path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--23-incremental-parsing-with-emacs-tree-sitter--questions--tuan-anh-nguyen-autogen.sbv
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+uh okay so the first question is is uh
+do you think that this package can be
+included into emacs or
+uh empire uh
+i think uh it most definitely can is
+just a matter of paperwork but
+the reason i initially wanted to make it
+like a central package is that so that i
+experiment with it more
+like have more freedom to experiment but
+eventually i think is a good candidate
+for inclusion into
+and because because currently not in
+corey mass there are a couple of
+problems with it
+mostly in terms of performance
+for example like anytime we want to
+access the text in a buffer we need to
+a copy of the text into a string
+and then right after reading from that
+text we need to free it right away and
+that results in a lot of garbage
+collection so it would be better
+either the treasure could be included in
+imax or dynamic dynamic model support
+can be
+augmented with direct text access
+so the second question is will release
+be more competitive with cce max
+enough so electricity in english is more
+i think it's possible but uh yeah
+not sure about the amount of effort it
+can be
+multi-years effort and one thing that
+even though gce max can make uh
+it is fast enough there's
+there's one thing that it uh cannot have
+which is that because it's the lisp
+it needs the garage collector so
+we may experiment experience some kind
+gcc post if we use live whereas the
+currently transistor is written in c
+so there's no such latency
+the next question is do you think three
+sister would be useful
+for all buffers i can imagine it being
+used to keep a post ast about an arc
+light off element and update it in real
+yeah actually this is a very interesting
+i saw someone started
+resistor grammar for all already i don't
+have a link right now but
+i can look for it
+i'll try looking for it and put the link
+here later
+yeah yes someone has written here the uh
+and the biggest problem with uh right
+now is that it doesn't have
+formal grammar so
+so the effort
+be quite big i think but but once we
+have that because the
+tree sitter can be run on the web as
+we can on the web and in many other
+if we have a grammar for a traditional
+grammar for all
+we can bring off more
+like everywhere that's a very cool
+next one is could this be used with
+packages like smart parents that aim to
+bring structural editing to
+non-s expression based languages
+yes that is actually one of the
+intended use cases initially
+it's definitely possible but it's just
+that no one has
+only started writing the integration yet
+and next one
+could you show the source that was
+matched by the parser in the debug view
+in addition to the grammar part matched
+uh yeah that's actually um
+on my to-do list but i haven't had time
+for it yet
+so uh if you go to the treesita
+website it also has an
+online playground where you can input
+the code and see the
+parse tree in real time and it's
+a lot more fancy than what we have in
+imax currently so
+yeah i just don't have time for it yes
+some help here would be
+very appreciated
+the next question is will it ever be
+possible to write resetter grammars in a
+or will javascript be required
+yeah that is already answered in the
+part so the
+the transcript is actually just used as
+a sort of
+preprocessor so the
+python generator actually works on the
+on a json
+structure so uh it's definitely possible
+to replace
+javascript with lists for this
+how extensive will the compatibility
+highlighting grammars for e-max and
+for veeam nail view
+so so right now the
+nail vim and emacs used a different set
+the highlighting queries and
+item probably uses another set of
+patterns as well i think it makes sense
+each editor has its own like existing
+for syntax highlighting so
+at least in the beginning i don't expect
+there is any compatibility between
+different editors
+but i think in the long run it will be
+would it better if there's some kind of
+effort to
+unify the at least provide the
+most common patterns that should work
+next one is could there be a
+standardized approach
+to coding automatic refactoring in the
+so that whichever language mode you're
+using you could see many
+available refactoring operations
+i'm not sure about this because the
+most of uh refactoring operations are
+actually very
+like highly specific to a language or at
+least to class of
+class of languages so
+so so maybe it's not like uh one single
+approach for all the languages but maybe
+one for object-oriented oriented
+one for lisp like language for example
+maybe one for javascript and typestream
+next question is uh i'm completely new
+to trisita how do i use it
+as an end user is there any easy example
+config out there
+the organizer otherwise that shows
+standard usage
+with whatever programming language
+yeah there's no um
+uh actually that uh so the project has
+the documentation
+site but it's not very expensive yet
+i think we need to add more examples
+to the documentation
+can language major mode authors start
+taking advantage of this now
+or is it intended to be used as a minor
+uh actually it's both so it's intended
+to be used
+as a minor mode but it's also intended
+be depended on by the major mode
+so basically it it wants to be a minor
+that is dependent on by the other
+major modes
+and by it here i mean the the base
+minor mode tree system mode
+so uh question
+11 is it possible to use this
+for refactoring tool
+uh yeah but
+um like for the kind of refactoring
+inside uh
+buffer it is uh
+it's very doable right now but you need
+to write some glue code
+but for for the kind of more
+extensive refactoring where you want to
+uh like all files in a project
+there needs there needs to be some kind
+of the project
+and another project and uh
+understanding of the language uh model
+like how they are laid out in the file
+system as well
+and with that understanding that there
+should be passing of
+the files even files on the file system
+are not yet loaded into emacs
+so that sounds like something more
+a lot more
+a lot more extensive
+and it probably probably sounds like
+something like an id in uh inside your
+max already like a replacement for
+for lsp
+so next question is the that pop-up mx
+how do you get that
+is the custom hem code i wrote a long
+time ago
+but but right now the best way to
+to have something like that is probably
+the what is written here like uh
+ham boss frame or iv spring
+is a lot easier now
+is there a folding mode for tree sitter
+nowadays there's no folding mode for
+three sitters yet
+but uh
+uh but i think it would better be better
+if it's integrated with the
+like current currently there are
+i'm not sure they're moving forward
+there are like code folding frameworks
+inside imax already or some the
+code showing packages like third party
+and i think it's better to integrate
+with these mods
+rather than writing something new
+are there any language major modes that
+have integrated already
+uh not yet
+so the there was a proposed web assembly
+but it's a new major mode in terms of
+existing major mode there is the
+typescript mode
+but they're only discussing about
+they're not integrated yet
+i think i can try writing the
+sometimes next month
+uh basically what they want right now is
+syntax highlighting and handling
+synthetic highlighting and
+code indentation for tsx
+which is the embedded react
+syntax inside typescript
+so it turns out passing these tests
+is very troublesome so
+so trees that would be a crystal would
+be a lot of help there
+is there any link to the slides yes
+i'll post it in irc later
+regarding imax integration we will
+always need to be a foreign library or
+can it be included
+linked directly in compilation
+uh if if this is about the
+core library itself
+then i think it's uh answered it in the
+first question
+right now is a right now it's a
+dynamic model but in the long run it
+will better if
+it's included in core emacs
+for the language definitions themselves
+it should be better if they are
+distributed uh
+separately like that right now so each
+uh for each language there will be a
+library that will be loaded by the core
+library at runtime
+so the last question is the python mode
+example is pretty good
+is that something that one can use
+yes i'm using it at work right now
+i think that's all for that's all the
+questions right
+you are now unmuted yeah i think that's
+all the questions on the pads so far um
+so thank you but um there may be more
+questions coming on irc
+um i'll try to have a look
+and we still have about 10 or 15 more
+minutes so
+um there's no rush to wrap up in case um
+anyone has any more questions
+uh yeah i just realized that uh i mixed
+up the
+video editing and i uh lost an entire
+session on the
+introduction to treesita oh
+no worries
+you are now muted
+sounds like a perfect opportunity for
+you to redo the introduction if you'd
+like to
+uh actually uh forgot a lot of that
+and i'm with uh tired now so no i don't
+think i can do it
+it's uh 30 minutes until my bedtime
+oh yeah yeah okay you are now unmuted
+so in that case maybe we should
+um we should let tona
+get started going to bed and um and
+i mean then i will figure out what to do
+with the time
+should we start the next talk early
+since it's pre-recorded
+um yeah we can do we can do that um
+but um yeah tonight it you know right
+now it's pretty late there um no worries
+yeah if you know over the next few days
+or weeks
+if you would like to um you know
+do a quick pre-recording or recording
+to add the introduction and then stitch
+it in with what you had already sent me
+um by all means please do that and i
+will upload the edited version
+uh yeah yeah i'll try to do that
+thank you yep thank you so much bye