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@@ -48,7 +48,191 @@ four years of Learning@Scale and charting the future. L@S 2018, June 26–28, 20
# Discussion
-- this paper is relevant to exploring the space of design patterns: it's old and a little crytpic, but a good paper. it's "Recommender Systems for Problem Solving Environments"
+- Q1: Any reference to a Christopher Alexander book that you liked
+ most?
+ - (peer answer A:
+ - Alexander, C. (1977). A pattern language: towns, buildings,
+ construction. New York: Oxford University Press.
+ - Alexander, C. (1979). The timeless way of building. New
+ York: Oxford University Press. (thanks!!)
+ - also check out: Gabriel, R. (1996). Patterns of software:
+ tales from the software community. New York: Oxford
+ University Press.
+ (<>
+ - Alexander, C. (1993). *A foreshadowing of 21st century art:
+ The color and geometry of very early Turkish carpets*. New
+ York: Oxford University Press.
+ - A:
+- Q2: You are making a great case for the ease-of-use, humanizing, and
+ empowering aspects of Emacs, but how does this align with the
+ initial difficulty for many users in learning Emacs? What is the
+ weakness of Emacs here, in relation to these design patterns?
+ - A: If we take a Vygotskyean approach to learning, we begin step
+ by step, gradually building on to what we know. What I found
+ fascinating as a non-programmer coming to Emacs was how this
+ approach works even in Emacs. Particularly if we are taking a
+ human-based approach to Emacs, it has no weakness here, because
+ humans can only move forwards from where they are, not where
+ they want to be. So Emacs becomes a good teacher in
+ process-based learning. We need to hierarchize what we know,
+ what we are ready/motivated to learn next, and also remember the
+ time required for growth.
+- Q3: How do you suggest emacs users should go about desinging their
+ work(flow) patterns?
+ - A: Strangely, I seem to have answered this above!
+- Q4: Emacs provides a lot of extensibility as mentioned in your talk.
+ This is a good thing, but such extensibility and possiblility can
+ sometimes inhibit creativity (for me at least). How could we
+ incorporate constraints in to how we use Emacs, in order to deal
+ with the possibilities that might make it\'s use more complex? A
+ great answer, thank you!
+ - A: I love this question. What about thinking about Emacs as
+ one\'s own path of desire? What do we want to do most with it?
+ But also, because Emacs is the ultimate blank canvas, in this
+ context I would recommend reading Cameron\'s \"Blasting through
+ blocks\" chapter in The Artist\'s Way to get through any related
+ anxiety and find one\'s \'creative purpose\' with Emacs. And
+ building on an answer from above, taking things one
+ project/activity/outcome at a time. Trusting that over time
+ skills and proficiency grow.
+ - I like the idea about \"Emacs as one\'s own path of
+ desire\". It\'s all in my init.el.
+ - Emacs is seriously the best in this respect!  :) And it is
+ so great to be part of this conference to be among like
+ minds!:)
+- Q5:In your opinion, what approaches might be tried to introduce
+ individuals to these aspects of emacs\'s user experience? In my
+ experience, many of my co-workers are often impressed with what I am
+ able to do with emacs, but they remain reticent to attempt it
+ because I find it difficult to produce a suitably encapsulating
+ \"elevator pitch\" for it.
+ - A: Not everyone wants to think about the tools that they use.
+ Haha, that is why I am trying to get one convert at a time, and
+ let them convert others in their midst :)
+- Q6: Are there ways to reach out to you after the conference to dig
+ deeper here?
+ - A:
+- Q7:On the mention of emacs being \'frontierless\': Doesn\'t this
+ result in a kind of \'characterless\' or \'non-definied\' space? For
+ example, if I learn a musical instrument, I am bound by various
+ frontiers/horizons (12 tone system, the tamber of the particular
+ instrument, etc). Surely there are similar limits on the
+ extensibility of emacs and the possibilities it offers for \'human
+ expansion\'. If so, which limits/boundaries of emacs do you see as
+ most meaningful/impactful on growth and transformation?
+ - A: That is a really interesting question. Aren\'t the limits
+ here our knowledge? I am really stuck on the idea of Lisp and
+ its dialects as being particularly philosophical. Any time I
+ look at what people do with Lisp it seems to be profoundly
+ related to design on a deeper level. I will leave it here for
+ now - but thank you for the question, I will be sure to mull it
+ over and possibly blog about it at some point\...
+ - Hi! Thank you for the answer, that was exactly what I was
+ thinking about (elisp being something particular/defining to the
+ emacs experienc/environment). I don\'t know lisp/programming
+ myself, so I was just interested in your perpsective! Really
+ loved the talk a lot! But the way, the question came from a
+ hermeneutic perspective, where boundaries/horizons are essential
+ for defining/demarcating the self (of course, within a boundary
+ there can be endless play, but the limits set the \'rules\' for
+ play, and therefore create meaning).Thanks again!
+ - Wow - a fellow hermeneuticist?! 
+ - Haha, yes. In my past life I studied it ;) also studied a lot of
+ Stiegler too, so was interested to find him in the talk!
+ - That is quite uncanny! The combination of the three (plus Emacs)
+ have given me a whole new perspective on life - and I wonder why
+ Stiegler didn\'t pursue Free Software more, though he does nod
+ to it here and there. Do you have any work to share, would you
+ like to keep in touch?
+ - sure! would be great! :) My main area was Ricoeur, so I have
+ written some things on Ricoeur and technology (there was a
+ recent volume on his work, and I wrote something on
+ postphenomenology and ricoeur) I\'ve since left academia though,
+ because it was quite difficult to find full-time work
+ (especially since hermeneutics is so
+ underappreciated/underreppresented! so, I always get excited to
+ hear others talking about it ;)
+ - Yes, I know what you are talking about and actually the whole
+ future - and present - of academe is an interesting question -
+ haha that I think is related to Emacs, I mean, we do live in the
+ knowledge age so we need tools to help with this. Ricoeur has a
+ great essay on ideology and science critique, which is so limber
+ (as opposed to so much calcified academic thinking) and I am so
+ interested in exploring approaches to academe that \'continue
+ the ongoing work of the hermeneuticist\' (I am paraphrasing him
+ here) that make use of technology, possibly through something
+ like Ted Nelson had in mind, where we literally trace the traces
+ among ideas\... wow, that\'s a mouthful of a comment. Ha! I am
+ overjoyed at the opportunity for this conversation, thank you so
+ much! :) 
+ - really interesting that you are referencing Ted Nelson in
+ this context. I think org-roam, in many ways, resembles what
+ he had in mind with Xandadu; well, with the limitation that
+ org-roam only serves Personal Information Management, not
+ our civilisations\' as he intended with Xanadu.
+ - Yes! the feeling is mutual :) I really love Ricoeur\'s general
+ style and approach to questions. Unfortunately he didn\'t write
+ much about technology itself, which made my job quite difficult!
+ But I did meet a friend of his once that told me that, in the
+ 70s, Ricouer had asked him \"are we still writing when we use
+ computers?\". So, he was thinking about the question at least. I
+ only discovered emacs after I finished all that word, but since
+ then I can finally say that \'yes!\' we can \'write\' using
+ computers (with writing being a core activity of the self for
+ Ricoeur). Also, I just wish I had emacs instead of just writing
+ so many academic papers in microsoft word! 
+ - Ha! Yes, the moment of being freed from that software box and
+ having all the LaTeX options in Emacs (here, I list my fave) is
+ like stepping into technicolor out of black and white - to this
+ day, I still feel that way! So much you wrote is interesting.
+ Stiegler\'s concern of whether technology - like the writing pad
+ in Plato earlier - would strip us of our intellectual capacity
+ (I can see that possibly happening with automaticizing tools
+ like - maybe Excel is a good example, because one does not
+ really have to think about what one is doing). But Emacs use
+ prompts us to ask questions and design \*exactly\* what we are
+ looking for.
+ - wow, yes, that is so interesting. I never considered the
+ question of desire and emacs until your talk, and it was
+ definitely one of the most interesting parts!
+ -  In my work I was also mostly interested in Freud (the role of
+ \'technique\' in psychoanalysis) and also Foucault\'s later
+ lectures on hermeneutics of the self/technologies of the self.
+ The angle of \'desire\' in relation to personal
+ configuration/design was so interesting to me and like an
+ \'aha\' moment. I\'ll definitely be thinking about it more!
+ Thank you so much again for the talk and all the responses!
+ - Thank you too, and hope we\'ll be in touch!
+ - Yes :) enjoy the rest of the conference!
+ - Likewise :)
+- Q8: What was that Crichton quote? That was neat! (From the
+ references - Crichton, M. (1983). *Electronic life*. New York:
+ Knopf.)
+ - A: Thank you - I hope that general computing will have its day!
+- Q9: Greta, you seem to be an academic researcher. Any of your
+ publications or other good references on this topic that you can
+ share/link here?
+- I hate linking to DOIs, but here are two:
+- <> A song of teaching
+ with free software in the Anthropocene
+- DOI 10.1007/s42438-020-00188-3 The Odyssey of Pedagogies of
+ Technoscientific Literacies
+**Links and other notes:**\
+- Design Pattern: macro solution; human-centered
+- Emacs is a design pattern for learning.
+- Why we care about design patterns?
+- Emacs as a mental map.
+- Everyone\'s Emacs is their own.
+- The development of the Emacs communitiy is similar to the \[free\]
+ core of Emacs devlopment.
+- this paper is relevant to exploring the space of design patterns: it's old and a little cryptic, but a good paper. it's "Recommender Systems for Problem Solving Environments"
- greta: Thanks for that link!
- if I may ask, what's the little toy figure in the background, looks nice :D
- A wooden (fake) Transformer :)