path: root/2021/talks/
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@@ -46,6 +46,21 @@ four years of Learning@Scale and charting the future. L@S 2018, June 26–28, 20
- Stiegler, B. (2018). *The neganthropocene*. Open Humanities Press.
- Trocmé-Fabre, H. (1999). *Réinventer le métier d’apprendre*. Paris: Éditions d’organisation.
+# Discussion
+- this paper is relevant to exploring the space of design patterns: it's old and a little crytpic, but a good paper. it's "Recommender Systems for Problem Solving Environments"
+ - greta: Thanks for that link!
+- if I may ask, what's the little toy figure in the background, looks nice :D
+ - A wooden (fake) Transformer :)
+- That's a great point about the sketches, and why Emacs graphical improvements are important.
+- yes this talk is excellent. i'm very happy to find some of my thoughts echoed here in such a clear and well researched way
+- this is exactly my experience. using/learning emacs is THE way that i gained the skills, the learning to learn skills i needed to become a professional programmer (which is incidental to the growing up into a hacker :P)
+- a friend of mine (my original emacs mentor) has been telling me about Ivan Ilich and wondering about how his philosophy lines up with free software, so this is amazing synchronicity of thought for me.
+- cognitive democracy is a very useful phrase to describe emacs (and FOSS) culture
+- This is saying out loud in concrete language everything I've felt about emacs and the community since e.g. the package system became available and social git forges made it easy to explore others' configs
+- What a wonderfully diverse set of viewpoints so far. Not just viewpoints but concepts I would never have expected in an ‘Emacs conf’. I'm glad I dropped by. Thank you greta.
+- This quote of Richard Gabriel rings a bell in the emacs context: "If it is small, it was written by an extraordinary person, someone I would like as a friend; if it is large, it was not designed by one person, but over time in a slow, careful, incremental way" (Gabriel, R. (1996). Patterns of software: tales from the software community. New York: Oxford University Press. (
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