path: root/2022/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/2022/ b/2022/
index f8300d6a..42259f38 100644
--- a/2022/
+++ b/2022/
@@ -34,19 +34,18 @@ or ~C-c \~ (~org-match-sparse-tree~) to see anything tagged with your tag.
Planned dates and phases:
-| [2022-09-26] | Yes/no decisions for original submissions |
-| [2022-09-30] | Original speaker notification date |
-| [2022-09-26] | Yes/no decisions for original submissions |
-| [2022-09-30] | Early speaker notification for original submissions |
-| [2022-10-07] | Yes/no decisions for late submissions |
-| [2022-10-15] | New speaker notification date (possibly only for late submissions) |
-| [2022-10-30] | Ask early submitters if they can start |
-| [2022-10-31] | Schedule published |
-| [2022-11-05] | Target date to receive prerecs; earlier is better |
-| | zaeph: reencode videos |
-| | sachac: prepare talks for captioning |
-| | volunteers: tech checks, captions |
-| 2022-12-03, 2022-12-04 | Conference |
+| [2022-09-26] | Yes/no comments for original submissions |
+| [2022-09-30] | Original speaker notification date |
+| [2022-10-07] | Yes/no comments for late submissions |
+| [2022-10-15] | New speaker notification date (possibly only for late submissions) |
+| [2022-10-22] | E-mail confirmation expected (collect public contact info for posting in program) |
+| [2022-10-22] | Strongly encourage early submitters to target this date for prerecs |
+| [2022-10-31] | Schedule published |
+| [2022-11-05] | Target date to receive prerecs; earlier is better |
+| | zaeph: reencode videos |
+| | sachac: prepare talks for captioning |
+| | volunteers: tech checks, captions |
+| 2022-12-03, 2022-12-04 | Conference |
Current phase: No prerecs to process yet, so it's a good time to focus on infrastructure
@@ -68,10 +67,10 @@ Extra stuff to consider adding:
** TODO zaeph: Write viewing instructions
Extra stuff to consider adding:
- Suggestions for mpv-filter to invert colourscape.
-** WAITING sacha: add more submissions (CFP deadline Sept 30) :sacha:
+** WAITING sacha: add more submissions (CFP deadline Sept 30) :sachac:
DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri>
- Sacha: Add submissions to emacsconf-2022-private, draft 2-day schedule by Oct 10
-** DONE sacha: copy things over from previous notebooks :sacha:
+** DONE sacha: copy things over from previous notebooks :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-21 Wed 14:12]
** TODO corwin: Double-check sachac’s timezone conversions for availability :corwin:
** TODO corwin: Investigate streaming options, maybe OBS in the cloud :corwin:
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ DEADLINE: <2022-11-11 Fri>
** TODO ???: Figure out web-based file upload :needsowner:
Lesson learned from last year: "Since people kept running into ftp problems, we might want to set up a web-frontend next year to minimise problems."
Maybe we could ask some of the volunteers who wanted to help us with the infra? It shouldn’t be complicated to deploy a ready-made solution.
-** DONE sacha: Prepare to export talk information to wiki :sacha:
+** DONE sacha: Prepare to export talk information to wiki :sachac:
DEADLINE: <2022-10-15 Sat>
[[*Export talk information to wiki][Export talk information to wiki]]
@@ -97,8 +96,119 @@ CLOSED: [2022-09-21 Wed 01:17]
** TODO dto: create Org heading for scheduling caption team's live IRC duty shifts :dto:
DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri>
+* Things to figure out / decisions to make
+:CUSTOM_ID: decisions
+** Can we nudge people to ask IRC questions in a way that will make it easier for us to follow them?
+Pain points:
+- Q&A/discussions often overlap with the next talks
+- Sometimes questions don't get copied to the pad
+- Fast discussions can get overwhelming
+- Announce pad link at the beginning of the talk and at the start of
+ live Q&A, encourage most people to ask questions there
+- Encourage people to start questions with Q:
+ - A little extra work, but not as much as including the slug
+ - Easier to pick out when people search
+ - Volunteers can restate questions easily if people forget the Q:
+- Encourage people to start questions with Q-slug: (ex: Q-news: question about Emacs News Highlights, Q-journalism: ...)
+ - Easier to pick out questions even with overlapping Q&A/talks
+- Use two or three IRC channels so that talks can rotate among channels
+ - Easier to pick out questions even with overlapping Q&A/talks
+ - Needs logging and more organizer attention
+- Maybe a volunteer can have an ERC command that copies a question into a buffer, or even into the Etherpad
+** How do we want to make better use of Etherpad?
+Pain points:
+- Lots of scrolling for speakers
+- Takes some effort to move questions from IRC to the pad
+*** How many pads do we want?
+- One pad for everything
+ - Scroll down, down, down
+ - Easy to set up at the beginning
+ - Inertia
+- One pad per set of talks (Saturday AM, Saturday PM, Sunday AM, Sunday PM)
+ - Less scrolling
+- One pad per talk, plus one meta pad
+ - Very little scrolling
+ - Can send people directly to the pad
+*** Do we want to host our own?
+- Use
+ - Worked fine last year
+- Host our own
+ - Might be able to use API to append questions to it, if we want to get super fancy
+** How many BBB rooms do we want to set up?
+- One per talk
+ - We can send speakers a direct link to their room and they can check into it themselves
+ - Needs a little more work when setting up rooms and when extracting videos
+ - Easier for the host to join
+ - Check-in person can just keep an ear open in that room
+- Five or so, rotating among them
+ - Check-in person directs the speaker to the next available room
+ - Worked fine last time
+** Do we want to do alt-stream the same way again this year?
+- Alt stream joins the current session and then continues with it until the Q&A finishes; people join the BBB room if they want to ask questions
+ - Nice and convivial, Q&A still gets captured
+ - Inertia means most people get the main message
+- Multiple streams with more space between talks, people choose which stream they want to watch
+ - How other conferences do it
+ - Speakers can attend related talks more easily
+* Roles needed
+:CUSTOM_ID: roles
+Each role comprises different responsibilities. A person may have multiple roles. An organizer might take the lead for a role, but if you want to volunteer, speak up and they'll probably be glad to share the load.
+- Streamer (STREAM)
+ - Download prerecorded videos
+ - Send the combined stream to Icecast for broadcasting
+- Director (DIR: corwin) - possibly same as streamer
+ - Switch scenes, manage audio volumes as needed
+ - Provide timekeeping information to host (especially go-live countdowns)
+- Host (HOST: zaeph)
+ - Introduce talks and speakers
+ - Read questions
+ - Give time warnings
+ - Thank speakers and transition to next talk
+- Timekeeper (possibly same as host)
+ - Manage time based on all available information (prerecs durations, speakers not showing up, etc.)
+- Check in (CHECK)
+ - Notice speakers checking into IRC
+ - Get them into the correct room and help them doublecheck their audio and video quality
+ - Troubleshoot as needed
+ - Notify host about next room to join
+ - Follow up with speakers who haven't checked in yet
+ - Check on speakers periodically so that they're not waiting alone
+- Questions
+ - Copy questions from IRC and the pad to wherever the host and speaker are looking
+- Pad scribe
+ - Organize and format people's contributions
+ - Add notes about links, key points, questions, answers
+- Quality checker
+ - Doublecheck videos for potential encoding issues or compression artifacts that get in the way of viewing
+ - Doublecheck captions
+ - Doublecheck stream quality and audio volume
+- Accessibility (ACCESS: dto)
+ - Describe visuals in #emacsconf-accessible
+ - Nice to have: echo the captions into #emacsconf-accessible
+- Publisher (PUB: sachac)
+ - Announce talks in the IRC channels
+ - Nice to have: Update the wiki page with resources (video)
+ - Nice to have: Set resources to public as each talk is played (Toobnix, YouTube)
+ - Nice to have: Update the schedule to reflect changes throughout the day
+- Captioner
+ - Edit automatically-generated captions to correct misrecognized words
+ - Nice to have: Break up the captions in better places so that subtitles are neither too long nor too short
+ - Perk: Get access to prerecorded videos
* Other tasks and processes
-** DONE Sacha: Organize volunteer information :sacha:
+** DONE Sacha: Organize volunteer information :sachac:
** Export talk information to wiki
[[*sacha: Prepare to export talk information to wiki][sacha: Prepare to export talk information to wiki]]
*** ${year}/info/${slug}-nav
@@ -219,46 +329,10 @@ Links:
rsync -avzue ssh front:/var/www/*--main.webm .
** During the conference
-*** Roles needed
-:CUSTOM_ID: roles
-Each role comprises different responsibilities. A person may have multiple roles.
-- STREAM: Streamer
- - Send the combined stream to Icecast for broadcasting
-- Director (possibly same as streamer)
- - Switch scenes, manage audio volumes as needed
- - Provide timekeeping information to host (especially go-live countdowns)
-- HOST: Host
- - Introduce talks and speakers
- - Read questions
- - Give time warnings
- - Thank speakers and transition to next talk
-- Timekeeper (possibly same as host)
- - Manage time based on all available information (prerecs durations, speakers not showing up, etc.)
-- CHECK: Check in
- - Notice speakers checking into IRC
- - Get them into the correct room and help them doublecheck their audio and video quality
- - Troubleshoot as needed
- - Notify host about next room to join
- - Follow up with speakers who haven't checked in yet
-- Questions
- - Copy questions from IRC and the pad to wherever the host and speaker are looking
-- Pad
- - Organize and format people's contributions
- - Add notes about links, key points, Q&A
-- Quality checker
- - Doublecheck stream quality and audio volume
-- Accessibility
- - Describe visuals in #emacsconf-accessible
- - Nice to have: echo the captions into #emacsconf-accessible
-- Publisher
- - Announce talks in the IRC channels
- - Nice to have: Update the wiki page with resources (video)
- - Nice to have: Set resources to public as each talk is played (Toobnix, YouTube)
- - Nice to have: Update the schedule to reflect changes throughout the day
*** Set up
:CUSTOM_ID: setup
@@ -1557,5 +1631,3 @@ Meant to be used with `after-save-hook'."
the [[][COPYING.CC-BY-SA]] and [[][COPYING.GPL]] files.
* COMMENT Local variables
-# local variables: