path: root/2022/organizers-notebook/
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2022-10-17 08:27:51 -0400
committerSacha Chua <>2022-10-17 08:27:51 -0400
commit79f5f6beace7969561112242fde4bbd9de5710ed (patch)
tree119b6a75742475a33b219731d079fbe0e094be73 /2022/organizers-notebook/
parent458668cf5fba76ad0a4ce91778b909f3b96a464d (diff)
Archive volunteer update, tweak sched announcement
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/2022/organizers-notebook/ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
index 5203eee7..6d74c176 100644
--- a/2022/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
@@ -112,64 +112,13 @@ interests you!
Ordered chronologically (and therefore by importance).
#+TOC: headlines 1 local
-** TODO Write volunteer update
-SCHEDULED: <2022-10-17 Mon>
-:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-10-16
-Hello, folks! Here's the weekly update on what's happening backstage
-for EmacsConf 2022 in case you notice something that you want to help
-out with. =)
-- All the speakers have confirmed that they've gotten the acceptance
- e-mails. Many speakers have confirmed that the schedule works for
- them after I reshuffled a few talks for better availability. I've
- posted the schedule at . We'll
- announce the schedule on the emacsconf-discuss mailing, Reddit, and
- various places this week.
-- zaeph has been working on the ffmpeg incantations for preprocessing
- the videos that will be submitted soon. bandali is working on
- getting the FTP and web-based uploads sorted out so that speakers
- can submit their videos.
-- I created some watch pages to support viewing different tracks:
- . The livestreams won't work yet
- and it would be nice to figure out something that can dynamically
- display info for recent/current/upcoming talks, but it's a start.
-- We set up a self-hosted Etherpad (ex:
- with an easy way to
- redirect to using Wikimedia in case we run into scaling issues. I've
- added it to our Ansible playbook
- ( and I'm looking
- forward to incorporating Ry P.'s improvements. Karl Voit gave
- feedback on the first draft of the template.
-- vetrivln volunteered for some of the dev hosting shifts, Karl Voit
- volunteered for some of the gen pad shifts, and FlowyCoder
- volunteered for some of the gen check-in shifts. Thanks!
-Next week, we hope to:
-- Announce the EmacsConf 2022 schedule in the usual places (got any wording/JS/CSS suggestions?)
-- Finalize the upload instructions so that speakers can start submitting their files
-- Put together volunteer training materials
-- Set up per-speaker BBB rooms and friendly URLs
-** BLOCKED Send program-published email for emacsconf-discuss :needsowner:timesensitive:email:
+** TODO Send program-published email for emacsconf-discuss :needsowner:timesensitive:email:
DEADLINE: <2022-10-15 Sat> SCHEDULED: <2022-10-15 Sat>
:CUSTOM_ID: announce-program
-Probably post schedule instead if available by that date
-BLOCKED: We asked speakers to get back to us by the 14th, so we'll probably be good to go re: schedule on the 15th
-When we're ready, we'll flip emacsconf-publishing-phase to 'schedule, call ~emacsconf-generate-main-schedule~ and ~emacsconf-generate-info-pages~, and be ready to send the e-mail.
+Schedule is now available
*** TODO Post it to r/emacs as well :reddit:zaeph:
Please let zaeph know when it’s live so that the post can be distinguished.
@@ -182,7 +131,7 @@ Please let zaeph know when it’s live so that the post can be distinguished.
Greetings, fellow Emacsians!
On behalf of the EmacsConf 2022 organizers team, I'm very excited to
-announce the program for EmacsConf 2022 (Dec 3 and 4), available at:
+announce the schedule for EmacsConf 2022 (Dec 3 and 4), available at:
@@ -193,16 +142,15 @@ requires running a tiny bit of AGPLv3+-licensed free/libre JavaScript
code, included on the talk pages.)
For prerecorded talks, this time is also when the talk's video will be
-made available on the same page. Please note the '~' tildes near the
-times, indicating that they are approximations and not meant to be
-taken as exact times. The schedule may change leading up to the
+made available on the same page. Please note that the times are
+approximations, and that the schedule may change leading up to the
As the conference approaches, we'll post more details on how to watch
and participate.
You can subscribe to the emacsconf-discuss mailing list at
- to
+ to
be sure you'll get updates.
Want to help make EmacsConf even awesomer? Volunteer!
@@ -213,6 +161,7 @@ We hope to see you all around on Dec 3-4 for EmacsConf 2022!
P.S. please direct all replies to this post either to myself or to the
emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
chatter in the other lists cc'd in this message; thank you.
** BLOCKED Prepare email for nudging speakers to send prerec, and inform on upload workflow :timesensitive:needsowner:
:CUSTOM_ID: mail-upload
@@ -434,7 +383,7 @@ overlapped. It would be good to have finer control over the
etherpad-load-test tool. Haven't figured out how to properly use ~-l~
and ~-a~ yet.
-#+begin_src sh :eval yes :results output replace
+#+begin_src sh :eval no :results output replace
echo 'stat -c %y ~/output.txt' | parallel -J loadtest -j 1 --onall --tag
@@ -2460,6 +2409,54 @@ CLOSED: [2022-10-11 Tue 19:32]
For the admins on BBB. The list is accessible here: [[][Organization Settings]].
Should take no more than ~20′.
+** DONE Write volunteer update
+CLOSED: [2022-10-17 Mon 08:24] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-17 Mon>
+:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-10-16
+Hello, folks! Here's the weekly update on what's happening backstage
+for EmacsConf 2022 in case you notice something that you want to help
+out with. =)
+- All the speakers have confirmed that they've gotten the acceptance
+ e-mails. Many speakers have confirmed that the schedule works for
+ them after I reshuffled a few talks for better availability. I've
+ posted the schedule at . We'll
+ announce the schedule on the emacsconf-discuss mailing, Reddit, and
+ various places this week.
+- zaeph has been working on the ffmpeg incantations for preprocessing
+ the videos that will be submitted soon. bandali is working on
+ getting the FTP and web-based uploads sorted out so that speakers
+ can submit their videos.
+- I created some watch pages to support viewing different tracks:
+ . The livestreams won't work yet
+ and it would be nice to figure out something that can dynamically
+ display info for recent/current/upcoming talks, but it's a start.
+- We set up a self-hosted Etherpad (ex:
+ with an easy way to
+ redirect to using Wikimedia in case we run into scaling issues. I've
+ added it to our Ansible playbook
+ ( and I'm looking
+ forward to incorporating Ry P.'s improvements. Karl Voit gave
+ feedback on the first draft of the template.
+- vetrivln volunteered for some of the dev hosting shifts, Karl Voit
+ volunteered for some of the gen pad shifts, and FlowyCoder
+ volunteered for some of the gen check-in shifts. Thanks!
+Next week, we hope to:
+- Announce the EmacsConf 2022 schedule in the usual places (got any wording/JS/CSS suggestions?)
+- Finalize the upload instructions so that speakers can start submitting their files
+- Put together volunteer training materials
+- Set up per-speaker BBB rooms and friendly URLs
* Communications
:CUSTOM_ID: comms