path: root/2024/talks
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2024-12-04 09:01:40 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2024-12-04 09:01:40 -0500
commite5b417ab08b874f8d02c500cbd87c30817d9049a (patch)
treead8144c9ae76f5cd4364fe2fd0c96c3fa8694414 /2024/talks
parent511746984f699be2c5817a2b57da9bfd2f7f6a37 (diff)
Try to add LambdaMOO tutorial
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024/talks/ b/2024/talks/
index 432a0180..36780992 100644
--- a/2024/talks/
+++ b/2024/talks/
@@ -98,6 +98,34 @@ Bib:
+**Q&A in LambdaMOO**:
+As an experiment, screwlisp will also be taking
+questions from LambdaMOO. Here's how to join:
+1. Use `M-x telnet` to connect to ` 8888`. Alternatively, you can use a web-based client like or rmoo.el (see rmoo.el note below)
+2. `connect Guest` to connect as a guest. If that doesn't work, please ask in `#emacsconf-org` and we'll try to get you sorted out.
+3. Agree to the terms by typing `YES`.
+4. Teleport to where the speaker is by typing `@join screwtape`.
+To say something, start with `"` and omit the ending quotation mark, like this: `"Hello everyone!`. To say something to a specific person, start with a backtick (`` ` ``) and the person's nick, then your message, like this: `` `sachac I made it to LambdaMOO``. Use `help communication` to learn more about other communication tools, such as `:` for emoting and `whisper` for sending private messages.
+rmoo.el note: You may need to define process-kill-without-query if it doesn't exist on your computer. Here's a use-package declaration that might be a good starting point. If your version of use-package doesn't support `:vc` yet, you can check out the code from and add it to your load-path, or use `M-x telnet` for now.
+(use-package rmoo
+ :vc ""
+ :init
+ (unless (fboundp 'process-kill-without-query)
+ (defun process-kill-without-query (process &optional flag)
+ (set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
+ t))
+ :config
+ (rmoo-worlds-add-new-moo "LambdaMOO" "" "8888"))
+You can also ask questions via BigBlueButton, Etherpad, or IRC, and the host will try to make sure your question gets to the speaker. Enjoy!
About the speaker:
I'm screwlisp from the lispy gopher climate, a weekly Wednesday