path: root/2022
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2022-11-21 13:36:53 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2022-11-21 13:36:53 -0500
commitc5511e6f69a8afe5f81d1260105ceb0ba5c81e9d (patch)
tree63025e0527cd6965b433e136b74708c3484fb991 /2022
parentc18e0b5955df2967d7799eac242d4c371756cdda (diff)
add pad to sched
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 609 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/2022/organizers-notebook/ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
index f9d7d97c..8312cf88 100644
--- a/2022/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#+OPTIONS: h:6 toc:nil num:nil ':t
#+PROPERTY: header-args :results silent :exports code :tangle yes
#+begin_export md
<!-- is exported from organizers-notebook/, please modify that instead. -->
@@ -113,282 +113,71 @@ interests you!
#+TOC: headlines 1 local
-** TODO [#A] Prepare intros for the hosts to read :sachac:
+** [#A] Look for ways to reduce risk
-:CUSTOM_ID: host-intros
+:CUSTOM_ID: derisk
-also in :INTRO_NOTE: in so that we can plop it into the hyperlists.
-*** TODO Write intros for all the other talks
+*** TODO [#A] Make copyable version of bbb redirect :derisk:
SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
-*** DONE Set up Etherpad with the talks and see if we can involve the speakers and captioning volunteers :sachac:
-CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:06]
-** TODO [#A] Write check-in email :sachac:
-DEADLINE: <2022-11-20 Sun> SCHEDULED: <2022-11-19 Sat>
-:CUSTOM_ID: check-in-email
+:CREATED: [2022-11-21 Mon 06:45]
-*** DONE Switch all the rooms to allow anyone to start them - one less step for the check-in person
-CLOSED: [2022-11-20 Sun 09:33]
+*** STARTED Make sure all the important tasks are scheduled over the next two weeks
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
:Effort: 0:30
-CLOCK: [2022-11-20 Sun 08:46]--[2022-11-20 Sun 09:33] => 0:47
-#+begin_src js2 :eval no
-//list = [...document.querySelectorAll('.room-name-editable')].filter((o) => o.value.match(/^ec22-(sat|sun)/));
-card = document.querySelector('a[href=\"%s\"] .card-body');
-card.querySelector('.item-action.dropdown a').click()
-if (!document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').checked) {
- document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').click();
-okay, next thing, it automatically refreshes. so I can't run the whole Javascript, I need to xdotool it.
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no
-(setq list (mapcar (lambda (o) (plist-get o :bbb-room)) (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
-(setq list (seq-drop list (seq-position list "")))
- (setq item (pop list))
- (when (string-match "/b/\\(.*\\)" item)
- (kill-new (format "card = document.querySelector('a[href=\"%s\"] .card-body');
-card.querySelector('.item-action.dropdown a').click()
-if (!document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').checked) {
- document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').click();
- (match-string 0 item)))
- (sleep-for 2)
- (shell-command "xdotool key alt+Tab")))
-Relying on xdotool seems a little fragile. Let's just check the page
-itself for the next one that needs to be done.
-#+begin_src js2 :eval no
-list = [...document.querySelectorAll('.room-name-editable')].filter((o) => o.value.match(/^ec22-(sat|sun)/));
-list.reduce(async(prev, elem) => {
- await prev;
- if (!sessionStorage.getItem(elem.value)) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- card = elem.closest('.card-body');
- card.querySelector('.item-action.dropdown a').click();
- card.querySelector('.update-room').click();
- sessionStorage.setItem(elem.value, true);
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (!document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').checked) {
- document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').click();
- document.querySelector('.update-only.create-room-button').click();
- } else {
- document.querySelector('#createRoomModal').click();
- }
- resolve(true);
- }, 500);
- });
- }
-*** DONE Update checkin instructions
-CLOSED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:58]
-:Effort: 0:30
-CLOCK: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:12]--[2022-11-20 Sun 10:58] => 0:46
-*** Templates
-:SUBJECT: Getting ready for EmacsConf ${year}
+CLOCK: [2022-11-21 Mon 13:17]
-- Ask speaker verify their scheduled time
- It has already been confirmed with them, but it might have changed slightly
- - HOW: They should check the time at the top of their talk page on the day of the conference
-- Double-check Q&A preference, encourage tech checks for live talks/Q&A
- - If they are available:
- - Direct to tech-checks via${year}/prepare/
- - Inform them of the check-in process
- - They come say hi to us 30' before their session in #emacsconf-org or #emacsconf (they can use )
- - We get them set up in a room where they can wait until the end of the broadcast of their pretention
- - They’re joined by the streamer and host.
-- Warning about potential emergency changes
-Slightly more complex because of the conditionals
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :lexical t
-(defun emacsconf-mail-checkin-instructions (group &optional template)
- "Send checkin instructions.
-GROUP is (email . (talk talk))"
- (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group
- (seq-filter
- (lambda (o)
- (or
- (string= (plist-get o :status) "CANCELLED")
- (null (plist-get o :email))
- (string-match "after" (or (plist-get o :q-and-a) ""))))
- (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))))
- (let* ((talks (seq-remove
- (lambda (o)
- (or
- (string= (plist-get o :status) "CANCELLED")
- (null (plist-get o :email))
- (string-match "after" (or (plist-get o :q-and-a) ""))
- (save-window-excursion
- (emacsconf-with-talk-heading o
- (re-search-forward "checkin instructions" (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree)) t)))))
- (cdr group)))
- (waiting-talks (seq-find (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC")) talks)))
- (when talks
- (emacsconf-mail-prepare
- (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "checkin-at-conf"))
- (car group)
- (list
- :year emacsconf-year
- :base-url emacsconf-base-url
- :conf-name emacsconf-name
- :email (plist-get (car talks) :email)
- :emergency emacsconf-emergency-contact
- :plural (if (> (length (cdr group)) 1) "s" "")
- :speakers-short (plist-get (car talks) :speakers-short)
- :url (mapconcat (lambda (o) (concat emacsconf-base-url (plist-get o :url)))
- talks" , ")
- :waiting
- (cond
- ((> (length waiting-talks) 1)
- " If you can upload your talk videos before the conference, I think that might be much less stressful for everyone than doing it live. =) Please note that we will turn off the web-based upload on Dec 1 to free up memory on the server, so please upload them as early as you can.${wrap}")
- ((= (length waiting-talks) 1)
- " If you can upload your talk video before the conference, I think that might be much less stressful for everyone than doing it live. =) Please note that we will turn off the web-based upload on Dec 1 to free up memory on the server, so please upload it as early as you can.${wrap}")
- (t ""))
- :checkin-info
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (o)
- (let ((base-checkin (format-time-string "%b %-d %-l:%M %p" (plist-get o :checkin-time) emacsconf-timezone))
- (speaker-checkin (format-time-string "%b %-d %-l:%M %p" (plist-get o :checkin-time) (plist-get o :timezone))))
- (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string
- (append (list :base-url emacsconf-base-url
- :check-in
- (concat
- "Before "
- base-checkin " in " emacsconf-timezone
- (if (string= base-checkin speaker-checkin)
- ""
- (concat
- ", which is the same as " speaker-checkin " in " (plist-get o :timezone))) "\n"
- " (this is " (plist-get o :checkin-label) ")")
- :qa-info-speakers
- (cond
- ;; aaaaah, no prerec yet
- ((string= (plist-get o :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC")
- (concat "Talk and Q&A BigBlueButton room: " (plist-get o :bbb-room)))
- ((null (plist-get o :q-and-a)) "")
- ((string-match "live" (plist-get o :q-and-a)) (concat "Q&A BigBlueButton room: " (plist-get o :bbb-room)))
- ((string-match "irc" (plist-get o :q-and-a)) (concat "Q&A: " (plist-get o :channel) " (" (plist-get o :webchat-url) ")"))
- ((string-match "pad" (plist-get o :q-and-a)) "Q&A: On the pad")
- (t "Q&A: After the event")))
- o)
- "- ${title}
- Info and sched: ${base-url}${url}
- Check-in: ${check-in}
- Pad: ${pad-url}
- ${qa-info-speakers}")))
- talks "\n\n")))
- (mapc (lambda (o)
- (emacsconf-mail-log-message-when-sent o "Sent checkin instructions"))
- talks))))
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval yes
+(defun emacsconf-agenda ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((notebook (expand-file-name "" (expand-file-name "organizers-notebook" (expand-file-name emacsconf-year emacsconf-directory))))
+ (org-agenda-custom-commands
+ `(("a" "Agenda"
+ ((tags-todo "-PRIORITY=\"C\"-SCHEDULED={.}-nextyear"
+ ((org-agenda-files (list ,notebook))))
+ (agenda ""
+ ((org-agenda-files (list ,notebook))
+ (org-agenda-span 7)))
+ )))))
+ (org-agenda nil "a")))
-**** E-mail for speakers who are planning to be at the conference
+** Facilitate Q&A
-:EMAIL_ID: checkin-instructions
-:SUBJECT: ${conf-name} ${year}: Check-in instructions
-:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
-:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}
-:FUNCTION: emacsconf-mail-checkin-instructions
-Hello, ${speakers-short}!
-We're looking forward to having you join us at EmacsConf!
-We've updated the schedule based on the submissions and cancellations,
-and we'll probably update the schedule even on the day of the
-conference. You can get a rough idea of your schedule at the talk
-pages with the URL${plural} below. You might want to check your talk
-page${plural} some time next week to get a rough sense of where it is,
-and then check it again on the day of your talk${plural}. Please let
-me know if the times don't work for you.
-We'll try our best to keep your talk in the same general timeslot (ex:
-Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning, Sunday
-afternoon). We've done some dry-runs, but just in case it turns out
-that running two tracks at the same time leaves us too frazzled, we
-may drop back to one track with Q&A on an alternate stream, like last
-year. If there are big changes to your schedule on the day of your
-talk${plural}, you'll get an e-mail from us with a subject like
-"URGENT: EmacsConf 2022: ...".${wrap}
-Here's your checkin info:
-Please check in early so that we can deal with scheduling changes or
-technical issues. You can find the check-in process at
-${base-url}${year}/speakers/ .${waiting}
-If something comes up, please let us know as soon as you can. Here's
-my emergency contact information: ${emergency}
-Thank you for sharing your time and energy with the EmacsConf community!
-p.s. If you need to cancel, that's okay too, life happens. Let me know
-as soon as you can and I'll try to shuffle things around. Thank you!
-**** E-mail for speakers who are not planning to be around, but who have sent us their prerecs
+*** SOMEDAY [#C] Upload a presentation & enable for download – Blindside Networks Customer Support Portal
-:EMAIL_ID: checkin-after
-:SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year}: Check-in instructions
+:CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 22:26]
-Hello, ${name}!
+Low priority because people were able to do Q&A last year without us holding their hand
-Thank you so much for contributing a talk for EmacsConf ${year}! We're
-looking forward to collecting questions and forwarding them to you by
-e-mail after the conference. We'll also post the prerecording at the
-time that it gets streamed, so people will be able to access it at
-${url} once it has gone live.
-If it turns out that you can make it to the conference after all, feel
-free to drop us a line at #emacsconf-org and we'll let people know
-you're around. You can find the check-in process at
-${year}/speakers/ .
-Thank you again for being part of EmacsConf ${year}!
-*** TODO Draft e-mail to send speakers who may need to do it live
+** [#A] Prepare intros for the hosts to read :sachac:
-:CUSTOM_ID: live-speakers
+:CUSTOM_ID: host-intros
+also in :INTRO_NOTE: in so that we can plop it into the hyperlists.
+*** TODO Write intros for all the other talks
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-28 Mon>
+*** DONE Set up Etherpad with the talks and see if we can involve the speakers and captioning volunteers :sachac:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:06]
** TODO [#A] Review the submissions for encoding issues :zaeph:
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-28 Mon>
:CUSTOM_ID: review-submissions
so that we don't get surprised by missing or corrupted videos
-** TODO [#B] Plan in-case-of-emergency schedule for dropping back to one track after Saturday morning :sachac:
+** [#B] Plan in-case-of-emergency schedule for dropping back to one track after Saturday morning :sachac:derisk:
:CUSTOM_ID: one-track
@@ -396,7 +185,8 @@ so that we don't get surprised by missing or corrupted videos
We might be able to do it on a modular basis (Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning, or Sunday afternoon).
We need a quick way to notify the affected speakers, and we should give them a heads-up as well.
We also need a quick way to update the schedule.
-*** STARTED Update and the wiki based on the selected schedule
+*** STARTED Update and the wiki based on the selected emergency schedule
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-28 Mon>
:Effort: 0:30
@@ -407,6 +197,7 @@ CLOCK: [2022-11-17 Thu 21:15]--[2022-11-17 Thu 21:15] => 0:00
*** TODO Give speakers a heads-up regarding schedule tweaks and the potential for bigger schedule changes
SCHEDULED: <2022-11-18 Fri>
*** TODO Draft the code for mailing all the affected speakers
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-28 Mon>
*** Saturday afternoon
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results replace :var filename="emergency-back-to-one-sat-pm.svg" :eval never-export
@@ -488,10 +279,14 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-18 Fri>
*** TODO Get the emergency schedule sorted out so that we can easily switch to it
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-22 Tue>
:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 08:01]
+It needs to be applied
** TODO [#B] Create protocol for live Q&A :zaeph:
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-28 Mon>
:CUSTOM_ID: live-protocol
@@ -500,7 +295,10 @@ Objective:
- It would be nice to have a protocol with speakers to tell us that they’re uncomfortable with a question, just so that we can find a smooth way to skip it.
** TODO Update viewing instructions and watch pages :sachac:
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
:CUSTOM_ID: write-viewing
@@ -517,7 +315,13 @@ CLOSED: [2022-10-17 Mon 00:39]
CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:08]
Maybe links to the current shift's pads
*** TODO Add pad to sched directive so that it will be linked when the pads are live
-*** TODO Update as well
+*** TODO [#A] Update as well
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
+Ansible or Emacs Lisp? Emacs Lisp
+control the status too
+also 2022/ and 2022/watch
** TODO Prepare to handle talk state changes :sachac:publish:
SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
@@ -621,6 +425,10 @@ Creating the events
This is for the general track of EmacsConf, the conference about the joy of Emacs and Emacs Lisp.
+Saturday Dec 3, 2022, 9 AM - 12 PM EST, 1 PM - 5 PM EST
+Sunday Dec 4, 2022, 9 AM - 12 PM EST, 1 PM - 5 PM EST
Watch using free/open source software:
Conference info:
@@ -634,6 +442,10 @@ International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Please observe the guidelines for conduct:
This is for the development track of EmacsConf, the conference about the joy of Emacs and Emacs Lisp.
+Saturday Dec 3, 2022, 9 AM - 12 PM EST, 1 PM - 5 PM EST
+Sunday Dec 4, 2022, 9 AM - 12 PM EST, 1 PM - 5 PM EST
Watch using free/open source software:
Conference info:
@@ -812,6 +624,16 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-26 Sat>
| jman | X | |
| vetrivln | X | [2022-11-19 Sat] access granted, needs to figure out audio |
+*** TODO set up Mumble channels for host-dev and host-gen?
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:38]
+ :END:
+*** TODO add dry-run check of whispering to hosts
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:34]
+ :END:
** Satellite events
:CUSTOM_ID: satellite
@@ -882,6 +704,12 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-26 Sat>
:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 13:54]
+*** SOMEDAY [#B] Regenerate hyperlist if sched changes
+ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-17 Thu 22:17]
+ :END:
** TODO [#C] Record intro/outro for day-1 and day-2 :zaeph:
:CUSTOM_ID: rec-intro
@@ -1087,7 +915,7 @@ CLOSED: [2022-10-13 Thu 13:55]
*** DONE Export pad initial content HTML to make it easier to reimport into wikimedia or elsewhere
CLOSED: [2022-10-13 Thu 13:46]
-* Ideas for next year
+* Ideas for next year :nextyear:
:CUSTOM_ID: maybe-projects
@@ -1097,6 +925,132 @@ CLOSED: [2022-10-13 Thu 13:46]
:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 22:42]
+** SOMEDAY Suggest public submissions next time
+ :CREATED: [2022-09-22 Thu 21:09]
+ :END:
+would it be interesting to see if other people can build on what's submitted?
+** SOMEDAY [#C] Match /names with speakers, maybe make a page with people currently online
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-01 Sat 23:58]
+ :END:
+** SOMEDAY EmacsWiki: Erc Robot
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-01 Sat 21:11]
+ :END:
+After I get ikiwiki sorted out, I can use Erc to control it so that I can test it a lot before letting it mess with the real thing
+Update schedule
+Publish prerec when talk is playing
+** TODO Consider making a bot to support announcing, updating, publishing, who's here, announcing when speakers are here
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-03 Mon 23:43]
+ :END:
+- announces:
+ - $talk will start in $min minutes
+ - $talk has just begun
+ - $talk has just finished
+- seen
+** SOMEDAY indentation - CSS - successive indenting of siblings after headings - Stack Overflow
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-07 Fri 21:15]
+ :END:
+** SOMEDAY html - Indent everything after h1, h2, etc. before the next, one, while stacking the indents, with CSS - Stack Overflow
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-07 Fri 21:13]
+ :END:
+** Video
+*** SOMEDAY infrastructure/ at master · FOSDEM/infrastructure
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-04 Tue 00:11]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY c3voc/voctomix - Docker Image | Docker Hub
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-04 Tue 00:09]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY DebConf video team / vogol · GitLab
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-04 Tue 00:07]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY roles/vogol · master · DebConf video team / ansible · GitLab web interface for voctomix
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-04 Tue 00:06]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY CarlFK/veyepar: Video Eyeball Processor and Review
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-04 Tue 00:02]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY timvideos/streaming-system: Tim Video's - Live Streaming for user groups and other events.
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-04 Tue 00:01]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY <no title> — DebConf Videoteam Ansible documentation
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-03 Mon 23:40]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY DebConf video team / ansible · GitLab
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-03 Mon 23:38]
+ :END:
+** SOMEDAY handprint · PyPI
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-14 Mon 23:22]
+ :END:
+That might be interesting for reviewing text recognition output
+** TODO Update websocket
+ SCHEDULED: <2022-12-18 Sun>
+** TODO Idea for next year: save talk details in an org note so that I can easily send e-mails comparing previous with current
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:31]
+ :END:
+[[file:~/proj/emacsconf/wiki/2022/ beforehand.]]
* Things to figure out / decisions to make
:CUSTOM_ID: decisions
@@ -1402,6 +1356,20 @@ Options:
- : 4-person team, post-prod, break commercials
+**** SOMEDAY virtual-conf-resources/ at master · e8johan/virtual-conf-resources
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-01 Sat 23:50]
+ :END:
+**** SOMEDAY e8johan/virtual-conf-resources: Resources for virtual conferences
+ :CREATED: [2022-10-01 Sat 23:49]
+ :END:
** SOMEDAY Think about what to do with schedule gaps due to cancelled talks :thoughts:
:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 17:30]
@@ -2255,6 +2223,12 @@ ${description}
***** publishing
***** webm
***** media directory
+**** TODO [#A] Fix mapconcat error in updating task status
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
+:CREATED: [2022-11-21 Mon 07:23]
*** Handle Q&A
:CUSTOM_ID: questions
@@ -4077,6 +4051,22 @@ Overlay considerations:
CLOSED: [2022-11-07 Mon 14:46]
+*** TODO Make a list of different things to plug during commercial breaks, like Mastodon
+ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-25 Fri>
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-17 Thu 14:25]
+ :END:
+[[file:~/sync/Phone/Wednesday at 23-00.txt::So see Oh, that beginner elephant make a list of different things to plug during commercial breaks and elephant.]]
+*** TODO Make Q&A process slide
+ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-22 Tue>
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:04]
+ :END:
+Raise hands
** DONE Find volunteers for tech-checks :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:08]
@@ -4147,6 +4137,44 @@ CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 09:48] DEADLINE: <2022-11-18 Fri>
- FlowyCoder: sat-pm-gen, sun-pm-gen
- jman: sun-pm-gen
+*** DONE Doublecheck mute on join
+CLOSED: [2022-11-21 Mon 12:05]
+:CREATED: [2022-11-21 Mon 11:31]
+:Effort: 0:15
+CLOCK: [2022-11-21 Mon 11:49]--[2022-11-21 Mon 12:05] => 0:16
+#+begin_src js2 :eval no
+list = [...document.querySelectorAll('.room-name-editable')].filter((o) => o.value.match(/^ec22-(sat|sun)/));
+list.reduce(async(prev, elem) => {
+ await prev;
+ if (!sessionStorage.getItem(elem.value)) {
+ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+ card = elem.closest('.card-body');
+ card.querySelector('.item-action.dropdown a').click();
+ await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
+ card.querySelector('.update-room').click();
+ await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
+ if (!document.querySelector('#room_mute_on_join').checked) {
+ document.querySelector('#room_mute_on_join').click();
+ sessionStorage.setItem(elem.value, true);
+ await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
+ document.querySelector('.update-only.create-room-button').click();
+ } else {
+ sessionStorage.setItem(elem.value, true);
+ document.querySelector('#createRoomModal').click();
+ }
+ resolve(true);
+ });
+ }
** DONE Coordinate and help volunteers :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:14]
@@ -4485,6 +4513,32 @@ CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:15]
:CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 08:33]
[[file:~/proj/emacsconf/wiki/2022/organizers-notebook/*Think about what to do with schedule gaps due to cancelled talks][Think about what to do with schedule gaps due to cancelled talks]]
+*** TODO [#A] Separate mumble audio so that panic button can still bring in our audio
+ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-21 Mon>
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:14]
+ :END:
+*** SOMEDAY Prepare for rms talk and Q&A with bandali
+ DEADLINE: <2022-11-25 Fri>
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-18 Fri 12:27]
+ :END:
+**** TODO [#C] Reflow and edit VTT for RMS TEDx talk so that things are on one line
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 19:02]
+ :END:
+*** TODO Add panic button to OBS settings
+ :CREATED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:13]
+ :END:
** DONE [#C] Smoothen captioning workflow :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:10]
@@ -4676,6 +4730,266 @@ this year, but we need to keep this at the back of our minds.
Note on how DebConf handled incidents:
+** DONE [#A] Write check-in email :sachac:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-21 Mon 13:30] DEADLINE: <2022-11-20 Sun> SCHEDULED: <2022-11-19 Sat>
+:CUSTOM_ID: check-in-email
+*** DONE Switch all the rooms to allow anyone to start them - one less step for the check-in person
+CLOSED: [2022-11-20 Sun 09:33]
+:Effort: 0:30
+CLOCK: [2022-11-20 Sun 08:46]--[2022-11-20 Sun 09:33] => 0:47
+#+begin_src js2 :eval no
+//list = [...document.querySelectorAll('.room-name-editable')].filter((o) => o.value.match(/^ec22-(sat|sun)/));
+card = document.querySelector('a[href=\"%s\"] .card-body');
+card.querySelector('.item-action.dropdown a').click()
+if (!document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').checked) {
+ document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').click();
+okay, next thing, it automatically refreshes. so I can't run the whole Javascript, I need to xdotool it.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no
+(setq list (mapcar (lambda (o) (plist-get o :bbb-room)) (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
+(setq list (seq-drop list (seq-position list "")))
+ (setq item (pop list))
+ (when (string-match "/b/\\(.*\\)" item)
+ (kill-new (format "card = document.querySelector('a[href=\"%s\"] .card-body');
+card.querySelector('.item-action.dropdown a').click()
+if (!document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').checked) {
+ document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').click();
+ (match-string 0 item)))
+ (sleep-for 2)
+ (shell-command "xdotool key alt+Tab")))
+Relying on xdotool seems a little fragile. Let's just check the page
+itself for the next one that needs to be done.
+#+begin_src js2 :eval no
+list = [...document.querySelectorAll('.room-name-editable')].filter((o) => o.value.match(/^ec22-(sat|sun)/));
+list.reduce(async(prev, elem) => {
+ await prev;
+ if (!sessionStorage.getItem(elem.value)) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ card = elem.closest('.card-body');
+ card.querySelector('.item-action.dropdown a').click();
+ card.querySelector('.update-room').click();
+ sessionStorage.setItem(elem.value, true);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if (!document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').checked) {
+ document.querySelector('#room_anyone_can_start').click();
+ document.querySelector('.update-only.create-room-button').click();
+ } else {
+ document.querySelector('#createRoomModal').click();
+ }
+ resolve(true);
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ }
+*** DONE Update checkin instructions
+CLOSED: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:58]
+:Effort: 0:30
+CLOCK: [2022-11-20 Sun 10:12]--[2022-11-20 Sun 10:58] => 0:46
+*** Templates
+:SUBJECT: Getting ready for EmacsConf ${year}
+- Ask speaker verify their scheduled time
+ It has already been confirmed with them, but it might have changed slightly
+ - HOW: They should check the time at the top of their talk page on the day of the conference
+- Double-check Q&A preference, encourage tech checks for live talks/Q&A
+ - If they are available:
+ - Direct to tech-checks via${year}/prepare/
+ - Inform them of the check-in process
+ - They come say hi to us 30' before their session in #emacsconf-org or #emacsconf (they can use )
+ - We get them set up in a room where they can wait until the end of the broadcast of their pretention
+ - They’re joined by the streamer and host.
+- Warning about potential emergency changes
+Slightly more complex because of the conditionals
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :lexical t
+(defun emacsconf-mail-checkin-instructions (group &optional template)
+ "Send checkin instructions.
+GROUP is (email . (talk talk))"
+ (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group
+ (seq-filter
+ (lambda (o)
+ (or
+ (string= (plist-get o :status) "CANCELLED")
+ (null (plist-get o :email))
+ (string-match "after" (or (plist-get o :q-and-a) ""))))
+ (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))))
+ (let* ((talks (seq-remove
+ (lambda (o)
+ (or
+ (string= (plist-get o :status) "CANCELLED")
+ (null (plist-get o :email))
+ (string-match "after" (or (plist-get o :q-and-a) ""))
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (emacsconf-with-talk-heading o
+ (re-search-forward "checkin instructions" (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree)) t)))))
+ (cdr group)))
+ (waiting-talks (seq-find (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC")) talks)))
+ (when talks
+ (emacsconf-mail-prepare
+ (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "checkin-at-conf"))
+ (car group)
+ (list
+ :year emacsconf-year
+ :base-url emacsconf-base-url
+ :conf-name emacsconf-name
+ :email (plist-get (car talks) :email)
+ :emergency emacsconf-emergency-contact
+ :plural (if (> (length (cdr group)) 1) "s" "")
+ :speakers-short (plist-get (car talks) :speakers-short)
+ :url (mapconcat (lambda (o) (concat emacsconf-base-url (plist-get o :url)))
+ talks" , ")
+ :waiting
+ (cond
+ ((> (length waiting-talks) 1)
+ " If you can upload your talk videos before the conference, I think that might be much less stressful for everyone than doing it live. =) Please note that we will turn off the web-based upload on Dec 1 to free up memory on the server, so please upload them as early as you can.${wrap}")
+ ((= (length waiting-talks) 1)
+ " If you can upload your talk video before the conference, I think that might be much less stressful for everyone than doing it live. =) Please note that we will turn off the web-based upload on Dec 1 to free up memory on the server, so please upload it as early as you can.${wrap}")
+ (t ""))
+ :checkin-info
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (o)
+ (let ((base-checkin (format-time-string "%b %-d %-l:%M %p" (plist-get o :checkin-time) emacsconf-timezone))
+ (speaker-checkin (format-time-string "%b %-d %-l:%M %p" (plist-get o :checkin-time) (plist-get o :timezone))))
+ (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string
+ (append (list :base-url emacsconf-base-url
+ :check-in
+ (concat
+ "Before "
+ base-checkin " in " emacsconf-timezone
+ (if (string= base-checkin speaker-checkin)
+ ""
+ (concat
+ ", which is the same as " speaker-checkin " in " (plist-get o :timezone))) "\n"
+ " (this is " (plist-get o :checkin-label) ")")
+ :qa-info-speakers
+ (cond
+ ;; aaaaah, no prerec yet
+ ((string= (plist-get o :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC")
+ (concat "Talk and Q&A BigBlueButton room: " (plist-get o :bbb-room)))
+ ((null (plist-get o :q-and-a)) "")
+ ((string-match "live" (plist-get o :q-and-a)) (concat "Q&A BigBlueButton room: " (plist-get o :bbb-room)))
+ ((string-match "irc" (plist-get o :q-and-a)) (concat "Q&A: " (plist-get o :channel) " (" (plist-get o :webchat-url) ")"))
+ ((string-match "pad" (plist-get o :q-and-a)) "Q&A: On the pad")
+ (t "Q&A: After the event")))
+ o)
+ "- ${title}
+ Info and sched: ${base-url}${url}
+ Check-in: ${check-in}
+ Pad: ${pad-url}
+ ${qa-info-speakers}")))
+ talks "\n\n")))
+ (mapc (lambda (o)
+ (emacsconf-mail-log-message-when-sent o "Sent checkin instructions"))
+ talks))))
+**** E-mail for speakers who are planning to be at the conference
+:EMAIL_ID: checkin-instructions
+:SUBJECT: ${conf-name} ${year}: Check-in instructions
+:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
+:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}
+:FUNCTION: emacsconf-mail-checkin-instructions
+Hello, ${speakers-short}!
+We're looking forward to having you join us at EmacsConf!
+We've updated the schedule based on the submissions and cancellations,
+and we'll probably update the schedule even on the day of the
+conference. You can get a rough idea of your schedule at the talk
+pages with the URL${plural} below. You might want to check your talk
+page${plural} some time next week to get a rough sense of where it is,
+and then check it again on the day of your talk${plural}. Please let
+me know if the times don't work for you.
+We'll try our best to keep your talk in the same general timeslot (ex:
+Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning, Sunday
+afternoon). We've done some dry-runs, but just in case it turns out
+that running two tracks at the same time leaves us too frazzled, we
+may drop back to one track with Q&A on an alternate stream, like last
+year. If there are big changes to your schedule on the day of your
+talk${plural}, you'll get an e-mail from us with a subject like
+"URGENT: EmacsConf 2022: ...".${wrap}
+Here's your checkin info:
+Please check in early so that we can deal with scheduling changes or
+technical issues. You can find the check-in process at
+${base-url}${year}/speakers/ .${waiting}
+If something comes up, please let us know as soon as you can. Here's
+my emergency contact information: ${emergency}
+Thank you for sharing your time and energy with the EmacsConf community!
+p.s. If you need to cancel, that's okay too, life happens. Let me know
+as soon as you can and I'll try to shuffle things around. Thank you!
+**** E-mail for speakers who are not planning to be around, but who have sent us their prerecs
+:EMAIL_ID: checkin-after
+:SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year}: Check-in instructions
+Hello, ${name}!
+Thank you so much for contributing a talk for EmacsConf ${year}! We're
+looking forward to collecting questions and forwarding them to you by
+e-mail after the conference. We'll also post the prerecording at the
+time that it gets streamed, so people will be able to access it at
+${url} once it has gone live.
+If it turns out that you can make it to the conference after all, feel
+free to drop us a line at #emacsconf-org and we'll let people know
+you're around. You can find the check-in process at
+${year}/speakers/ .
+Thank you again for being part of EmacsConf ${year}!
+*** CANCELLED Draft e-mail to send speakers who may need to do it live
+CLOSED: [2022-11-21 Mon 13:30]
+:CUSTOM_ID: live-speakers
* Communications
:CUSTOM_ID: comms
diff --git a/2022/ b/2022/
index a3abc041..90b7b59e 100644
--- a/2022/
+++ b/2022/
@@ -3,54 +3,54 @@ Jump to: <a href="#date-2022-12-03">Sat Dec 3</a> - <a href="#date-2022-12-04">S
[[!inline pages="internal(2022/schedule-2022-12-03)" raw="yes"]]
<div class="schedule" data-start="2022-12-03T14:00:00+0000" data-end="2022-12-03T22:30:00+0000" data-tracks="General,Development">
-[[!template id=sched title="Saturday opening remarks" url="/2022/talks/sat-open" track="General" slug="sat-open" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T14:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T14:05:00+0000" start="9:00" end="9:05"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Emacs journalism (or everything's a nail if you hit it with Emacs)" url="/2022/talks/journalism" speakers="Alfred Zanini" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="journalism" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T14:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T14:25:00+0000" start="9:05" end="9:25"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Back to school with Emacs" url="/2022/talks/school" speakers="Daniel Rösel" q-and-a="IRC" track="General" slug="school" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T14:45:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T14:55:00+0000" start="9:45" end="9:55"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Tree-sitter beyond syntax highlighting" url="/2022/talks/treesitter" speakers="Abin Simon" q-and-a="IRC" track="Development" slug="treesitter" time="15" startutc="2022-12-03T15:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T15:15:00+0000" start="10:00" end="10:15"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="How to incorporate handwritten notes into Emacs Orgmode" url="/2022/talks/handwritten" speakers="Bala Ramadurai" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="handwritten" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T15:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T15:15:00+0000" start="10:05" end="10:15"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="lsp-bridge: complete asynchronous LSP client" url="/2022/talks/lspbridge" speakers="Andy Stewart, Matthew Zeng" q-and-a="IRC" track="Development" slug="lspbridge" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T15:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T15:45:00+0000" start="10:25" end="10:45"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Writing and organizing literature notes for scientific writing" url="/2022/talks/science" speakers="Vidianos Giannitsis" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="science" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T15:45:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:05:00+0000" start="10:45" end="11:05"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="asm-blox: a game based on WebAssembly that no one asked for" url="/2022/talks/asmblox" speakers="Zachary Romero" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="asmblox" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T15:55:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:15:00+0000" start="10:55" end="11:15"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="The Emacs Buddy initiative" url="/2022/talks/buddy" speakers="Andrea" q-and-a="IRC" track="General" slug="buddy" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T16:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:35:00+0000" start="11:25" end="11:35"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Emacs should become a Wayland compositor" url="/2022/talks/wayland" speakers="Michael Bauer" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="wayland" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T16:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:35:00+0000" start="11:25" end="11:35"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Attending and organizing Emacs meetups" url="/2022/talks/meetups" speakers="Bhavin Gandhi" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="meetups" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T18:20:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:20"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Using SQLite as a data source: a framework and an example" url="/2022/talks/sqlite" speakers="Andrew Hyatt" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="sqlite" time="25" startutc="2022-12-03T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T18:25:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:25"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Linking personal info with Hyperbole implicit buttons" url="/2022/talks/buttons" speakers="Mats Lidell" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="buttons" time="15" startutc="2022-12-03T18:40:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T18:55:00+0000" start="1:40" end="1:55"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Revisiting the anatomy of Emacs mail user agents" url="/2022/talks/mail" speakers="Mohsen BANAN" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="mail" time="40" startutc="2022-12-03T18:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T19:30:00+0000" start="1:50" end="2:30"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Real estate and Org table formulas" url="/2022/talks/realestate" speakers="Daniel Gopar" q-and-a="pad" track="General" slug="realestate" time="25" startutc="2022-12-03T19:15:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T19:40:00+0000" start="2:15" end="2:40"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Maintaining the Maintainers: Attribution as an Economic Model for Open Source" url="/2022/talks/maint" speakers="Sid Kasivajhula" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="maint" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T19:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:10:00+0000" start="2:50" end="3:10"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Health data journaling and visualization with Org Mode and GNUplot" url="/2022/talks/health" speakers="David O'Toole" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="health" time="25" startutc="2022-12-03T20:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:25:00+0000" start="3:00" end="3:25"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Bidirectional links with eev" url="/2022/talks/eev" speakers="Eduardo Ochs" q-and-a="IRC" track="Development" slug="eev" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T20:35:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:40:00+0000" start="3:35" end="3:40"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Edit live Jupyter notebook cells with Emacs" url="/2022/talks/jupyter" speakers="Blaine Mooers" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="jupyter" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T20:45:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T21:05:00+0000" start="3:45" end="4:05"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Short hyperlinks to Python docs" url="/2022/talks/python" speakers="Eduardo Ochs" q-and-a="IRC" track="Development" slug="python" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T20:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:55:00+0000" start="3:50" end="3:55"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Haskell code exploration with Emacs" url="/2022/talks/haskell" speakers="Yuchen Pei" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="haskell" time="30" startutc="2022-12-03T21:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T21:35:00+0000" start="4:05" end="4:35"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Saturday closing remarks" url="/2022/talks/sat-close" track="General" slug="sat-close" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T21:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T21:55:00+0000" start="4:50" end="4:55"]]</div>
+[[!template id=sched title="Saturday opening remarks" url="/2022/talks/sat-open" pad="" track="General" slug="sat-open" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T14:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T14:05:00+0000" start="9:00" end="9:05"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Emacs journalism (or everything's a nail if you hit it with Emacs)" url="/2022/talks/journalism" speakers="Alfred Zanini" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="journalism" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T14:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T14:25:00+0000" start="9:05" end="9:25"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Back to school with Emacs" url="/2022/talks/school" speakers="Daniel Rösel" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="General" slug="school" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T14:45:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T14:55:00+0000" start="9:45" end="9:55"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Tree-sitter beyond syntax highlighting" url="/2022/talks/treesitter" speakers="Abin Simon" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="Development" slug="treesitter" time="15" startutc="2022-12-03T15:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T15:15:00+0000" start="10:00" end="10:15"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="How to incorporate handwritten notes into Emacs Orgmode" url="/2022/talks/handwritten" speakers="Bala Ramadurai" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="handwritten" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T15:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T15:15:00+0000" start="10:05" end="10:15"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="lsp-bridge: complete asynchronous LSP client" url="/2022/talks/lspbridge" speakers="Andy Stewart, Matthew Zeng" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="Development" slug="lspbridge" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T15:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T15:45:00+0000" start="10:25" end="10:45"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Writing and organizing literature notes for scientific writing" url="/2022/talks/science" speakers="Vidianos Giannitsis" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="science" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T15:45:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:05:00+0000" start="10:45" end="11:05"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="asm-blox: a game based on WebAssembly that no one asked for" url="/2022/talks/asmblox" speakers="Zachary Romero" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="asmblox" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T15:55:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:15:00+0000" start="10:55" end="11:15"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="The Emacs Buddy initiative" url="/2022/talks/buddy" speakers="Andrea" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="General" slug="buddy" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T16:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:35:00+0000" start="11:25" end="11:35"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Emacs should become a Wayland compositor" url="/2022/talks/wayland" speakers="Michael Bauer" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="wayland" time="10" startutc="2022-12-03T16:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T16:35:00+0000" start="11:25" end="11:35"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Attending and organizing Emacs meetups" url="/2022/talks/meetups" speakers="Bhavin Gandhi" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="meetups" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T18:20:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:20"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Using SQLite as a data source: a framework and an example" url="/2022/talks/sqlite" speakers="Andrew Hyatt" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="sqlite" time="25" startutc="2022-12-03T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T18:25:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:25"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Linking personal info with Hyperbole implicit buttons" url="/2022/talks/buttons" speakers="Mats Lidell" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="buttons" time="15" startutc="2022-12-03T18:40:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T18:55:00+0000" start="1:40" end="1:55"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Revisiting the anatomy of Emacs mail user agents" url="/2022/talks/mail" speakers="Mohsen BANAN" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="mail" time="40" startutc="2022-12-03T18:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T19:30:00+0000" start="1:50" end="2:30"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Real estate and Org table formulas" url="/2022/talks/realestate" speakers="Daniel Gopar" q-and-a="pad" pad="" track="General" slug="realestate" time="25" startutc="2022-12-03T19:15:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T19:40:00+0000" start="2:15" end="2:40"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Maintaining the Maintainers: Attribution as an Economic Model for Open Source" url="/2022/talks/maint" speakers="Sid Kasivajhula" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="maint" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T19:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:10:00+0000" start="2:50" end="3:10"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Health data journaling and visualization with Org Mode and GNUplot" url="/2022/talks/health" speakers="David O'Toole" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="health" time="25" startutc="2022-12-03T20:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:25:00+0000" start="3:00" end="3:25"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Bidirectional links with eev" url="/2022/talks/eev" speakers="Eduardo Ochs" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="Development" slug="eev" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T20:35:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:40:00+0000" start="3:35" end="3:40"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Edit live Jupyter notebook cells with Emacs" url="/2022/talks/jupyter" speakers="Blaine Mooers" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="jupyter" time="20" startutc="2022-12-03T20:45:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T21:05:00+0000" start="3:45" end="4:05"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Short hyperlinks to Python docs" url="/2022/talks/python" speakers="Eduardo Ochs" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="Development" slug="python" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T20:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T20:55:00+0000" start="3:50" end="3:55"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Haskell code exploration with Emacs" url="/2022/talks/haskell" speakers="Yuchen Pei" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="haskell" time="30" startutc="2022-12-03T21:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T21:35:00+0000" start="4:05" end="4:35"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Saturday closing remarks" url="/2022/talks/sat-close" pad="" track="General" slug="sat-close" time="5" startutc="2022-12-03T21:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-03T21:55:00+0000" start="4:50" end="4:55"]]</div>
Jump to: <a href="#date-2022-12-03">Sat Dec 3</a> - <a href="#date-2022-12-04">Sun Dec 4</a><a name="date-2022-12-04"></a>
# Sunday Dec 4, 2022
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<div class="schedule" data-start="2022-12-04T14:00:00+0000" data-end="2022-12-04T22:30:00+0000" data-tracks="General,Development">
-[[!template id=sched title="Sunday opening remarks" url="/2022/talks/sun-open" track="General" slug="sun-open" time="5" startutc="2022-12-04T14:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T14:05:00+0000" start="9:00" end="9:05"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey" url="/2022/talks/survey" speakers="Timothy" q-and-a="IRC" track="General" slug="survey" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T14:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T14:25:00+0000" start="9:05" end="9:25"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="This Year in Org" url="/2022/talks/orgyear" speakers="Timothy" q-and-a="IRC" track="General" slug="orgyear" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T14:35:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T14:45:00+0000" start="9:35" end="9:45"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex" url="/2022/talks/rolodex" speakers="Ramin Honary" q-and-a="IRC" track="General" slug="rolodex" time="25" startutc="2022-12-04T14:55:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T15:20:00+0000" start="9:55" end="10:20"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="rde Emacs introduction" url="/2022/talks/rde" speakers="Andrew Tropin" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="rde" time="25" startutc="2022-12-04T15:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T15:25:00+0000" start="10:00" end="10:25"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)" url="/2022/talks/orgsuperlinks" speakers="Karl Voit" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="orgsuperlinks" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T15:40:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T15:50:00+0000" start="10:40" end="10:50"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="justl: Driving recipes within Emacs" url="/2022/talks/justl" speakers="Sibi Prabakaran" q-and-a="IRC" track="Development" slug="justl" time="15" startutc="2022-12-04T15:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T16:05:00+0000" start="10:50" end="11:05"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org" url="/2022/talks/orgvm" speakers="Corwin Brust" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="orgvm" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T16:10:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T16:20:00+0000" start="11:10" end="11:20"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Message from RMS" url="/2022/talks/rms" speakers="Richard M. Stallman" q-and-a="moderated Mumble" track="Development" slug="rms" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T16:15:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T16:35:00+0000" start="11:15" end="11:35"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode" url="/2022/talks/hyperorg" speakers="Robert Weiner" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="hyperorg" time="30" startutc="2022-12-04T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T18:30:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:30"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Getting detached from Emacs" url="/2022/talks/detached" speakers="Niklas Eklund" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="detached" time="15" startutc="2022-12-04T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T18:15:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:15"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell" url="/2022/talks/eshell" speakers="Howard Abrams" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="eshell" time="15" startutc="2022-12-04T18:40:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T18:55:00+0000" start="1:40" end="1:55"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Org workflows for developers" url="/2022/talks/workflows" speakers="George Mauer" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="workflows" time="25" startutc="2022-12-04T18:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T19:15:00+0000" start="1:50" end="2:15"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Emacs was async before async was cool" url="/2022/talks/async" speakers="Michael Herstine" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="async" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T19:20:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T19:40:00+0000" start="2:20" end="2:40"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers" url="/2022/talks/grail" speakers="Sameer Pradhan" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="grail" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T19:35:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T19:55:00+0000" start="2:35" end="2:55"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="The Wheels on D-Bus" url="/2022/talks/dbus" speakers="Ian Eure" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="dbus" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T20:15:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T20:35:00+0000" start="3:15" end="3:35"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb" url="/2022/talks/indieweb" speakers="Michael Herstine" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="indieweb" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T20:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T20:45:00+0000" start="3:25" end="3:45"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Pre-localizing Emacs" url="/2022/talks/localizing" speakers="Jean-Christophe Helary" q-and-a="live" track="Development" slug="localizing" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T21:10:00+0000" start="4:00" end="4:10"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Emacs development updates" url="/2022/talks/devel" speakers="John Wiegley" q-and-a="after the conference" track="General" slug="devel" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T21:15:00+0000" start="4:05" end="4:15"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Fanfare for the Common Emacs User" url="/2022/talks/fanfare" speakers="John Cummings" q-and-a="live" track="General" slug="fanfare" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T21:35:00+0000" start="4:25" end="4:35"]]
-[[!template id=sched title="Sunday closing remarks" url="/2022/talks/sun-close" track="General" slug="sun-close" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T22:00:00+0000" start="4:50" end="5:00"]]</div><div class="cancelled">Cancelled:<ul><li>The ship that builds itself: How we used Emacs to develop a workshop for communities - Noorah Alhasan, Joseph Corneli, Leo Vivier</li>
+[[!template id=sched title="Sunday opening remarks" url="/2022/talks/sun-open" pad="" track="General" slug="sun-open" time="5" startutc="2022-12-04T14:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T14:05:00+0000" start="9:00" end="9:05"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Results of the 2022 Emacs Survey" url="/2022/talks/survey" speakers="Timothy" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="General" slug="survey" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T14:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T14:25:00+0000" start="9:05" end="9:25"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="This Year in Org" url="/2022/talks/orgyear" speakers="Timothy" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="General" slug="orgyear" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T14:35:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T14:45:00+0000" start="9:35" end="9:45"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Build a Zettelkasten with the Hyperbole Rolodex" url="/2022/talks/rolodex" speakers="Ramin Honary" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="General" slug="rolodex" time="25" startutc="2022-12-04T14:55:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T15:20:00+0000" start="9:55" end="10:20"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="rde Emacs introduction" url="/2022/talks/rde" speakers="Andrew Tropin" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="rde" time="25" startutc="2022-12-04T15:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T15:25:00+0000" start="10:00" end="10:25"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Linking headings with org-super-links (poor-man's Zettelkasten)" url="/2022/talks/orgsuperlinks" speakers="Karl Voit" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="orgsuperlinks" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T15:40:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T15:50:00+0000" start="10:40" end="10:50"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="justl: Driving recipes within Emacs" url="/2022/talks/justl" speakers="Sibi Prabakaran" q-and-a="IRC" pad="" track="Development" slug="justl" time="15" startutc="2022-12-04T15:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T16:05:00+0000" start="10:50" end="11:05"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org" url="/2022/talks/orgvm" speakers="Corwin Brust" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="orgvm" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T16:10:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T16:20:00+0000" start="11:10" end="11:20"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Message from RMS" url="/2022/talks/rms" speakers="Richard M. Stallman" q-and-a="moderated Mumble" pad="" track="Development" slug="rms" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T16:15:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T16:35:00+0000" start="11:15" end="11:35"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Powerful productivity with Hyperbole and Org Mode" url="/2022/talks/hyperorg" speakers="Robert Weiner" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="hyperorg" time="30" startutc="2022-12-04T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T18:30:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:30"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Getting detached from Emacs" url="/2022/talks/detached" speakers="Niklas Eklund" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="detached" time="15" startutc="2022-12-04T18:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T18:15:00+0000" start="1:00" end="1:15"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Top 10 reasons why you should be using Eshell" url="/2022/talks/eshell" speakers="Howard Abrams" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="eshell" time="15" startutc="2022-12-04T18:40:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T18:55:00+0000" start="1:40" end="1:55"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Org workflows for developers" url="/2022/talks/workflows" speakers="George Mauer" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="workflows" time="25" startutc="2022-12-04T18:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T19:15:00+0000" start="1:50" end="2:15"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Emacs was async before async was cool" url="/2022/talks/async" speakers="Michael Herstine" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="async" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T19:20:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T19:40:00+0000" start="2:20" end="2:40"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers" url="/2022/talks/grail" speakers="Sameer Pradhan" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="grail" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T19:35:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T19:55:00+0000" start="2:35" end="2:55"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="The Wheels on D-Bus" url="/2022/talks/dbus" speakers="Ian Eure" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="dbus" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T20:15:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T20:35:00+0000" start="3:15" end="3:35"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Putting Org Mode on the Indieweb" url="/2022/talks/indieweb" speakers="Michael Herstine" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="indieweb" time="20" startutc="2022-12-04T20:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T20:45:00+0000" start="3:25" end="3:45"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Pre-localizing Emacs" url="/2022/talks/localizing" speakers="Jean-Christophe Helary" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="Development" slug="localizing" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:00:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T21:10:00+0000" start="4:00" end="4:10"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Emacs development updates" url="/2022/talks/devel" speakers="John Wiegley" q-and-a="after the conference" pad="" track="General" slug="devel" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:05:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T21:15:00+0000" start="4:05" end="4:15"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Fanfare for the Common Emacs User" url="/2022/talks/fanfare" speakers="John Cummings" q-and-a="live" pad="" track="General" slug="fanfare" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:25:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T21:35:00+0000" start="4:25" end="4:35"]]
+[[!template id=sched title="Sunday closing remarks" url="/2022/talks/sun-close" pad="" track="General" slug="sun-close" time="10" startutc="2022-12-04T21:50:00+0000" endutc="2022-12-04T22:00:00+0000" start="4:50" end="5:00"]]</div><div class="cancelled">Cancelled:<ul><li>The ship that builds itself: How we used Emacs to develop a workshop for communities - Noorah Alhasan, Joseph Corneli, Leo Vivier</li>
<li>Elisp and the TRAMP: How to NOT write code you don't have to - Grant Shangreaux</li>
<li>Emacs News highlights - Sacha Chua</li></ul></div> \ No newline at end of file