path: root/2021/captions
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diff --git a/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-pattern--emacs-as-design-pattern-learning--greta-goetz--chapters.vtt b/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-pattern--emacs-as-design-pattern-learning--greta-goetz--chapters.vtt
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+00:00.000 --> 01:16.239
+01:16.240 --> 05:18.799
+Definition of design patterns and relation to Emacs
+05:18.800 --> 09:12.239
+Why this approach matters
+09:12.240 --> 11:29.999
+Managing complexity: Emacs as mind map
+11:30.000 --> 12:31.679
+Emacs as design pattern framework
+12:31.680 --> 13:30.638
+Personal customization
+13:30.639 --> 16:41.998
+Implementing Emacs as a model for learning
+16:41.999 --> 23:00.920
+Emacs as accommodating complex social, community assemblages
diff --git a/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-pattern--emacs-as-design-pattern-learning--greta-goetz--main.vtt b/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-pattern--emacs-as-design-pattern-learning--greta-goetz--main.vtt
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+++ b/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-pattern--emacs-as-design-pattern-learning--greta-goetz--main.vtt
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+00:01.040 --> 00:03.520
+Welcome to this EmacsConf 2021 talk
+00:03.520 --> 00:06.160
+on Emacs as Design Pattern Learning.
+00:06.160 --> 00:08.400
+I'm Greta Goetz, and this talk
+00:08.400 --> 00:10.080
+is for people who are interested
+00:10.080 --> 00:11.679
+in thinking about Emacs
+00:11.679 --> 00:13.840
+as a tool that's sophisticated enough
+00:13.840 --> 00:17.680
+not only to cope with activities and tasks,
+00:17.680 --> 00:19.760
+but also sophisticated enough
+00:19.760 --> 00:22.560
+to cater to a complex assemblage
+00:22.560 --> 00:24.000
+of [not just] tasks and activities,
+00:24.000 --> 00:26.160
+but also people, outcomes,
+00:26.160 --> 00:27.760
+as well as tools.
+00:27.760 --> 00:31.039
+This is a definition of epistemic fluency
+00:31.039 --> 00:33.440
+from a work by Markauskaite and Goodyear
+00:33.440 --> 00:35.040
+that is relevant to us
+00:35.040 --> 00:36.320
+if we're interested in
+00:36.320 --> 00:37.600
+learning how to learn [and]
+00:37.600 --> 00:39.840
+how to continuously iterate knowledge
+00:39.840 --> 00:44.480
+to fit changing complex specific contexts.
+00:44.480 --> 00:46.719
+Some software oversimplifies.
+00:46.719 --> 00:49.039
+Emacs both helps users
+00:49.039 --> 00:50.559
+implement design pattern learning
+00:50.559 --> 00:53.360
+that can cope with complexity,
+00:53.360 --> 00:57.360
+and it models complex design pattern learning.
+00:57.360 --> 00:59.920
+So, what do we mean by design patterns?
+00:59.920 --> 01:03.120
+The term comes from design theorist and
+01:03.120 --> 01:05.199
+architect Christopher Alexander,
+01:05.199 --> 01:06.400
+whose work influenced
+01:06.400 --> 01:08.479
+a broad variety of disciplines.
+01:08.479 --> 01:11.680
+I'll be drawing on a work in programming
+01:11.680 --> 01:14.240
+by Richard Gabriel, and in pedagogy,
+01:14.240 --> 01:16.239
+by Peter Goodyear.
+01:16.240 --> 01:17.920
+What are design patterns?
+01:17.920 --> 01:20.159
+They are patterns of micro solutions
+01:20.159 --> 01:22.560
+combining method and artifact,
+01:22.560 --> 01:24.080
+and macro solutions
+01:24.080 --> 01:25.680
+of these micro patterns
+01:25.680 --> 01:27.680
+when viewed together.
+01:27.680 --> 01:29.280
+This approach allows for the
+01:29.280 --> 01:31.840
+specialization, customization,
+01:31.840 --> 01:35.600
+extension, and reuse of patterns.
+01:35.600 --> 01:37.360
+This is useful if we're seeking to
+01:37.360 --> 01:40.079
+deal with complexity. It helps extend
+01:40.079 --> 01:42.560
+the assemblage of learning components
+01:42.560 --> 01:45.040
+that we have, without having to build
+01:45.040 --> 01:46.640
+from scratch.
+01:46.640 --> 01:48.320
+Another important feature
+01:48.320 --> 01:49.520
+of design patterns
+01:49.520 --> 01:51.759
+and their relevance to Emacs
+01:51.759 --> 01:54.799
+is the human-centeredness.
+01:54.799 --> 01:57.360
+Christopher Alexander critiqued
+01:57.360 --> 01:58.320
+the mechanical
+01:58.320 --> 02:00.880
+and championed the human place.
+02:00.880 --> 02:03.439
+Emacs, too, champions the human place.
+02:03.439 --> 02:06.079
+So why Emacs and design learning?
+02:06.079 --> 02:09.679
+One reason is indeed this extensibility
+02:09.679 --> 02:13.360
+through Emacs, which allows a person
+02:13.360 --> 02:16.720
+to extend their learning and use of Emacs
+02:16.720 --> 02:18.800
+as far as they wish to take it.
+02:18.800 --> 02:22.959
+This is thanks to its free software core,
+02:22.959 --> 02:24.720
+and this permits what we call
+02:24.720 --> 02:25.843
+in networked learning
+02:25.843 --> 02:27.040
+'e-quality' [cf. Beaty et al.],
+02:27.040 --> 02:28.160
+which is to say,
+02:28.160 --> 02:31.120
+the opportunity to co-create knowledge.
+02:31.120 --> 02:32.959
+So if one wishes to extend
+02:32.959 --> 02:35.120
+their learning trajectory with Emacs
+02:35.120 --> 02:37.120
+such that they're able to
+02:37.120 --> 02:38.560
+write packages for Emacs,
+02:38.560 --> 02:41.040
+if these packages become part of the core,
+02:41.040 --> 02:43.440
+they're really co-creating knowledge
+02:43.440 --> 02:44.879
+within the community
+02:44.879 --> 02:48.800
+and extending the capabilities of Emacs.
+02:48.800 --> 02:50.480
+Emacs can also be considered
+02:50.480 --> 02:52.319
+in terms of design pattern learning,
+02:52.319 --> 02:53.440
+because it can be used
+02:53.440 --> 02:54.800
+for different purposes.
+02:54.800 --> 02:57.280
+This is true even at the very basic level
+02:57.280 --> 02:58.959
+of Emacs functionalities,
+02:58.959 --> 02:59.920
+which is a point
+02:59.920 --> 03:01.280
+that should really be stressed.
+03:01.280 --> 03:03.680
+So even newcomers coming to Emacs
+03:03.680 --> 03:04.879
+who don't know programming
+03:04.879 --> 03:07.040
+can do a very broad variety
+03:07.040 --> 03:09.040
+of different things with their Emacs,
+03:09.040 --> 03:11.760
+using these basic functionalities:
+03:11.760 --> 03:14.800
+for example, simply by customizing
+03:14.800 --> 03:15.840
+the language variable
+03:15.840 --> 03:17.923
+in the initialization file.
+03:17.923 --> 03:20.879
+This, thanks to the powerful Emacs Lisp
+03:20.879 --> 03:22.640
+interpreter, makes it possible for one
+03:22.640 --> 03:24.640
+to do a wide variety of different things
+03:24.640 --> 03:26.560
+within Emacs: from making graphs
+03:26.560 --> 03:29.360
+to exporting in LaTeX.
+03:29.360 --> 03:32.000
+And also part of the Emacs basic
+03:32.000 --> 03:34.239
+functionalities are
+03:34.239 --> 03:36.159
+how we can cycle through
+03:36.159 --> 03:38.400
+different tasks and texts very easily
+03:38.400 --> 03:40.000
+through buffer cycling,
+03:40.000 --> 03:44.640
+or how within Org we can use tree outlines
+03:44.640 --> 03:48.159
+that can hierarchize the material
+03:48.159 --> 03:49.519
+that we're working with
+03:49.519 --> 03:52.080
+and even change a headline
+03:52.080 --> 03:54.799
+into a to-do. So we see this extensibility,
+03:54.799 --> 03:57.280
+this flexibility. Also, within Org,
+03:57.280 --> 03:58.799
+we can see how by writing
+03:58.799 --> 04:00.159
+just a few lines of code
+04:00.159 --> 04:02.239
+such as through header arguments
+04:02.239 --> 04:04.879
+or code blocks, we can change the way
+04:04.879 --> 04:06.159
+in which a file,
+04:06.159 --> 04:08.480
+or part of a file, is executed.
+04:08.480 --> 04:10.239
+An illustration of what this means
+04:10.239 --> 04:12.720
+to the beginner would be how easy it is
+04:12.720 --> 04:15.280
+to export a LaTeX file,
+04:15.280 --> 04:17.040
+so one doesn't even need to know
+04:17.040 --> 04:19.199
+all of LaTeX to be able to implement
+04:19.199 --> 04:23.360
+parts of LaTeX within Org. So this
+04:23.360 --> 04:25.280
+variety of different purposes, then,
+04:25.280 --> 04:27.600
+can be experienced by the beginner.
+04:27.600 --> 04:30.400
+Emacs is also an example
+04:30.400 --> 04:32.080
+of design pattern learning
+04:32.080 --> 04:34.320
+because it is a design pattern
+04:34.320 --> 04:35.919
+of learning itself.
+04:35.919 --> 04:39.040
+Here we're thinking about design patterns
+04:39.040 --> 04:41.919
+as a visual representation.
+04:41.919 --> 04:44.320
+We can think of how systems of systems,
+04:44.320 --> 04:47.680
+which Emacs is an example of,
+04:47.680 --> 04:50.560
+stem from a successful center,
+04:50.560 --> 04:53.280
+and 'this center is surrounded
+04:53.280 --> 04:55.440
+by a boundary which is itself
+04:55.440 --> 04:57.040
+made up of centers' [Gabriel].
+04:57.040 --> 04:59.440
+So, where we have Emacs at the center,
+04:59.440 --> 05:02.720
+we also have packages such as Magit.
+05:02.720 --> 05:04.800
+Magit can be viewed as a center
+05:04.800 --> 05:07.120
+unto itself. However, this center
+05:07.120 --> 05:09.520
+only exists thanks to the center
+05:09.520 --> 05:11.759
+of the center, which is Emacs.
+05:11.759 --> 05:14.320
+And thus we speak of Emacs
+05:14.320 --> 05:17.039
+as being a successful design pattern
+05:17.039 --> 00:05:18.799
+implementation [cf. Gabriel].
+00:05:18.800 --> 00:05:20.880
+And why do we care about
+05:20.880 --> 05:25.5
+design pattern approaches? Here, well,
+05:25.520 --> 05:28.560
+what I'm trying to say is that
+05:28.560 --> 05:30.080
+this is useful to the person
+05:30.080 --> 05:32.240
+who is interested in being able to
+05:32.240 --> 05:34.000
+more efficiently cope with
+05:34.000 --> 05:36.639
+complex and specific situations,
+05:36.639 --> 05:40.240
+and this design pattern allows for this
+05:40.240 --> 05:43.039
+because of its extensibility,
+05:43.039 --> 05:46.400
+because we can find these specializations
+05:46.400 --> 05:50.000
+or customizations that are able to reach
+05:50.000 --> 05:52.880
+these changing contexts [that we seek to interact with].
+05:52.880 --> 05:55.039
+This can be compared with
+05:55.039 --> 05:56.479
+other software applications
+05:56.479 --> 05:58.000
+that are prefabricated
+05:58.000 --> 05:59.680
+so they already decide
+05:59.680 --> 06:01.600
+what it is a person is going to do
+06:01.600 --> 06:02.800
+when they use them.
+06:02.800 --> 06:04.319
+This also means that what they're doing
+06:04.319 --> 06:05.520
+within these applications
+06:05.520 --> 06:06.639
+can get stranded there,
+06:06.639 --> 06:08.479
+that it's harder to integrate
+06:08.479 --> 06:10.319
+their knowledge or their texts
+06:10.319 --> 06:12.240
+or their activities
+06:12.240 --> 06:13.440
+with each other.
+06:13.440 --> 06:15.759
+A lot of software also makes assumptions
+06:15.759 --> 06:18.240
+on who their users are. We know that
+06:18.240 --> 06:20.160
+we speak in user experience design
+06:20.160 --> 06:23.120
+of the 'customer journey' or of 'personas',
+06:23.120 --> 06:24.720
+and very often, then,
+06:24.720 --> 06:27.840
+the customer journey is pre-designed.
+06:27.840 --> 06:29.680
+But within Emacs, we can be
+06:29.680 --> 06:32.079
+our own persona.
+06:32.079 --> 06:33.440
+Practical use of Emacs
+06:33.440 --> 06:35.680
+can also make non-programmers
+06:35.680 --> 06:36.720
+into programmers.
+06:36.720 --> 06:38.400
+So this is to say that
+06:38.400 --> 06:40.240
+as we are using Emacs,
+06:40.240 --> 06:41.840
+we can continue to develop
+06:41.840 --> 06:44.479
+as far as we wish.
+06:44.479 --> 06:46.240
+Therefore we are not only users
+06:46.240 --> 06:48.720
+within Emacs, but we are also
+06:48.720 --> 06:51.280
+creative persons and producers.
+06:51.280 --> 06:54.400
+So here I am citing work by ivan Illich.
+06:54.400 --> 06:56.079
+We can further contribute
+06:56.079 --> 06:58.880
+to the evolution of the rules of Emacs.
+06:58.880 --> 07:01.680
+To draw on Bernard Stiegler,
+07:01.680 --> 07:04.880
+if I may also make an analogy,
+07:04.880 --> 07:07.520
+within our inits, we contribute to
+07:07.520 --> 07:08.800
+the evolution of the rules
+07:08.800 --> 07:11.759
+according to which our Emacs works for us.
+07:11.759 --> 07:13.120
+But again, if we're extending
+07:13.120 --> 07:14.560
+our learning trajectory,
+07:14.560 --> 07:16.319
+and if we write a package,
+07:16.319 --> 07:18.400
+and the package becomes part of the core,
+07:18.400 --> 07:21.440
+we do indeed contribute to the evolution
+07:21.440 --> 07:23.840
+of the rules of Emacs.
+07:23.840 --> 07:25.359
+But because it stems
+07:25.359 --> 07:26.560
+from our personal use
+07:26.560 --> 07:28.479
+and our personal customizations,
+07:28.479 --> 07:30.000
+we can think of it as being
+07:30.000 --> 07:31.600
+a personal toolkit [cf. Stallman].
+07:31.600 --> 07:35.840
+So this design pattern iteration approach
+07:35.840 --> 07:39.680
+to Emacs is the very reason
+07:39.680 --> 07:41.840
+why it is that we can customize it
+07:41.840 --> 07:43.440
+to our own liking,
+07:43.440 --> 07:46.160
+and using Emacs to extend our freedom
+07:46.160 --> 07:48.720
+then helps us to develop heuristics.
+07:48.720 --> 07:51.919
+It helps us develop our decision-making,
+07:51.919 --> 07:54.719
+our problem-solving
+07:54.719 --> 07:57.839
+and responsibility for what it is
+07:57.839 --> 07:58.880
+that we're doing,
+07:58.880 --> 08:00.640
+and these skill sets
+08:00.640 --> 08:02.480
+are extensible beyond Emacs.
+08:02.480 --> 08:04.240
+These can be considered as life skills
+08:04.240 --> 08:05.839
+that have relevance beyond.
+08:05.839 --> 08:07.520
+This is a very good example
+08:07.520 --> 08:10.560
+of why it is that being exposed
+08:10.560 --> 08:12.480
+to complex assemblages
+08:12.480 --> 08:14.320
+matter to us as human beings.
+08:14.320 --> 08:17.120
+It's good training ground for life.
+08:17.120 --> 08:19.680
+But it's also important
+08:19.680 --> 08:22.719
+for a very basic pedagogical point.
+08:22.719 --> 08:24.160
+So now I'm going to draw on work
+08:24.160 --> 08:26.560
+by Hélène Trocmé-Fabre,
+08:26.560 --> 08:27.839
+who explains that
+08:27.839 --> 08:30.719
+reduced and poor contextualizations
+08:30.719 --> 08:32.800
+flatten communication.
+08:32.800 --> 08:33.760
+So, for example,
+08:33.760 --> 08:35.279
+within the field of software,
+08:35.279 --> 08:37.680
+if we are using an application
+08:37.680 --> 08:40.640
+that only asks us to swipe left or right,
+08:40.640 --> 08:42.880
+this deprives us of our ability
+08:42.880 --> 08:45.600
+to respond in a more sophisticated way.
+08:45.600 --> 08:48.640
+By contrast, by being exposed
+08:48.640 --> 08:51.600
+to a rich contextualization within Emacs,
+08:51.600 --> 08:53.839
+we are learning to contextualize,
+08:53.839 --> 08:57.040
+which Trocmé-Fabre says is the first step
+08:57.040 --> 08:58.719
+in learning how to learn.
+08:58.719 --> 08:59.920
+So we can understand
+08:59.920 --> 09:01.760
+just how important it is
+09:01.760 --> 09:03.520
+to be exposed to complexity.
+09:03.520 --> 09:05.440
+It's not just a mere
+09:05.440 --> 09:06.719
+intellectual exercise,
+09:06.719 --> 09:08.719
+but it is indeed how it is
+09:08.719 --> 09:12.239
+that we begin to learn.
+09:12.240 --> 09:13.760
+If this sounds too abstract,
+09:13.760 --> 09:15.520
+maybe we can step back for a moment
+09:15.520 --> 09:17.520
+and think about visualizing Emacs
+09:17.520 --> 09:19.600
+as a mental map. So here, too,
+09:19.600 --> 09:21.839
+I'm going to draw on Trocmé-Fabre,
+09:21.839 --> 09:24.560
+and she is building her ideas
+09:24.560 --> 09:26.240
+on those of Tony Buzan,
+09:26.240 --> 09:29.120
+who was the popularizer of the mind map.
+09:29.120 --> 09:31.519
+So mind maps begin with a core,
+09:31.519 --> 09:33.760
+which with Emacs is the Emacs core,
+09:33.760 --> 09:36.320
+which now includes Org.
+09:36.320 --> 09:38.719
+They extend outwards from the core
+09:38.719 --> 09:40.800
+through relational codes.
+09:40.800 --> 09:44.399
+And then through keywords and cycling,
+09:44.399 --> 09:46.240
+mind maps function to bring out
+09:46.240 --> 09:48.320
+further ideas, and this may be
+09:48.320 --> 09:49.760
+the experience you've already had
+09:49.760 --> 09:52.640
+with your Emacs. Then finally,
+09:52.640 --> 09:54.800
+these mind maps extend outwards
+09:54.800 --> 09:56.480
+at the periphery.
+09:56.480 --> 10:00.240
+In thinking about how this applies to Emacs,
+10:00.240 --> 10:02.320
+we can think about how yes, indeed,
+10:02.320 --> 10:04.240
+we all share the same core,
+10:04.240 --> 10:07.360
+but then we extend this core outwards
+10:07.360 --> 10:09.680
+into our personal configurations.
+10:09.680 --> 10:11.360
+So this is the social moment,
+10:11.360 --> 10:12.480
+but this social moment
+10:12.480 --> 10:13.839
+is integral to Emacs
+10:13.839 --> 10:16.800
+because Emacs fully achieves its meaning
+10:16.800 --> 10:18.959
+when it is being applied, extended,
+10:18.959 --> 10:20.880
+and customized in this way.
+10:20.880 --> 10:23.279
+Further, these social branches
+10:23.279 --> 10:25.839
+are relevant to the continuation
+10:25.839 --> 10:28.560
+of learning how to learn how to use Emacs.
+10:28.560 --> 10:30.800
+So for example, we may have
+10:30.800 --> 10:33.279
+our first configuration file,
+10:33.279 --> 10:35.040
+and then we might want to compare it
+10:35.040 --> 10:37.440
+with other people's configuration files,
+10:37.440 --> 10:40.240
+not only to see what code they're using,
+10:40.240 --> 10:42.480
+but also to see how it is that they are
+10:42.480 --> 10:44.240
+implementing certain functionalities
+10:44.240 --> 10:46.000
+within their workflow.
+10:46.000 --> 10:48.080
+So along these lines, then,
+10:48.080 --> 10:50.160
+descriptive configuration files
+10:50.160 --> 10:53.360
+are extremely helpful.
+10:53.360 --> 10:56.160
+This map, then, of Emacs
+10:56.160 --> 10:57.519
+can be considered as a
+10:57.519 --> 11:00.399
+frontierless heuristic schema,
+11:00.399 --> 11:02.000
+borrowing from Trocmé-Fabre.
+11:02.000 --> 11:04.080
+Frontierless, because we can extend
+11:04.080 --> 11:06.320
+our use of Emacs as far as we want.
+11:06.320 --> 11:08.399
+Heuristic, again, because we're using it
+11:08.399 --> 11:10.640
+to solve problems, etc.
+11:10.640 --> 11:13.360
+This is a free system that extends
+11:13.360 --> 11:15.920
+following our own 'paths of desire',
+11:15.920 --> 11:18.640
+if I can use that phrase from design.
+11:18.640 --> 11:20.640
+So it's following our own 'paths of desire',
+11:20.640 --> 11:22.480
+but yet it is a shared tool,
+11:22.480 --> 11:26.880
+so this is an idea of the convivial tool
+11:26.880 --> 11:29.999
+to draw on Ivan Illich.
+11:30.000 --> 11:31.760
+Emacs is itself
+11:31.760 --> 11:33.440
+a design pattern framework,
+11:33.440 --> 11:35.279
+so we can visualize this
+11:35.279 --> 11:36.640
+through the mind map,
+11:36.640 --> 11:40.160
+but we can also go back to thinking about
+11:40.160 --> 11:42.399
+how Christopher Alexander's work
+11:42.399 --> 11:44.240
+inspired Richard Gabriel
+11:44.240 --> 11:46.640
+to think about systems of systems
+11:46.640 --> 11:49.040
+within software. And he,
+11:49.040 --> 11:50.240
+drawing on Alexander,
+11:50.240 --> 11:52.240
+says, well, there is such a thing
+11:52.240 --> 11:55.600
+as a "being" of successful software,
+11:55.600 --> 11:59.519
+if it succeeds in being
+11:59.519 --> 12:00.640
+a center of centers,
+12:00.640 --> 12:02.240
+as we saw before.
+12:02.240 --> 12:04.480
+So in Emacs, then, we have a system
+12:04.480 --> 12:06.880
+that's made up of other systems
+12:06.880 --> 12:08.719
+of 'communicating components
+12:08.719 --> 12:09.839
+that work together
+12:09.839 --> 12:11.600
+to provide a comprehensive set
+12:11.600 --> 12:14.399
+of capabilities that can be customized,
+12:14.399 --> 12:16.000
+specialized, and extended
+12:16.000 --> 12:16.959
+to provide more
+12:16.959 --> 12:18.959
+or slightly different capabilities' [Gabriel].
+12:18.959 --> 12:21.200
+So if we're not finding what we need
+12:21.200 --> 12:25.120
+within the core, we can look for packages
+12:25.120 --> 12:27.519
+that allow us to extend in a certain way,
+12:27.519 --> 12:28.560
+or we write our own,
+12:28.560 --> 12:31.680
+or we begin to write in Emacs Lisp.
+12:31.680 --> 12:34.800
+And speaking of personal customizations,
+12:34.800 --> 12:37.839
+Emacs can be considered as an extension
+12:37.839 --> 12:40.079
+of the as yet unfulfilled promise of
+12:40.079 --> 12:41.600
+general computing.
+12:41.600 --> 12:44.000
+In the 1980s, Michael Crichton wrote
+12:44.000 --> 12:46.320
+that it's easy to use computers, which is
+12:46.320 --> 12:48.000
+fortunate because everyone's going to
+12:48.000 --> 12:49.040
+have to learn.
+12:49.040 --> 12:51.440
+It's not easy to use computers wisely,
+12:51.440 --> 12:52.880
+which is unfortunate because
+12:52.880 --> 12:54.719
+everyone's going to have to learn.
+12:54.719 --> 12:56.639
+Emacs is wise computing
+12:56.639 --> 12:59.600
+because everyone's Emacs is their own.
+12:59.600 --> 13:01.680
+We see that it is an exercise
+13:01.680 --> 13:05.760
+in heuristics, but while it is complex,
+13:05.760 --> 13:08.000
+at on some level, we want to remember
+13:08.000 --> 13:10.240
+that it can be used easily by anybody,
+13:10.240 --> 13:12.560
+as often or as seldom as they want,
+13:12.560 --> 13:15.200
+for the purpose that they are choosing,
+13:15.200 --> 13:17.519
+and shaped according to their own taste.
+13:17.519 --> 13:20.480
+So again I'm drawing on Ivan Illich here.
+13:20.480 --> 13:24.880
+Emacs then champions the human place
+13:24.880 --> 13:28.800
+and is a support in our learning
+13:28.800 --> 00:13:30.638
+how to learn.
+00:13:30.639 --> 00:13:32.000
+So now I want to think about
+13:32.000 --> 13:34.959
+being inspired by the Emacs design pattern
+13:34.959 --> 13:37.040
+and comparing what I think
+13:37.040 --> 13:40.480
+I've learned about how Emacs works
+13:40.480 --> 13:43.600
+with some research that has been done
+13:43.600 --> 13:46.240
+by Philip Guo and his colleagues
+13:46.240 --> 13:47.920
+about how technology is being used
+13:47.920 --> 13:51.120
+in certain online teaching contexts.
+13:51.120 --> 13:52.800
+Researchers continue to note
+13:52.800 --> 13:55.200
+how the modes of delivery of content
+13:55.200 --> 13:56.880
+continue to change in terms of
+13:56.880 --> 13:58.240
+what is considered effective
+13:58.240 --> 13:59.600
+and what is not.
+13:59.600 --> 14:02.000
+The talking head was considered effective,
+14:02.000 --> 14:05.360
+for example. Lectures needed to be
+14:05.360 --> 14:07.760
+broken down into shorter segments.
+14:07.760 --> 14:11.360
+But I would say that by using Emacs
+14:11.360 --> 14:14.320
+and by working within the Emacs ecosystem,
+14:14.320 --> 14:16.519
+one is already used to
+14:16.519 --> 14:18.959
+'re-presenting' one's knowledge
+14:18.959 --> 14:20.800
+in a variety of different ways.
+14:20.800 --> 14:22.320
+So if we are called tomorrow
+14:22.320 --> 14:24.240
+to deliver in a different way,
+14:24.240 --> 14:26.240
+we're already used to
+14:26.240 --> 14:28.399
+thinking about this within Emacs.
+14:28.399 --> 14:30.639
+So, for example,
+14:30.639 --> 14:32.399
+merely by changing a header argument,
+14:32.399 --> 14:34.880
+one can change the way in which
+14:34.880 --> 14:36.480
+text in a file is executed,
+14:36.480 --> 14:39.600
+so we see then this easy iteration
+14:39.600 --> 14:42.160
+within Emacs. We can also think about
+14:42.160 --> 14:45.760
+how Emacs can be considered in terms of
+14:45.760 --> 14:49.839
+a help for developing rhetorical 'topoi',
+14:49.839 --> 14:52.240
+'topoi' being places where we find things,
+14:52.240 --> 14:54.480
+places where we find ideas,
+14:54.480 --> 14:56.320
+because we can circulate
+14:56.320 --> 14:58.959
+among the different tasks and texts
+14:58.959 --> 14:59.920
+that we are working on
+14:59.920 --> 15:01.920
+within Emacs seamlessly.
+15:01.920 --> 15:04.000
+This increases the likelihood
+15:04.000 --> 15:07.519
+that we can gain inspiration
+15:07.519 --> 15:11.440
+from the collage of different ideas
+15:11.440 --> 15:14.079
+that bring out new ideas.
+15:14.079 --> 15:14.959
+At least this is how
+15:14.959 --> 15:16.160
+I've experienced Emacs,
+15:16.160 --> 15:19.279
+if I may add that anecdotal observation.
+15:19.279 --> 15:22.480
+And speaking of bringing out ideas,
+15:22.480 --> 15:26.079
+we see how changing Emacs functionalities
+15:26.079 --> 15:27.680
+can help us bring out ideas
+15:27.680 --> 15:30.079
+for example, through how we can
+15:30.079 --> 15:32.000
+use PlantUML easier today
+15:32.000 --> 15:35.519
+than ever before, so we can now include
+15:35.519 --> 15:38.880
+mental maps within our Emacs files
+15:38.880 --> 15:40.800
+if we want to, but also
+15:40.800 --> 15:45.120
+if we're thinking about Emacs helping us
+15:45.120 --> 15:47.600
+both remember the material
+15:47.600 --> 15:48.719
+that we're working with
+15:48.719 --> 15:50.000
+and 're-present' it,
+15:50.000 --> 15:51.040
+we can think of it
+15:51.040 --> 15:53.120
+in terms of its archival functions,
+15:53.120 --> 15:54.880
+So we can see an example of this
+15:54.880 --> 15:57.040
+in Sacha Chua's init,
+15:57.040 --> 15:59.120
+where she is using Emacs
+15:59.120 --> 16:02.399
+to manage her recent sketches.
+16:02.399 --> 16:03.839
+This would be really useful
+16:03.839 --> 16:06.000
+for implementation
+16:06.000 --> 16:08.160
+in terms of what the researchers
+16:08.160 --> 16:10.480
+(Philip Guo and his colleagues) discovered
+16:10.480 --> 16:12.656
+with regards to how today
+16:12.656 --> 16:14.880
+Khan-style slides are considered
+16:14.880 --> 16:17.920
+more effective than traditional slides,
+16:17.920 --> 16:20.160
+because if one is able to integrate
+16:20.160 --> 16:21.519
+the other kinds of sketches
+16:21.519 --> 16:23.680
+that one has been doing within Emacs -
+16:23.680 --> 16:25.999
+and therefore have them at hand
+16:25.999 --> 16:27.999
+more easily, it would be easier to
+16:27.999 --> 16:30.800
+'re-present' this material as needed
+16:30.800 --> 16:33.600
+in the ever-changing context of the classroom.
+16:33.600 --> 16:35.519
+We can see from this example
+16:35.519 --> 16:38.320
+of Sacha Chua's init that we learn
+16:38.320 --> 16:39.999
+by following the traces
+16:39.999 --> 16:41.998
+left by others in the community.
+16:41.999 --> 16:43.279
+So we were saying then that
+16:43.279 --> 16:45.040
+Emacs extends outwards
+16:45.040 --> 16:46.479
+through these social branches,
+16:46.479 --> 16:48.560
+and indeed we can speak
+16:48.560 --> 16:50.640
+of the grammar of interaction,
+16:50.640 --> 16:52.320
+that we benefit from by being
+16:52.320 --> 16:54.720
+a member of the Emacs community.
+16:54.720 --> 16:56.960
+And this wonderful phrase comes to us
+16:56.960 --> 16:58.880
+from a book that was co-edited
+16:58.880 --> 17:01.736
+by our very own former Org father,
+17:01.736 --> 17:03.680
+Bastien Guerry, in an interview
+17:03.680 --> 17:05.359
+that he led with Nicolas Gaume [Andler & Guerry].
+17:05.359 --> 17:07.040
+Nicolas Gaume was explaining
+17:07.040 --> 17:10.640
+how in video games, we see our character
+17:10.640 --> 17:12.160
+and compare our character
+17:12.160 --> 17:14.160
+to other characters,
+17:14.160 --> 17:16.080
+and we watch how other characters
+17:16.080 --> 17:17.040
+make decisions,
+17:17.040 --> 17:19.040
+and the outcomes of these decisions,
+17:19.040 --> 17:21.440
+and their trajectories in the game,
+17:21.440 --> 17:23.119
+and then we compare where we are
+17:23.119 --> 17:24.720
+with respect to this,
+17:24.720 --> 17:27.119
+and by having this comparison,
+17:27.119 --> 17:29.840
+it helps us chart out our own path.
+17:29.840 --> 17:31.280
+So we can experience
+17:31.280 --> 17:32.800
+this grammar of interaction
+17:32.800 --> 17:35.200
+within Emacs every time we compare
+17:35.200 --> 17:38.720
+our config with that of others.
+17:38.720 --> 17:41.760
+Emacs further champions the social element
+17:41.760 --> 17:43.920
+through co-individuation, which is
+17:43.920 --> 17:46.880
+a term coined by Bernard Stiegler.
+17:46.880 --> 17:48.720
+This means the meaning that is known
+17:48.720 --> 17:50.960
+and shared by other individuals.
+17:50.960 --> 17:52.560
+What is it that we know and share
+17:52.560 --> 17:54.560
+within Emacs? It is how to
+17:54.560 --> 17:55.600
+improve our lives
+17:55.600 --> 17:57.280
+through customizing Emacs
+17:57.280 --> 18:00.479
+in specific ways. So if one person
+18:00.479 --> 18:03.040
+reaches the apotheosis
+18:03.040 --> 18:04.239
+of individuation,
+18:04.239 --> 18:05.920
+and they're living the life
+18:05.920 --> 18:07.760
+they dreamed of
+18:07.760 --> 18:08.960
+through their Emacs use,
+18:08.960 --> 18:10.720
+they can share this information
+18:10.720 --> 18:11.680
+with somebody else
+18:11.680 --> 18:14.320
+who too can come to realize themselves
+18:14.320 --> 18:15.920
+in this way.
+18:15.920 --> 18:17.280
+Without the social milieu,
+18:17.280 --> 18:18.880
+without this attention
+18:18.880 --> 18:21.040
+to the human element,
+18:21.040 --> 18:23.600
+the technical milieu inevitably becomes
+18:23.600 --> 18:24.414
+a negative externality
+18:24.414 --> 18:25.760
+[which is a philosophical problem].
+18:25.760 --> 18:27.840
+Here I'm drawing on Bernard Stiegler.
+18:27.840 --> 18:29.680
+What does this mean? This means
+18:29.680 --> 18:32.400
+where knowledge becomes automaticized,
+18:32.400 --> 18:33.760
+it becomes a closed
+18:33.760 --> 18:36.560
+and self-referential system.
+18:36.560 --> 18:39.520
+Because it's self-referential and closed,
+18:39.520 --> 18:41.999
+there is no need for any human input,
+18:41.999 --> 18:43.600
+so the human within this system
+18:43.600 --> 18:46.080
+turns into a servant.
+18:46.080 --> 18:50.800
+By contrast, by using human-centered Emacs,
+18:50.800 --> 18:53.520
+we are able to take care of our neighbors.
+18:53.520 --> 18:55.840
+We can write extensions for them.
+18:55.840 --> 18:58.560
+We can help each other on the forums.
+18:58.560 --> 19:00.800
+We can even teach just one more person
+19:00.800 --> 19:02.640
+how to use Emacs.
+19:02.640 --> 19:04.880
+And this idea comes from Ivan Illich
+19:04.880 --> 19:06.800
+who extends it to say
+19:06.800 --> 19:08.880
+that by taking care of our neighbors
+19:08.880 --> 19:09.680
+in this way,
+19:09.680 --> 19:11.840
+this enables us to excel
+19:11.840 --> 19:13.999
+at using the best available tools.
+19:13.999 --> 19:16.239
+The tool here being Emacs.
+19:16.239 --> 19:19.200
+The community aspect of Emacs
+19:19.200 --> 19:20.320
+can also be seen
+19:20.320 --> 19:22.720
+in how the core of Emacs itself
+19:22.720 --> 19:25.040
+is evolving. So just like we are
+19:25.040 --> 19:27.119
+configuring and programming Emacs
+19:27.119 --> 19:28.720
+while we are using it,
+19:28.720 --> 19:32.239
+Emacs, too, continues to develop
+19:32.239 --> 19:34.560
+as the core expands.
+19:34.560 --> 19:36.880
+So in this, too, we see how Emacs
+19:36.880 --> 19:39.680
+is a model of design pattern learning
+19:39.680 --> 19:42.320
+that we can be inspired from,
+19:42.320 --> 19:44.960
+and the fact that people
+19:44.960 --> 19:46.320
+from the Emacs community
+19:46.320 --> 19:49.280
+are able to contribute to the core
+19:49.280 --> 19:52.720
+brings emphasis to the community role
+19:52.720 --> 19:53.999
+in this design pattern.
+19:53.999 --> 19:55.440
+So at the beginning, we were saying
+19:55.440 --> 19:56.239
+we're interested
+19:56.239 --> 19:57.680
+in the complex assemblage,
+19:57.680 --> 19:59.520
+not just of activities and tools,
+19:59.520 --> 20:00.960
+but also of people.
+20:00.960 --> 20:03.119
+So here we are talking about
+20:03.119 --> 20:04.720
+an 'Emacs community'.
+20:04.720 --> 20:06.880
+This is also thanks to
+20:06.880 --> 20:08.560
+the selfless work of people
+20:08.560 --> 20:11.999
+like Sacha Chua, or blog rings
+20:11.999 --> 20:13.760
+such as Planet Emacs Life
+20:13.760 --> 20:14.960
+that bring us together
+20:14.960 --> 20:16.880
+so that we truly can say
+20:16.880 --> 20:18.479
+that there is a community.
+20:18.479 --> 20:20.080
+This conference is an example of this:
+20:20.080 --> 20:23.440
+and thank you to the conference organizers.
+20:23.440 --> 20:24.880
+But this community,
+20:24.880 --> 20:28.640
+because of the free core,
+20:28.640 --> 20:30.160
+allows for there to be
+20:30.160 --> 20:31.119
+different viewpoints
+20:31.119 --> 20:32.320
+within the community.
+20:32.320 --> 20:33.440
+One thing that I've noticed
+20:33.440 --> 20:34.880
+about the Emacs community
+20:34.880 --> 20:36.320
+is that there are sometimes even
+20:36.320 --> 20:38.880
+competing views within the community.
+20:38.880 --> 20:40.160
+This can be considered
+20:40.160 --> 20:42.239
+proof of concept of systems thinker
+20:42.239 --> 20:44.479
+and philosopher Edgar Morin's idea
+20:44.479 --> 20:46.720
+of a 'cognitive democracy',
+20:46.720 --> 20:48.160
+which is to say,
+20:48.160 --> 20:50.880
+a community that is nourished
+20:50.880 --> 20:52.320
+by antagonisms
+20:52.320 --> 20:55.840
+while also regulating them.
+20:55.840 --> 20:57.280
+The "being" of this
+20:57.280 --> 20:58.560
+very special community,
+20:58.560 --> 21:01.119
+then, very importantly,
+21:01.119 --> 21:03.920
+stems from how at the center,
+21:03.920 --> 21:05.999
+we have free software
+21:05.999 --> 21:08.720
+that allows for this range of difference
+21:08.720 --> 21:11.440
+and range of extensibility to exist
+21:11.440 --> 21:13.599
+even within the community.
+21:13.599 --> 21:16.880
+So, by way of a conclusion,
+21:16.880 --> 21:18.080
+we can think of Emacs
+21:18.080 --> 21:21.359
+as the center of centers that expands,
+21:21.359 --> 21:24.160
+that is relational and free.
+21:24.160 --> 21:27.280
+Only in some systems, we should add,
+21:27.280 --> 21:28.720
+does this "being" emerge.
+21:28.720 --> 21:31.040
+So going back to Richard Gabriel,
+21:31.040 --> 21:32.960
+just to champion Emacs one more time
+21:32.960 --> 21:34.400
+before we say goodbye:
+21:34.400 --> 21:35.599
+only in some systems,
+21:35.599 --> 21:36.640
+some software systems,
+21:36.640 --> 21:38.960
+does a system succeed
+21:38.960 --> 21:40.080
+in becoming the center
+21:40.080 --> 21:41.680
+of all of the other centers
+21:41.680 --> 21:43.920
+and become a framework
+21:43.920 --> 21:45.520
+that can be used and reused,
+21:45.520 --> 21:47.840
+which gives systems and objects
+21:47.840 --> 21:48.720
+their spirit.
+21:48.720 --> 21:51.520
+So Emacs is being used and reused
+21:51.520 --> 21:53.599
+through these packages,
+21:53.599 --> 21:55.119
+and it gives to them their spirit.
+21:55.119 --> 21:56.320
+The spirit, I would argue,
+21:56.320 --> 21:59.040
+is in part this extensibility,
+21:59.040 --> 22:01.520
+and sometimes even difference.
+22:01.520 --> 22:03.120
+Emacs values the value [cf. Stiegler]
+22:03.120 --> 22:04.240
+of the freedom to create,
+22:04.240 --> 22:05.680
+use, and share [cf. Illich],
+22:05.680 --> 22:06.960
+so we can be inspired
+22:06.960 --> 22:09.119
+by this design pattern.
+22:09.119 --> 22:11.359
+It is... It rallies
+22:11.359 --> 22:14.320
+an autonomous designer mindset
+22:14.320 --> 22:16.800
+and encourages and supports us
+22:16.800 --> 22:18.400
+on our path towards
+22:18.400 --> 22:20.960
+design pattern iteration.
+22:20.960 --> 22:23.359
+It is not a 'flattened' contextualization.
+22:23.359 --> 22:25.359
+It permits ongoing learning,
+22:25.359 --> 22:27.040
+reassembling contexts,
+22:27.040 --> 22:29.520
+and an adaptable design pattern
+22:29.520 --> 22:31.520
+22:31.520 --> 22:33.200
+Ultimately, it helps us create
+22:33.200 --> 22:35.520
+circumstances where learning is coherent
+22:35.520 --> 22:37.920
+with what is valued in the rest of life:
+22:37.920 --> 22:41.520
+pleasure, growth, and transformation.
+22:41.520 --> 22:43.200
+So thank you, on that note,
+22:43.200 --> 22:45.280
+to all of the developers, maintainers,
+22:45.280 --> 22:47.119
+contributors, and community
+22:47.119 --> 22:48.560
+for championing our freedom
+22:48.560 --> 22:51.760
+to co-individuate complex design patterns
+22:51.760 --> 22:54.320
+the way we want to, so we, too,
+22:54.320 --> 22:57.359
+can leave original traces, if we want to.
+22:57.359 --> 23:00.003
+Thank you very much.
+23:00.003 --> 23:00.920
+[captions by sachac]
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+<a name="transcript"></a>
+# Transcript
+[[!template text="Welcome to this EmacsConf 2021 talk" start="00:00:01.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="on Emacs as Design Pattern Learning." start="00:00:03.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="I'm Greta Goetz, and this talk" start="00:00:06.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="is for people who are interested" start="00:00:08.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in thinking about Emacs" start="00:00:10.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as a tool that's sophisticated enough" start="00:00:11.679" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="not only to cope with activities and tasks," start="00:00:13.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but also sophisticated enough" start="00:00:17.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to cater to a complex assemblage" start="00:00:19.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of not just tasks and activities," start="00:00:22.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but also people, outcomes," start="00:00:24.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as well as tools." start="00:00:26.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This is a definition of epistemic fluency" start="00:00:27.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="from a work by Markauskaite and Goodyear" start="00:00:31.039" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that is relevant to us" start="00:00:33.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if we're interested in" start="00:00:35.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="learning how to learn and" start="00:00:36.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how to continuously iterate knowledge" start="00:00:37.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to fit changing complex specific contexts." start="00:00:39.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Some software oversimplifies." start="00:00:44.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs both helps users" start="00:00:46.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="implement design pattern learning" start="00:00:49.039" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that can cope with complexity," start="00:00:50.559" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and it models complex design pattern learning." start="00:00:53.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="So, what do we mean by design patterns?" start="00:00:57.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="The term comes from design theorist and" start="00:00:59.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="architect Christopher Alexander," start="00:01:03.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="whose work influenced" start="00:01:05.199" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a broad variety of disciplines." start="00:01:06.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="I'll be drawing on a work in programming" start="00:01:08.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by Richard Gabriel, and in pedagogy," start="00:01:11.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by Peter Goodyear." start="00:01:14.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="What are design patterns?" start="00:01:16.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="They are patterns of micro solutions" start="00:01:17.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="combining method and artifact," start="00:01:20.159" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and macro solutions" start="00:01:22.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of these micro patterns" start="00:01:24.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="when viewed together." start="00:01:25.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This approach allows for the" start="00:01:27.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="specialization, customization," start="00:01:29.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="extension, and reuse of patterns." start="00:01:31.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This is useful if we're seeking to" start="00:01:35.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="deal with complexity. It helps extend" start="00:01:37.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the assemblage of learning components" start="00:01:40.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we have, without having to build" start="00:01:42.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="from scratch." start="00:01:45.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Another important feature" start="00:01:46.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of design patterns" start="00:01:48.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and their relevance to Emacs" start="00:01:49.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="is the human-centeredness." start="00:01:51.759" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Christopher Alexander critiqued" start="00:01:54.799" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the mechanical" start="00:01:57.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and championed the human place." start="00:01:58.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs, too, champions the human place." start="00:02:00.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="So why Emacs and design learning?" start="00:02:03.439" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="One reason is indeed this extensibility" start="00:02:06.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through Emacs, which allows a person" start="00:02:09.679" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to extend their learning and use of Emacs" start="00:02:13.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as far as they wish to take it." start="00:02:16.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This is thanks to its free software core," start="00:02:18.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and this permits what we call" start="00:02:22.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in networked learning" start="00:02:24.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="'e-quality' cf. Beaty et al.," start="00:02:25.843" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which is to say," start="00:02:27.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the opportunity to co-create knowledge." start="00:02:28.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So if one wishes to extend" start="00:02:31.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="their learning trajectory with Emacs" start="00:02:32.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="such that they're able to" start="00:02:35.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="write packages for Emacs," start="00:02:37.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if these packages become part of the core," start="00:02:38.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="they're really co-creating knowledge" start="00:02:41.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within the community" start="00:02:43.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and extending the capabilities of Emacs." start="00:02:44.879" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs can also be considered" start="00:02:48.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in terms of design pattern learning," start="00:02:50.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because it can be used" start="00:02:52.319" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for different purposes." start="00:02:53.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This is true even at the very basic level" start="00:02:54.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of Emacs functionalities," start="00:02:57.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which is a point" start="00:02:58.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that should really be stressed." start="00:02:59.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So even newcomers coming to Emacs" start="00:03:01.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="who don't know programming" start="00:03:03.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can do a very broad variety" start="00:03:04.879" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of different things with their Emacs," start="00:03:07.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="using these basic functionalities:" start="00:03:09.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for example, simply by customizing" start="00:03:11.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the language variable" start="00:03:14.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in the initialization file." start="00:03:15.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This, thanks to the powerful Emacs Lisp" start="00:03:17.923" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="interpreter, makes it possible for one" start="00:03:20.879" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to do a wide variety of different things" start="00:03:22.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within Emacs: from making graphs" start="00:03:24.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to exporting in LaTeX." start="00:03:26.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="And also part of the Emacs basic" start="00:03:29.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="functionalities are" start="00:03:32.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how we can cycle through" start="00:03:34.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="different tasks and texts very easily" start="00:03:36.159" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through buffer cycling," start="00:03:38.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or how within Org we can use tree outlines" start="00:03:40.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that can hierarchize the material" start="00:03:44.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we're working with" start="00:03:48.159" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and even change a headline" start="00:03:49.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="into a to-do. So we see this extensibility," start="00:03:52.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="this flexibility. Also, within Org," start="00:03:54.799" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we can see how by writing" start="00:03:57.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="just a few lines of code" start="00:03:58.799" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="such as through header arguments" start="00:04:00.159" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or code blocks, we can change the way" start="00:04:02.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in which a file," start="00:04:04.879" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or part of a file, is executed." start="00:04:06.159" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="An illustration of what this means" start="00:04:08.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to the beginner would be how easy it is" start="00:04:10.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to export a LaTeX file," start="00:04:12.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so one doesn't even need to know" start="00:04:15.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="all of LaTeX to be able to implement" start="00:04:17.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="parts of LaTeX within Org. So this" start="00:04:19.199" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="variety of different purposes, then," start="00:04:23.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can be experienced by the beginner." start="00:04:25.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="Emacs is also an example" start="00:04:27.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of design pattern learning" start="00:04:30.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because it is a design pattern" start="00:04:32.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of learning itself." start="00:04:34.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Here we're thinking about design patterns" start="00:04:35.919" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as a visual representation." start="00:04:39.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="We can think of how systems of systems," start="00:04:41.919" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which Emacs is an example of," start="00:04:44.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="stem from a successful center," start="00:04:47.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and 'this center is surrounded" start="00:04:50.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by a boundary which is itself" start="00:04:53.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="made up of centers' Gabriel." start="00:04:55.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So, where we have Emacs at the center," start="00:04:57.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we also have packages such as Magit." start="00:04:59.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Magit can be viewed as a center" start="00:05:02.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="unto itself. However, this center" start="00:05:04.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="only exists thanks to the center" start="00:05:07.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of the center, which is Emacs." start="00:05:09.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="And thus we speak of Emacs" start="00:05:11.759" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as being a successful design pattern" start="00:05:14.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="implementation cf. Gabriel. And why do we care about" start="00:05:17.039" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="design pattern approaches? Here, well," start="00:05:20.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="what I'm trying to say is that" start="00:05:25.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="this is useful to the person" start="00:05:28.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="who is interested in being able to" start="00:05:30.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="more efficiently cope with" start="00:05:32.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="complex and specific situations," start="00:05:34.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and this design pattern allows for this" start="00:05:36.639" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because of its extensibility," start="00:05:40.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because we can find these specializations" start="00:05:43.039" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or customizations that are able to reach" start="00:05:46.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="these changing contexts that we seek to interact with." start="00:05:50.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This can be compared with" start="00:05:52.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="other software applications" start="00:05:55.039" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that are prefabricated" start="00:05:56.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so they already decide" start="00:05:58.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="what it is a person is going to do" start="00:05:59.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="when they use them." start="00:06:01.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This also means that what they're doing" start="00:06:02.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within these applications" start="00:06:04.319" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can get stranded there," start="00:06:05.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that it's harder to integrate" start="00:06:06.639" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="their knowledge or their texts" start="00:06:08.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or their activities" start="00:06:10.319" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with each other." start="00:06:12.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="A lot of software also makes assumptions" start="00:06:13.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="on who their users are. We know that" start="00:06:15.759" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we speak in user experience design" start="00:06:18.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of the 'customer journey' or of 'personas'," start="00:06:20.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and very often, then," start="00:06:23.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the customer journey is pre-designed." start="00:06:24.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="But within Emacs, we can be" start="00:06:27.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="our own persona." start="00:06:29.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Practical use of Emacs" start="00:06:32.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can also make non-programmers" start="00:06:33.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="into programmers." start="00:06:35.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So this is to say that" start="00:06:36.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as we are using Emacs," start="00:06:38.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we can continue to develop" start="00:06:40.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as far as we wish." start="00:06:41.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Therefore we are not only users" start="00:06:44.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within Emacs, but we are also" start="00:06:46.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="creative persons and producers." start="00:06:48.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So here I am citing work by ivan Illich." start="00:06:51.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="We can further contribute" start="00:06:54.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to the evolution of the rules of Emacs." start="00:06:56.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="To draw on Bernard Stiegler," start="00:06:58.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if I may also make an analogy," start="00:07:01.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within our inits, we contribute to" start="00:07:04.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the evolution of the rules" start="00:07:07.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="according to which our Emacs works for us." start="00:07:08.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="But again, if we're extending" start="00:07:11.759" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="our learning trajectory," start="00:07:13.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and if we write a package," start="00:07:14.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and the package becomes part of the core," start="00:07:16.319" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we do indeed contribute to the evolution" start="00:07:18.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of the rules of Emacs." start="00:07:21.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="But because it stems" start="00:07:23.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="from our personal use" start="00:07:25.359" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and our personal customizations," start="00:07:26.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we can think of it as being" start="00:07:28.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a personal toolkit cf. Stallman." start="00:07:30.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So this design pattern iteration approach" start="00:07:31.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to Emacs is the very reason" start="00:07:35.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="why it is that we can customize it" start="00:07:39.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to our own liking," start="00:07:41.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and using Emacs to extend our freedom" start="00:07:43.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="then helps us to develop heuristics." start="00:07:46.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="It helps us develop our decision-making," start="00:07:48.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="our problem-solving" start="00:07:51.919" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and responsibility for what it is" start="00:07:54.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we're doing," start="00:07:57.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and these skill sets" start="00:07:58.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="are extensible beyond Emacs." start="00:08:00.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="These can be considered as life skills" start="00:08:02.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that have relevance beyond." start="00:08:04.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This is a very good example" start="00:08:05.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of why it is that being exposed" start="00:08:07.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to complex assemblages" start="00:08:10.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="matter to us as human beings." start="00:08:12.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="It's good training ground for life." start="00:08:14.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="But it's also important" start="00:08:17.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for a very basic pedagogical point." start="00:08:19.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="So now I'm going to draw on work" start="00:08:22.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by Hélène Trocmé-Fabre," start="00:08:24.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="who explains that" start="00:08:26.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="reduced and poor contextualizations" start="00:08:27.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="flatten communication." start="00:08:30.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So, for example," start="00:08:32.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within the field of software," start="00:08:33.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if we are using an application" start="00:08:35.279" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that only asks us to swipe left or right," start="00:08:37.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="this deprives us of our ability" start="00:08:40.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to respond in a more sophisticated way." start="00:08:42.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="By contrast, by being exposed" start="00:08:45.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to a rich contextualization within Emacs," start="00:08:48.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we are learning to contextualize," start="00:08:51.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which Trocmé-Fabre says is the first step" start="00:08:53.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in learning how to learn." start="00:08:57.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So we can understand" start="00:08:58.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="just how important it is" start="00:08:59.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to be exposed to complexity." start="00:09:01.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="It's not just a mere" start="00:09:03.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="intellectual exercise," start="00:09:05.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but it is indeed how it is" start="00:09:06.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we begin to learn." start="00:09:08.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="If this sounds too abstract," start="00:09:12.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="maybe we can step back for a moment" start="00:09:13.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and think about visualizing Emacs" start="00:09:15.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as a mental map. So here, too," start="00:09:17.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="I'm going to draw on Trocmé-Fabre," start="00:09:19.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and she is building her ideas" start="00:09:21.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="on those of Tony Buzan," start="00:09:24.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="who was the popularizer of the mind map." start="00:09:26.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So mind maps begin with a core," start="00:09:29.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which with Emacs is the Emacs core," start="00:09:31.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which now includes Org." start="00:09:33.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="They extend outwards from the core" start="00:09:36.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through relational codes." start="00:09:38.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="And then through keywords and cycling," start="00:09:40.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="mind maps function to bring out" start="00:09:44.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="further ideas, and this may be" start="00:09:46.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the experience you've already had" start="00:09:48.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with your Emacs. Then finally," start="00:09:49.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="these mind maps extend outwards" start="00:09:52.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="at the periphery." start="00:09:54.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="In thinking about how this applies to Emacs," start="00:09:56.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we can think about how yes, indeed," start="00:10:00.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we all share the same core," start="00:10:02.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but then we extend this core outwards" start="00:10:04.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="into our personal configurations." start="00:10:07.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So this is the social moment," start="00:10:09.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but this social moment" start="00:10:11.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="is integral to Emacs" start="00:10:12.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because Emacs fully achieves its meaning" start="00:10:13.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="when it is being applied, extended," start="00:10:16.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and customized in this way." start="00:10:18.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Further, these social branches" start="00:10:20.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="are relevant to the continuation" start="00:10:23.279" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of learning how to learn how to use Emacs." start="00:10:25.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So for example, we may have" start="00:10:28.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="our first configuration file," start="00:10:30.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and then we might want to compare it" start="00:10:33.279" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with other people's configuration files," start="00:10:35.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="not only to see what code they're using," start="00:10:37.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but also to see how it is that they are" start="00:10:40.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="implementing certain functionalities" start="00:10:42.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within their workflow." start="00:10:44.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So along these lines, then," start="00:10:46.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="descriptive configuration files" start="00:10:48.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="are extremely helpful." start="00:10:50.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This map, then, of Emacs" start="00:10:53.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can be considered as a" start="00:10:56.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="frontierless heuristic schema," start="00:10:57.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="borrowing from Trocmé-Fabre." start="00:11:00.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Frontierless, because we can extend" start="00:11:02.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="our use of Emacs as far as we want." start="00:11:04.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Heuristic, again, because we're using it" start="00:11:06.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to solve problems, etc." start="00:11:08.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This is a free system that extends" start="00:11:10.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="following our own 'paths of desire'," start="00:11:13.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if I can use that phrase from design." start="00:11:15.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So it's following our own 'paths of desire'," start="00:11:18.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but yet it is a shared tool," start="00:11:20.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so this is an idea of the convivial tool" start="00:11:22.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to draw on Ivan Illich." start="00:11:26.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="Emacs is itself" start="00:11:30.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a design pattern framework," start="00:11:31.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so we can visualize this" start="00:11:33.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through the mind map," start="00:11:35.279" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but we can also go back to thinking about" start="00:11:36.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how Christopher Alexander's work" start="00:11:40.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="inspired Richard Gabriel" start="00:11:42.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to think about systems of systems" start="00:11:44.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within software. And he," start="00:11:46.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="drawing on Alexander," start="00:11:49.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="says, well, there is such a thing" start="00:11:50.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as a &quot;being&quot; of successful software," start="00:11:52.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if it succeeds in being" start="00:11:55.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a center of centers," start="00:11:59.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as we saw before." start="00:12:00.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So in Emacs, then, we have a system" start="00:12:02.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that's made up of other systems" start="00:12:04.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of 'communicating components" start="00:12:06.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that work together" start="00:12:08.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to provide a comprehensive set" start="00:12:09.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of capabilities that can be customized," start="00:12:11.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="specialized, and extended" start="00:12:14.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to provide more" start="00:12:16.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or slightly different capabilities' Gabriel." start="00:12:16.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So if we're not finding what we need" start="00:12:18.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within the core, we can look for packages" start="00:12:21.200" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that allow us to extend in a certain way," start="00:12:25.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or we write our own," start="00:12:27.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="or we begin to write in Emacs Lisp." start="00:12:28.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="And speaking of personal customizations," start="00:12:31.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs can be considered as an extension" start="00:12:34.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of the as yet unfulfilled promise of" start="00:12:37.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="general computing." start="00:12:40.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="In the 1980s, Michael Crichton wrote" start="00:12:41.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that it's easy to use computers, which is" start="00:12:44.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="fortunate because everyone's going to" start="00:12:46.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="have to learn." start="00:12:48.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="It's not easy to use computers wisely," start="00:12:49.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which is unfortunate because" start="00:12:51.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="everyone's going to have to learn." start="00:12:52.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs is wise computing" start="00:12:54.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because everyone's Emacs is their own." start="00:12:56.639" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="We see that it is an exercise" start="00:12:59.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in heuristics, but while it is complex," start="00:13:01.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="at on some level, we want to remember" start="00:13:05.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that it can be used easily by anybody," start="00:13:08.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as often or as seldom as they want," start="00:13:10.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for the purpose that they are choosing," start="00:13:12.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and shaped according to their own taste." start="00:13:15.200" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So again I'm drawing on Ivan Illich here." start="00:13:17.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs then champions the human place" start="00:13:20.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and is a support in our learning" start="00:13:24.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how to learn." start="00:13:28.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So now I want to think about" start="00:13:30.639 video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="being inspired by the Emacs design pattern" start="00:13:32.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and comparing what I think" start="00:13:34.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="I've learned about how Emacs works" start="00:13:37.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with some research that has been done" start="00:13:40.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by Philip Guo and his colleagues" start="00:13:43.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="about how technology is being used" start="00:13:46.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in certain online teaching contexts." start="00:13:47.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Researchers continue to note" start="00:13:51.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how the modes of delivery of content" start="00:13:52.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="continue to change in terms of" start="00:13:55.200" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="what is considered effective" start="00:13:56.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and what is not." start="00:13:58.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="The talking head was considered effective," start="00:13:59.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for example. Lectures needed to be" start="00:14:02.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="broken down into shorter segments." start="00:14:05.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="But I would say that by using Emacs" start="00:14:07.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and by working within the Emacs ecosystem," start="00:14:11.360" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="one is already used to" start="00:14:14.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="'re-presenting' one's knowledge" start="00:14:16.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in a variety of different ways." start="00:14:18.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So if we are called tomorrow" start="00:14:20.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to deliver in a different way," start="00:14:22.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we're already used to" start="00:14:24.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="thinking about this within Emacs." start="00:14:26.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So, for example," start="00:14:28.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="merely by changing a header argument," start="00:14:30.639" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="one can change the way in which" start="00:14:32.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="text in a file is executed," start="00:14:34.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so we see then this easy iteration" start="00:14:36.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within Emacs. We can also think about" start="00:14:39.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how Emacs can be considered in terms of" start="00:14:42.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a help for developing rhetorical 'topoi'," start="00:14:45.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="'topoi' being places where we find things," start="00:14:49.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="places where we find ideas," start="00:14:52.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because we can circulate" start="00:14:54.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="among the different tasks and texts" start="00:14:56.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we are working on" start="00:14:58.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within Emacs seamlessly." start="00:14:59.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This increases the likelihood" start="00:15:01.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we can gain inspiration" start="00:15:04.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="from the collage of different ideas" start="00:15:07.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that bring out new ideas." start="00:15:11.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="At least this is how" start="00:15:14.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="I've experienced Emacs," start="00:15:14.959" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if I may add that anecdotal observation." start="00:15:16.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="And speaking of bringing out ideas," start="00:15:19.279" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we see how changing Emacs functionalities" start="00:15:22.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can help us bring out ideas" start="00:15:26.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for example, through how we can" start="00:15:27.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="use PlantUML easier today" start="00:15:30.079" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="than ever before, so we can now include" start="00:15:32.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="mental maps within our Emacs files" start="00:15:35.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if we want to, but also" start="00:15:38.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="if we're thinking about Emacs helping us" start="00:15:40.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="both remember the material" start="00:15:45.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we're working with" start="00:15:47.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and 're-present' it," start="00:15:48.719" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we can think of it" start="00:15:50.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in terms of its archival functions," start="00:15:51.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So we can see an example of this" start="00:15:53.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in Sacha Chua's init," start="00:15:54.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="where she is using Emacs" start="00:15:57.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to manage her recent sketches." start="00:15:59.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This would be really useful" start="00:16:02.399" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for implementation" start="00:16:03.839" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in terms of what the researchers" start="00:16:06.000" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="(Philip Guo and his colleagues) discovered" start="00:16:08.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with regards to how today" start="00:16:10.480" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Khan-style slides are considered" start="00:16:12.656" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="more effective than traditional slides," start="00:16:14.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because if one is able to integrate" start="00:16:17.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the other kinds of sketches" start="00:16:20.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that one has been doing within Emacs -" start="00:16:21.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and therefore have them at hand" start="00:16:23.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="more easily, it would be easier to" start="00:16:25.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="'re-present' this material as needed" start="00:16:27.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in the ever-changing context of the classroom." start="00:16:30.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="We can see from this example" start="00:16:33.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of Sacha Chua's init that we learn" start="00:16:35.519" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by following the traces" start="00:16:38.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="left by others in the community." start="00:16:39.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="So we were saying then that" start="00:16:41.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs extends outwards" start="00:16:43.279" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through these social branches," start="00:16:45.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and indeed we can speak" start="00:16:46.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of the grammar of interaction," start="00:16:48.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we benefit from by being" start="00:16:50.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a member of the Emacs community." start="00:16:52.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="And this wonderful phrase comes to us" start="00:16:54.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="from a book that was co-edited" start="00:16:56.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by our very own former Org father," start="00:16:58.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Bastien Guerry, in an interview" start="00:17:01.736" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that he led with Nicolas Gaume Andler & Guerry." start="00:17:03.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Nicolas Gaume was explaining" start="00:17:05.359" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how in video games, we see our character" start="00:17:07.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and compare our character" start="00:17:10.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to other characters," start="00:17:12.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and we watch how other characters" start="00:17:14.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="make decisions," start="00:17:16.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and the outcomes of these decisions," start="00:17:17.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and their trajectories in the game," start="00:17:19.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and then we compare where we are" start="00:17:21.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with respect to this," start="00:17:23.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and by having this comparison," start="00:17:24.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="it helps us chart out our own path." start="00:17:27.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So we can experience" start="00:17:29.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="this grammar of interaction" start="00:17:31.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within Emacs every time we compare" start="00:17:32.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="our config with that of others." start="00:17:35.200" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs further champions the social element" start="00:17:38.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through co-individuation, which is" start="00:17:41.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a term coined by Bernard Stiegler." start="00:17:43.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This means the meaning that is known" start="00:17:46.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and shared by other individuals." start="00:17:48.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="What is it that we know and share" start="00:17:50.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within Emacs? It is how to" start="00:17:52.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="improve our lives" start="00:17:54.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through customizing Emacs" start="00:17:55.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in specific ways. So if one person" start="00:17:57.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="reaches the apotheosis" start="00:18:00.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of individuation," start="00:18:03.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and they're living the life" start="00:18:04.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="they dreamed of" start="00:18:05.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through their Emacs use," start="00:18:07.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="they can share this information" start="00:18:08.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with somebody else" start="00:18:10.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="who too can come to realize themselves" start="00:18:11.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in this way." start="00:18:14.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="Without the social milieu," start="00:18:15.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="without this attention" start="00:18:17.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to the human element," start="00:18:18.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the technical milieu inevitably becomes" start="00:18:21.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a negative externality" start="00:18:23.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which is a philosophical problem." start="00:18:24.414" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Here I'm drawing on Bernard Stiegler." start="00:18:25.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="What does this mean? This means" start="00:18:27.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="where knowledge becomes automaticized," start="00:18:29.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="it becomes a closed" start="00:18:32.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and self-referential system." start="00:18:33.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Because it's self-referential and closed," start="00:18:36.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="there is no need for any human input," start="00:18:39.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so the human within this system" start="00:18:41.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="turns into a servant." start="00:18:43.600" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="By contrast, by using human-centered Emacs," start="00:18:46.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we are able to take care of our neighbors." start="00:18:50.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="We can write extensions for them." start="00:18:53.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="We can help each other on the forums." start="00:18:55.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="We can even teach just one more person" start="00:18:58.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="how to use Emacs." start="00:19:00.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="And this idea comes from Ivan Illich" start="00:19:02.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="who extends it to say" start="00:19:04.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that by taking care of our neighbors" start="00:19:06.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in this way," start="00:19:08.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="this enables us to excel" start="00:19:09.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="at using the best available tools." start="00:19:11.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="The tool here being Emacs." start="00:19:13.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="The community aspect of Emacs" start="00:19:16.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can also be seen" start="00:19:19.200" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in how the core of Emacs itself" start="00:19:20.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="is evolving. So just like we are" start="00:19:22.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="configuring and programming Emacs" start="00:19:25.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="while we are using it," start="00:19:27.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs, too, continues to develop" start="00:19:28.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as the core expands." start="00:19:32.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So in this, too, we see how Emacs" start="00:19:34.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="is a model of design pattern learning" start="00:19:36.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that we can be inspired from," start="00:19:39.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and the fact that people" start="00:19:42.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="from the Emacs community" start="00:19:44.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="are able to contribute to the core" start="00:19:46.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="brings emphasis to the community role" start="00:19:49.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in this design pattern." start="00:19:52.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="So at the beginning, we were saying" start="00:19:53.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we're interested" start="00:19:55.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in the complex assemblage," start="00:19:56.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="not just of activities and tools," start="00:19:57.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="but also of people." start="00:19:59.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So here we are talking about" start="00:20:00.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="an 'Emacs community'." start="00:20:03.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This is also thanks to" start="00:20:04.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the selfless work of people" start="00:20:06.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="like Sacha Chua, or blog rings" start="00:20:08.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="such as Planet Emacs Life" start="00:20:11.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that bring us together" start="00:20:13.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so that we truly can say" start="00:20:14.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that there is a community." start="00:20:16.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This conference is an example of this:" start="00:20:18.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and thank you to the conference organizers." start="00:20:20.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="But this community," start="00:20:23.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="because of the free core," start="00:20:24.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="allows for there to be" start="00:20:28.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="different viewpoints" start="00:20:30.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="within the community." start="00:20:31.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="One thing that I've noticed" start="00:20:32.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="about the Emacs community" start="00:20:33.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="is that there are sometimes even" start="00:20:34.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="competing views within the community." start="00:20:36.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="This can be considered" start="00:20:38.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="proof of concept of systems thinker" start="00:20:40.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and philosopher Edgar Morin's idea" start="00:20:42.239" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of a 'cognitive democracy'," start="00:20:44.479" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which is to say," start="00:20:46.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="a community that is nourished" start="00:20:48.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by antagonisms" start="00:20:50.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="while also regulating them." start="00:20:52.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="The &quot;being&quot; of this" start="00:20:55.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="very special community," start="00:20:57.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="then, very importantly," start="00:20:58.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="stems from how at the center," start="00:21:01.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we have free software" start="00:21:03.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that allows for this range of difference" start="00:21:05.999" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and range of extensibility to exist" start="00:21:08.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="even within the community." start="00:21:11.440" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template new="1" text="So, by way of a conclusion," start="00:21:13.599" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="we can think of Emacs" start="00:21:16.880" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="as the center of centers that expands," start="00:21:18.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that is relational and free." start="00:21:21.359" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Only in some systems, we should add," start="00:21:24.160" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="does this &quot;being&quot; emerge." start="00:21:27.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So going back to Richard Gabriel," start="00:21:28.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="just to champion Emacs one more time" start="00:21:31.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="before we say goodbye:" start="00:21:32.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="only in some systems," start="00:21:34.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="some software systems," start="00:21:35.599" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="does a system succeed" start="00:21:36.640" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="in becoming the center" start="00:21:38.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of all of the other centers" start="00:21:40.080" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and become a framework" start="00:21:41.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="that can be used and reused," start="00:21:43.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="which gives systems and objects" start="00:21:45.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="their spirit." start="00:21:47.840" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So Emacs is being used and reused" start="00:21:48.720" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="through these packages," start="00:21:51.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and it gives to them their spirit." start="00:21:53.599" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="The spirit, I would argue," start="00:21:55.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="is in part this extensibility," start="00:21:56.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and sometimes even difference." start="00:21:59.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Emacs values the value cf. Stiegler" start="00:22:01.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="of the freedom to create," start="00:22:03.120" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="use, and share cf. Illich," start="00:22:04.240" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="so we can be inspired" start="00:22:05.680" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="by this design pattern." start="00:22:06.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="It is... It rallies" start="00:22:09.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="an autonomous designer mindset" start="00:22:11.359" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and encourages and supports us" start="00:22:14.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="on our path towards" start="00:22:16.800" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="design pattern iteration." start="00:22:18.400" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="It is not a 'flattened' contextualization." start="00:22:20.960" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="It permits ongoing learning," start="00:22:23.359" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="reassembling contexts," start="00:22:25.359" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="and an adaptable design pattern" start="00:22:27.040" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="extensibility." start="00:22:29.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Ultimately, it helps us create" start="00:22:31.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="circumstances where learning is coherent" start="00:22:33.200" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="with what is valued in the rest of life:" start="00:22:35.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="pleasure, growth, and transformation." start="00:22:37.920" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="So thank you, on that note," start="00:22:41.520" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to all of the developers, maintainers," start="00:22:43.200" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="contributors, and community" start="00:22:45.280" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="for championing our freedom" start="00:22:47.119" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="to co-individuate complex design patterns" start="00:22:48.560" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="the way we want to, so we, too," start="00:22:51.760" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="can leave original traces, if we want to." start="00:22:54.320" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="Thank you very much." start="00:22:57.359" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]
+[[!template text="[captions by sachac]" start="00:23:00.003" video="mainVideo" id=subtitle]]