path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-of-music--questions--grant-shangreaux.sbv
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diff --git a/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-of-music--questions--grant-shangreaux.sbv b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-of-music--questions--grant-shangreaux.sbv
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-of-music--questions--grant-shangreaux.sbv
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+okay awesome okay
+so first question what does bard beaver
+max mean good question
+um in one version of my talk i spent too
+long explaining it
+and decided to cut it out um
+it's basically a bad pun on uh
+band camp so like a
+beevock i don't even know if i'm
+pronouncing that correctly it's like
+a tent or a camp that you put up hastily
+and a bard is a musician of course so
+uh yeah i don't know i like puns i'm a
+and uh that's the best i could come up
+with um
+i'll probably find a different name for
+it but i liked that bewak
+if you stick an m in there it becomes
+and it's kind of like editor macros for
+generating some
+generating some html
+okay yes it is confusing chatting on irc
+at the same time
+um great question grant yeah
+um so right now you're sharing your
+screen um are you planning on like
+showing something with it or for example
+should i maximize you i don't know
+i can turn it off for now okay
+you can turn on the webcam yeah okay
+yeah i'll maximize your
+webcam okay thanks um
+i'll get to the answer for my color
+theme here in a bit
+in irc next question on
+the ether pad does this metadata
+workflow also support
+unsynchronized lyrics within id3 tags
+multi-line metadata
+i don't know um actually
+it's funny because i was trying out
+different things with metadata
+and really the biggest thing was to
+figure out how to do mass tag editing
+and that was like
+not it wasn't very intuitive like i said
+with emms
+i think emms is really great but its
+interface is huge
+like if you do meta x and type emms you
+i don't know 270 some candidates
+there's a lot of functions going on i
+basically found the
+features that i needed to get this
+workflow working
+i would guess that you probably can do
+it and if you don't
+if you can't do it out of the box i
+think you could script the mms to do
+i'd like to know more and i'm certainly
+going to be
+investigating it i will try and post my
+findings somewhere online
+is it possible to import batch metadata
+i'm not sure i would guess
+yes is the answer emms can connect to
+like metadata services i haven't done
+that because i was just
+using audio files that i created myself
+i know that on the back end it calls out
+shell programs for tagging things
+there's a lot of different options that
+shell out too i was using the
+the vorbis tools to tag the particular
+files i was working with
+you can also use tiny tag and there's
+some other
+that might be the python library i can't
+remember there's two other libraries
+that i can shell out too for
+doing metadata
+my current workflow for tagging music is
+to first apply replay gain in fubar 2000
+fix egregious mistakes use beats to
+apply metadata from music brains
+or discogs go over remaining albums with
+fubar 2000 again
+is there a chance textual tagging could
+allow doing it all in one program
+have i experimented with mask tag
+updates queries i have not
+again i was just doing this workflow
+taking raw files with no tags and doing
+i believe because it calls out to
+the programs in the back end i'm sure
+you could work that out
+and i think emms would benefit from
+having something like that because
+we work with text and emacs being able
+to to use emacs as a front end for those
+updates would be really fantastic so
+really it's just a matter of
+writing the interface to the external
+is there a link to some info expanding
+philosophy of how to compensate
+musicians um
+no i don't really have a lot of
+philosophy around that i guess the first
+thing i could say would be
+something like a universal income i feel
+like that would solve a lot of problems
+if musicians could just be musicians and
+not have to worry about their pay i will
+think about it more
+um this is kind of one of my first
+forays into being getting
+public with some of these ideas so i
+will try to do more
+and let the community know what emacs
+theme am i using
+can't remember it's one of the cowlin
+themes k-a-o-l-i-n
+i think it was aurora or
+or bubble gum maybe but the
+cowlin themes are nice i recommend them
+not using doomy max do mode line though
+it's very pretty svg support built into
+i'm using emacs 27.1 and yes svg support
+is built in
+i may have had to compile it with some
+cairo support
+i don't remember for sure
+but yes you can even take screenshots of
+your emacs
+from within emacs in svg
+it's pretty great okay um
+i don't know how much more time we have
+left for questions
+that's most of the things on the ether
+i think we have like 10 more minutes to
+catch up with like the schedule
+okay yes or if there are more questions
+feel free to answer them
+okay i'll start kind of looking through
+and keep an eye on the pad too
+thank thank you all for um listening and
+enjoying the talk i'm glad it turned out
+awesome yeah it's been fun
+so far
+how did i manage okay um i can post a
+snippet of that or actually i can share
+my screen can't i
+okay i actually have it up right here so
+i think i got this from alpha papa to be
+um so i define screenshot
+svg um
+it's an interactive command oh yeah
+there's alpha papa
+okay there we go
+i would like to change this so that i
+can get it into
+like the copy paste buffer so i don't
+have to
+copy the file in but uh i haven't really
+hacked on it yet
+okay um org header colors
+okay so that might be a good question i
+the presentation
+uh sorry it's hard to think and type at
+the same time
+think and talk and type
+okay so the presentation is just a
+um org file right so i have my headers
+and my
+and the author you can even stick your
+email and other headers in there
+but there's a package called org tree
+which i whoops why is it not
+um i must have not required it good
+question grant
+yeah um can you try sharing your screen
+oh is it not shared i'm sorry boards
+thank you
+there we go should be coming up
+see yeah it's coming up yep we see it
+all right okay i don't know why this
+isn't working
+it was working
+okay you want to see the screenshot
+whoops okay i just took a screenshot
+um so org tree slide
+i don't know why it's not launching i
+thought that i had required it but i
+must not have
+maybe i'll try
+so there we go so org tree slide is a
+way that basically uses
+narrowing and some kind of font tricks
+it changes your titles or your your
+metadata into
+kind of this banner for the title here
+and it automatically sets the faces for
+you i know you can
+customize that of course and then as you
+go through the org file you get these
+kind of nice animations and
+what's it called breadcrumbs up at the
+so org tree slide i highly recommend it
+it's really nice because you can give
+your presentation
+and practice it and while you're
+practicing it you can edit things as
+well because it's still just
+an org document using narrowing you know
+it doesn't
+actually change anything um so
+definitely recommend org tree slide mode
+okay let's see what else
+share my screen to demo oh that's the
+let's see
+okay so i don't know if you can see this
+now but i'm actually viewing the svg
+screenshot that i took with emacs
+see here's the source of it so emacs
+made that
+and here's the image and
+it's cool because you can even do it
+again and again and
+open more screenshots of screenshots
+yeah definitely emac exception
+fun stuff
+anything else in chat or
+header colors oh yeah i talked about the
+themes this is another cowlin theme
+i think the one in the talk was
+maybe this one aurora
+oh here's there's something funny when
+you start org tree slide with a
+different theme
+this top header bar gets the faces from
+that previous theme and i have not
+figured out how to fix that yet
+did i have to compile to get the
+screenshot i think maybe i did
+yes if i'm remembering correctly
+i got emacs 27 i'm not on a mac
+i saw alpha papa's comment on reddit and
+um i recompiled it with cairo support
+okay lots of good conversation on here
+yep i have like one or two more minutes
+um i guess while i'm here i might as
+well say thank you to
+the organizers uh i really appreciate
+everybody's work on this
+it's fun to be a part of this community
+i'm enjoying the other talks i've seen
+so far today and i'm looking forward to
+to the rest
+um it's really interesting just from
+being on emacs in irc
+for a few months i've already connected
+with a lot of interesting people
+and have a lot of cool connections
+thank you for being a part of the
+community grant
+that's good to be here i have another
+talk tomorrow as well
+oh thanks for everyone in the ether pad
+2 for putting more comments on these
+questions here
+and taking the notes
+ok so i think that's about all the time
+that we have for the q
+a okay um thank you again so much grant
+for your awesome talk and for popping in
+for questions
+yeah thanks again for hosting see you
+later cheers