00:06:02.319
+and it works just the same.
+00:06:02.320 --> 00:06:04.879
+I find this very, very convenient.
+00:06:04.880 --> 00:06:07.239
+You can also reuse the object
+00:06:07.240 --> 00:06:09.159
+instead of having to repeat every argument
+00:06:09.160 --> 00:06:10.399
+with every function call,
+00:06:10.400 --> 00:06:13.439
+which is a really great improvement in ergonomics.
+NOTE Debase: Retarget objects
+00:06:13.440 --> 00:06:18.119
+Because so many objects have multiple interfaces,
+00:06:18.120 --> 00:06:20.319
+you often find yourself needing to look
+00:06:20.320 --> 00:06:22.479
+at a different aspect of that object.
+00:06:22.480 --> 00:06:26.599
+This is supported with the built-in EIEIO `clone' method,
+00:06:26.600 --> 00:06:28.279
+which takes an object
+00:06:28.280 --> 00:06:30.439
+and a set of keyword arguments to replace.
+00:06:30.440 --> 00:06:32.599
+So in this case, we can see we're calling
+00:06:32.600 --> 00:06:33.479
+the Properties method,
+00:06:33.480 --> 00:06:35.799
+but everything else on that endpoint is the same.
+00:06:35.800 --> 00:06:38.079
+And then we're gonna call the method GetAll
+00:06:38.080 --> 00:06:39.359
+on that Properties interface,
+00:06:39.360 --> 00:06:41.119
+and it's going to return all the properties
+00:06:41.120 --> 00:06:43.919
+of the org.freedesktop.hostname1 interface
+00:06:43.920 --> 00:06:45.199
+inside of that object.
+00:06:45.200 --> 00:06:48.199
+And if we run that, we can see there's the hostname
+00:06:48.200 --> 00:06:50.159
+and some other information about the laptop
+00:06:50.160 --> 00:06:51.079
+that I'm running this on.
+NOTE Debase: Object binding
+00:06:51.080 --> 00:06:54.399
+Debase also supports object binding.
+00:06:54.400 --> 00:06:58.559
+This creates a lexical context in which the Debase object
+00:06:58.560 --> 00:07:01.119
+is the implicit target of any D-Bus function.
+00:07:01.120 --> 00:07:03.279
+This is really convenient if you need
+00:07:03.280 --> 00:07:06.479
+to fetch multiple properties or otherwise interact
+00:07:06.480 --> 00:07:09.319
+with the same endpoint in multiple different ways.
+00:07:09.320 --> 00:07:11.359
+And you can see I'm still on a laptop
+00:07:11.360 --> 00:07:12.479
+and it's still named meson.
+NOTE Debase: Raw binding
+00:07:12.480 --> 00:07:16.319
+You can also, if you don't want to use the object,
+00:07:16.320 --> 00:07:18.239
+you can provide the raw argument list.
+00:07:18.240 --> 00:07:20.919
+Under the covers, this is basically an `flet'
+00:07:20.920 --> 00:07:23.279
+where you're currying all of these functions
+00:07:23.280 --> 00:07:25.439
+so they start with those argument lists.
+00:07:25.440 --> 00:07:27.799
+And you can see I'm running on a Linux machine,
+00:07:27.800 --> 00:07:29.399
+which should not be surprising.
+NOTE Debase: Codegen
+00:07:29.400 --> 00:07:34.079
+Debase also has an experimental code generation feature.
+00:07:34.080 --> 00:07:38.359
+It outputs EIEIO code with one class per D-Bus interface.
+00:07:38.360 --> 00:07:41.079
+This includes accessors for all of its properties
+00:07:41.080 --> 00:07:44.159
+with an in-process cache, so if you read one property,
+00:07:44.160 --> 00:07:46.399
+you don't have to go back to the bus to read it again.
+00:07:46.400 --> 00:07:50.119
+It also outputs generic functions and method implementations
+00:07:50.120 --> 00:07:52.199
+for the D-Bus interface methods.
+00:07:52.200 --> 00:07:54.279
+It includes name-mangling options,
+00:07:54.280 --> 00:07:56.879
+so you can control how everything is named.
+00:07:56.880 --> 00:07:58.639
+And you can generate the code either
+00:07:58.640 --> 00:08:00.279
+via introspecting a live system
+00:08:00.280 --> 00:08:02.639
+or providing an XML interface description,
+00:08:02.640 --> 00:08:04.279
+which is handy if you want to use it
+00:08:04.280 --> 00:08:05.919
+as part of a non-interactive build.
+00:08:05.920 --> 00:08:08.159
+I think this has a lot of promise,
+00:08:08.160 --> 00:08:09.679
+but it doesn't feel quite right yet,
+00:08:09.680 --> 00:08:14.199
+so any feedback or contributions are very welcome.
+NOTE Debase: Codegen example
+00:08:14.200 --> 00:08:16.919
+Let's generate some Elisp code
+00:08:16.920 --> 00:08:19.639
+for that hostname1 service we were interacting with before.
+00:08:19.640 --> 00:08:23.119
+`debase-gen-class' is the generation class,
+00:08:23.120 --> 00:08:26.079
+and it says to create a class that matches this interface,
+00:08:26.080 --> 00:08:28.999
+named "hostname1", and then the rest of these arguments
+00:08:29.000 --> 00:08:30.999
+are the same ones to target the endpoint,
+00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:32.919
+just like with `debase-object',
+00:08:32.920 --> 00:08:34.759
+because it extends `debase-object'.
+00:08:34.760 --> 00:08:37.679
+`debase-gen-code' is a generic function
+00:08:37.680 --> 00:08:40.119
+that takes any `debase-gen' class.
+00:08:40.120 --> 00:08:42.279
+There are different classes for functions,
+00:08:42.280 --> 00:08:43.359
+properties, et cetera,
+00:08:43.360 --> 00:08:45.479
+and it creates all of the code for it.
+00:08:45.480 --> 00:08:48.279
+If we evaluate it, we can see the results
+00:08:48.280 --> 00:08:49.959
+look about like we would expect:
+00:08:49.960 --> 00:08:52.159
+creates a defclass named "hostname1",
+00:08:52.160 --> 00:08:53.879
+which extends `debase-object',
+00:08:53.880 --> 00:08:56.639
+has all of the slots and accessors defined,
+00:08:56.640 --> 00:08:59.319
+and then methods that define everything
+00:08:59.320 --> 00:09:01.839
+that you might want to do with it, including documentation.
+00:09:01.840 --> 00:09:04.759
+This is based on introspecting a running system,
+00:09:04.760 --> 00:09:05.479
+but as I mentioned,
+00:09:05.480 --> 00:09:08.039
+you can provide an XML interface description instead,
+00:09:08.040 --> 00:09:08.679
+if you like.
+NOTE Debase: ObjectManager
+00:09:08.680 --> 00:09:12.279
+Debase also comes with `debase-objectmanager',
+00:09:12.280 --> 00:09:15.399
+which is convenience for the D-Bus ObjectManager interface.
+00:09:15.400 --> 00:09:17.999
+This is used in a lot of places in D-Bus,
+00:09:18.000 --> 00:09:20.279
+where an object manages other objects.
+00:09:20.280 --> 00:09:22.719
+For example, the NetworkManager object
+00:09:22.720 --> 00:09:25.159
+manages network hardware objects,
+00:09:25.160 --> 00:09:26.879
+and using the ObjectManager interface,
+00:09:26.880 --> 00:09:28.879
+you can enumerate all of the network hardware,
+00:09:28.880 --> 00:09:31.039
+and by subscribing to the signals,
+00:09:31.040 --> 00:09:32.999
+you can be notified when they change.
+00:09:33.000 --> 00:09:35.999
+`debase-objectmanager' keeps a local cache,
+00:09:36.000 --> 00:09:38.119
+and will fire a callback on any change.
+00:09:38.120 --> 00:09:41.239
+So it's the building block for that dynamic user interface,
+00:09:41.240 --> 00:09:43.119
+like you would see in a desktop system,
+00:09:43.120 --> 00:09:44.479
+but inside of Emacs.
+NOTE Demo: Discomfort
+00:09:44.480 --> 00:09:47.759
+Let's do some demos.
+00:09:47.760 --> 00:09:51.039
+Discomfort is an interface I wrote for UDisks2,
+00:09:51.040 --> 00:09:53.719
+which is what manages all of the block device hardware.
+00:09:53.720 --> 00:09:57.679
+And again, it has that dynamic desktop-like interactivity,
+00:09:57.680 --> 00:10:00.279
+and mostly will just do what you mean.
+00:10:00.280 --> 00:10:03.519
+This is definitely alpha state.
+00:10:03.520 --> 00:10:04.839
+It doesn't have all the features,
+00:10:04.840 --> 00:10:06.559
+but it's good enough that I use it daily.
+00:10:06.560 --> 00:10:08.879
+So here's Discomfort,
+00:10:08.880 --> 00:10:11.679
+and you can see it has a list of all your hardware,
+00:10:11.680 --> 00:10:13.639
+what type it is, and where it's mounted.
+00:10:13.640 --> 00:10:16.199
+I have a little USB extension cable here,
+00:10:16.200 --> 00:10:17.679
+and I'm gonna plug in a disc,
+00:10:17.680 --> 00:10:19.319
+just to show you how this works.
+00:10:19.320 --> 00:10:21.079
+You can see when I plug it in,
+00:10:21.080 --> 00:10:22.399
+just a moment later,
+00:10:22.400 --> 00:10:24.439
+it shows up in that list, automatically.
+00:10:24.440 --> 00:10:25.719
+I don't have to press any key,
+00:10:25.720 --> 00:10:27.759
+I don't have to refresh it, it's just there.
+00:10:27.760 --> 00:10:29.519
+If I unplug it, it's gone.
+00:10:29.520 --> 00:10:30.719
+Plug it back in,
+00:10:30.720 --> 00:10:33.399
+and there it is.
+00:10:33.400 --> 00:10:35.239
+And you can see it's an encrypted volume.
+00:10:35.240 --> 00:10:37.279
+So in order to do anything with this,
+00:10:37.280 --> 00:10:38.679
+I'm going to have to supply a password.
+00:10:38.680 --> 00:10:41.759
+Just pressing Enter goes into the "do what I mean" mode,
+00:10:41.760 --> 00:10:43.519
+and it asks for the password.
+00:10:43.520 --> 00:10:46.599
+In this case, I've chosen the very secure password
+00:10:46.600 --> 00:10:47.559
+of "password".
+00:10:47.560 --> 00:10:51.199
+I hit Enter, and it unlocks it, and it mounts it,
+00:10:51.200 --> 00:10:53.319
+and it opens `dired' looking at it.
+00:10:53.320 --> 00:10:54.439
+And here's a little README.
+00:10:54.440 --> 00:10:55.559
+Let's see what it says.
+00:10:55.560 --> 00:10:58.559
+"Hello, EmacsConf."
+00:10:58.560 --> 00:11:01.479
+So that's my demo of discomfort.
+NOTE Demo: Remote eval
+00:11:01.480 --> 00:11:05.839
+In addition to acting as a client for D-Bus,
+00:11:05.840 --> 00:11:09.359
+Emacs can also offer services to other D-Bus clients.
+00:11:09.360 --> 00:11:11.959
+This is a really interesting opportunity
+00:11:11.960 --> 00:11:14.119
+because it allows many different programs
+00:11:14.120 --> 00:11:15.279
+to integrate with Emacs
+00:11:15.280 --> 00:11:17.679
+in ways that were previously very difficult.
+00:11:17.680 --> 00:11:20.239
+You can use this as an alternative to Emacs.
+00:11:20.240 --> 00:11:23.199
+The difference is D-Bus provides a full API,
+00:11:23.200 --> 00:11:24.999
+so instead of emacsclient being
+00:11:25.000 --> 00:11:26.679
+a sort of fire-and-forget system,
+00:11:26.680 --> 00:11:30.119
+you can actually get results back from the remote operation.
+00:11:30.120 --> 00:11:31.999
+So here's some code.
+00:11:32.000 --> 00:11:35.679
+Here's a `dbus-eval' function, which takes a string,
+00:11:35.680 --> 00:11:37.359
+reads it, and evaluates it,
+00:11:37.360 --> 00:11:39.359
+and returns whatever that value is.
+00:11:39.360 --> 00:11:41.839
+Then we have a `debase-bind' block
+00:11:41.840 --> 00:11:44.799
+that sets up an object on the session bus.
+00:11:44.800 --> 00:11:46.839
+Again, that's my user login bus.
+00:11:46.840 --> 00:11:49.559
+It offers this D-Bus service Emacs.
+00:11:49.560 --> 00:11:53.399
+This is a constant inside of the dbus.el package.
+00:11:53.400 --> 00:11:55.439
+And again, the path is a constant in there.
+00:11:55.440 --> 00:11:57.159
+And we're gonna create this interface,
+00:11:57.160 --> 00:12:02.519
+org.gnu.Emacs.Eval, and then register a method called Eval
+00:12:02.520 --> 00:12:04.759
+that calls that `dbus-eval' function.
+00:12:04.760 --> 00:12:08.119
+Pretty straightforward, only a handful of lines of code.
+00:12:08.120 --> 00:12:12.399
+To test this out, we're going to use the dbus-send utility.
+00:12:12.400 --> 00:12:15.399
+This is a command line program that interacts with D-Bus.
+00:12:15.400 --> 00:12:18.079
+We're going to tell it to wait for and print the reply,
+00:12:18.080 --> 00:12:20.999
+that the message should be sent to the session bus,
+00:12:21.000 --> 00:12:22.599
+that we're going to talk
+00:12:22.600 --> 00:12:25.639
+to the org.gnu.Emacs service on that bus,
+00:12:25.640 --> 00:12:30.879
+and the /org/gnu/Emacs object inside that service.
+00:12:30.880 --> 00:12:33.039
+On that object, we're gonna interact
+00:12:33.040 --> 00:12:35.999
+with the org.gnu.Emacs.Eval interface
+00:12:36.000 --> 00:12:37.639
+and call its Eval method.
+00:12:37.640 --> 00:12:40.639
+We're gonna call that method with a single string argument,
+00:12:40.640 --> 00:12:42.639
+which is indicated by the string prefix,
+00:12:42.640 --> 00:12:44.999
+and then a form to evaluate.
+00:12:45.000 --> 00:12:46.999
+I actually have to run this from a shell,
+00:12:47.000 --> 00:12:49.399
+because if I try using it in Org, it wedges.
+00:12:49.400 --> 00:12:51.959
+org-babel blocks waiting on completion,
+00:12:51.960 --> 00:12:54.519
+which blocks the D-Bus service from responding.
+00:12:54.520 --> 00:12:57.399
+I really wish Emacs was multi-threaded.
+00:12:57.400 --> 00:12:59.919
+But let's try it out.
+00:12:59.920 --> 00:13:02.719
+So if we run this, we can see that we get a return,
+00:13:02.720 --> 00:13:05.239
+and that's an unsigned integer of 32 bits
+00:13:05.240 --> 00:13:06.439
+with a value of 3.
+00:13:06.440 --> 00:13:09.959
+So like I was saying, this is really a two-way API
+00:13:09.960 --> 00:13:11.719
+where you can communicate back and forth
+00:13:11.720 --> 00:13:13.399
+between Emacs and another program.
+00:13:13.400 --> 00:13:14.959
+It's not just fire-and-forget.
+00:13:14.960 --> 00:13:16.279
+I think that's really cool.
+NOTE Demo: Remote Org capture
+00:13:16.280 --> 00:13:18.519
+Let's try another demo.
+00:13:18.520 --> 00:13:20.599
+What about a remote org-capture?
+00:13:20.600 --> 00:13:22.999
+What if you could trigger an org-capture
+00:13:23.000 --> 00:13:24.679
+from any program on your desktop?
+00:13:24.680 --> 00:13:26.239
+I think that would be pretty cool.
+00:13:26.240 --> 00:13:30.239
+And we can see, there it is.
+00:13:30.240 --> 00:13:38.919
+All right, I think I've got that one covered.
+00:13:38.920 --> 00:13:42.319
+So I do want to say that remote eval is probably a bad idea
+00:13:42.320 --> 00:13:43.479
+from a security perspective,
+00:13:43.480 --> 00:13:46.759
+but the point of this is some quick and dirty demonstrations
+00:13:46.760 --> 00:13:49.799
+of what can happen and to get people's imaginations flowing,
+00:13:49.800 --> 00:13:51.719
+because I think this is something
+00:13:51.720 --> 00:13:54.079
+that offers a lot of promise for Emacs.
+00:13:54.080 --> 00:13:57.799
+I think having a full-blown Emacs desktop environment
+00:13:57.800 --> 00:13:59.879
+where it can do all the things that a GNOME
+00:13:59.880 --> 00:14:02.759
+or a KDE environment can do is very exciting.
+00:14:02.760 --> 00:14:06.439
+And if you want to have a traditional GUI with Emacs
+00:14:06.440 --> 00:14:08.679
+as a more integrated participant of it,
+00:14:08.680 --> 00:14:11.879
+its service mechanism offers a lot of ability to do that.
+NOTE Future directions
+00:14:11.880 --> 00:14:15.999
+In the micro sense, I think there's a lot of improvements
+00:14:16.000 --> 00:14:19.279
+that can be made to either dbus.el or to dbase.
+00:14:19.280 --> 00:14:21.639
+The main one is handling of the type system.
+00:14:21.640 --> 00:14:25.839
+Lisp's dynamic type system doesn't mesh particularly well
+00:14:25.840 --> 00:14:28.799
+with the static strong type system that D-bus offers,
+00:14:28.800 --> 00:14:31.359
+and having some convenience to assist that
+00:14:31.360 --> 00:14:32.639
+would be very helpful.
+00:14:32.640 --> 00:14:35.319
+There's also some weird interfaces.
+00:14:35.320 --> 00:14:38.119
+For example, some things return identifiers
+00:14:38.120 --> 00:14:40.919
+as an array of integer code points instead of a string,
+00:14:40.920 --> 00:14:43.719
+and there should be a common way of handling that.
+00:14:43.720 --> 00:14:46.159
+I also think that the service support could be improved.
+00:14:46.160 --> 00:14:48.039
+Even though I gave the demo service,
+00:14:48.040 --> 00:14:50.479
+it's not really a great D-bus citizen
+00:14:50.480 --> 00:14:53.079
+because it doesn't offer that introspection mechanism,
+00:14:53.080 --> 00:14:55.919
+and so the actual methods are pretty much invisible
+00:14:55.920 --> 00:14:56.919
+to other participants,
+00:14:56.920 --> 00:15:00.079
+unless they already know that you're using Emacs.
+00:15:00.080 --> 00:15:01.799
+That's my talk.
+00:15:01.800 --> 00:15:02.559
+Thank you.
+00:15:02.560 --> 00:15:07.320
+You can find me on or on
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+<a name="dbus-mainVideo-transcript"></a>
+# Transcript
+[[!template new="1" text="""Welcome to my EmacsConf 2022 talk, The Wheels on D-Bus.""" start="00:00:00.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""In this talk, we'll cover what D-Bus is,""" start="00:00:04.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""why you might want to use it, and how to use it with Emacs.""" start="00:00:07.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""D-Bus is fundamentally based on passing messages""" start="00:00:10.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""in between processes, using the bus as a mediator.""" start="00:00:13.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""On top of this is built an RPC system with method invocation""" start="00:00:17.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that has argument lists and return values,""" start="00:00:20.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""like you might find in any programming language.""" start="00:00:22.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""These are commonly used for verb-type actions""" start="00:00:25.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""like &quot;restart my computer.&quot;""" start="00:00:27.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You can also associate a collection of attributes""" start="00:00:30.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with objects on the bus, and these are called properties.""" start="00:00:32.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The properties can be read-only, write-only, or read-write.""" start="00:00:35.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Signals are a way of notifying participants on the bus""" start="00:00:39.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of updated state, and are the basis""" start="00:00:43.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for building dynamic user interfaces""" start="00:00:46.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that react to changes in the system.""" start="00:00:47.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It has a static and strong type system,""" start="00:00:50.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so if you send a message with the wrong type signature,""" start="00:00:52.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it simply gets rejected instead of going through""" start="00:00:55.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to the remote service.""" start="00:00:57.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It also manages service life cycles,""" start="00:00:59.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so you're not running services at all times.""" start="00:01:02.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""They can be started and stopped by D-Bus on demand.""" start="00:01:04.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""D-Bus has two major use cases.""" start="00:01:07.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The first is acting as a lower-level substrate""" start="00:01:10.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for higher-level programs,""" start="00:01:13.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""like a graphical desktop environment.""" start="00:01:14.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""For example, if you want to manage your network connectivity""" start="00:01:16.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""from your graphical environment,""" start="00:01:19.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""instead of having to build all of that from the ground up,""" start="00:01:21.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you can rely on the D-Bus service to do that""" start="00:01:23.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and only build the graphical component of it.""" start="00:01:26.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This gives you consistency between desktop environments""" start="00:01:28.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and reduces code duplication.""" start="00:01:31.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Another application is automating desktop programs.""" start="00:01:33.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""If your program offers a D-Bus service,""" start="00:01:37.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""then it can be remote-controlled,""" start="00:01:39.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and if all of your programs offer D-Bus,""" start="00:01:40.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you can control your entire desktop.""" start="00:01:42.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Let's look at the abstractions that D-Bus provides.""" start="00:01:45.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The top level object is called a bus,""" start="00:01:48.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it's like a partition""" start="00:01:51.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that messages get exchanged inside of.""" start="00:01:52.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Messages don't cross buses.""" start="00:01:54.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Inside of a bus are services.""" start="00:01:57.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Services are normally identified in reverse FQDN order,""" start="00:01:59.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so org.foobar.FooService.""" start="00:02:03.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Each service provides some set of features""" start="00:02:06.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""related to a particular area of functionality.""" start="00:02:08.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Inside of each service are objects.""" start="00:02:11.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Objects use a path notation,""" start="00:02:14.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and usually follow the same reverse FQDN format""" start="00:02:16.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""as the service identifier.""" start="00:02:19.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Each object has one or more interfaces.""" start="00:02:21.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""An interface is like a facet that you can use""" start="00:02:24.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to interact with an object,""" start="00:02:27.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and inside of the interface are properties, methods,""" start="00:02:29.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and signals, which we covered before.""" start="00:02:32.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Properties are attributes that can be read or written.""" start="00:02:34.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Methods are verbs that you can call to invoke an action,""" start="00:02:37.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and a signal is something that's used to move state""" start="00:02:40.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""in between a service and another participant on the bus.""" start="00:02:43.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""There can be any number of interfaces on an object,""" start="00:02:47.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""any number of objects in a service,""" start="00:02:49.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and any number of services on a bus,""" start="00:02:51.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and any number of buses on a system.""" start="00:02:53.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""There are two well-known busses,""" start="00:02:55.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and these roughly map to those two use cases""" start="00:03:00.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I mentioned before.""" start="00:03:02.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The system bus is for interfacing with hardware""" start="00:03:03.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and operating-system-level concerns""" start="00:03:06.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""like disks, networks, and so forth.""" start="00:03:08.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The session bus is tied to a user login,""" start="00:03:11.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and is more in the desktop automation use case.""" start="00:03:14.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""There are some common interfaces you'll find""" start="00:03:20.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""if you go exploring D-Bus.""" start="00:03:21.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The Introspectable interface is the basis""" start="00:03:23.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of a lot of the reflection features.""" start="00:03:26.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It has a single method called introspect""" start="00:03:27.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that returns the XML interface description""" start="00:03:30.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of whatever you call it on.""" start="00:03:32.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Peer is used for lower level connectivity,""" start="00:03:33.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for example, pinging a service to see if it's running.""" start="00:03:36.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And the Properties interface is the basis""" start="00:03:39.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of the read-write properties,""" start="00:03:41.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which are secretly method calls under the cover.""" start="00:03:43.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Just about every object you interact with on D-Bus""" start="00:03:45.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""will support all three of these interfaces.""" start="00:03:48.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Additionally, ObjectManager is used for services""" start="00:03:51.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that manage collections of objects.""" start="00:03:54.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""For example, the disk service has an object""" start="00:03:56.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for each disk that's attached,""" start="00:03:59.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and the object manager allows you""" start="00:04:01.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to enumerate all of those.""" start="00:04:02.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Emacs supports D-Bus natively since version 23.1.""" start="00:04:06.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It's a combination of native bindings""" start="00:04:10.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with a C library and dbus.el.""" start="00:04:12.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""While there are some ports of D-Bus""" start="00:04:14.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to non-Linux operating systems,""" start="00:04:17.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it's probably only available on Linux""" start="00:04:19.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and almost certainly only usable on Linux.""" start="00:04:22.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""If you want to interact with D-Bus from Emacs,""" start="00:04:24.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it's fairly straightforward.""" start="00:04:28.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""There's a collection of functions like `dbus-get-property'""" start="00:04:30.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or `dbus-call-method', et cetera,""" start="00:04:33.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and they almost all take this same set""" start="00:04:35.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of four arguments at the beginning:""" start="00:04:37.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""bus, service, path, and interface.""" start="00:04:39.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""In this case, it takes a single additional property,""" start="00:04:42.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is the one to read.""" start="00:04:45.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And what we're calling is the hostname1 service,""" start="00:04:46.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which gives you just a little bit of information""" start="00:04:49.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""about the system, like its hostname or its chassis.""" start="00:04:51.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And in this case, you can see I'm running""" start="00:04:54.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""this presentation off my laptop.""" start="00:04:56.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The problem with this and what I don't like about it""" start="00:04:57.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is that all of these identifiers are very verbose""" start="00:05:00.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and very repetitive.""" start="00:05:04.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And if you end up calling these a lot,""" start="00:05:05.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it gets old really quickly.""" start="00:05:07.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""So I wrote a wrapper called Debase,""" start="00:05:09.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is convenience on top of the built-in functions.""" start="00:05:13.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Most of the stock functions have Debase versions""" start="00:05:15.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just by replacing &quot;dbus&quot; with &quot;debase&quot;.""" start="00:05:18.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And let's look how that works.""" start="00:05:21.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""The fundamental idea of Debase is that you can bind together""" start="00:05:23.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""all of those arguments into a single object""" start="00:05:28.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that represents the endpoint.""" start="00:05:30.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is an EIEIO class, and it takes keyword arguments,""" start="00:05:31.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so there's never any chance""" start="00:05:35.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of mixing up which thing is what.""" start="00:05:36.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So this sets the endpoint to that object,""" start="00:05:38.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""calls `debase-get-property' on it,""" start="00:05:41.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and you can see it works exactly the same.""" start="00:05:43.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The thing that's really nice about this, though,""" start="00:05:45.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is it knows that so many of these arguments""" start="00:05:47.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""are very similar that it can compute most of them""" start="00:05:50.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""if you don't provide them all.""" start="00:05:52.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So if you just say service, it will assume""" start="00:05:54.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that you want the same object that matches""" start="00:05:57.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and the same interface that matches,""" start="00:05:59.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it works just the same.""" start="00:06:00.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I find this very, very convenient.""" start="00:06:02.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You can also reuse the object""" start="00:06:04.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""instead of having to repeat every argument""" start="00:06:07.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with every function call,""" start="00:06:09.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is a really great improvement in ergonomics.""" start="00:06:10.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Because so many objects have multiple interfaces,""" start="00:06:13.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you often find yourself needing to look""" start="00:06:18.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""at a different aspect of that object.""" start="00:06:20.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is supported with the built-in EIEIO `clone' method,""" start="00:06:22.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which takes an object""" start="00:06:26.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and a set of keyword arguments to replace.""" start="00:06:28.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So in this case, we can see we're calling""" start="00:06:30.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""the Properties method,""" start="00:06:32.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but everything else on that endpoint is the same.""" start="00:06:33.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And then we're gonna call the method GetAll""" start="00:06:35.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""on that Properties interface,""" start="00:06:38.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it's going to return all the properties""" start="00:06:39.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of the org.freedesktop.hostname1 interface""" start="00:06:41.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""inside of that object.""" start="00:06:43.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And if we run that, we can see there's the hostname""" start="00:06:45.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and some other information about the laptop""" start="00:06:48.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that I'm running this on.""" start="00:06:50.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Debase also supports object binding.""" start="00:06:51.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This creates a lexical context in which the Debase object""" start="00:06:54.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is the implicit target of any D-Bus function.""" start="00:06:58.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is really convenient if you need""" start="00:07:01.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to fetch multiple properties or otherwise interact""" start="00:07:03.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with the same endpoint in multiple different ways.""" start="00:07:06.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you can see I'm still on a laptop""" start="00:07:09.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it's still named meson.""" start="00:07:11.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""You can also, if you don't want to use the object,""" start="00:07:12.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you can provide the raw argument list.""" start="00:07:16.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Under the covers, this is basically an `flet'""" start="00:07:18.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""where you're currying all of these functions""" start="00:07:20.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so they start with those argument lists.""" start="00:07:23.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you can see I'm running on a Linux machine,""" start="00:07:25.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which should not be surprising.""" start="00:07:27.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Debase also has an experimental code generation feature.""" start="00:07:29.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It outputs EIEIO code with one class per D-Bus interface.""" start="00:07:34.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This includes accessors for all of its properties""" start="00:07:38.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with an in-process cache, so if you read one property,""" start="00:07:41.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you don't have to go back to the bus to read it again.""" start="00:07:44.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It also outputs generic functions and method implementations""" start="00:07:46.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for the D-Bus interface methods.""" start="00:07:50.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It includes name-mangling options,""" start="00:07:52.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so you can control how everything is named.""" start="00:07:54.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you can generate the code either""" start="00:07:56.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""via introspecting a live system""" start="00:07:58.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or providing an XML interface description,""" start="00:08:00.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is handy if you want to use it""" start="00:08:02.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""as part of a non-interactive build.""" start="00:08:04.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I think this has a lot of promise,""" start="00:08:05.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but it doesn't feel quite right yet,""" start="00:08:08.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so any feedback or contributions are very welcome.""" start="00:08:09.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Let's generate some Elisp code""" start="00:08:14.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for that hostname1 service we were interacting with before.""" start="00:08:16.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""`debase-gen-class' is the generation class,""" start="00:08:19.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it says to create a class that matches this interface,""" start="00:08:23.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""named &quot;hostname1&quot;, and then the rest of these arguments""" start="00:08:26.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""are the same ones to target the endpoint,""" start="00:08:29.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just like with `debase-object',""" start="00:08:31.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because it extends `debase-object'.""" start="00:08:32.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""`debase-gen-code' is a generic function""" start="00:08:34.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that takes any `debase-gen' class.""" start="00:08:37.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""There are different classes for functions,""" start="00:08:40.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""properties, et cetera,""" start="00:08:42.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it creates all of the code for it.""" start="00:08:43.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""If we evaluate it, we can see the results""" start="00:08:45.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""look about like we would expect:""" start="00:08:48.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""creates a defclass named &quot;hostname1&quot;,""" start="00:08:49.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which extends `debase-object',""" start="00:08:52.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""has all of the slots and accessors defined,""" start="00:08:53.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and then methods that define everything""" start="00:08:56.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that you might want to do with it, including documentation.""" start="00:08:59.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is based on introspecting a running system,""" start="00:09:01.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but as I mentioned,""" start="00:09:04.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you can provide an XML interface description instead,""" start="00:09:05.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""if you like.""" start="00:09:08.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Debase also comes with `debase-objectmanager',""" start="00:09:08.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is convenience for the D-Bus ObjectManager interface.""" start="00:09:12.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is used in a lot of places in D-Bus,""" start="00:09:15.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""where an object manages other objects.""" start="00:09:18.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""For example, the NetworkManager object""" start="00:09:20.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""manages network hardware objects,""" start="00:09:22.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and using the ObjectManager interface,""" start="00:09:25.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you can enumerate all of the network hardware,""" start="00:09:26.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and by subscribing to the signals,""" start="00:09:28.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you can be notified when they change.""" start="00:09:31.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""`debase-objectmanager' keeps a local cache,""" start="00:09:33.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and will fire a callback on any change.""" start="00:09:36.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So it's the building block for that dynamic user interface,""" start="00:09:38.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""like you would see in a desktop system,""" start="00:09:41.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but inside of Emacs.""" start="00:09:43.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Let's do some demos.""" start="00:09:44.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Discomfort is an interface I wrote for UDisks2,""" start="00:09:47.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is what manages all of the block device hardware.""" start="00:09:51.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And again, it has that dynamic desktop-like interactivity,""" start="00:09:53.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and mostly will just do what you mean.""" start="00:09:57.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is definitely alpha state.""" start="00:10:00.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It doesn't have all the features,""" start="00:10:03.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but it's good enough that I use it daily.""" start="00:10:04.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So here's Discomfort,""" start="00:10:06.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and you can see it has a list of all your hardware,""" start="00:10:08.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""what type it is, and where it's mounted.""" start="00:10:11.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I have a little USB extension cable here,""" start="00:10:13.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and I'm gonna plug in a disc,""" start="00:10:16.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just to show you how this works.""" start="00:10:17.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You can see when I plug it in,""" start="00:10:19.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just a moment later,""" start="00:10:21.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it shows up in that list, automatically.""" start="00:10:22.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I don't have to press any key,""" start="00:10:24.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I don't have to refresh it, it's just there.""" start="00:10:25.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""If I unplug it, it's gone.""" start="00:10:27.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Plug it back in,""" start="00:10:29.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and there it is.""" start="00:10:30.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you can see it's an encrypted volume.""" start="00:10:33.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So in order to do anything with this,""" start="00:10:35.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I'm going to have to supply a password.""" start="00:10:37.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Just pressing Enter goes into the &quot;do what I mean&quot; mode,""" start="00:10:38.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it asks for the password.""" start="00:10:41.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""In this case, I've chosen the very secure password""" start="00:10:43.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of &quot;password&quot;.""" start="00:10:46.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I hit Enter, and it unlocks it, and it mounts it,""" start="00:10:47.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and it opens `dired' looking at it.""" start="00:10:51.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And here's a little README.""" start="00:10:53.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Let's see what it says.""" start="00:10:54.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Hello, EmacsConf.&quot;""" start="00:10:55.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So that's my demo of discomfort.""" start="00:10:58.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""In addition to acting as a client for D-Bus,""" start="00:11:01.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Emacs can also offer services to other D-Bus clients.""" start="00:11:05.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is a really interesting opportunity""" start="00:11:09.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because it allows many different programs""" start="00:11:11.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to integrate with Emacs""" start="00:11:14.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""in ways that were previously very difficult.""" start="00:11:15.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You can use this as an alternative to Emacs.""" start="00:11:17.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The difference is D-Bus provides a full API,""" start="00:11:20.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""so instead of emacsclient being""" start="00:11:23.200" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""a sort of fire-and-forget system,""" start="00:11:25.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you can actually get results back from the remote operation.""" start="00:11:26.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So here's some code.""" start="00:11:30.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here's a `dbus-eval' function, which takes a string,""" start="00:11:32.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""reads it, and evaluates it,""" start="00:11:35.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and returns whatever that value is.""" start="00:11:37.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Then we have a `debase-bind' block""" start="00:11:39.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that sets up an object on the session bus.""" start="00:11:41.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Again, that's my user login bus.""" start="00:11:44.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It offers this D-Bus service Emacs.""" start="00:11:46.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is a constant inside of the dbus.el package.""" start="00:11:49.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And again, the path is a constant in there.""" start="00:11:53.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And we're gonna create this interface,""" start="00:11:55.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""org.gnu.Emacs.Eval, and then register a method called Eval""" start="00:11:57.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that calls that `dbus-eval' function.""" start="00:12:02.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Pretty straightforward, only a handful of lines of code.""" start="00:12:04.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""To test this out, we're going to use the dbus-send utility.""" start="00:12:08.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is a command line program that interacts with D-Bus.""" start="00:12:12.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""We're going to tell it to wait for and print the reply,""" start="00:12:15.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that the message should be sent to the session bus,""" start="00:12:18.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that we're going to talk""" start="00:12:21.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to the org.gnu.Emacs service on that bus,""" start="00:12:22.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and the /org/gnu/Emacs object inside that service.""" start="00:12:25.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""On that object, we're gonna interact""" start="00:12:30.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with the org.gnu.Emacs.Eval interface""" start="00:12:33.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and call its Eval method.""" start="00:12:36.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""We're gonna call that method with a single string argument,""" start="00:12:37.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is indicated by the string prefix,""" start="00:12:40.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and then a form to evaluate.""" start="00:12:42.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I actually have to run this from a shell,""" start="00:12:45.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because if I try using it in Org, it wedges.""" start="00:12:47.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""org-babel blocks waiting on completion,""" start="00:12:49.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which blocks the D-Bus service from responding.""" start="00:12:51.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I really wish Emacs was multi-threaded.""" start="00:12:54.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But let's try it out.""" start="00:12:57.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So if we run this, we can see that we get a return,""" start="00:12:59.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and that's an unsigned integer of 32 bits""" start="00:13:02.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with a value of 3.""" start="00:13:05.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So like I was saying, this is really a two-way API""" start="00:13:06.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""where you can communicate back and forth""" start="00:13:09.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""between Emacs and another program.""" start="00:13:11.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It's not just fire-and-forget.""" start="00:13:13.400" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I think that's really cool.""" start="00:13:14.960" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Let's try another demo.""" start="00:13:16.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""What about a remote org-capture?""" start="00:13:18.520" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""What if you could trigger an org-capture""" start="00:13:20.600" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""from any program on your desktop?""" start="00:13:23.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I think that would be pretty cool.""" start="00:13:24.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And we can see, there it is.""" start="00:13:26.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""All right, I think I've got that one covered.""" start="00:13:30.240" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So I do want to say that remote eval is probably a bad idea""" start="00:13:38.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""from a security perspective,""" start="00:13:42.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but the point of this is some quick and dirty demonstrations""" start="00:13:43.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of what can happen and to get people's imaginations flowing,""" start="00:13:46.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because I think this is something""" start="00:13:49.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that offers a lot of promise for Emacs.""" start="00:13:51.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I think having a full-blown Emacs desktop environment""" start="00:13:54.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""where it can do all the things that a GNOME""" start="00:13:57.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or a KDE environment can do is very exciting.""" start="00:13:59.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And if you want to have a traditional GUI with Emacs""" start="00:14:02.760" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""as a more integrated participant of it,""" start="00:14:06.440" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""its service mechanism offers a lot of ability to do that.""" start="00:14:08.680" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""In the micro sense, I think there's a lot of improvements""" start="00:14:11.880" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that can be made to either dbus.el or to dbase.""" start="00:14:16.000" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The main one is handling of the type system.""" start="00:14:19.280" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Lisp's dynamic type system doesn't mesh particularly well""" start="00:14:21.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with the static strong type system that D-bus offers,""" start="00:14:25.840" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and having some convenience to assist that""" start="00:14:28.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""would be very helpful.""" start="00:14:31.360" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""There's also some weird interfaces.""" start="00:14:32.640" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""For example, some things return identifiers""" start="00:14:35.320" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""as an array of integer code points instead of a string,""" start="00:14:38.120" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and there should be a common way of handling that.""" start="00:14:40.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I also think that the service support could be improved.""" start="00:14:43.720" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Even though I gave the demo service,""" start="00:14:46.160" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""it's not really a great D-bus citizen""" start="00:14:48.040" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because it doesn't offer that introspection mechanism,""" start="00:14:50.480" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and so the actual methods are pretty much invisible""" start="00:14:53.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to other participants,""" start="00:14:55.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""unless they already know that you're using Emacs.""" start="00:14:56.920" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That's my talk.""" start="00:15:00.080" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Thank you.""" start="00:15:01.800" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You can find me on or on""" start="00:15:02.560" video="mainVideo-dbus" id="subtitle"]]
+Captioner: sachac
Questions or comments? Please e-mail [](
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The following image shows where the talk is in the schedule for Sun 2022-12-04. Solid lines show talks with Q&A via BigBlueButton. Dashed lines show talks with Q&A via IRC or Etherpad.<div class="schedule-in-context schedule-svg-container" data-slug="dbus">
-<svg width="800" height="150" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title> Schedule for Sunday</title> <rect width="800" height="150" x="0" y="0" fill="white"></rect> <text font-size="10" fill="black" y="12" x="3"> Sunday</text> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-open" title="Sunday opening remarks" data-slug="sun-open"> <title> 9:00- 9:05 Sunday opening remarks</title> <rect x="0" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(5,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-open</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/survey" title="Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey" data-slug="survey"> <title> 9:05- 9:25 Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey</title> <rect x="7" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(36,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> survey</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgyear" title="This Year in Org" data-slug="orgyear"> <title> 9:35- 9:45 This Year in Org</title> <rect x="54" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(67,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgyear</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rolodex" title="Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex" data-slug="rolodex"> <title> 9:55-10:20 Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex</title> <rect x="86" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(123,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rolodex</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgsuperlinks" title="Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)" data-slug="orgsuperlinks"> <title> 10:40-10:50 Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)</title> <rect x="156" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(169,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgsuperlinks</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgvm" title="orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org" data-slug="orgvm"> <title> 11:10-11:20 orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org</title> <rect x="203" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(216,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgvm</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/hyperorg" title="Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode" data-slug="hyperorg"> <title> 1:00- 1:30 Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode</title> <rect x="376" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="47" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(421,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> hyperorg</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/workflows" title="Org workflows for developers" data-slug="workflows"> <title> 1:50- 2:15 Org workflows for developers</title> <rect x="454" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(491,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> workflows</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/grail" title="GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers" data-slug="grail"> <title> 2:35- 2:55 GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers</title> <rect x="525" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(554,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> grail</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/indieweb" title="Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb" data-slug="indieweb"> <title> 3:25- 3:45 Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb</title> <rect x="603" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(632,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> indieweb</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/devel" title="Emacs development updates" data-slug="devel"> <title> 4:05- 4:15 Emacs development updates</title> <rect x="666" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(679,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> devel</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/fanfare" title="Fanfare for the Common Emacs User" data-slug="fanfare"> <title> 4:25- 4:35 Fanfare for the Common Emacs User</title> <rect x="698" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(711,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> fanfare</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-close" title="Sunday closing remarks" data-slug="sun-close"> <title> 4:50- 5:00 Sunday closing remarks</title> <rect x="737" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(750,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-close</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rde" title="rde Emacs introduction" data-slug="rde"> <title> 10:00-10:25 rde Emacs introduction</title> <rect x="94" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(131,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rde</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/justl" title="justl: Driving recipes within Emacs" data-slug="justl"> <title> 10:50-11:05 justl: Driving recipes within Emacs</title> <rect x="172" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(193,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> justl</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rms" title="What I'd like to see in Emacs" data-slug="rms"> <title> 11:15-11:35 What I'd like to see in Emacs</title> <rect x="211" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(240,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rms</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/detached" title="Getting detached from Emacs" data-slug="detached"> <title> 1:00- 1:15 Getting detached from Emacs</title> <rect x="376" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(397,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> detached</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/eshell" title="Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell" data-slug="eshell"> <title> 1:40- 1:55 Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell</title> <rect x="439" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(460,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> eshell</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/async" title="Emacs was async before async was cool" data-slug="async"> <title> 2:20- 2:40 Emacs was async before async was cool</title> <rect x="501" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(530,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> async</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/dbus" title="The Wheels on D-Bus" data-slug="dbus"> <title> 3:15- 3:35 The Wheels on D-Bus</title> <rect stroke-width="3" x="588" y="75" opacity="0.8" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(617,133)"> <text font-weight="bold" fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> dbus</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/localizing" title="Pre-localizing Emacs" data-slug="localizing"> <title> 4:00- 4:10 Pre-localizing Emacs</title> <rect x="658" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(671,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> localizing</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/python" title="Short hyperlinks to Python docs" data-slug="python"> <title> 4:30- 4:35 Short hyperlinks to Python docs</title> <rect x="705" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(710,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> python</text></g></a> <g transform="translate(0,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 9 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(94,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 10 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(188,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 11 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(282,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 12 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(376,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 1 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(470,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 2 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(564,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 3 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(658,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 4 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(752,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 5 PM</text></g></svg>
+<svg width="800" height="150" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title> Schedule for Sunday</title> <rect width="800" height="150" x="0" y="0" fill="white"></rect> <text font-size="10" fill="black" y="12" x="3"> Sunday</text> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-open" title="Sunday opening remarks" data-slug="sun-open"> <title> 9:00- 9:05 Sunday opening remarks</title> <rect x="0" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(5,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-open</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/survey" title="Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey" data-slug="survey"> <title> 9:06- 9:26 Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey</title> <rect x="9" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(38,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> survey</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgyear" title="This Year in Org" data-slug="orgyear"> <title> 9:35- 9:45 This Year in Org</title> <rect x="54" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(67,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgyear</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rolodex" title="Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex" data-slug="rolodex"> <title> 9:57-10:22 Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex</title> <rect x="89" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(126,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rolodex</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgsuperlinks" title="Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)" data-slug="orgsuperlinks"> <title> 10:40-10:50 Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)</title> <rect x="156" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(169,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgsuperlinks</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/orgvm" title="orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org" data-slug="orgvm"> <title> 11:10-11:20 orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org</title> <rect x="203" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(216,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> orgvm</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/hyperorg" title="Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode" data-slug="hyperorg"> <title> 1:00- 1:30 Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode</title> <rect x="376" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="47" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(421,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> hyperorg</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/workflows" title="Org workflows for developers" data-slug="workflows"> <title> 1:50- 2:15 Org workflows for developers</title> <rect x="454" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(491,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> workflows</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/grail" title="GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers" data-slug="grail"> <title> 2:35- 2:55 GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers</title> <rect x="525" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(554,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> grail</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/indieweb" title="Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb" data-slug="indieweb"> <title> 3:25- 3:45 Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb</title> <rect x="603" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(632,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> indieweb</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/devel" title="Emacs development updates" data-slug="devel"> <title> 4:05- 4:15 Emacs development updates</title> <rect x="666" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(679,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> devel</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/fanfare" title="Fanfare for the Common Emacs User" data-slug="fanfare"> <title> 4:25- 4:35 Fanfare for the Common Emacs User</title> <rect x="698" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(711,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> fanfare</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/sun-close" title="Sunday closing remarks" data-slug="sun-close"> <title> 4:50- 5:00 Sunday closing remarks</title> <rect x="737" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(750,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-close</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rde" title="rde Emacs introduction" data-slug="rde"> <title> 10:00-10:25 rde Emacs introduction</title> <rect x="94" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="39" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(131,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rde</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/justl" title="justl: Driving recipes within Emacs" data-slug="justl"> <title> 10:50-11:05 justl: Driving recipes within Emacs</title> <rect x="172" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(193,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> justl</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/rms" title="What I'd like to see in Emacs" data-slug="rms"> <title> 11:15-11:35 What I'd like to see in Emacs</title> <rect x="211" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(240,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> rms</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/detached" title="Getting detached from Emacs" data-slug="detached"> <title> 1:01- 1:16 Getting detached from Emacs</title> <rect x="378" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(399,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> detached</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/eshell" title="Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell" data-slug="eshell"> <title> 1:40- 1:55 Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell</title> <rect x="439" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="23" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(460,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> eshell</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/async" title="Emacs was async before async was cool" data-slug="async"> <title> 2:20- 2:40 Emacs was async before async was cool</title> <rect x="501" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(530,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> async</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/dbus" title="The Wheels on D-Bus" data-slug="dbus"> <title> 3:15- 3:35 The Wheels on D-Bus</title> <rect stroke-width="3" x="588" y="75" opacity="0.8" width="31" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(617,133)"> <text font-weight="bold" fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> dbus</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/localizing" title="Pre-localizing Emacs" data-slug="localizing"> <title> 4:00- 4:10 Pre-localizing Emacs</title> <rect x="658" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="15" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(671,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> localizing</text></g></a> <a href="/2022/talks/python" title="Short hyperlinks to Python docs" data-slug="python"> <title> 4:30- 4:35 Short hyperlinks to Python docs</title> <rect x="705" y="75" opacity="0.5" width="7" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="skyblue"></rect> <g transform="translate(710,133)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> python</text></g></a> <g transform="translate(0,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 9 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(94,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 10 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(188,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 11 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(282,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 12 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(376,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 1 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(470,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 2 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(564,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 3 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(658,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 4 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(752,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 5 PM</text></g></svg>
[[!toc ]]
Format: 16-min talk followed by live Q&A (<>)
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-Status: Talk captioned
+Status: Now playing on the conference livestream
<div>Times in different timezones:</div><div class="times" start="2022-12-04T20:15:00Z" end="2022-12-04T20:35:00Z"><div class="conf-time">Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~3:15 PM - 3:35 PM EST (US/Eastern)</div><div class="others"><div>which is the same as:</div>Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~2:15 PM - 2:35 PM CST (US/Central)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~1:15 PM - 1:35 PM MST (US/Mountain)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~12:15 PM - 12:35 PM PST (US/Pacific)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~8:15 PM - 8:35 PM UTC <br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~9:15 PM - 9:35 PM CET (Europe/Paris)<br />Sunday, Dec 4 2022, ~10:15 PM - 10:35 PM EET (Europe/Athens)<br />Monday, Dec 5 2022, ~1:45 AM - 2:05 AM IST (Asia/Kolkata)<br />Monday, Dec 5 2022, ~4:15 AM - 4:35 AM +08 (Asia/Singapore)<br />Monday, Dec 5 2022, ~5:15 AM - 5:35 AM JST (Asia/Tokyo)</div></div><div><a href="/2022/watch/dev/">Find out how to watch and participate</a></div>
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+[[!template id="chapters" vidid="dbus-mainVideo" data="""
+00:00:00.000 What is D-Bus?
+01:07.880 Why D-Bus?
+01:45.360 The D-Bus Model
+02:55.360 Well-known Busses
+03:20.000 Common interfaces
+04:06.240 Emacs Native D-Bus
+05:09.320 Debase
+05:23.880 Debase: Objects
+06:13.440 Debase: Retarget objects
+06:51.080 Debase: Object binding
+07:12.480 Debase: Raw binding
+07:29.400 Debase: Codegen
+08:14.200 Debase: Codegen example
+09:08.680 Debase: ObjectManager
+09:44.480 Demo: Discomfort
+11:01.480 Demo: Remote eval
+13:16.280 Demo: Remote Org capture
+14:11.880 Future directions
# Description