path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--20-omg-macros--corwin-brust-autogen.sbv
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-uh well good evening again uh I think I
-have a little time here
-uh to talk about macros uh is there
-still room in our in our schedule for
-or should I just kind of jump to some of
-my thoughts on the day
-you are now unmuted um pretty sure we
-have some time
-all right great yeah go for it well I'll
-just drive into my pre
-prepared thing to hear that yeah
-actually you're right on time so
-oh what an amazing thing I I just uh
-you know I have been trying to do what I
-I've got a big thank you planet to get
-at the end but let me just say I uh
-it's it's been really cool to watch the
-way that people work together
-absolutely it's this whole event today
-has been
-nothing but awesome and uh no less like
-no little part thanks to all of the help
-from all of you guys
-and um everyone oh yeah it's awesome
-um yeah with that all just um shut up
-for now and uh
-take it away corwin you know how to make
-make that the default and good old cemex
-all right so I'm gonna try to continue
-my theme from the previous talk I'm a
-longtime Emacs user but I'm
-a pretty new person
-to trying to really understand what's
-going on within Emacs and make
-my customizations to it uh simple for
-what I tend to just think of will work
-and maybe that's that's that's a nice
-bow to put on that earlier talk
-so uh whoops
-uh let's see here now it's ctrl x
-alt I that's right
-and let's try that again okay good
-so demoing is fun uh but I
-will save most of that for tomorrow
-where my
-dear friend and co-collaborator in
-bringing you the dungeon mode project
-which is uh sort of
-the exciting thing that we we hope
-you'll be interested in
-um I think gets a little more of a
-uh tonight I'll just uh close saying
-um a few things about the process of
-making it and continuing my theme of
-uh first of all a specific and upfront
-shout out
-to tv's wasa masa who
-um absolutely shaped and guided this
-this program I I may have taken out a
-slide with your name on it but
-thank you um
-so when we think about Emacs macros and
-power that they give us
-I think about them the the
-you know I think about them as a really
-deep rabbit hole they confuse
-people a lot and so to try to center
-myself on that I remember first that
-they're going to be talking to us about
-uh excuse me I realize I hadn't set my
-here we are
-um so a simple macro syntax is going to
-something that is implicitly confusing
-to somebody that knows the syntax of
-emax lisp
-well we see something like this and a
-veteran I
-says that x isn't quoted what's going on
-but it can be hard to miss
-um a lot of the functions as we'll talk
-about in a moment that are built into
-really are macros so a lot of Emacs
-features work this way
-it might be scary but we have to look at
-it closely if we really want to get
-friendly with Emacs
-um let's just jump right into deaf macro
-which is which is our key entry point
-and the
-notes from this talk include the link um
-to that uh which which definitely
-uh read through a couple of times and
-that may take you through
-into the cldf macro which adds
-the common list lisp extensions
-and uh definitely
-uh challenging uh I've struggled there
-as we'll take a look at in
-in a moment um
-so I haven't played too much with cl
-maclet perhaps success in
-in that uh keyword space and figuring
-out what the right balance is there
-what will give me the confidence to try
-some more lexical
-uh macros
-let me also briefly introduce the comma
-and back quote if you
-have uh allowed your eyes to cross when
-you see these and that's not
-uh a shameful shameful thing it's
-confusing and we should be
-alerting each other when we when we
-stick macros in
-often by putting them in different
-different library spaces for complicated
-or um otherwise sort of warning people
-that this is not an interactive function
-if you get away with using it like one
-to watch your back
-the uh
-the manual itself talks about macros
-as being a way of evaluating
-you know as as being um
-an evaluator that will take our amex
-lisp expression
-and the set of forms that kind of that
-will feed to it our code
-but it also provides us with this
-concept of an
-environment and and and that's really
-where the power
-comes in through that we can have
-lexical variables and
-um think about uh bring in some of the
-capabilities that
-um can be harder to reach with
-a a a pure declarative statement that
-doesn't allow
-for uh
-top level
-um asynchronous asynchronicity
-uh I'm gonna basically
-ignore the bike compilation phase for
-this talk
-uh in order to have any prayer of
-getting through it in the
-remaining nine or 11 minutes or whatever
-uh but
-suffice it to say it that's a scary
-space and that's that's that's really
-the thing that you want to start
-learning about as you think about taking
-taking macros on uh in earnest
-the um coming back to the comma syntax
-having having given ourselves sort of a
-working definition for the Emacs lisp
-runtime environment then we can say that
-macros are going to
-inject code back into that stream
-whereas back quote is going to
-uh going to give code back
-to the to the stream or interject sorry
-it's going to interject uh back into the
-uh sort of uh an exclamatory excuse me
-I'd like to uh
-have a value here and we can take that
-value from the environment as it exists
-when our macro is evaluated
-back quote on the other hand takes the
-from that and uh
-and returns it back to the stream for
-evaluation at the processing level that
-invoked us
-so in other words perhaps back up to
-a top level eval expression where our
-macro is invoked
-uh wrong way so um
-with what's I'm going to briefly bring
-you back to the game
-for just a moment
-um I won't
-I won't has I won't linger on this slide
-but but
-briefly uh this is a
-roll paper role-playing pen
-and pencil uh physical dice
-tradition that dates back a long time
-from a technology perspective
-it's it's old in the same way that uh
-other tools uh that I like are
-uh it's simple to understand and I can
-communicate a lot with it with a simple
-amount of you know typing or
-scribbling something on a piece of paper
-it has a complicated problem space um
-of its own again I don't want to
-get too much into the game here but
-uh in this in this talk for the last
-five minutes I'll focus
-on the process that we took to to
-automate uh getting data out of the org
-mode tables which
-eventually as we'll talk about more
-tomorrow are used to draw
-game maps and other things
-um here I talk about kind of why we did
-that I'm going to skip briefly past that
-and say instead that at a high level
-it's it's symbolic informatics we're
-giving a symbolic name
-to a tile set and then
-and then assigning that tile set some
-some characteristics like physical
-screen space a variable that we might
-want to swap in
-and so forth uh and
-you know our project rests heavily on on
-org mode and
-it's it's fundamental capabilities
-so the the code I'm going to show here
-uh is
-is focused around sort of a a sticky
-problem space in in the information
-technology and I'm I'm a professional
-uh uh software engineer turned uh
-technology architect I support
-the websites for a recognizable
-financial services brand that I don't
-identify just so I don't accidentally
-end up
-uh inadvertently misrepresenting my firm
-in some financial
-uh perspective if I let some other
-companies slip at certain let some other
-companies slip
-name slip or my own it's certainly no
-representation of an opinion other than
-my own
-the um
-so etl has to do with moving data around
-we we have the idea of of
-a pipeline where we'll be able to verify
-certain assumptions not
-nominally about data quality but it
-could be about anything
-before the pipeline starts okay we've
-got a state where we think it should
-work if we run it
-we have uh some extraction where we'll
-get our sources and we may have the the
-opportunity to
-uh make some assertions there and in the
-stage as well as the load things get a
-little dicer
-to the point where we come out of the
-load stage and we should have some
-really solid assertions again that we
-can even go back and compare to the
-extract stage
-and from this we have the rudimentaries
-of a data quality practice
-uh in this case we have a number of org
-mode files that will all
-be distributed across a
-number of players uh computers
-so we might not want to update every
-part of every buffer
-I think it's a complicated problem space
-and so we tried to take
-a long-term view of
-the solution that we needed um so I'll
-go ahead
-and open up the fun function
-that well let's let's actually start
-with the one that's pretty easy to read
-and uh I'm gonna go ahead and just crank
-it up huge
-in case anybody's watching in 480.
-um so this this program is not
-a work of art it's a simple
-implementation of the idea that a list
-an a list of functions that return
-maybe some data maybe some data and an
-entry back into that a list
-um can be done quite extensively with
-very few lines of code
-neither is it an especially tight or
-thrifty implementation
-it's just trying to get the job done
-with a doc
-statement for everything at the heart
-um we see a call to this macro called dm
-coalesce hash and that's what I'd like
-to focus in on you can see I think
-that something on unpleasant is
-happening here
-I've got an eval in um
-what is I will share a a
-fairly central function that that that
-those implementing this etl pattern are
-welcome to
-derive from that is this is a default
-that you can get when loading certain
-kinds of
-uh orgmo tables that have been uh
-properly adorned and again we'll get
-into that all tomorrow
-so keep an eye on time couple minutes
-left let's look at the macro itself and
-I have a slide on this but let's go
-ahead and risk getting off page
-oh boy here we go so this is my
-utilities bucket
-it has such basic features as give me a
-hash table with some defaults I'll think
-about that later
-and add to list um a special version
-that enables us to be a little cavalier
-in experimenting with a-list versus
-hashes versus p
-lists we've made a right mess for
-ourselves in the proof of concept area
-and it's ripe
-for someone to write a white paper about
-when to prefer these things
-and fix
-the merge a list uh
-same work here let's get let's get down
-to business
-this function has quite a this a macro
-has quite a doc string and I think I
-mentioned earlier that I got myself into
-trouble with the keyword properties you
-can see that we have
-not only quite a number of them but
-a lot of a lot of default values many of
-may be relying on the
-values that are passed in here this is
-complicated and as it turns out
-um I wasn't brave enough in most cases
-to try to write a lambda that could
-understand and
-replace uh its own local variable I just
-it didn't save me enough time this was
-really easy
-to read and write and understand as I
-thought through my problem
-but now as I use it I I've lost a little
-ground maybe with this and I'm not even
-I like what I got from uh the many
-properties when it and we can look
-perhaps if we have
-the time at what that looks like in uh
-oh all right I have to separately
-dismiss and restart that
-um so that so that's just about my time
-uh and being respectful of that I want
-to invite presenters to just jump in at
-any of the many large pauses I leave
-uh as I'll just leave up the doc string
-for a moment and maybe split the screen
-and pull open an item
-you are now unmuted uh thank you very
-much for your talk corwin
-um I think you still have like uh
-maybe three or four more minutes if you
-want to quickly wrap up
-okay so three or four more minutes I can
-easily spend
-on thank yous
-I might switch to that if there aren't
-questions on the path
-um would you like me to pull up the pad
-or are you looking at it
-I am I bookmarked it I am
-pulling the tab and I'll bring it in
-all right this is the wrong ether pad
-thanks for the link
-all right um so I think I'm looking for
-uh okay key message sure so the
-the key message is that it's um it's a
-jungle out there
-macros along with any other design can
-leave you in a position
-where you have a nice api and I can show
-you other examples you can find them in
-the dungeon mode source
-of many many other places where I use
-this exact same formula quickly
-sketching out how a character sheet
-or another big data set needs to
-needs to figure out what tables are
-going to be interesting from the
-collection of files
-and then load up the tile set and
-the uh layout file from that
-and I mean it works this the project is
-moving forward with this I have the
-flexibility that I need
-but here I am evaling my own code to
-make darn sure even if I get by
-by compiled uh this macro doesn't uh
-does get evaluated in the user's real
-run time clearly a design fail so that
-would be
-the key point of my talk is is to
-present this design
-fail and uh thank
-um thank the community but especially
-wasa masa
-for for some patience and let me add at
-this moment that
-uh he was so frustrated with me they
-were sort of frustrated with me I think
-didn't qualify pronouns um
-with um
-with doing this the the first the this
-was one of our first interactions and
-the feedback was
-why is this a macro full stop
-and uh that's a great message actually
-and I and I hope that
-uh maybe this can encourage further
-talks across the subject about
-you know hey wait a minute macros are
-really fantastic as I hope I made
-clear you can do a tremendous amount
-about uh with them and we rely on them
-almost all the fun goodies um from you
-know defund
-um I want to get to my my thank yous let
-me just
-peek back at the pad
-well that was actually a scratch buffer
-so I'll have to sort of read it cold off
-my notes
-but also but I'll switch to I'll also
-I'll say a couple of thank yous if you
-don't mind
-in addition to the big thank you that I
-hope was implied by my shout out to wasa
-um I also want to thank you amen for
-um your kindness in extending
-to the project as well as to me the
-the chance to present here and and and
-you've you've also
-just done a lot of great stuff for our
-project thank you very much for that and
-I'll get there um thank you so much for
-the inspiration that you are to our
-whole community
-I also want to thank the presenters
-um for just being so flexible and
-uh nagging back through the whole thing
-and especially to leo
-who has done so much to drive the show
-um I
-this is a fractious tent at times and
-it is indeed a little bit of a circus
-but I
-am learning so much so fast I'm just
-inspired by how much
-Emacs can teach us thank you
-uh corbin for your kind words and you
-know about me of course but all about
-you know all of us
-and the conference and you know indeed
-thanks to everyone who's helped uh
-including the speakers of course
-without whom you know a maxcom really
-wouldn't have been a EmacsConf
-and you know it's been a pleasure
-knowing you and working with
-you um I guess um from afar for the most
-part on dungeon mode like helping
-helping with like small things here and
-there but um
-yeah it's been my pleasure and it's
-great to have you and
-um everyone else you know part of the
-community and
-for me to be part of the community it's
-been a lot of fun
-thank you
-it's it's it's it's an honor and I don't
-use that word an awful lot because I
-sort of
-sort of smirk at it but um gets us in a
-lot of trouble honor does but
-this will be a sure time to use it thank