path: root/2020
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diff --git a/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--10-lead-your-future-with-org--andrea.vtt b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--10-lead-your-future-with-org--andrea.vtt
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+++ b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--10-lead-your-future-with-org--andrea.vtt
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+00:00:00.220 --> 00:00:03.400
+Welcome to my talk, Lead Your Future with
+00:00:03.400 --> 00:00:04.680
+Who am I?
+00:00:04.680 --> 00:00:05.680
+I'm Andrea.
+00:00:05.680 --> 00:00:10.060
+I work as a Scala software engineer somewhere
+in the Netherlands, and I inherited my passion
+00:00:10.060 --> 00:00:12.340
+for Emacs from my PhD supervisor.
+00:00:12.340 --> 00:00:15.050
+From that moment on, I got in synergy with
+00:00:15.050 --> 00:00:19.830
+You can find more about me and my interests
+00:00:19.830 --> 00:00:27.150
+That is the place where I keep my blog and
+I blog on a weekly basis.
+00:00:27.150 --> 00:00:29.449
+Let's get into the bulk of the talk.
+00:00:29.449 --> 00:00:31.679
+Why I needed a vision.
+00:00:31.679 --> 00:00:34.360
+The main, main problem is that I have too
+many interests.
+00:00:34.360 --> 00:00:37.740
+I like a lot of things, and these things take
+00:00:37.740 --> 00:00:44.000
+Then I have too little time to do other things
+that are very important as well.
+00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:46.430
+And so I need priority.
+00:00:46.430 --> 00:00:51.750
+And the vision in my mind is both an ambition,
+something that I want to do with my life,
+00:00:51.750 --> 00:00:59.220
+and at the same time, it's a way to focus
+my efforts and get rid of some stuff that
+00:00:59.220 --> 00:01:03.350
+fundamentally is not something I really care
+so much about.
+00:01:03.350 --> 00:01:09.400
+Even if you come up with a vision and so with
+a smaller scope of things that you want to
+00:01:09.400 --> 00:01:17.150
+do, even then, you have to take this ambition
+of yours, this vision, and disassemble it
+00:01:17.150 --> 00:01:19.310
+in very small steps.
+00:01:19.310 --> 00:01:28.950
+Org Mode is very good at taking care of this
+because you can keep track of TODOs in Org
+00:01:28.950 --> 00:01:29.950
+00:01:29.950 --> 00:01:36.740
+So let me show you how I keep an agenda that
+also keeps track of my vision.
+00:01:36.740 --> 00:01:40.250
+For this talk, I have a running example.
+00:01:40.250 --> 00:01:42.990
+Vision will be "I want to bring joy to people."
+00:01:42.990 --> 00:01:45.730
+and "I want to live in synergy with the planet."
+00:01:45.730 --> 00:01:49.740
+Okay, so, given these two visions, let's open
+the agenda.
+00:01:49.740 --> 00:01:59.560
+You will see on the right that now I have
+some tasks, both on Tuesday and on Friday.
+00:01:59.560 --> 00:02:04.560
+Things to notice is that we said one of our
+visions is synergy with the planet, so some
+00:02:04.560 --> 00:02:13.010
+tasks are annotated on the left with this
+category and some with "Bring joy to people."
+00:02:13.010 --> 00:02:16.730
+In this way, you can distinguish where are
+00:02:16.730 --> 00:02:20.100
+In this day, where my effort is going in this
+00:02:20.100 --> 00:02:27.950
+The other thing is the specification of these
+tasks, and then at the end, you can notice
+00:02:27.950 --> 00:02:42.690
+a tag on the right that is essentially a guess
+of how long this task will have an effect
+00:02:42.690 --> 00:02:43.750
+over the future.
+00:02:43.750 --> 00:02:53.970
+So, for example, installing solar panel onto
+my roof is going to have an effect of 10 years
+00:02:53.970 --> 00:02:57.180
+over my life, if I manage to achieve that.
+00:02:57.180 --> 00:03:01.230
+That is my rough guess.
+00:03:01.230 --> 00:03:08.180
+You will notice that the ones that have a
+bigger amount, so 10 years over the 5 year
+00:03:08.180 --> 00:03:15.879
+one, because I order my day so that the tasks
+that are more important or that I believe
+00:03:15.879 --> 00:03:21.540
+are more effective over my future, I sort
+them so that they appear at the top.
+00:03:21.540 --> 00:03:26.420
+In this way, I can basically decide, okay,
+today, what should I...
+00:03:26.420 --> 00:03:36.379
+Find a video on Youtube, but I should take
+into consideration when I look at my agenda
+00:03:36.379 --> 00:03:42.379
+that I've traded that small fun for today
+with something that could have had an effect
+00:03:42.379 --> 00:03:45.890
+over a longer period of time.
+00:03:45.890 --> 00:04:03.909
+Let me show you how I also exploit the facilities
+that Org Mode comes with.
+00:04:03.909 --> 00:04:05.190
+I will...
+00:04:05.190 --> 00:04:07.830
+I have two templates available to me.
+00:04:07.830 --> 00:04:09.330
+I will choose one.
+00:04:09.330 --> 00:04:13.970
+The first thing that it asks to me is "How
+long will this affect your life?"
+00:04:13.970 --> 00:04:20.660
+So I like ... It will affect a long time,
+if I manage to produce only for myself.
+00:04:20.660 --> 00:04:23.400
+So I choose 10 years.
+00:04:23.400 --> 00:04:24.750
+And then I specify the task.
+00:04:24.750 --> 00:04:29.080
+So, "Learn how to keep bees."
+00:04:29.080 --> 00:04:30.080
+I collect this task.
+00:04:30.080 --> 00:04:35.870
+It will now appear in the middle because 10
+years is between 20 years and 5 years.
+00:04:35.870 --> 00:04:40.860
+So I know that if I put some effort in learning
+how to keep bees, I should be quite happy
+00:04:40.860 --> 00:04:41.979
+for today.
+00:04:41.979 --> 00:04:43.060
+00:04:43.060 --> 00:04:50.470
+So, say that I do it, say that that's it...
+00:04:50.470 --> 00:04:52.490
+Once I've done this task, how can I be...
+00:04:52.490 --> 00:04:58.000
+How do I know how much progress I am doing?
+00:04:58.000 --> 00:05:07.100
+The way I can do that is by retrospecting
+weekly or monthly about the successes or the
+00:05:07.100 --> 00:05:09.520
+progress that I am doing.
+00:05:09.520 --> 00:05:14.949
+How I do it is simply by running this kind
+of snippet that shows me that for this month,
+00:05:14.949 --> 00:05:23.350
+I have done three tasks for bringing joy to
+people and three tasks for synergy with planet.
+00:05:23.350 --> 00:05:30.300
+This is useful because you can repeat it and
+it will be appended, so every time you run
+00:05:30.300 --> 00:05:38.040
+it again, you can compare if you are... how
+you are working towards your goal and if you're
+00:05:38.040 --> 00:05:43.830
+focusing more on bringing joy to people or
+if you're focusing more on synergy.
+00:05:43.830 --> 00:05:45.990
+Balance the effort.
+00:05:45.990 --> 00:05:51.850
+A thing that I want to share that I think
+will be useful to you is this function I use
+00:05:51.850 --> 00:05:55.789
+that I made for myself to create these statistics.
+00:05:55.789 --> 00:06:04.509
+It's a wrapper around the very enjoyable library
+org-ql, which allows you to query and group
+00:06:04.509 --> 00:06:13.650
+headings, do analysis on headings, or restructuring
+and view headings in a SQL fashion.
+00:06:13.650 --> 00:06:19.120
+The syntax is very similar to SQL.
+00:06:19.120 --> 00:06:25.390
+You can manipulate your headings and visualize
+them or just get statistics as I have done
+00:06:25.390 --> 00:06:26.390
+00:06:26.390 --> 00:06:36.540
+Finally, for this talk, say that you are doing
+progress, that progress most likely will generate
+00:06:36.540 --> 00:06:39.950
+some useful knowledge for yourself.
+00:06:39.950 --> 00:06:46.050
+My way to store this knowledge is through
+org-roam, another interesting mode that is
+00:06:46.050 --> 00:06:54.759
+very... that is becoming very relevant and
+known today.
+00:06:54.759 --> 00:06:56.020
+The idea is that I simply...
+00:06:56.020 --> 00:07:08.470
+If I learn how to make, how to install solar
+panels, that can be useful knowledge.
+00:07:08.470 --> 00:07:15.800
+I can link to some other knowledge that I
+have and so create my own knowledgebase, and
+00:07:15.800 --> 00:07:19.020
+save it for later use.
+00:07:19.020 --> 00:07:25.160
+My later use is typically, in this case, my
+00:07:25.160 --> 00:07:31.630
+In here, I have a few notes that are basically
+a synthesis of knowledge that I have collected
+00:07:31.630 --> 00:07:34.550
+doing my tasks towards my vision.
+00:07:34.550 --> 00:07:39.440
+With this, this is all I wanted to show you
+for this talk.
+00:07:39.440 --> 00:07:47.490
+You can follow me on my blog at
+. That is also where I am going to share a
+00:07:47.490 --> 00:07:55.370
+version of this Org Mode file that allows
+you basically to create the same kind of configuration
+00:07:55.370 --> 00:08:02.950
+I have here, and you can create an instance
+by running this snippet of Emacs in which
+00:08:02.950 --> 00:08:04.790
+you can just run this example.
+00:08:04.790 --> 00:08:11.890
+An extended example I will also add, to just
+play around safely with this kind of configuration.
+00:08:11.890 --> 00:08:13.300
+So enjoy the rest of the conference.
+00:08:13.300 --> 00:08:14.460
+Catch you later!
+00:08:14.460 --> 00:08:15.650
+Nice to meet you!