path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--34-extend-emacs-to-modern-gui-applications-with-eaf--matthew-zeng-autogen.sbv
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-hopefully everyone is staying safe and
-staying home
-I feel very grateful to live in a world
-today that technology and free software
-can be leveraged to connect people in
-such disconnected and difficult times
-and to have an online conference like
-this hopefully you've all
-enjoyed this year's Emacs con so far
-many thanks to all the people that made
-this possible
-anyways welcome to my talk extend Emacs
-to modern gui
-applications with eaf the imax
-application framework
-this will be my first ever talk so
-apologies for my
-inexperience let us begin
-about me my name is matthew zing you can
-also call me mt
-or mindu I'm a chinese canadian living
-in toronto
-ontario offline I'm an undergrad
-studying mathematics at the university
-of urudu
-online I mean one of the admins of the
-Emacs china
-the largest Emacs forum in china so
-to all chinese listen to my talk right
-now feel free to check it out
-and this is a link to my github profile
-to my projects I'm involving one's me
-max which is
-I'm the author of a user-friendly
-full-featured image configuration
-it is what I'm using right now as well
-as the imax application filter
-which I help to maintain along with the
-other other
-lazy cat which of course is today's
-so as you might all might have already
-noticed I'm currently using Emacs
-and oh and opening navigating closing
-all these websites that are rendered
-or within Emacs it's all thanks to the
-ef project
-so we're living in a society that's
-heavily dependent on the internet
-and multimedia it is unavoidable to run
-to some occasion that you need to
-open a fancy website that uses
-javascript and css
-or you need to watch some videos however
-due to the nature and history of Emacs
-it cannot
-render all these modern graphics
-effectively and efficiently
-Emacs is solely a text-based editing
-and I argue that this is not a bad thing
-in fact it is one of the reasons that me
-and I believe many of you as well
-are attracted to Emacs in the first
-unfortunately this results in us having
-to open a dedicated web browser to
-browse the internet
-open a dedicated video player to watch
-some videos or a pdf render to read some
-so far ems cannot do all these tasks on
-its own
-but can only be achieved using other
-external applications
-so the other the author manatee lazy cat
-or lazy cat in short didn't want to use
-all these external applications
-he wanted to have an uninterrupted e-max
-he wanted to truly live in e-max
-however it would be a lot of work to
-build this
-modern application from scratch there's
-simply no time or research to do that
-so lazy car without utilizing existing
-and to try to make it collaborate with
-Emacs there are many solutions available
-one of it
-is the e-max x windows manager and I'm
-sure a lot of you already know that
-the exwm however it didn't work for him
-because although ux doubling opens the
-door to use other applications within
-it as a fine window manager cannot
-customize or extend other software from
-for example it cannot modify the
-behavior when you press a key in
-chromium or
-pdf viewer therefore it cannot utilize
-the rich emax ecosystem that's been
-growing for almost 40 years
-on the other hand in the ef browser so
-if you mx ef open
-browser with history you can see
-on the lower half of my screen a list of
-histories sorted by my personal
-most visited sites and you can search
-for a site that you've been
-into or search for some keyword and in a
-search engine
-so this is all achieved by utilizing the
-popular completion framework in the
-Emacs ecosystem
-so this car decided to develop a
-solution of its own in 2018
-namely the eaf project so I joined the
-development last year
-2019 ef is
-a highly customizable and extensible
-reapplication framework that extends
-imax to graphical capabilities using pi
-qd5 and it is not a window manager
-alright so in the readme you can see a
-list of gifs
-showcasing all the available ef
-a browser a markdown premier a video
-a pdf viewer and more today I don't have
-enough time to demonstrate each one of
-but I will select a couple applications
-to show you
-so since we are already using ef browser
-we'll start with this besides using the
-classic control n control p
-you can also use the vim style xjkl to
-move up or down
-also meta shift comma or g to the
-beginning of page
-when that shift period or capital g to
-the end of page
-limiting and surfing keys linear and
-surfing keys are popular keyboard-based
-browsing techniques in chrome
-and they've imported here as well you
-can press f to toggle markers pointing
-all the links in the current page say I
-want to visit the wiki
-which comes very very handy when you
-want to configure ef to your liking
-so you see the marker on top of wiki is
-press dd and you enter and now
-you will navigate it to this link so you
-don't need to use your mouse at all
-so a full list of key bindings can be
-found when you
-control hm just as any other max major
-so you don't have to remember everything
-all the key bindings I said to you
-so this is a global binding application
-to every other ef application as well
-so you can find it under the week or or
-you can find it under the wiki in the
-key binding
-section so press f again and use
-ns press enter now you're in the key
-binding web page
-you can see all of the key buttons
-available in every
-es application and you can try them out
-and you can customize your key bindings
-using ef
-bank key you can customize control n as
-in the web page to
-to scroll up in the ef pdf viewer or you
-can unbind
-an existing binding using using yet bank
-binder to new so it doesn't bind to
-okay so here comes the important part
-if you want to customize ef you should
-visit the customization page in the wiki
-so now I press meta b to go back in
-history and
-go to the customization package press f
-press a d
-enter and now we're in the customization
-so the first customization option you
-see is dark mode
-let's say if you want to turn on the doc
-mode for ef browser
-and you don't want to use your mouse to
-do all this stuff
-you press c and you can select
-c to toggle the correct browsing you can
-see a lot of markers available
-pop um again but they're not they're not
-on top of links but instead of
-you select the paragraph or your choice
-in this case you want
-ls which comes here
-and then you just you just move the
-cursor like what you always do
-in Emacs and now you select everything
-and use meta w to
-excuse me metadata to copy the taste the
-now we made a shift column to evaluate
-what we just copied
-and set that to true and
-press r or f5 to refresh the page
-voila we have the dark mode enabled
-so there are well let's take a toggle
-back off for now
-now we made our shift column again
-and we find the the one we just used and
-change it back to false
-and refresh the page back in the light
-so there are many other customization
-options available you can either
-evaluate like what we just did or add it
-to your Emacs configuration file
-so in this wiki you can have you can
-you can make the ef browser to to
-continue where you left off
-similar to the chromium setting
-and you can make yes the default browser
-Emacs by
-aliasing aliasing browse web to your
-open browser
-or or set the browse url browser
-function to
-open browser there's just some tricks
-and there are also
-uh an experimental app blocker currently
-take in place and so therefore it can
-block some elements but not all so
-we we really encourage people to help us
-test out and
-add more conditions in
-so you can so the ef browser is able to
-any files from the internet and it will
-be downloaded using
-a area too and
-you can also customize the ef browser
-download path
-using ef set so it's a function that we
-defined similar to set the normal set we
-so by default the download file is
-stored in your home directory slash
-and you can change that whenever you
-want you can also disable
-saving browsing history so remember
-when I press when I use mx you have open
-browser's history I see all the
-histories here but if you want more
-privacy you don't want that to be
-available at all you can turn it off
-easily with ef
-set queue and set that remember history
-to false
-you can also say your default search
-engine so
-so right now we have google although
-not not really good but google and also
-go which is a better search engine
-well uh yeah ethically better search
-so you can also configure
-the zoom so the default zoom of your
-browser is 1.0 so you can convert
-convert 3000 to 1.25 so you can so when
-you open any web page about it will be
-by default uh you can
-also disable javascript although I
-personally don't really suggest you to
-do because it will
-basically break a lot of our features
-because a lot of the browser browser
-related features
-must be implemented using javascript
-but yeah you can do it if you really
-want to and there also some
-customization on ef camera
-you can do as well yeah
-so uh let's move on to efpd viewer
-so now now let's open
-the pdf file using af
-so that's one something already here but
-let's open it here
-so yes open and
-select introduction to programming in
-e-max list
-uh I have it already open but it's okay
-so you have the file
-you have other files displayed
-you have all the pages display story yes
-there are 273 pages in total but notice
-like how fast it is to browse
-all the pages it is blazingly fast
-that's all thanks to python and
-mupdf which you don't really get from
-Emacs list
-so let's say if I want to jump to page
-we press p and enter 50.
-50 and here we are we are at page 50.
-you can look at the lower right to
-verify the page you're on
-and you can you can
-use I to toggle dark mode
-as expected and let's say you want to
-table of contents so use ctrl s
-the image default binding for I search
-and search for a table of contents
-here we are it is highlighted for you
-and you can control s for more but
-there's only one or
-one match one other one you ctrl g to
-disable the highlight
-and you see a lot of options for you to
-okay let's say if you want to go to the
-so that is you press f which which is
-also similar to
-eef browser you press f for vimeo
-and you see the marker now change to w
-press wn and then you can go to the
-now we'll add a prefix
-so now you finish reading you want to
-save your progress
-no worries it is already saved for you
-by ef you can safely
-close the document using x
-and opening again af
-open and the file see your I
-preface again so you're right at where
-you let up left up
-you can also use mx org store link or
-ctrl cl
-which I prefer to if you want to save a
-particular page in
-a orgmo file so now
-I go back to my presentation now I don't
-need this anymore
-uh so you just control c control l
-or I think mx or insert link
-so you can find the file right here and
-you press enter
-and you press enter for the description
-again and now it's right here
-and ctrl c ctrl o to open it voila
-you're back right so
-let's now demonstrate the ef video
-so mxef open if you use ef open whenever
-you want to
-open some file you use yet open browser
-if you want to use some
-actual application that's not really
-related to a file
-so you have open and select the video
-you want so
-video demo so I already have a video
-ready so because I recorded a video of
-the demo
-of the ef camera have a look so
-let's move to the beginning hello people
-from the future
-this is a demo of the ef video player
-that demos the ef camera feature
-so as you can see on the screen of me
-inside my camera
-and the screen is actually with all
-within Emacs
-right so and you can open this
-using here open camera
-and which I'm already into and you can
-p to capture a photo
-so the photo is by default stored at
-your home slash
-downloads directory and you can modify
-freely so if you go here and you can see
-the camera stored
-right here so why what I used here
-so you press space to pause what I used
-here is
-the year so ef open this entire so
-basically so in direct you you go to you
-you select
-the file that should be opened by
-eaf and I use that so it it detects that
-it wants to use the ef image viewer so
-I accidentally tested if image viewer
-before I noticed so that that that gives
-image of the photo I just took
-using ef camera and as you can see you
-I can use hl the bim button to navigate
-in the time
-timestamp in the video and I can use
-jk to to change the volumes of the video
-alright so now you've seen all the basic
-of the ef project it comes the question
-of what is the magic behind it
-all right let's open the hacking page in
-the wiki
-the design is laid out in a diagram here
-so and let's put it
-side by side along with my text so you
-go we can follow through
-right okay let me
-sorry let me drink some water
-so this page in the wiki went into a lot
-of detail
-due to the time constraint I will just
-rephrase some of the ideas here so for
-anyone interested please have a look at
-the wiki yourself
-the easiest way to think about eaf is
-the actual gui application is started in
-the background
-then the frame of the application is
-attached to the appropriate location on
-Emacs window so
-you have linked qt5 with Emacs using
-list and python
-of the python site which is colored
-yellow in the image
-you have two graphics view and queue
-graphics scene objects
-these are used to simulate the e-max
-window buffer design
-where q graphics scene is similar to
-buffers in Emacs
-it controls the state and the content
-details of the application
-well q graphics view is similar to
-geographic view is similar to imax
-window it populates the buffer
-to graphics scene to the full program at
-the appropriate
-position whenever an ef mode buffer
-brings to a background
-whenever an ef mode buffer brings to the
-foreground sorry
-a queue graphics view instance is
-created and whenever the buffer goes to
-the background
-the q graphics view instance is then
-while q graphics scene the actual
-process remains running in the
-background until the ef mode buffer is
-gpa compositing is used to ensure that q
-graphics view and
-graphics sync is synchronized real time
-using q windows set parent function
-the queue graphics view is attached to
-appropriate location on the e-max frame
-so that although great applications are
-not running within e-max
-they look as if they were
-so when user types on the keyboard it is
-first received by the Emacs ef
-ef mode buffer and then it lifts sends
-the event to google graphics sync using
-when user clicks on the gui application
-it is received by the queue graphics
-and process in python ellipse can
-communicate with python through dbus
-in other words in other words you can
-customize and extend Emacs not just
-lisp and now you can use python this way
-one can leverage
-all the python properties like
-multi-threading or some other stuff
-the entire python ecosystem can be
-utilized as well
-such as the qt web engine that is the
-basis for
-our eef browser and pi mu pdf is the
-basis for the ef pdf viewer
-so this really opens the window to many
-many new possibilities to extend Emacs
-using eaf
-all right back here we are always
-looking for people to join the
-development there are many many
-more work that needs to be done like
-such as testing and debug if there are
-more linux distros and window managers
-such as i3
-and stuff I mean you can also add new ef
-or debug and enhance existing af
-or you can port ef to native wayland
-which I just discussed with the
-the ems whip kit author uh a kill
-akira tile and she he told me that like
-really like it must really yeah it
-doesn't really work
-um native villain because it uses
-x valence so it doesn't work on the pgdk
-port of Emacs
-so and we also need people to pour ef to
-non-free operating systems
-including windows and mac os
-and that's because like debug is a linux
-specific feature so it doesn't really
-work on other platform
-we need to change replace it with some
-alternative and
-geographic scene somehow doesn't really
-work on mac os
-and there are many other to-do lists
-available so please have a look
-if and see it's anything you want to
-work on
-all right so since this is a
-pre-recorded talk I won't be able to do
-the q a real time in the video
-however I will be around on the
-collaborate pad
-and the irc imax con you must come
-to answer any questions it pops up and
-you can also submit an issue
-on the repo and you can check the wiki
-for some other guides and tricks
-all right thank you guys and hopefully
-you find the
-this year project very interesting and
-enjoy the rest of Emacs com 2020