path: root/2021/talks/
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1 files changed, 21 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2021/talks/ b/2021/talks/
index 9328e7ae..b1cc2abe 100644
--- a/2021/talks/
+++ b/2021/talks/
@@ -40,9 +40,30 @@ by it and thus reserve the right to modify it ahead of the main event.
+- Q1:  (Unrelated, feel free not to answer): Is there an Emacs or
+ GNU/FSF group in Cyprus? I know it\'s a politically motivated
+ country, with a strong student-base, so I\'m interested whether the
+ Emacs circles and political circles have any overlap.
+- Q2: What do you think is the most effecitve way to demonstrate the
+ value of software freedom to non-techincal people? For a person who
+ can\'t program (or doesn\'t want to learn) the freedom seems less
+ immediate.
+- Q3: your quote \"emacs makes emergent workflow\'s possible\" reminds
+ me very much of the previous talk (Emacs as Design Pattern
+ Learning). Can you share/reflect how you go about making/designing
+ your personal workflows?
- are "Prometheas" & "Prometheus" both forms acceptable? Is one "truer" than the other?
- protesilaos: Both are correct. The former is modern Greek.
+Other notes:
+- Emacs documentation is first class.
+- Emacs is inclusive to both new users and experienced users alike,
+ which empowers all users.
+- Knowledge is to be shared not hoarded..
+- Emacs is an ecosystem you have to spend a lot of time with to fully
+ appreciate.
- "I'll definitly use this talk to try to convert more colleagues :D (not joking)"