path: root/2022/organizers-notebook
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2022-12-18 00:55:52 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2022-12-18 00:55:52 -0500
commit73284abb6f3f17d80d468de5555c98987052e1bc (patch)
tree82adf8a921aefad63edb5d573ec0da30380d8325 /2022/organizers-notebook
parentc9a3ac84195af83f6479f2c3a6b72a53b091bde0 (diff)
Automated commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/2022/organizers-notebook/ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
index 29e3ee36..58820930 100644
--- a/2022/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
@@ -714,8 +714,7 @@
:CREATED: [2022-12-13 Tue 16:37]
-The challenge: make it easier to make sense of an IRC log considering the speaker is responding to lots of people.
Possible: thread speaker messages?
- search backward to find the lines, put something under
@@ -728,6 +727,182 @@ Manual:
:CREATED: [2022-12-15 Thu 16:52]
+*** CANCELLED Trim grail if needed
+CLOSED: [2022-12-16 Fri 21:35]
+:CREATED: [2022-12-15 Thu 22:24]
+*** DONE I uploaded the Q&A sessions to Toobnix. :sachac:
+CLOSED: [2022-12-16 Fri 13:53]
+- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2022-12-16 Fri 13:53]
+Least extra work if I do it after chapter markers, but I can just do them now and then update them later
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no
+(mapc (lambda (o)
+ (let ((default-directory "~/vendor/PeerTube/"))
+ (when (emacsconf-publish-upload-answers o 'toobnix)
+ (emacsconf-go-to-talk o)
+ (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 1782 370 click 1 sleep 1 key Ctrl+r sleep 4 mousemove 1584 546 click 3 sleep 1 mousemove 1664 746 click 1 mousemove 1584 546 sleep 1 key Alt+Tab sleep 1")
+ (org-entry-put
+ (point) "QA_TOOBNIX"
+ (read-string (format "URL for %s: "
+ (org-entry-get (point) "SLUG")))))))
+ (seq-remove
+ (lambda (o)
+ (or (null (emacsconf-talk-file o "--answers.webm"))
+ (plist-get o :qa-toobnix)))
+ (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))
+*** DONE Upload answers to Youtube :sachac:
+CLOSED: [2022-12-16 Fri 21:35] SCHEDULED: <2022-12-17 Sat>
+:CREATED: [2022-12-16 Fri 08:01]
+:header-args: :eval no
+- State "WAITING" from "SOMEDAY" [2022-12-16 Fri 12:58] \\
+ quota
+Set eval to yes and work carefully.
+#+NAME: not-done
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun emacsconf-publish-answers-python (talk)
+ (interactive)
+ (concat "filename = \"\"\"" (emacsconf-talk-file talk "--answers.webm") "\"\"\"\n"
+ "title = \"\"\"" (emacsconf-publish-answers-title talk 100) "\"\"\"\n"
+ "description = \"\"\"" (emacsconf-publish-answers-description talk 'youtube) "\"\"\"\n"))
+ (seq-find (lambda (talk)
+ (not (or (null (emacsconf-talk-file talk "--answers.webm"))
+ (plist-get talk :qa-youtube))))
+ (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
+ :slug)
+#+RESULTS: not-done
+quota, continue tomorrow
+**** Setup
+#+begin_src python :dir "/home/sacha/proj/plays" :session plays
+from playwright.sync_api import Playwright, sync_playwright, expect
+from pathlib import Path
+import json
+playwright = sync_playwright().start()
+browser = playwright.firefox.launch(headless=False)
+context = browser.new_context()
+page = context.new_page()
+Save the cookies after it's all set up
+#+begin_src python :dir "/home/sacha/proj/plays" :session plays
+#+begin_src python :dir "/home/sacha/proj/plays" :session plays
+1. Upload the file
+#+NAME: create
+#+begin_src python :dir "/home/sacha/proj/plays" :session plays :noweb yes :results silent
+#page.get_by_role("dialog", name="Video processing").get_by_role("button", name="Close").click()
+page.get_by_text("Upload videos").click()
+page.get_by_role("button", name="Select files").click()
+2. Set the talk details and copy the URL.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var slug=not-done :var url=set_details :results silent
+ (emacsconf-go-to-talk (emacsconf-resolve-talk slug))
+ (org-entry-put (point) "QA_YOUTUBE" url))
+***** Background code
+#+NAME: talk
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var slug=not-done :noweb yes
+(let ((talk (emacsconf-resolve-talk slug)))
+ (kill-new (emacsconf-talk-file talk "--answers.webm"))
+ (emacsconf-publish-answers-python talk))
+#+RESULTS: talk
+filename = """/home/sacha/proj/emacsconf/cache/emacsconf-2022-health--health-data-journaling-and-visualization-with-org-mode-and-gnuplot--david-otoole--answers.webm"""
+title = """EmacsConf 2022 Q&A: Health data journaling and visualization with Org Mode and gnuplot"""
+description = """David O'Toole (he/him)
+This is the Q&A for the talk at .
+You can view this and other resources using free/libre software at .
+This video is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
+#+NAME: set_details
+#+begin_src python :dir "/home/sacha/proj/plays" :session plays :results output :noweb yes
+page.locator("#description-textarea #textbox").fill(description)
+page.locator('ytcp-video-metadata-playlists .dropdown-trigger-text').click()
+page.get_by_role("dialog", name="Choose playlists").get_by_text("EmacsConf 2022").click()
+page.get_by_role("button", name="Done").click()
+page.get_by_role("button", name="Show more").click()
+page.get_by_placeholder("Add tag").fill("emacs, emacsconf, answers")
+page.get_by_placeholder("Add tag").click()
+href = page.locator('a.ytcp-video-info').get_attribute('href')
+page.get_by_role("button", name="PUBLISH").click()
+#+RESULTS: set_details
+*** TODO Add links to Q&A to Youtube video descriptions
+:CREATED: [2022-12-16 Fri 14:12]
+*** SOMEDAY Make a podcast feed of the talks
+:CREATED: [2022-12-17 Sat 14:26]
** TODO Send thanks
:CUSTOM_ID: thanks
@@ -1501,7 +1676,7 @@ CLOCK: [2022-11-23 Wed 21:52]--[2022-11-23 Wed 22:57] => 1:05
(concat (plist-get o :video-slug) "--main.webm")
(null (plist-get o :toobnix-url)))
- (format "node dist/server/tools/peertube.js upload -f %s -n %s -l 2 -c 15 -P 2 -t emacs,emacsconf -L en -C emacsconf -d %s"
+ (format "cd ~/vendor/PeerTube; node dist/server/tools/peertube.js upload -f %s -n %s -l 2 -c 15 -P 2 -t emacs,emacsconf -L en -C emacsconf -d %s"
(concat (plist-get o :video-slug) "--main.webm")