path: root/2022/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/2022/ b/2022/
index 99e9a19e..4f6274db 100644
--- a/2022/
+++ b/2022/
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ This file is automatically exported from [2022/organizers-notebook/](..
# Table of Contents
-1. [Current tasks / status](#current)
-2. [Things to figure out / decisions to make](#decisions)
-3. [Roles needed](#roles)
-4. [Other tasks and processes](#other)
-5. [Task archive](#archive):ARCHIVE:
-6. [Communications](#comms)
-7. [Supporting code](#code)
-8. [Lessons learned](#lessons)
+- [Current tasks / status](#current)
+- [Things to figure out / decisions to make](#decisions)
+- [Roles needed](#roles)
+- [Other tasks and processes](#other)
+- [Task archive](#archive):ARCHIVE:
+- [Communications](#comms)
+- [Supporting code](#code)
+- [Lessons learned](#lessons)
<a id="current"></a>
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ Planned dates and phases:
Current phase: No prerecs to process yet, so it's a good time to focus
on infrastructure
-1. [Time-sensitive](#time-sensitive)
-2. [Projects and other long-running tasks](#projects)
-3. [Projects to bear in mind but which are not actual](#maybe-projects)
+- [Time-sensitive](#time-sensitive)
+- [Projects and other long-running tasks](#projects)
+- [Projects to bear in mind but which are not actual](#maybe-projects)
[Overall prioritization of effort](#overall)
@@ -114,11 +114,12 @@ on infrastructure
Ordered chronologically (and therefore by importance).
-1. [Volunteer communications: E-mail update for Oct 9, 2022](#volunteer-2022-10-09):email:volunteers:
-2. [Remind people about confirming e-mail communications](#confirm-email):sachac:email:speakers:
-3. [Send people schedule information and doublecheck their availability/Q&A preference](#check-sched):sachac:email:speakers:
-4. [Send program-published email for emacsconf-discuss](#announce-program):needsowner:timesensitive:email:
-5. [Prepare email for nudging speakers to send prerec, and inform on upload workflow](#mail-upload):timesensitive:needsowner:
+- [Volunteer communications: E-mail update for Oct 9, 2022](#volunteer-2022-10-09):email:volunteers:
+- [Remind people about confirming e-mail communications](#confirm-email):sachac:email:speakers:
+- [Plan communication rhythm](#orgd828032)
+- [Send people schedule information and doublecheck their availability/Q&A preference](#check-sched):sachac:email:speakers:
+- [Send program-published email for emacsconf-discuss](#announce-program):needsowner:timesensitive:email:
+- [Prepare email for nudging speakers to send prerec, and inform on upload workflow](#mail-upload):timesensitive:needsowner:
<a id="volunteer-2022-10-09"></a>
@@ -151,15 +152,192 @@ You're receiving this e-mail because you're on the emacsconf-org mailing list.
<a id="confirm-email"></a>
-### TODO Remind people about confirming e-mail communications :sachac:email:speakers:
+### DONE Remind people about confirming e-mail communications :sachac:email:speakers:
Look for the TO\_CONFIRM status in, probably include in schedule e-mail
+<a id="orgd828032"></a>
+### TODO Plan communication rhythm
+<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
+<col class="org-left" />
+<col class="org-left" />
+<col class="org-left" />
+<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
+<td class="org-left">Speakers</td>
+<td class="org-left">Volunteers</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-09-30 Fri]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">acceptance, reply to confirm</td>
+<td class="org-left">overall priorities</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-10-09 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">schedule, reply if not okay</td>
+<td class="org-left">infra update</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-10-16 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
+<td class="org-left">shifts</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-10-23 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">file upload instructions</td>
+<td class="org-left">caption training?</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-10-30 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
+<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-11-06 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">prerec confirmation/reminder, caption progress</td>
+<td class="org-left">caption kickoff</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-11-13 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">tech check</td>
+<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-11-20 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">checkin instructions</td>
+<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
+<td class="org-left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-11-27 Sun]</span></span></td>
+<td class="org-left">last weekend before EmacsConf</td>
+<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
<a id="check-sched"></a>
### TODO Send people schedule information and doublecheck their availability/Q&A preference :sachac:email:speakers:
+ (defun emacsconf-mail-schedule (group &optional template)
+ "Send draft schedule.
+ GROUP is (email . (talk talk))"
+ (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group)))
+ (require 'emacsconf-ical)
+ (emacsconf-mail-prepare
+ (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "check-sched"))
+ group
+ (list
+ :titles
+ (mapconcat (lambda (o) (format "%s %s"
+ (plist-get o :title)
+ (format-time-string
+ "%b %-e %I:%M %Z"
+ (plist-get o :start-time)
+ emacsconf-timezone)))
+ (cdr group) " and ")
+ :speakers-short
+ (plist-get (cadr group) :speakers-short)
+ :plural
+ (if (= (length (cdr group)) 1) "" "s")
+ :email
+ (plist-get (cadr group) :email)
+ :year
+ (or (plist-get (cadr group) :year) emacsconf-year)
+ :schedule
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (o) (format "\"%s\" (%s) - %s track\n%s"
+ (plist-get o :title)
+ (plist-get o :slug)
+ (plist-get o :track)
+ (string-join
+ (let ((emacsconf-timezones
+ (if (plist-get o :timezone)
+ (seq-uniq (list emacsconf-timezone (plist-get o :timezone) "UTC"))
+ emacsconf-timezones)))
+ (emacsconf-timezone-strings o))
+ "\n")))
+ (cdr group)
+ "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ :timezone-note
+ (if (plist-get (cadr group) :timezone)
+ (format "I've included a conversion to the %s timezone. Let me know if you'd like me to use a different timezone in future e-mails."
+ (plist-get (cadr group) :timezone))
+ "I can translate times into your local timezone. Let me know what timezone you'd like me to use.")
+ :availability-note
+ (if (seq-find (lambda (o) (string-match "yes" (or (plist-get o :availability) ""))) (cdr group))
+ (format "I think you've indicated that you're available during the conference.")
+ (format "I think it respects your indicated availability, which we've noted as %s. "
+ (string-join
+ (seq-uniq
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (o) (format "\"%s\"" (plist-get o :availability)))
+ (cdr group)))
+ " and "))))))
+#### Template
+Hi, ${speakers-short}!
+Here's the tentative schedule for when your EmacsConf talk${plural}
+will be streamed. Your talk${plural} will be streamed once, but I've
+included a few timezone conversions for convenience.
+You'll also have time for Q&A afterwards, which can be as short or as
+long as you like. We'll send you more information about how the Q&A
+will work as the conference gets closer.
+If you'd like to see the other talks for context, please check out the
+draft schedule at <${year}/draft-schedule/> . The
+times may move around a bit as we update the schedule, so I'll check
+in with you if things change a lot.
+${availability-note} Please let us know if the times don't work for
+you or if you think your talk would go better next to a different
+talk. We're aiming to publish the schedule by **Oct 15**, so we'd love
+to hear from you by then if we need to tweak things. We can
+shuffle things around even after that date if something comes up.
+${timezone-note} Please keep in To or Cc when
+replying. Thanks!${wrap}
<a id="announce-program"></a>
@@ -199,24 +377,24 @@ Blocked by [Figure out web-based file upload](#upload)
## Projects and other long-running tasks
-1. [Figure out web-based file upload](#upload):needsowner:zaeph:bandali:
-2. [Coordinate and help volunteers](#coordinate-volunteers):sachac:
-3. [Prepare for prerecs](#prepare-prerec-process):zaeph:
-4. [Delete all the EmacsConf BBB rooms from last year](#bbb-cleanup):chore:bbb:
-5. [Plan Etherpad use and hosting](#etherpad):sachac:
-6. [Update IRC instructions because of multiple tracks](#irc)
-7. [Investigate streaming options, maybe OBS in the cloud](#streaming):corwin:zaeph:
-8. [Work on the OBS scenes](#obs-scenes):zaeph:corwin:
-9. [Make intro and exit videos](#intro)
-10. [Move scheduling and publishing code to Emacs on a VPS so that other people can help out](#publishing-sched):sachac:
-11. [Add nice-to-have stuff to](#extra-prepare):zaeph:
-12. [Find volunteers for tech-checks](#tech-checks):zaeph:
-13. [Update viewing instructions and watch pages](#write-viewing):zaeph:
-14. [Make talk pages easy to update when the talk is live](#publish-live):sachac:
-15. [Set up talks on Toobnix and YouTube](#video-platforms):sachac:
-16. [Add category tags and possibly links between talks across 2022 and all previous years](#link-pages):needsowner:wiki:
-17. [Figure out why ikiwiki runs into complex regular expression issues?](#org110cc76):infra:wiki:
-18. [Ask speakers for bios or support nudges to include on their talk pages](#org58a15b2)
+- [Figure out web-based file upload](#upload):needsowner:zaeph:bandali:
+- [Coordinate and help volunteers](#coordinate-volunteers):sachac:
+- [Prepare for prerecs](#prepare-prerec-process):zaeph:
+- [Delete all the EmacsConf BBB rooms from last year](#bbb-cleanup):chore:bbb:
+- [Plan Etherpad use and hosting](#etherpad):sachac:
+- [Update IRC instructions because of multiple tracks](#irc)
+- [Investigate streaming options, maybe OBS in the cloud](#streaming):corwin:zaeph:
+- [Work on the OBS scenes](#obs-scenes):zaeph:corwin:
+- [Make intro and exit videos](#intro)
+- [Move scheduling and publishing code to Emacs on a VPS so that other people can help out](#publishing-sched):sachac:
+- [Add nice-to-have stuff to](#extra-prepare):zaeph:
+- [Find volunteers for tech-checks](#tech-checks):zaeph:
+- [Update viewing instructions and watch pages](#write-viewing):zaeph:
+- [Make talk pages easy to update when the talk is live](#publish-live):sachac:
+- [Set up talks on Toobnix and YouTube](#video-platforms):sachac:
+- [Add category tags and possibly links between talks across 2022 and all previous years](#link-pages):needsowner:wiki:
+- [Figure out why ikiwiki runs into complex regular expression issues?](#org8ab2dd1):infra:wiki:
+- [Ask speakers for bios or support nudges to include on their talk pages](#org8947d3c)
Ordered by importance.
@@ -278,7 +456,7 @@ Considerations:
- Figure out what information volunteers need in order to feel
comfortable signing up for tasks. ex:
-- Encourage people to sign up for [3.3.1](#shifts)
+- Encourage people to sign up for [Shifts](#shifts)
<a id="prepare-prerec-process"></a>
@@ -384,7 +562,7 @@ See break commercials
<a id="publishing-sched"></a>
-### Move scheduling and publishing code to Emacs on a VPS so that other people can help out :sachac:
+### DONE Move scheduling and publishing code to Emacs on a VPS so that other people can help out :sachac:
@@ -398,9 +576,11 @@ Where:
Nice if there's an Ansible playbook
sachac's notes:
- <file:///home/zaeph/code/docker/emacsconf-publish/>
+ <file:///home/sacha/code/docker/emacsconf-publish/>
- probably good to set it up on front
+It's now on front.
<a id="extra-prepare"></a>
@@ -476,12 +656,12 @@ Also add to watch page
You can make a new heading called `# Related talks`
-<a id="org110cc76"></a>
+<a id="org8ab2dd1"></a>
### TODO Figure out why ikiwiki runs into complex regular expression issues? :infra:wiki:
-<a id="org58a15b2"></a>
+<a id="org8947d3c"></a>
### TODO Ask speakers for bios or support nudges to include on their talk pages
@@ -507,16 +687,16 @@ Note on how DebConf handled incidents:
# Things to figure out / decisions to make
-1. [How fancy do we want to get this year? (overall prioritization)](#overall)
-2. [How do we want to make the full schedule more manageable?](#sched-decision)
-3. [How much do we want to enrich the wiki with JS?](#wiki-design)
-4. [What ideas do we want to borrow from other conferences?](#other-confs)
-5. [Do we want to make the ikiwiki web-editable?](#cgi)
-6. [How do we want to make better use of Etherpad?](#pad-decision)
-7. [Can we nudge people to ask IRC questions in a way that will make it easier for us to follow them?](#irc-markers)
-8. [How many BBB rooms do we want to set up?](#bbb-rooms)
-9. [Do we want people to advertise any openings with their companies or any work that they're looking for?](#advertising)
-10. [Decision archive](#decision-archive)
+- [How fancy do we want to get this year? (overall prioritization)](#overall)
+- [How do we want to make the full schedule more manageable?](#sched-decision)
+- [How much do we want to enrich the wiki with JS?](#wiki-design)
+- [What ideas do we want to borrow from other conferences?](#other-confs)
+- [Do we want to make the ikiwiki web-editable?](#cgi)
+- [How do we want to make better use of Etherpad?](#pad-decision)
+- [Can we nudge people to ask IRC questions in a way that will make it easier for us to follow them?](#irc-markers)
+- [How many BBB rooms do we want to set up?](#bbb-rooms)
+- [Do we want people to advertise any openings with their companies or any work that they're looking for?](#advertising)
+- [Decision archive](#decision-archive)
<a id="overall"></a>
@@ -1191,16 +1371,16 @@ Interested in a shift? Please e-mail <> and
# Other tasks and processes
-1. [Giving access to a new volunteer or fake user](#org15be4bc)
-2. [As prerecorded talks come in](#prerec-process)
-3. [When a talk is captioned](#when-captioned)
-4. [Other tasks before the conference](#before)
-5. [During the conference](#during-conference)
-6. [After the conference](#after-conference)
-7. [In case of](#exceptions)
+- [Giving access to a new volunteer or fake user](#org7f2fc7c)
+- [As prerecorded talks come in](#prerec-process)
+- [When a talk is captioned](#when-captioned)
+- [Other tasks before the conference](#before)
+- [During the conference](#during-conference)
+- [After the conference](#after-conference)
+- [In case of](#exceptions)
-<a id="org15be4bc"></a>
+<a id="org7f2fc7c"></a>
## Giving access to a new volunteer or fake user
@@ -1728,7 +1908,7 @@ Probably focus on grabbing the audio first and seeing what's worth keeping
Make a table of the form
-<table id="org63d4e37" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
+<table id="org2eb43d0" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
@@ -2031,17 +2211,10 @@ Objectives for this e-mail:
- Get them to reply
- Ask for public contact information or any changes to the wiki page
(defun emacsconf-draft-acceptance-for-email-group (group &optional template)
"GROUP is (email . (talk talk))."
- (interactive
- (list
- (save-window-excursion
- (let* ((emacsconf-talk-info-functions (append emacsconf-talk-info-functions '(emacsconf-get-talk-comments-from-subtree)))
- (info (emacsconf-filter-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
- (grouped (seq-group-by (lambda (o) (plist-get o :email)) info))
- (slug (emacsconf-get-slug-from-string (emacsconf-complete-talk)))
- (email (plist-get (seq-find (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :slug) slug)) info) :email)))
- (assoc email grouped)))))
+ (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group)))
(let* ((template (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "acceptance")))
(talks (cdr group))
(first (car talks))
@@ -2096,17 +2269,7 @@ Objectives for this e-mail:
:prerec-target (format-time-string "%b %-e" prerec-target)))
(plist-get o :acceptance-comment)) 72)))
talks "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"))))
- (compose-mail
- (car group)
- (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string attrs (plist-get template :subject))
- `(("Reply-To" . ,(emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string attrs (plist-get template :reply-to)))
- ("Mail-Followup-To" . ,(emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string attrs (plist-get template :mail-followup-to)))
- ("Cc" . ,(plist-get template :cc))))
- (message-sort-headers)
- (message-goto-body)
- (save-excursion (insert (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string attrs (plist-get template :body)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (emacsconf-mail-merge-wrap))))
+ (emacsconf-mail-prepare template group attrs)))
(defun emacsconf-draft-all-acceptances ()