path: root/2022/talks/
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diff --git a/2022/talks/ b/2022/talks/
index 634dca1e..e1a36bf0 100644
--- a/2022/talks/
+++ b/2022/talks/
@@ -15,6 +15,368 @@ We will play [Richard Stallman's 2014 TEDx video: "Free Sofware, Free Society"](
- [Why do we hack?](
+# Discussion
+## Notes
+- <>
+- <> (regarding reports of attacks against
+ him)
+- \"Free Software\": A similar point of view related to contributing
+ to gated web forums:
+ <>
+- \"Everything other than an Lispy language would be wrong for GNU
+ Emacs\" (paraphrased)
+- RMS wants an update to \"An Introduction to Programming in Emacs
+ Lisp\" to cover changes to Emacs such as lexical binding.
+- Names of packages should help you remember what this package does.
+ Omit pure word-plays. Stick to names that people will remember.
+- RMS wants to edit formatted documents within Emacs using WYSIWYG
+ (like with LibreOffice)
+- RMS wants to get back to the situation where browsers decided how a
+ web page is rendered. Less browser features that allow to control
+ the look by the web page providers.
+- RMS doesn\'t want to use packages that are not actually part of
+ Emacs (e.g., Magit). RMS is using VC and not git.
+- RMS: \"Happy hacking\"
+## Questions and answers
+- Q: Pragmatically, how are people that buy into these ideals, and
+ especially those that build the software, meant to live/thrive,
+ short of renouncing many of the luxuries of modern life, as many
+ have been struggling to reconcile both it appears. Wouldn\'t it be
+ smarter and more productive longer-term to solve that problem too?
+ - A: (answered on stream, will be copied later)
+- Q: I have been admiring your work for free software for many years
+ now. I am a bit concerned about what will happen to the GNU project
+ when you retire (not soon, I hope!!). Have you planned how to manage
+ the GNU project in the long run?
+ - A: (answering on stream, will be copied later)
+ - RMS: haven\'t found a way yet. We\'ll have to try again.
+- Q: In response to your aversion to JavaScript support in Emacs: In
+ the same way that to revolt against the nonfree spirit in software
+ development one has to develop software, and that to fight nonfree
+ compilers one has to write a free compiler - can you fairly consider
+ rejection of JavaScript as a tool conducive to improving the state
+ of free JavaScript? A server can send back any MIME type to execute
+ on your machine, JS was just the most convenient.
+ - A: The issue is different in kind. We already have free JS
+ support.  Free browsers contain it.  The issue is the programs
+ that are going to run. If JS would allow you to inspect the code
+ before runing it, it wouldn\'t be problematic. The problem is
+ that they end up in your browser and the user has no idea
+ what\'s happening.  Websites are mistreating users. The
+ important thing about it is the danger it creates. 
+- Q: With all the recent additions and optimizations to Emacs Lisp
+ (lexical scoping, native compilation etc.) would you deem Emacs Lisp
+ suitable for general purpose programming outside Emacs (i.e.
+ scripting, running web servers). If not, why?
+ - A: Nothing wrong with this in principle, but it would be a
+ distraction. I\'d rather we didn\'t do it. If we had 1K
+ programmers ready to do this and every other thing, no problem.
+ We don\'t. There are many other platforms that can accommodate
+ programs. I\'d rather use emacs to do its work and leaving other
+ languages to theirs. 
+- Q: Would a namespace system similar to Common Lisp packages but
+ without :USE work in Emacs? Modern CL implementations have package
+ local nicknames to create package local prefixes.
+ - A: Basically, yes, but it has issues. \[rest will be copied from
+ stream later\...\] A naming convention would be much simpler to
+ get right.
+- Q: With Emacs 29 adding more (awesome) features into vanilla emacs,
+ how should we ensure vanilla emacs does not get bloated with many
+ similar features? (example : ido/icomplete, vc/magit)
+ - A:To some extent we can\'t, because users do things differently.
+ I have never used Magit because I didn\'t want to use anything
+ not part of Emacs. I was unable to get into contact with the
+ Magit developer regarding integration of it within Emacs. I do
+ not use git as my main vc system. I think when packages have
+ very different approaches about how to handle things (like vc
+ versus magit) their approaches are not redundant.
+- Q: What do you have in mind for more modular Emacs development?
+ - A: There is no specific feature, but a way of thinking about
+ modularity when you write each package because you\'ll find that
+ when interacting with other packages you\'ll identify hooks that
+ may be there or may be missing. You could add a fairly general
+ hook so that instead of a rigid connection to other parts of
+ emacs you could use a general purpose hook that could do a lot
+ of things including the thing you need it to do.
+- Q: Could you give a few examples of the medium-sized jobs necessary
+ for WYSIWYG-editor support in Emacs?
+ - A: I can\'t really, but I would appreciate it if people started
+ putting that together. If you look at LIbreOffice then you could
+ choose a subset of very important ones that will give everyone a
+ start. 
+- Q:Is there an up-do-date document where people can see what is and
+ isn\'t on the roadmap, and why? i.e. a live version of talks like
+ this or email threads on emacs-devel?
+ - A: Not that I\'m aware of.
+ - etc/TODO
+- Q: Should GNU (or someone else) define a safe-subset of HTML/CSS/JS
+ to make web browsers simpler and safer (e.g. by preventing JS from
+ contacting servers)?
+ - A: This would be an interesting thing to explore, but I don\'t
+ know if it can be done. Browser profiling is facilitated by
+ javascript. So, there is a collection of benchmarks and results
+ are different. So it allows the browser to gain information
+ without employing cookies. 
+- Q: How can we ensure the continuity of an understanding of the more
+ arcane parts of the \[Emacs\] source code, and increase their
+ evolvability, notably with regards to display, single-threading
+ limitations, etc.?
+ - A:  Single threading is a very specific thing. The furthest that
+ I\'ve bothered to think about it is to enable multiple LISP
+ programs to run in parallel. My machine doesn\'t allow me to run
+ multiple threads in a single program, so it never mattered to
+ me. Basically, dev of the displaycode without threads is more
+ feasible. However, changes in the buffer data structure would be
+ required and that will be the hard part. Representing a buffer
+ with a certain display needs to be worked out first. You have to
+ decide the data structure thinking about how display can handle
+ it efficiently. Think about that at that stage. The editing and
+ data structure is the part to figure out.
+- Q: Do you recommend reaching out in \[high\] schools for volunteers
+ instead of universities because they are more prone to value the
+ objectives of freedom?
+- Do you recommend reaching out in schools for volunteers for both
+ advocacy and for development instead of unversities because they are
+ more prone to value the objectives of freedom?
+ - A: Reaching out for what? To teach about freedom or to find more
+ developers? Can you elaborate? **Questioner**:  
+ - A: my entrypoint in school was LaTex. 
+- Q: There was an effort called guile-emacs a while back, and there
+ was some effort to get guile to be able to compile and run
+ emacs-lisp, you mentioned there were still some challenges related
+ to guile, what road blocks kept some of these other efforts from
+ being used with Emacs?
+ - A: We never finished the problem of reconciling guile-emacs data
+ types with Emacs Lisp data types (such as handling nil/\#f/()
+ interoperation \[and string/buffer handling\]).
+- Q: Are there any problems or disadvantages using the GNU AGPL for
+ non-networked software like Emacs packages?
+ - A: I figured the community would be happier if the radical
+ change did not happen in the license itself. 
+- Q: Is there a list of Emacs issues which can be solved by
+ programmers with different levels? For example my level is A, I know
+ basic elisp and C. How can i help?
+ - A: I don\'t know of one. I tend to think that people who know
+ only a basic knowledge. Looking at bugs and thinking about how
+ they could debug them, you could alert the developers. In the
+ process you\'ll learn more about how programs are written and
+ how to understand them. 
+- Q: What do you use emacs for beyond editing? Nice song :-)
+ - A: I use it for reading and writing email; this is what I do
+ most of the day.  (**Sings**) 
+ - \"I\'ve been answering my email,
+ - all the god-damned day / .. / \<transcriber lost the thread
+ about here \[lyrics available at
+ <>\]
+- Q:With features like org-mode and enriched-mode, it seems like Emacs
+ is getting closer to the goal of WSIWYG. Are there specific ways in
+ which you see these as falling short?
+- Q: Do you use Org/Org-mode, and if so to what extent?
+ - A: No. Originally, it was an outlining mode that I never tried
+ to use. The documentation was not easy for  nme to grasp because
+ I had no use for it. Then others developed other ways to use the
+ org syntax. I was not interested in using the org syntax. The
+ process was daunting. It was not easy to separate other modules
+ used with org mode. Org mode could become an advance\-- not
+ saying that it isn\'t useful\-- if extended to do it, we could
+ use a replacement for texinfo. Texinfo\'s syntax was arcane and
+ was based on TeX. It could become a better way to write GNU
+ manuals. Probably more people know that syntax and if it could
+ be extended then it could be a superior way to write the
+ manuals. But we need to be able to generate all of the outputs
+ that we can generate now. HTML, info files, info browsers like
+ the one inside emacs, and generating input to TeX. This is not a
+ gigantic job. It is two or three medium-sized jobs.  
+- Q:Emacs is used by a small population relative to the population
+ that could benefit from it.  Do you have any thoughts on how to
+ expand the user base more broadly even among software developers?
+ - A: No. Basically, the fact is that vscode has an advantage\--
+ which comes from Microsoft, which is putting it together as a
+ part of evil proprietary software\... Users don\'t understand
+ that issue. I wish I could come up with a way to show them
+ what\'s at stake and why.  The TEDX talk is the closest thing. 
+- Q: It's hard to pick up Emacs if you do not speak English, can
+ something be done to address that?
+ - A: What do you actually suggest? Manuals? Messages that Emacs
+ displays? Command names? The easiest thing would be to deal wiht
+ the messages. It\'s hard to adapt it to Emacs because there is
+ no fixed set of messages. It could be done. It\'s not a terribly
+ hard process. Maybe differrent command names or an alternative
+ to meta-x. If you typed this other thing, it would only complete
+ over the other names in the native language. Working out the
+ details would take a great deal of thought. Docstrings: you
+ could write another set of them and write a set of help
+ commands. 
+- Q: What was the thought process behind making emacs lisp dynamically
+ scoped when you first created it? What advantages did it provide
+ over the alternative?
+ - A: It was simple. I did know how to implement it to build a
+ simple and small Lisp interpreter and being small was crucial to
+ bootstrap it on the hardware of that time. Things have changed
+ though, these days Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping is an
+ obsolete statement
+- Q: In light of that critique of JavaScript not being about the
+ language per se but rather the \"culture of blindly getting and
+ running packages/libraries\", what\'s so different with what\'s
+ currently done by the vast majority of Emacs/Elisp users to just
+ install packages blindly?
+ - A: Well, they know they\'re installing a package and that makes
+ all the difference. People could post various versions of a
+ package that people can look at and identify which to use or
+ whether one of them has horrible bugs. With JS there is no way
+ to do this, and most of these programs are not free. You don\'t
+ know which programs are being installed on your browser. These
+ things don\'t happen with elisp packages \-- at least not when
+ they\'re in reputable package archives. 
+- Q: Do you think the freedom e.g., we have in Emacs, becomes a hurdle
+ for some people to pursue more important things in the world? I used
+ to do a lot of Emacs programming, but I recently try to stay away
+ from tinkering on Emacs.
+ - A: There may be more important things for you to do, but when
+ you look at all of the other distractions in the world it seems
+ unfair to criticize emacs. Look at video games which achieve
+ nothing but distraction. If you tinker with emacs code there is
+ a chance for you to discover something more important than how
+ to win a video game.
+ - Reply to Anwser: Sorry about the question. I do not intend
+ to criticize Emacs. It is more like a reflection on this
+ issue. The easiblity of jumping from anywhere in Emacs to
+ the source code, to the add-on packages, to the rich
+ documentation, to previous notes I have, becomes a strong
+ pulling force for me to do more important things. I often
+ found myself stay late in nights, and unable to have a good
+ sleep. Emacs gives me tremendous amount of freedom, I
+ definitely apprecitate it. On the other hand, I hate to stay
+ in non-free software, so I elimintate every possibility to
+ interact with them. This seems to be more effective to get
+ work done, since I only do the most important things, let it
+ go, and never thinking about the software. Don\'t get me
+ wrong, I agree with your point of view that the most
+ important thing GNU Emacs gives to the world is the freedom.
+ I  will do my part. 
+- Q: Do you still intend to merge your patch to the \"shorthands\"
+ feature to the master branch?
+ - A: Yes, but some work on the docstrings is blocking it. s.el
+ references other s.el functions in its docstrings and we\'ll
+ want to alter the docstrings, too. A new docstring construct
+ could fix that. We\'ve added a lot alrady, one more would be
+ fine.
+- Q: Question about software freedom: how does it apply to software
+ that are art/media experiences, like videogames? In your view, Is
+ the creator of a videogame obliged to release it under a free
+ license?
+ - A: 
+- Q: And how would technologies like webassembly fit in with the
+ javascript issues?
+ - A: They don\'t change much. If the licensing situation is
+ handled the same way as with regular JS using LibreJS-recognized
+ license notices and complies with its license \[like, by
+ providing its sources\], it would be fine.
+- Q: Have you seen Haketilo <> It looks
+ kinda like librejs?
+ - A: Haketilo is design to allow people to get some of the benefit
+ of free software. Potentially it offers a solution to the
+ javascript problem, but it has a long way to go. If you want to
+ do this, please do so. 
+- Q: Is writing a free software replacement to Github Copilot with
+ proper license attribution a good idea? (like Mozilla Common Voice)
+ - A: Maybe but remember that copilot is not a program, it is a
+ service. It is a computation that someone else will do for you
+ when you ask. What are the practical problems with doing that?
+ Not sure. Of course the server operates by running programs, but
+ there is still a difference. People who use copilot don\'t get
+ any kind of copy of the program. They send it to the server. It
+ might be a good idea. 
+- Q: Do you have any suggestions for helping propective contributers
+ streamline the copyright assignment needed to contribute to Emacs
+ (and other FSF software projects)?  If working for a large
+ corporation, simply navigating the internal beaucracy to find the
+ correct person/people to talk to who even understands what you\'re
+ talking about without a \"deer in the headlights look\" can be very
+ difficult.  This problem of gaining copyright assignment seems to be
+ a signifcant problem and ultimately splits people into two different
+ classifications, those who can contribute directly to FSF projects
+ (willing and able) and those who can\'t (willing but unable).
+ - A: The copyright assignment does not take long. The important
+ thing is the employer disclaimer. If your job entails
+ programming, we want to make sure that your employer does not
+ say, \"you\'ve got no right to contribute that program\" and the
+ project is shafted. We are working on some simplifications to
+ make it easier for companies to say yes to it, but fundamentally
+ we need them to say yes. 
+- Q: What do you think of Hyperbole or EEV instead of org mode, or
+ other things for the stuff that org mode does \"second brain /
+ knowledge base\", or GTD \'getting things done\' etc\... among other
+ things in Emacs or other Emacs packages
+ - A: Well, I don\'t know that much about either of them. I don\'t
+ know EEV. I know Hyperbole, but it was many years ago. So I
+ can\'t have an educated opinion. Someone could study this, and
+ there would be a lot to study. If these are fairly similar\-- is
+ either actually part of emacs? A: \[Both are free software. \] 
+ - A: We might want to compare them to determine which is the best
+ possible add to emacs, but since I don\'t have specifics, I
+ don\'t want to state a priority preference. I don\'t have one. 
+- Q: I thought it was a virtue to separate the content from the style
+ or appearance of information. Part of being free is also to view
+ information in the format that you want. Does your WYSIWYG idea
+ erode this virtue and lead to more thinking \-- perhaps undue
+ thinking about style over substance?  {seems like more freedom for
+ authors and less freedom for readers} (No the question is more about
+ the experience of creation.)
+ - A: I don\'t know actually. I know that in LibreOffice you can
+ make named styles, and you can change styles\... Is that enough?
+ I am hardly a power user. 
+- Q: Do you ever dabble in retro-computing, e.g. logging into
+ TOPS10/20 systems SDF, etc?  
+ - A: No, I decided it\'s a waste of time. It\'s tinkering that
+ would not develop anything of any importance or use. And I know
+ if I\'m going to enjoy developing something\... I could enjoy
+ developing anything\... I decided not to distract my attention
+ from useful computing. 
+- Q: Do you know Gemini <> ? (a
+ network of very simplified Markdown-like text files without images
+ and third-party content transmitted via an open/public/free protocol
+ which is not http(s)) If so, what do you think of it? (I\'m dreaming
+ of a Gemini-web with interlinked Org mode syntax files)
+ - A: I don\'t remember and have no opinion. The lack of images
+ will turn out to be a considerable drawback. The exclusion of
+ images would be a big loss. 
+- Q: What is your opinion on the current state of large machine
+ learning/AI models? Even if the model is released under a free
+ license, it cannot be modified in a meaningful way without access to
+ vast quantities of training data, which isn\'t free. Even if it\'s
+ available, using the data requires datacenter-levels of computing
+ resources out of the reach of most users.
+ - A: I don\'t think that\'s true. You can modify it. You don\'t
+ need the previously used training data. The trained neural
+ network can be treated as source code. What else could it be? 
+- Q: Are there plans to bring modal editing (eg. evil-mode, viper) to
+ emacs core and did your opinion on modal editing change over the
+ years?
+ - A: I don\'t have a wish for that. Now it\'s not somehow morally
+ anathema. It\'s not a non-free program. How to incorporate this
+ into existing Emacs without doing any violence to its code is
+ the question. 
+- Q: Can complexity induced by company-funded free/libre code become a
+ problem, when the company pulls out, leaving the code potentially
+ unmaintainable?
+ - A: It's a matter of community, the same applies for software
+ developed by single individuals. Over-complicated programs
+ suffer more.
+- Q:  Hi Richard, do you know about \[GNU
+ TeXmacs\](<>)? If so, why doesn\'t it fit your
+ idea of a way to write rich documents with emacs-like keyboard-based
+ interfaces? (referring to \"something like layout capabilities of
+ TeX and the editing capabilities of Emacs).
+ - A: 
+- Comment: If you\'ve heard about attacks that others have been making
+ on me I refer you to
+ <>
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