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authorEmacsConf <>2023-12-02 13:25:18 -0500
committerEmacsConf <>2023-12-02 13:25:18 -0500
commitc882f154294b8a1e6068f05c64ce02c869a1d440 (patch)
parent343b8494e369663b709031984e33d4a0ade82839 (diff)
Automated commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 1052 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-nabokov--why-nabokov-would-use-orgmode-if-he-were-writing-today--edmund-jorgensen--main--chapters.vtt b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-nabokov--why-nabokov-would-use-orgmode-if-he-were-writing-today--edmund-jorgensen--main--chapters.vtt
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index 00000000..0dc31572
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+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:45.759
+00:00:45.760 --> 00:02:24.079
+Nabokov's process of writing novels
+00:02:24.080 --> 00:04:46.559
+Three practical problems novelists face
+00:04:46.560 --> 00:08:55.599
+Org mode for writing novels
+00:08:55.600 --> 00:09:50.840
+Takeaways and next steps
diff --git a/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-nabokov--why-nabokov-would-use-orgmode-if-he-were-writing-today--edmund-jorgensen--main.vtt b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-nabokov--why-nabokov-would-use-orgmode-if-he-were-writing-today--edmund-jorgensen--main.vtt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-nabokov--why-nabokov-would-use-orgmode-if-he-were-writing-today--edmund-jorgensen--main.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+WEBVTT captioned by bhavin192, checked by sachac
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.239
+Hello, fellow Emacs enthusiasts.
+00:00:05.240 --> 00:00:06.799
+My name is Edmund Jorgensen.
+00:00:06.800 --> 00:00:08.519
+I'm a software engineer by day,
+00:00:08.520 --> 00:00:10.599
+but by night I love to write novels,
+00:00:10.600 --> 00:00:11.774
+and I lean on Emacs heavily
+00:00:11.774 --> 00:00:13.759
+for both of these activities.
+00:00:13.760 --> 00:00:15.879
+Today, I would like to talk to you about how Emacs,
+00:00:15.880 --> 00:00:17.319
+specifically with Org mode,
+00:00:17.320 --> 00:00:18.440
+has helped me manage some of the practical
+00:00:18.840 --> 00:00:20.940
+difficulties of writing long-form prose,
+00:00:20.940 --> 00:00:22.039
+novels in my case,
+00:00:22.040 --> 00:00:24.319
+and I'd like to get at this by talking about how
+00:00:24.320 --> 00:00:26.439
+another, much more famous novelist managed
+00:00:26.440 --> 00:00:28.359
+some of those same difficulties in a way
+00:00:28.360 --> 00:00:30.874
+that makes me suspect he might well use Emacs
+00:00:30.874 --> 00:00:31.959
+and Org mode himself
+00:00:31.960 --> 00:00:34.519
+if he were still alive and writing today.
+00:00:34.520 --> 00:00:35.599
+This talk will probably be
+00:00:35.600 --> 00:00:36.959
+of the most interest to listeners
+00:00:36.960 --> 00:00:39.239
+who either already write long-form prose in Emacs
+00:00:39.240 --> 00:00:40.879
+or are considering doing so,
+00:00:40.880 --> 00:00:42.039
+but I think that anyone
+00:00:42.040 --> 00:00:44.079
+with an interest in literature or Emacs
+00:00:44.080 --> 00:00:45.759
+will find something to take away.
+NOTE Nabokov's process of writing novels
+00:00:45.760 --> 00:00:51.119
+So let's get to it.
+00:00:51.120 --> 00:00:53.919
+Here's a picture of a man lying on a bed,
+00:00:53.920 --> 00:00:55.999
+writing something on an index card.
+00:00:56.000 --> 00:00:57.519
+If we didn't know any better,
+00:00:57.520 --> 00:00:58.959
+we might think that he was just jotting down
+00:00:58.960 --> 00:01:01.679
+a recipe for beef stew or something like that.
+00:01:01.680 --> 00:01:03.839
+But in fact, this is not just any old man.
+00:01:03.840 --> 00:01:06.174
+This is Vladimir Nabokov, one of the most
+00:01:06.174 --> 00:01:08.079
+celebrated novelists of the 20th century,
+00:01:08.080 --> 00:01:09.279
+and he's not jotting down
+00:01:09.280 --> 00:01:11.479
+a recipe for beef stew in this picture.
+00:01:11.480 --> 00:01:12.759
+He's actually hard at work here,
+00:01:12.760 --> 00:01:15.007
+composing a classic of English literature
+00:01:15.007 --> 00:01:16.559
+on an index card.
+00:01:16.560 --> 00:01:18.799
+That's how he wrote all his novels, in fact,
+00:01:18.800 --> 00:01:20.159
+on index cards.
+00:01:20.160 --> 00:01:22.759
+I don't mean that he just took notes on these cards
+00:01:22.760 --> 00:01:24.159
+or wrote outlines on them.
+00:01:24.160 --> 00:01:25.679
+He did both of those things as well,
+00:01:25.680 --> 00:01:28.919
+but he also wrote the actual prose of his novels,
+00:01:28.920 --> 00:01:32.799
+word by word, sentence by sentence, on index cards.
+00:01:32.800 --> 00:01:37.359
+Let's see what that looked like at scale.
+00:01:37.360 --> 00:01:39.440
+This box you see here,
+00:01:39.440 --> 00:01:41.239
+full of groups of bundled cards,
+00:01:41.240 --> 00:01:43.919
+is what a novel in progress looked like for Nabokov.
+00:01:43.920 --> 00:01:46.079
+If you squint, you can see that these cards
+00:01:46.080 --> 00:01:47.639
+were from the composition of Lolita,
+00:01:47.640 --> 00:01:50.559
+probably his most famous novel.
+00:01:50.560 --> 00:01:53.719
+So why did he write novels on index cards?
+00:01:53.720 --> 00:01:56.039
+It's not necessarily an obvious choice.
+00:01:56.040 --> 00:01:58.999
+Yes, sadly, Emacs wasn't available to him at the time,
+00:01:59.000 --> 00:02:01.239
+but most writers in his day,
+00:02:01.240 --> 00:02:02.640
+if they weren't using typewriters,
+00:02:02.640 --> 00:02:03.919
+which were available,
+00:02:03.920 --> 00:02:05.999
+were using notebooks or loose-leaf sheets
+00:02:06.000 --> 00:02:07.359
+or something like that.
+00:02:07.360 --> 00:02:09.959
+Not these tiny little index cards.
+00:02:09.960 --> 00:02:11.919
+But Nabokov loved index cards.
+00:02:11.920 --> 00:02:14.359
+He swore by them because they represented
+00:02:14.360 --> 00:02:15.199
+an elegant solution
+00:02:15.200 --> 00:02:17.999
+to three of the most pressing practical problems
+00:02:18.000 --> 00:02:24.079
+that every novelist faces.
+NOTE Three practical problems novelists face
+00:02:24.080 --> 00:02:25.307
+Writing a good novel
+00:02:25.307 --> 00:02:27.479
+is artistically difficult, of course.
+00:02:27.480 --> 00:02:28.959
+You have to write something interesting
+00:02:28.960 --> 00:02:30.107
+with a good story,
+00:02:30.107 --> 00:02:31.919
+something that people want to read.
+00:02:31.920 --> 00:02:33.519
+But writing any novel at all,
+00:02:33.520 --> 00:02:34.999
+whether it's good or bad,
+00:02:35.000 --> 00:02:37.719
+is brutally, practically difficult.
+00:02:37.720 --> 00:02:39.919
+You're hacking something like 100,000 words
+00:02:39.920 --> 00:02:42.440
+into unified shape over a long period of time,
+00:02:42.440 --> 00:02:43.799
+months or years.
+00:02:43.800 --> 00:02:45.719
+There are organizational challenges
+00:02:45.720 --> 00:02:46.959
+inherent in that process,
+00:02:46.960 --> 00:02:48.919
+and each writer needs practical techniques
+00:02:48.920 --> 00:02:51.079
+to manage those challenges.
+00:02:51.080 --> 00:02:53.399
+The most basic challenge, of course, is that,
+00:02:53.400 --> 00:02:55.359
+unless you're trying to bring back
+00:02:55.360 --> 00:02:57.040
+the Homeric Bard tradition
+00:02:57.040 --> 00:02:59.599
+of reciting books from memory in firelit halls,
+00:02:59.600 --> 00:03:01.199
+you need to actually set down
+00:03:01.200 --> 00:03:03.319
+those 100,000 words on some medium.
+00:03:03.320 --> 00:03:05.839
+In Nabokov's case, index cards worked fine for this.
+00:03:05.840 --> 00:03:08.439
+A little cramped, maybe, but workable.
+00:03:08.440 --> 00:03:09.679
+Secondly, as you're writing,
+00:03:09.680 --> 00:03:11.719
+you're bound to think of little but important things
+00:03:11.720 --> 00:03:13.919
+about the story that you want to record.
+00:03:13.920 --> 00:03:16.207
+I'm not talking here about big thematic notes
+00:03:16.207 --> 00:03:19.039
+or research that can go in a separate document,
+00:03:19.040 --> 00:03:21.159
+but smaller, more contextual notes
+00:03:21.160 --> 00:03:23.879
+that belong right along the prose that they refer to.
+00:03:23.880 --> 00:03:26.639
+These might be reminders, like,
+00:03:26.640 --> 00:03:28.519
+"Remember to clean up this sentence,"
+00:03:28.520 --> 00:03:29.707
+or questions for yourself
+00:03:29.707 --> 00:03:31.907
+to consider during rewrites, like,
+00:03:31.907 --> 00:03:33.239
+"Why does Shirley feel this way here?"
+00:03:33.240 --> 00:03:35.599
+Nabokov recorded these notes
+00:03:35.600 --> 00:03:37.559
+in the margins of his cards or on the backs.
+00:03:37.560 --> 00:03:39.999
+Paper, in general, is great for this kind of
+00:03:40.000 --> 00:03:41.039
+intertextual note-taking.
+00:03:41.040 --> 00:03:44.599
+That's not particular to index cards.
+00:03:44.600 --> 00:03:47.919
+But what Nabokov really loved about index cards
+00:03:47.920 --> 00:03:49.519
+was how they solved the novelist's
+00:03:49.520 --> 00:03:52.119
+third and most difficult practical problem,
+00:03:52.120 --> 00:03:54.279
+which is imposing some kind of structure
+00:03:54.280 --> 00:03:55.599
+on this mountain of words.
+00:03:55.600 --> 00:03:58.519
+To have any hope of wrangling a novel into being,
+00:03:58.520 --> 00:04:00.119
+you need some way to break it down
+00:04:00.120 --> 00:04:03.639
+into parts, chapters, scenes, snatches of dialogue.
+00:04:03.640 --> 00:04:05.839
+You need some kind of higher-level outline
+00:04:05.840 --> 00:04:07.999
+that you can read, navigate, and rearrange
+00:04:08.000 --> 00:04:09.919
+as you consider and reconsider your story.
+00:04:09.920 --> 00:04:11.919
+You need structure.
+00:04:11.920 --> 00:04:14.879
+Index cards gave Nabokov a really powerful way
+00:04:14.880 --> 00:04:16.239
+to impose this structure
+00:04:16.240 --> 00:04:18.559
+because they created small, independent
+00:04:18.560 --> 00:04:18.999
+chunks of prose
+00:04:19.000 --> 00:04:21.359
+that he could bundle together into groups,
+00:04:21.360 --> 00:04:22.759
+like we saw in the box.
+00:04:22.760 --> 00:04:31.959
+This let him navigate his novel in progress quickly.
+00:04:31.960 --> 00:04:33.799
+He could just flip through those bundles,
+00:04:33.800 --> 00:04:36.119
+bundle by bundle, instead of card by card.
+00:04:36.120 --> 00:04:38.240
+He could also impose on
+00:04:38.240 --> 00:04:40.079
+and modify the structure of his novel
+00:04:40.080 --> 00:04:41.999
+just by shuffling those bundles around.
+00:04:42.000 --> 00:04:45.307
+So that's why Nabokov loved index cards
+00:04:45.307 --> 00:04:46.559
+for writing novels.
+NOTE Org mode for writing novels
+00:04:46.560 --> 00:04:48.759
+Now I'd love to talk about
+00:04:48.760 --> 00:04:51.279
+why I love Org mode so much for writing novels
+00:04:51.280 --> 00:04:53.999
+and how it helps me tackle those same challenges.
+00:04:54.000 --> 00:05:01.759
+The first practical challenge,
+00:05:01.760 --> 00:05:03.759
+recording your words on some medium,
+00:05:03.760 --> 00:05:04.774
+is pretty simple.
+00:05:04.774 --> 00:05:06.439
+Org mode is a part of Emacs,
+00:05:06.440 --> 00:05:09.199
+a text editor, so you can just type in your text.
+00:05:09.200 --> 00:05:10.919
+We're not going to spend any more time on that.
+00:05:10.920 --> 00:05:13.439
+For the second practical challenge,
+00:05:13.440 --> 00:05:16.039
+recording small intertextual notes,
+00:05:16.040 --> 00:05:19.039
+Org mode offers comments, like this one here.
+00:05:19.040 --> 00:05:21.959
+The comment, "maybe I need to say which store?",
+00:05:21.960 --> 00:05:23.239
+with the leading pound sign there.
+00:05:23.240 --> 00:05:25.874
+I think that comments are generally
+00:05:25.874 --> 00:05:28.240
+underappreciated outside of coding.
+00:05:28.240 --> 00:05:29.799
+When writing fiction, for example,
+00:05:29.800 --> 00:05:32.359
+I love that Org mode lets me keep these comments
+00:05:32.360 --> 00:05:33.959
+close to the prose they refer to.
+00:05:33.960 --> 00:05:37.159
+I can see right here that I'm talking about
+00:05:37.160 --> 00:05:39.119
+saying which store in this first line,
+00:05:39.120 --> 00:05:40.599
+"One day, Bob went to the store."
+00:05:40.600 --> 00:05:43.999
+I get to keep these things close to
+00:05:44.000 --> 00:05:44.999
+the prose they refer to
+00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:46.519
+without ever having to worry that
+00:05:46.520 --> 00:05:48.479
+they'll accidentally be exported to a reader.
+00:05:48.480 --> 00:05:50.540
+That's great.
+00:05:50.540 --> 00:05:52.807
+So let's talk about how Org Mode handles the third
+00:05:52.807 --> 00:06:00.919
+and most brutal challenge of all, which is structure.
+00:06:00.920 --> 00:06:03.039
+Here we've taken the same text
+00:06:03.040 --> 00:06:04.879
+and we've imposed some structure on it.
+00:06:04.880 --> 00:06:07.807
+Like index cards,
+00:06:07.807 --> 00:06:09.639
+this is where Org mode really shines.
+00:06:09.640 --> 00:06:11.999
+Org mode extends outline mode,
+00:06:12.000 --> 00:06:14.359
+which is built around the concept of header lines,
+00:06:14.360 --> 00:06:15.959
+with different levels denoted by
+00:06:15.960 --> 00:06:18.079
+different numbers of leading asterisks (`*`).
+00:06:18.080 --> 00:06:20.674
+Personally, I tend to use top line headers
+00:06:20.974 --> 00:06:23.359
+as chapters and second line headers as scenes.
+00:06:23.360 --> 00:06:26.079
+You can see that here, where chapter one says
+00:06:26.080 --> 00:06:27.319
+"Bob and Shirley meet."
+00:06:27.320 --> 00:06:29.599
+Here's a scene, "Bob goes to the store."
+00:06:29.600 --> 00:06:32.639
+And here below is chapter two, yet unwritten,
+00:06:32.640 --> 00:06:34.319
+where Bob goes to work.
+00:06:34.320 --> 00:06:39.679
+Pretty exciting. Since Org mode supports folding,
+00:06:39.680 --> 00:06:42.159
+I can read quickly through a summary of my novel
+00:06:42.160 --> 00:06:44.079
+at either the chapter or the scene level
+00:06:44.080 --> 00:06:46.040
+just by flipping through different levels of
+00:06:46.240 --> 00:06:48.799
+visibility, just like Nabokov could flip through
+00:06:48.800 --> 00:06:51.307
+different bundles of cards.
+00:06:51.307 --> 00:06:52.599
+So here's the chapter level.
+00:06:52.600 --> 00:06:54.719
+I can see at a chapter level,
+00:06:54.720 --> 00:06:56.679
+"Bob and Shirley meet", "Bob goes to work."
+00:06:56.680 --> 00:06:59.079
+And then I can get one level more specific
+00:06:59.080 --> 00:07:01.159
+and see the various scenes in the chapter
+00:07:01.160 --> 00:07:02.959
+at the second header level.
+00:07:02.960 --> 00:07:03.999
+And I can, if I want,
+00:07:04.000 --> 00:07:10.359
+I can go all the way back to the prose level.
+00:07:10.360 --> 00:07:12.774
+And just like Nabokov shuffling
+00:07:12.774 --> 00:07:13.940
+his index cards around,
+00:07:14.040 --> 00:07:16.759
+I can move scenes around as logical units.
+00:07:16.760 --> 00:07:18.199
+Let's say, for example,
+00:07:18.200 --> 00:07:20.399
+that we wanted to move Bob's thoughts about life,
+00:07:20.400 --> 00:07:22.919
+which are down here, up further.
+00:07:22.920 --> 00:07:26.959
+Well, I can grab "Bob thinks about life,"
+00:07:26.960 --> 00:07:30.479
+and I can move it up or down as a logical unit.
+00:07:30.480 --> 00:07:34.719
+But Org mode offers some even more powerful tricks
+00:07:34.720 --> 00:07:36.519
+for structuring and navigating your novel,
+00:07:36.520 --> 00:07:38.559
+beyond what even index cards can do.
+00:07:38.560 --> 00:07:41.974
+For example, you can use tags
+00:07:41.974 --> 00:07:44.479
+on your scene headings. You can see these here.
+00:07:44.480 --> 00:07:46.599
+They're the prominent colon separated words
+00:07:46.600 --> 00:07:47.559
+on the header lines.
+00:07:47.560 --> 00:07:49.839
+In this case, I'm using `bob` and `shirley`.
+00:07:49.840 --> 00:07:52.719
+These tags can represent characters
+00:07:52.720 --> 00:07:53.674
+who appear in the scene,
+00:07:53.674 --> 00:07:54.239
+which is what I'm doing here,
+00:07:54.640 --> 00:07:57.207
+or locations in which the scenes occur,
+00:07:57.207 --> 00:07:59.159
+or plot lines that the scenes further,
+00:07:59.160 --> 00:08:00.479
+really anything that you want.
+00:08:00.480 --> 00:08:04.239
+And you can then use Org mode's sparse view features
+00:08:04.240 --> 00:08:07.559
+to query a set of tags and trim your novel down to
+00:08:07.560 --> 00:08:09.519
+a subset of related scenes.
+00:08:09.520 --> 00:08:12.559
+For example, let's say we want to filter down to
+00:08:12.560 --> 00:08:14.799
+only the scenes in which Shirley appears.
+00:08:14.800 --> 00:08:25.759
+This could allow us to read quickly through
+00:08:25.760 --> 00:08:27.439
+just a subset of the prose,
+00:08:27.440 --> 00:08:29.599
+the prose that referred to Shirley in some way.
+00:08:29.600 --> 00:08:31.359
+Maybe we want to do that
+00:08:31.360 --> 00:08:33.279
+to check continuity for her character,
+00:08:33.280 --> 00:08:35.519
+or make sure that her character develops
+00:08:35.520 --> 00:08:36.999
+along a compelling arc,
+00:08:37.000 --> 00:08:38.319
+or even just to get a sense
+00:08:38.320 --> 00:08:40.399
+of how much airtime she gets in the novel.
+00:08:44.040 --> 00:08:49.759
+Thanks for listening to this whirlwind exploration
+00:08:49.760 --> 00:08:51.879
+of some of the practical challenges of writing
+00:08:51.880 --> 00:08:53.599
+novels and other long-form prose,
+00:08:53.600 --> 00:08:55.599
+and how Org mode can help tackle them.
+NOTE Takeaways and next steps
+00:08:55.600 --> 00:08:57.879
+I'd like to leave you with a couple takeaways
+00:08:57.880 --> 00:08:59.759
+and next steps for those who are interested.
+00:08:59.760 --> 00:09:01.907
+First, if you're writing a novel
+00:09:01.907 --> 00:09:02.840
+or other long-form prose,
+00:09:02.841 --> 00:09:04.874
+or even considering doing so,
+00:09:04.874 --> 00:09:06.107
+take a look at Org mode,
+00:09:06.108 --> 00:09:08.374
+especially if you're already familiar with Emacs.
+00:09:08.375 --> 00:09:10.474
+It won't solve the artistic problem
+00:09:10.475 --> 00:09:11.874
+of writing an interesting book for you,
+00:09:11.875 --> 00:09:13.907
+not even with a ChatGPT plugin,
+00:09:13.908 --> 00:09:15.874
+but it's a fantastic tool for managing
+00:09:15.875 --> 00:09:16.874
+some of the practical challenges
+00:09:16.875 --> 00:09:19.840
+that come with hacking 100,000 words into shape
+00:09:19.841 --> 00:09:22.740
+over the months or years that that process takes.
+00:09:22.741 --> 00:09:25.839
+Second, if you're interested in learning more
+00:09:25.840 --> 00:09:27.959
+about some of the advanced features of Org mode
+00:09:27.960 --> 00:09:29.519
+and how they can help in this process,
+00:09:29.520 --> 00:09:32.319
+I wrote a long blog post about my difficulties
+00:09:32.320 --> 00:09:34.879
+writing a novel with 13 interconnected subplots,
+00:09:34.880 --> 00:09:37.759
+and how Emacs and Org mode saved it from imploding.
+00:09:37.760 --> 00:09:43.999
+I'll put a link here below. []
+00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:50.840
+Thanks for listening, and Emacs on!
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+<a name="nabokov-mainVideo-transcript"></a>
+# Transcript
+[[!template new="1" text="""Hello, fellow Emacs enthusiasts.""" start="00:00:00.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""My name is Edmund Jorgensen.""" start="00:00:05.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I'm a software engineer by day,""" start="00:00:06.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but by night I love to write novels,""" start="00:00:08.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and I lean on Emacs heavily""" start="00:00:10.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for both of these activities.""" start="00:00:11.774" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Today, I would like to talk to you about how Emacs,""" start="00:00:13.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""specifically with Org mode,""" start="00:00:15.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""has helped me manage some of the practical""" start="00:00:17.320" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""difficulties of writing long-form prose,""" start="00:00:18.840" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""novels in my case,""" start="00:00:20.940" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and I'd like to get at this by talking about how""" start="00:00:22.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""another, much more famous novelist managed""" start="00:00:24.320" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""some of those same difficulties in a way""" start="00:00:26.440" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that makes me suspect he might well use Emacs""" start="00:00:28.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and Org mode himself""" start="00:00:30.874" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""if he were still alive and writing today.""" start="00:00:31.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This talk will probably be""" start="00:00:34.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of the most interest to listeners""" start="00:00:35.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""who either already write long-form prose in Emacs""" start="00:00:36.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or are considering doing so,""" start="00:00:39.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but I think that anyone""" start="00:00:40.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with an interest in literature or Emacs""" start="00:00:42.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""will find something to take away.""" start="00:00:44.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""So let's get to it.""" start="00:00:45.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here's a picture of a man lying on a bed,""" start="00:00:51.120" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""writing something on an index card.""" start="00:00:53.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""If we didn't know any better,""" start="00:00:56.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""we might think that he was just jotting down""" start="00:00:57.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""a recipe for beef stew or something like that.""" start="00:00:58.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But in fact, this is not just any old man.""" start="00:01:01.680" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This is Vladimir Nabokov, one of the most""" start="00:01:03.840" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""celebrated novelists of the 20th century,""" start="00:01:06.174" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and he's not jotting down""" start="00:01:08.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""a recipe for beef stew in this picture.""" start="00:01:09.280" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""He's actually hard at work here,""" start="00:01:11.480" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""composing a classic of English literature""" start="00:01:12.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""on an index card.""" start="00:01:15.007" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That's how he wrote all his novels, in fact,""" start="00:01:16.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""on index cards.""" start="00:01:18.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I don't mean that he just took notes on these cards""" start="00:01:20.160" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or wrote outlines on them.""" start="00:01:22.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""He did both of those things as well,""" start="00:01:24.160" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but he also wrote the actual prose of his novels,""" start="00:01:25.680" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""word by word, sentence by sentence, on index cards.""" start="00:01:28.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Let's see what that looked like at scale.""" start="00:01:32.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This box you see here,""" start="00:01:37.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""full of groups of bundled cards,""" start="00:01:39.440" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is what a novel in progress looked like for Nabokov.""" start="00:01:41.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""If you squint, you can see that these cards""" start="00:01:43.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""were from the composition of Lolita,""" start="00:01:46.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""probably his most famous novel.""" start="00:01:47.640" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So why did he write novels on index cards?""" start="00:01:50.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It's not necessarily an obvious choice.""" start="00:01:53.720" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Yes, sadly, Emacs wasn't available to him at the time,""" start="00:01:56.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but most writers in his day,""" start="00:01:59.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""if they weren't using typewriters,""" start="00:02:01.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which were available,""" start="00:02:02.640" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""were using notebooks or loose-leaf sheets""" start="00:02:03.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or something like that.""" start="00:02:06.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Not these tiny little index cards.""" start="00:02:07.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But Nabokov loved index cards.""" start="00:02:09.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""He swore by them because they represented""" start="00:02:11.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""an elegant solution""" start="00:02:14.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to three of the most pressing practical problems""" start="00:02:15.200" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that every novelist faces.""" start="00:02:18.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Writing a good novel""" start="00:02:24.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is artistically difficult, of course.""" start="00:02:25.307" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You have to write something interesting""" start="00:02:27.480" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with a good story,""" start="00:02:28.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""something that people want to read.""" start="00:02:30.107" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But writing any novel at all,""" start="00:02:31.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""whether it's good or bad,""" start="00:02:33.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is brutally, practically difficult.""" start="00:02:35.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You're hacking something like 100,000 words""" start="00:02:37.720" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""into unified shape over a long period of time,""" start="00:02:39.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""months or years.""" start="00:02:42.440" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""There are organizational challenges""" start="00:02:43.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""inherent in that process,""" start="00:02:45.720" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and each writer needs practical techniques""" start="00:02:46.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to manage those challenges.""" start="00:02:48.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The most basic challenge, of course, is that,""" start="00:02:51.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""unless you're trying to bring back""" start="00:02:53.400" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""the Homeric Bard tradition""" start="00:02:55.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of reciting books from memory in firelit halls,""" start="00:02:57.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you need to actually set down""" start="00:02:59.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""those 100,000 words on some medium.""" start="00:03:01.200" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""In Nabokov's case, index cards worked fine for this.""" start="00:03:03.320" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""A little cramped, maybe, but workable.""" start="00:03:05.840" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Secondly, as you're writing,""" start="00:03:08.440" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you're bound to think of little but important things""" start="00:03:09.680" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""about the story that you want to record.""" start="00:03:11.720" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I'm not talking here about big thematic notes""" start="00:03:13.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or research that can go in a separate document,""" start="00:03:16.207" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but smaller, more contextual notes""" start="00:03:19.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that belong right along the prose that they refer to.""" start="00:03:21.160" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""These might be reminders, like,""" start="00:03:23.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Remember to clean up this sentence,&quot;""" start="00:03:26.640" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or questions for yourself""" start="00:03:28.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to consider during rewrites, like,""" start="00:03:29.707" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Why does Shirley feel this way here?&quot;""" start="00:03:31.907" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Nabokov recorded these notes""" start="00:03:33.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""in the margins of his cards or on the backs.""" start="00:03:35.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Paper, in general, is great for this kind of""" start="00:03:37.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""intertextual note-taking.""" start="00:03:40.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That's not particular to index cards.""" start="00:03:41.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But what Nabokov really loved about index cards""" start="00:03:44.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""was how they solved the novelist's""" start="00:03:47.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""third and most difficult practical problem,""" start="00:03:49.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is imposing some kind of structure""" start="00:03:52.120" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""on this mountain of words.""" start="00:03:54.280" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""To have any hope of wrangling a novel into being,""" start="00:03:55.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""you need some way to break it down""" start="00:03:58.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""into parts, chapters, scenes, snatches of dialogue.""" start="00:04:00.120" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You need some kind of higher-level outline""" start="00:04:03.640" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that you can read, navigate, and rearrange""" start="00:04:05.840" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""as you consider and reconsider your story.""" start="00:04:08.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You need structure.""" start="00:04:09.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Index cards gave Nabokov a really powerful way""" start="00:04:11.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to impose this structure""" start="00:04:14.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""because they created small, independent""" start="00:04:16.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""chunks of prose""" start="00:04:18.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that he could bundle together into groups,""" start="00:04:19.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""like we saw in the box.""" start="00:04:21.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This let him navigate his novel in progress quickly.""" start="00:04:22.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""He could just flip through those bundles,""" start="00:04:31.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""bundle by bundle, instead of card by card.""" start="00:04:33.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""He could also impose on""" start="00:04:36.120" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and modify the structure of his novel""" start="00:04:38.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just by shuffling those bundles around.""" start="00:04:40.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So that's why Nabokov loved index cards""" start="00:04:42.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for writing novels.""" start="00:04:45.307" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""Now I'd love to talk about""" start="00:04:46.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""why I love Org mode so much for writing novels""" start="00:04:48.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and how it helps me tackle those same challenges.""" start="00:04:51.280" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The first practical challenge,""" start="00:04:54.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""recording your words on some medium,""" start="00:05:01.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""is pretty simple.""" start="00:05:03.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Org mode is a part of Emacs,""" start="00:05:04.774" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""a text editor, so you can just type in your text.""" start="00:05:06.440" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""We're not going to spend any more time on that.""" start="00:05:09.200" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""For the second practical challenge,""" start="00:05:10.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""recording small intertextual notes,""" start="00:05:13.440" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Org mode offers comments, like this one here.""" start="00:05:16.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""The comment, &quot;maybe I need to say which store?&quot;,""" start="00:05:19.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with the leading pound sign there.""" start="00:05:21.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I think that comments are generally""" start="00:05:23.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""underappreciated outside of coding.""" start="00:05:25.874" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""When writing fiction, for example,""" start="00:05:28.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I love that Org mode lets me keep these comments""" start="00:05:29.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""close to the prose they refer to.""" start="00:05:32.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I can see right here that I'm talking about""" start="00:05:33.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""saying which store in this first line,""" start="00:05:37.160" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;One day, Bob went to the store.&quot;""" start="00:05:39.120" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I get to keep these things close to""" start="00:05:40.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""the prose they refer to""" start="00:05:44.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""without ever having to worry that""" start="00:05:45.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""they'll accidentally be exported to a reader.""" start="00:05:46.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""That's great.""" start="00:05:48.480" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So let's talk about how Org Mode handles the third""" start="00:05:50.540" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and most brutal challenge of all, which is structure.""" start="00:05:52.807" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here we've taken the same text""" start="00:06:00.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and we've imposed some structure on it.""" start="00:06:03.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Like index cards,""" start="00:06:04.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""this is where Org mode really shines.""" start="00:06:07.807" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Org mode extends outline mode,""" start="00:06:09.640" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is built around the concept of header lines,""" start="00:06:12.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""with different levels denoted by""" start="00:06:14.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""different numbers of leading asterisks (`*`).""" start="00:06:15.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Personally, I tend to use top line headers""" start="00:06:18.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""as chapters and second line headers as scenes.""" start="00:06:20.974" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""You can see that here, where chapter one says""" start="00:06:23.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Bob and Shirley meet.&quot;""" start="00:06:26.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Here's a scene, &quot;Bob goes to the store.&quot;""" start="00:06:27.320" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And here below is chapter two, yet unwritten,""" start="00:06:29.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""where Bob goes to work.""" start="00:06:32.640" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Pretty exciting. Since Org mode supports folding,""" start="00:06:34.320" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I can read quickly through a summary of my novel""" start="00:06:39.680" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""at either the chapter or the scene level""" start="00:06:42.160" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just by flipping through different levels of""" start="00:06:44.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""visibility, just like Nabokov could flip through""" start="00:06:46.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""different bundles of cards.""" start="00:06:48.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""So here's the chapter level.""" start="00:06:51.307" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I can see at a chapter level,""" start="00:06:52.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""&quot;Bob and Shirley meet&quot;, &quot;Bob goes to work.&quot;""" start="00:06:54.720" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And then I can get one level more specific""" start="00:06:56.680" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and see the various scenes in the chapter""" start="00:06:59.080" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""at the second header level.""" start="00:07:01.160" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And I can, if I want,""" start="00:07:02.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I can go all the way back to the prose level.""" start="00:07:04.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And just like Nabokov shuffling""" start="00:07:10.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""his index cards around,""" start="00:07:12.774" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I can move scenes around as logical units.""" start="00:07:14.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Let's say, for example,""" start="00:07:16.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that we wanted to move Bob's thoughts about life,""" start="00:07:18.200" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which are down here, up further.""" start="00:07:20.400" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Well, I can grab &quot;Bob thinks about life,&quot;""" start="00:07:22.920" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and I can move it up or down as a logical unit.""" start="00:07:26.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""But Org mode offers some even more powerful tricks""" start="00:07:30.480" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""for structuring and navigating your novel,""" start="00:07:34.720" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""beyond what even index cards can do.""" start="00:07:36.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""For example, you can use tags""" start="00:07:38.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""on your scene headings. You can see these here.""" start="00:07:41.974" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""They're the prominent colon separated words""" start="00:07:44.480" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""on the header lines.""" start="00:07:46.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""In this case, I'm using `bob` and `shirley`.""" start="00:07:47.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""These tags can represent characters""" start="00:07:49.840" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""who appear in the scene,""" start="00:07:52.720" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""which is what I'm doing here,""" start="00:07:53.674" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or locations in which the scenes occur,""" start="00:07:54.640" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or plot lines that the scenes further,""" start="00:07:57.207" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""really anything that you want.""" start="00:07:59.160" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""And you can then use Org mode's sparse view features""" start="00:08:00.480" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to query a set of tags and trim your novel down to""" start="00:08:04.240" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""a subset of related scenes.""" start="00:08:07.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""For example, let's say we want to filter down to""" start="00:08:09.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""only the scenes in which Shirley appears.""" start="00:08:12.560" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""This could allow us to read quickly through""" start="00:08:14.800" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""just a subset of the prose,""" start="00:08:25.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""the prose that referred to Shirley in some way.""" start="00:08:27.440" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Maybe we want to do that""" start="00:08:29.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""to check continuity for her character,""" start="00:08:31.360" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or make sure that her character develops""" start="00:08:33.280" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""along a compelling arc,""" start="00:08:35.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or even just to get a sense""" start="00:08:37.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of how much airtime she gets in the novel.""" start="00:08:38.320" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Thanks for listening to this whirlwind exploration""" start="00:08:44.040" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of some of the practical challenges of writing""" start="00:08:49.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""novels and other long-form prose,""" start="00:08:51.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and how Org mode can help tackle them.""" start="00:08:53.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template new="1" text="""I'd like to leave you with a couple takeaways""" start="00:08:55.600" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and next steps for those who are interested.""" start="00:08:57.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""First, if you're writing a novel""" start="00:08:59.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or other long-form prose,""" start="00:09:01.907" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""or even considering doing so,""" start="00:09:02.841" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""take a look at Org mode,""" start="00:09:04.874" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""especially if you're already familiar with Emacs.""" start="00:09:06.108" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""It won't solve the artistic problem""" start="00:09:08.375" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""of writing an interesting book for you,""" start="00:09:10.475" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""not even with a ChatGPT plugin,""" start="00:09:11.875" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""but it's a fantastic tool for managing""" start="00:09:13.908" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""some of the practical challenges""" start="00:09:15.875" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""that come with hacking 100,000 words into shape""" start="00:09:16.875" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""over the months or years that that process takes.""" start="00:09:19.841" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Second, if you're interested in learning more""" start="00:09:22.741" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""about some of the advanced features of Org mode""" start="00:09:25.840" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and how they can help in this process,""" start="00:09:27.960" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I wrote a long blog post about my difficulties""" start="00:09:29.520" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""writing a novel with 13 interconnected subplots,""" start="00:09:32.320" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""and how Emacs and Org mode saved it from imploding.""" start="00:09:34.880" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""I'll put a link here below. []""" start="00:09:37.760" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+[[!template text="""Thanks for listening, and Emacs on!""" start="00:09:44.000" video="mainVideo-nabokov" id="subtitle"]]
+Captioner: bhavin192
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diff --git a/2023/info/ b/2023/info/
index 7437e809..93fd1c69 100644
--- a/2023/info/
+++ b/2023/info/
@@ -8,12 +8,19 @@ The following image shows where the talk is in the schedule for Sat 2023-12-02.
Format: 10-min talk; Q&A: BigBlueButton conference room <>
Etherpad: <>
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-Status: Ready to stream
+Status: Now playing on the conference livestream
<div>Times in different timezones:</div><div class="times" start="2023-12-02T18:25:00Z" end="2023-12-02T18:35:00Z"><div class="conf-time">Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~1:25 PM - 1:35 PM EST (US/Eastern)</div><div class="others"><div>which is the same as:</div>Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~12:25 PM - 12:35 PM CST (US/Central)<br />Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~11:25 AM - 11:35 AM MST (US/Mountain)<br />Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~10:25 AM - 10:35 AM PST (US/Pacific)<br />Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~6:25 PM - 6:35 PM UTC <br />Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~7:25 PM - 7:35 PM CET (Europe/Paris)<br />Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~8:25 PM - 8:35 PM EET (Europe/Athens)<br />Saturday, Dec 2 2023, ~11:55 PM - 12:05 AM IST (Asia/Kolkata)<br />Sunday, Dec 3 2023, ~2:25 AM - 2:35 AM +08 (Asia/Singapore)<br />Sunday, Dec 3 2023, ~3:25 AM - 3:35 AM JST (Asia/Tokyo)</div></div><div><a href="/2023/watch/gen/">Find out how to watch and participate</a></div>
+<div class="vid"><video controls preload="none" id="nabokov-mainVideo"><source src="" />captions="""<track label="English" kind="captions" srclang="en" src="/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-nabokov--why-nabokov-would-use-orgmode-if-he-were-writing-today--edmund-jorgensen--main.vtt" default />"""<track kind="chapters" label="Chapters" src="/2023/captions/emacsconf-2023-nabokov--why-nabokov-would-use-orgmode-if-he-were-writing-today--edmund-jorgensen--main--chapters.vtt" /><p><em>Your browser does not support the video tag. Please download the video instead.</em></p></video>[[!template id="chapters" vidid="nabokov-mainVideo" data="""
+00:00.000 Introduction
+00:45.760 Nabokov's process of writing novels
+02:24.080 Three practical problems novelists face
+04:46.560 Org mode for writing novels
+08:55.600 Takeaways and next steps
+"""]]<div></div>Duration: 09:51 minutes<div class="files resources"><ul><li><a href="">Open Etherpad</a></li><li><a href="">Open public Q&A</a></li><li><a href="">Download --final.webm (22MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --intro.vtt</a></li><li><a href="">Download --intro.webm</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main--chapters.vtt</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.opus (6.3MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.txt</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.vtt</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.webm (22MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --normalized.opus (8.6MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --original.webm (26MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --reencoded.webm (20MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --silence.mkv (12MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download .org</a></li><li><a href="">View on Toobnix</a></li></ul></div></div>
# Description
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