path: root/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-meetups--attending-and-organizing-emacs-meetups--bhavin-gandhi...
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2022-12-20 13:05:54 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2022-12-21 09:32:35 -0500
commite83f377aba7079eca2ab774e7f27f2704f669f43 (patch)
tree1a6a60fc78ad9d1fe94b90830c4d277dd18fb236 /2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-meetups--attending-and-organizing-emacs-meetups--bhavin-gandhi--answers.vtt
parentb2557aa762f38de500eb8f14305e35d40b0606df (diff)
add answer captions, add rest of IRC comments
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1 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-meetups--attending-and-organizing-emacs-meetups--bhavin-gandhi--answers.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-meetups--attending-and-organizing-emacs-meetups--bhavin-gandhi--answers.vtt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2918301d
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+++ b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-meetups--attending-and-organizing-emacs-meetups--bhavin-gandhi--answers.vtt
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+00:00.000 --> 00:14.120
+All right. Hi, again, everyone. So, we are back. And I am with Vavin. Hi, Vavin. How
+00:14.120 --> 00:15.120
+are you doing?
+00:15.120 --> 00:18.120
+I'm good. How about you?
+00:18.120 --> 00:24.040
+I'm doing well. You will note that I now have an extra layer because I was absolutely frozen
+00:24.040 --> 00:28.960
+in the first half of this year's EmacsConf. But now, hopefully, I should start getting
+00:28.960 --> 00:33.080
+a little warmer. Usually, I'm more stressed, you know, when we only have one track and
+00:33.080 --> 00:36.640
+we only have about two minutes between every talk. I need to run all the time. And even
+00:36.640 --> 00:40.840
+though we are in the dead of winter in Europe, usually, I'm pretty warm. But today, I am
+00:40.840 --> 00:45.920
+so relaxed that I have the mental availability to be cold. Anyway, this is not about me.
+00:45.920 --> 00:47.920
+This is about you, Vavin.
+00:47.920 --> 00:54.740
+So, for the new joiners, newcomers to the chat, we do have a pad where you can ask questions.
+00:54.740 --> 00:59.400
+And we are primarily looking at this pad for the questions. What we'll do afterwards is
+00:59.400 --> 01:06.720
+that we'll open up this current room in which we are. And we will allow you to ask questions
+01:06.720 --> 01:12.360
+directly to Vavin. And it's a subject, you know, user group that is very close to Sasha
+01:12.360 --> 01:17.720
+and my heart because we've done a lot of work towards it. And we might have some knowledge
+01:17.720 --> 01:23.440
+to contribute afterwards. But for now, I prefer if we heard about Vavin. So, Vavin, take it
+01:23.440 --> 01:24.440
+01:24.440 --> 01:25.440
+01:25.440 --> 01:36.640
+I see one question. What about using on multiple computers? I think that's not related or I'm
+01:36.640 --> 01:38.440
+not sure what it is about.
+01:38.440 --> 01:40.440
+I'm not sure either.
+01:40.440 --> 01:46.840
+Yeah, I'll just do the next one. What about collaborative editing with this multiple computers
+01:46.840 --> 01:50.920
+with Macs like CRDT or with R2D2?
+01:50.920 --> 01:57.920
+I think there's something weird going on. I'll give you just a second.
+01:57.920 --> 02:04.120
+I'll just pick up the relevant one in that case.
+02:04.120 --> 02:05.680
+Sure, thank you.
+02:05.680 --> 02:07.840
+Thoughts on physical meetups.
+02:07.840 --> 02:19.560
+Yeah, so this year, I think a few months back, I had thought of doing it. But the way right
+02:19.560 --> 02:28.040
+now it is, at least in my region, the community is comparatively small. So usually right now
+02:28.040 --> 02:33.480
+the model is working is basically the remote one. And we get people from some people from
+02:33.480 --> 02:39.080
+I think China, some people from Australia. So we get to have a couple of people and good
+02:39.080 --> 02:46.680
+discussions usually. Whereas for physical meetups, what I've been thinking is maybe
+02:46.680 --> 02:52.960
+one off meetup can be physical. Let's say you come together similar to people have been
+02:52.960 --> 03:00.680
+watching Emacs on this year. So something like you come together, do the online meetup
+03:00.680 --> 03:05.520
+first and then networking and discussions can happen offline. So that was one of my
+03:05.520 --> 03:12.880
+idea. Maybe I'll try it with Emacs APAC sooner or later and we'll see how it goes. So that's
+03:12.880 --> 03:18.880
+the current plan about physical meetups. And in terms of if you ask me thoughts, they are
+03:18.880 --> 03:25.340
+good too. So you get to talk with people face to face, you got to make more connections.
+03:25.340 --> 03:30.840
+So yeah, I might experiment some mixed way of doing it right once in a while you meet
+03:30.840 --> 03:36.720
+or otherwise you do it online so that people who are not able to join in or travel to that
+03:36.720 --> 03:40.160
+particular area or region, they can just join online.
+03:40.160 --> 03:48.240
+Yeah, it's a very interesting topic of physical meetups because we, so I participate in one
+03:48.240 --> 03:56.880
+of the workshop Emacs Paris and we used to have in-person meetups in Paris and usually
+03:56.880 --> 04:02.040
+there were about five to 10 people showing up, which was a good number. But when COVID
+04:02.040 --> 04:07.820
+happened and we moved to virtual meetings, we started having a lot more people. Now we
+04:07.820 --> 04:12.680
+are averaging about 15 to 20 people at every session and it's amazing. But the problem
+04:12.680 --> 04:20.000
+is, I'm knocking on wood really hard, but now that COVID is a little easier to manage
+04:20.000 --> 04:25.720
+and that's a lot of people are returning to in-person meetings, it's a little more complicated
+04:25.720 --> 04:32.040
+really to say, do we go back to physical meetings even though we have more people on a virtual
+04:32.040 --> 04:36.640
+meeting? It causes us to ask many questions about why do we want those meetings to be
+04:36.640 --> 04:44.320
+held? And we need to think about this in 2023 with the organizers of Emacs Paris and I think
+04:44.320 --> 04:53.840
+Emacs SF also was in the process of thinking about how to go back to physical venues. And
+04:53.840 --> 05:01.680
+I think right now the consensus amongst a lot of workshop user group organizers is that
+05:01.680 --> 05:06.920
+they would like to have both. So if it was a monthly meeting before, why not have a physical
+05:06.920 --> 05:14.960
+meeting every month and a virtual meeting every month as well on a two-week cycle. So
+05:14.960 --> 05:25.240
+that's a lot more work, obviously. It's not choosing, it's choosing. I'm not sure how
+05:25.240 --> 05:30.400
+big the pool of people you have in Emacs APAC actually is but it feels like it's a much
+05:30.400 --> 05:39.720
+larger area than say Emacs Paris for France. So you try it even though. Yeah, exactly.
+05:39.720 --> 05:48.320
+So in India, there is the region with this Maharashtra Pune, it is like one end and across
+05:48.320 --> 05:54.880
+maybe you can say 500-600 kilometers radius, you have many other cities where more people
+05:54.880 --> 06:02.960
+are there. So having all of them at one place is basically event like conference or something.
+06:02.960 --> 06:08.400
+Monthly meetup, probably not. So there is one more meetup group I managed, not related
+06:08.400 --> 06:14.280
+to Emacs, but we had same question, what to do now? We have many people joining us throughout
+06:14.280 --> 06:20.920
+the state and should we have a meetup in one city only? So yeah, I think we'll have to
+06:20.920 --> 06:25.400
+experiment and see. Yeah, but it's fun to experiment, it's fun
+06:25.400 --> 06:30.160
+to have. We know that we have interested people all around the world, like that it showed
+06:30.160 --> 06:34.840
+you the type of workshop that we can have and how to run your own, but we already have
+06:34.840 --> 06:39.120
+many workshops around the world. It wasn't the case if you go back three years ago. I
+06:39.120 --> 06:44.720
+think if I'm completely speedboarding now, but I think we had about five user groups
+06:44.720 --> 06:52.520
+worldwide three years ago, and now we must have something like 12, 13, 14 even, which
+06:52.520 --> 06:56.680
+is a massive increase when you think about it. Now that Babin has provided you with the
+06:56.680 --> 07:01.440
+tools to do just the same and start your own workshop, and also you have the buddy system
+07:01.440 --> 07:07.880
+of Andrea that you saw earlier today, you have more options than ever to be able to
+07:07.880 --> 07:13.240
+meet people talking about Emacs. Now, there's obviously EmacsConf as well, which is helping
+07:13.240 --> 07:18.800
+and we have a lot of lovely tools to share with you, but I think it's better or it's
+07:18.800 --> 07:24.120
+a good compliment to have a monthly checkup with people who might feel a little closer
+07:24.120 --> 07:28.920
+to you, either, and closer can have multiple definitions, you know, it can be closer in
+07:28.920 --> 07:34.840
+terms of proficiency with Emacs, or it can be closer geographically, which makes it easier
+07:34.840 --> 07:39.960
+or culturally, which will make it easier to converse with people. We do have a question
+07:39.960 --> 07:44.440
+about hybrid meetings. Do you want to take this one, Babin? It's so related to what we
+07:44.440 --> 07:45.440
+were talking about.
+07:45.440 --> 07:53.800
+Yep, yep, yep, yeah. So I tried it, not with Emacs one, but with the other one I organized.
+07:53.800 --> 07:59.800
+And even I had some thoughts. The only problem is what happens, the people who are joining
+07:59.800 --> 08:07.960
+virtually, they usually end up feeling left out. Because people who are in the room, they
+08:07.960 --> 08:13.640
+might be discussing something face to face, they might have some discussions. The only
+08:13.640 --> 08:21.200
+way I think would work is everyone joins the online link from their own machines. You do
+08:21.200 --> 08:27.680
+your regular meetup discussions. And after that, you have some discussions. Because otherwise,
+08:27.680 --> 08:33.560
+one side or other side will end up feeling left out. Rather than doing it, I'll just
+08:33.560 --> 08:39.160
+keep it one or other, either completely virtual or completely in person.
+08:39.160 --> 08:47.240
+Yeah, I think it is really complicated to do a hybrid stream well. I told you the figures
+08:47.240 --> 08:52.960
+of the people we had, which was roughly between five to 15 people at most in physical venues.
+08:52.960 --> 08:55.800
+Right now, by the way, we should probably say hi to the people in Switzerland who are
+08:55.800 --> 09:03.880
+currently watching Emacs in a very nice, warm room. I'm thinking warm because I'm cold.
+09:03.880 --> 09:07.320
+It's not only warm in terms of the weather inside the room, but also warm in terms of
+09:07.320 --> 09:13.320
+the people around it. Hi, everyone. Hybrid meetings pretty much take the attention
+09:13.320 --> 09:18.880
+of two people entirely. One to manage the physical venue, and one to manage the virtual
+09:18.880 --> 09:24.480
+interactions. And generally, those two people would be core organizers of the events. And
+09:24.480 --> 09:30.520
+that takes a lot of energy. And I think people are a little scared to do such events because
+09:30.520 --> 09:34.360
+you also need to manage webcams, you need to manage presentation, how to take questions,
+09:34.360 --> 09:41.000
+how to relay audio. And frankly, as someone who organizes or helps organize EmacsConf
+09:41.000 --> 09:45.080
+every year, I can tell you that it can be plenty of wrong going on with audio setup,
+09:45.080 --> 09:49.880
+video setup, and making sure that everyone is being listened to. But ultimately, we are
+09:49.880 --> 09:55.560
+sharing these tools. So maybe we could share the tools for EmacsConf for people to actually
+09:55.560 --> 10:00.280
+start running their own workshop. That would be interesting. But please don't send me an
+10:00.280 --> 10:03.680
+email asking for this. I need to rest.
+10:03.680 --> 10:13.760
+So there is one, I think, thought. Yeah, one thought in the IRC. It is about the time it
+10:13.760 --> 10:22.280
+takes for me to organize the meetup. So what I have done is creating the announcement,
+10:22.280 --> 10:29.360
+posting it at least on the website, I have automated it. So at times, even I forget that
+10:29.360 --> 10:36.120
+when is the meetup and all. But my automation takes care of creating the online website
+10:36.120 --> 10:42.760
+entries, announcements and all. So that saves me a lot of time and a lot of cognitive load
+10:42.760 --> 10:53.440
+I should say. I don't have to remember I have to announce it. And what happens is, I do
+10:53.440 --> 11:00.480
+plan to automate more things like announcements on IRC, announcements on Mastodon and stuff.
+11:00.480 --> 11:07.420
+So that will save a lot more time. But usually, that basically means I don't have to do much
+11:07.420 --> 11:12.920
+stuff before the meetup. It's like 15 to 20 minutes. And during the meetup, obviously
+11:12.920 --> 11:19.040
+I attend along with everyone else. And post meetup, it might take more time. But I haven't
+11:19.040 --> 11:26.080
+worked on processing or collecting the video and publishing those. So maybe add more, let's
+11:26.080 --> 11:29.280
+say, 30 minutes or so. So yep.
+11:29.280 --> 11:36.000
+Yeah, there is definitely something to be said about how do we use the workshops to
+11:36.000 --> 11:41.040
+make content that lasts after the workshop. It's a discussion we've been having with some
+11:41.040 --> 11:47.520
+of the workshop organizers. I remember mostly Emacs SF again, and also Emacs Paris. We were
+11:47.520 --> 11:52.760
+talking about, yes, we record the sessions, but we share the sessions only with members
+11:52.760 --> 11:59.440
+of the event. What if we have a really great presentation? It would be such a shame to
+11:59.440 --> 12:05.440
+leave it live merely on the BBB record server where only users can see it. No, it's actually
+12:05.440 --> 12:09.840
+much better if we could find a way to share it on YouTube, for instance, or any other
+12:09.840 --> 12:15.120
+distribution platform where people would be able to share this. With EmacsConf, we share
+12:15.120 --> 12:19.960
+all the talks that happen in prior years. What if we could have user groups and workshops
+12:19.960 --> 12:23.840
+do the same? That would be amazing. But I think people are feeling a little iffy and
+12:23.840 --> 12:28.880
+rightfully so. This is a lot of energy to first make presentations like this for the
+12:28.880 --> 12:36.080
+speakers, but then to package them, to caption them for accessibility. We are able to broadcast
+12:36.080 --> 12:42.000
+talk this year with captions with no little thanks to Bavin, who is actually helping us
+12:42.000 --> 12:47.840
+a lot behind the scenes working on the subtitles. Thank you again so much, Bavin, for all this.
+12:47.840 --> 12:52.020
+You will be the first to tell, this is a lot of work, actually. I'm not sure how much time
+12:52.020 --> 12:58.400
+you've spent in the last two months working on subtitles, but it's been a long time.
+12:58.400 --> 13:03.720
+It does take time. That's why I'm still not sure how much time it will take for me to
+13:03.720 --> 13:09.400
+get those talks or recordings out, right? But as a first step, like I mentioned in the
+13:09.400 --> 13:17.160
+talk as well, just get it out first and then work towards refining it.
+13:17.160 --> 13:24.440
+Yeah, that's the usual saying that good is better than perfect or here and there is better
+13:24.440 --> 13:30.760
+than later and never. I think that's a very good plan here. Bavin, we have about five
+13:30.760 --> 13:35.200
+more minutes until we need to head into the next store. We have opened the chat room,
+13:35.200 --> 13:39.320
+so if people wanted to join and ask questions with Bavin, mostly if you're interested in
+13:39.320 --> 13:43.480
+running your own workshop, this would be a golden opportunity to converse with Bavin
+13:43.480 --> 13:48.160
+and see how you could get started on this. Or maybe if you want to find people interested
+13:48.160 --> 13:53.560
+in starting a workshop, maybe not in BBB today, but it'd be interesting for you to connect
+13:53.560 --> 14:00.440
+on the pad or whatever else really to be able to say, oh yeah, I want to start an Emacs
+14:00.440 --> 14:04.560
+Michigan meeting or whatever. I'm not sure why I defaulted to Michigan, don't ask me.
+14:04.560 --> 14:08.480
+But you would be able to find maybe other people willing to do so and that'd be great.
+14:08.480 --> 14:12.080
+Why don't you stop moving my hands like this? This is the one gesture I'm doing today and
+14:12.080 --> 14:17.760
+I need to pluralize it a little bit. Do we have any more questions on the pad? I think
+14:17.760 --> 14:18.760
+14:18.760 --> 14:25.800
+Not on pad. I think there are two questions in IRC. I'll just quickly answer them. One
+14:25.800 --> 14:33.320
+is about automation. So I have my repository, the website repository on GitLab and they
+14:33.320 --> 14:40.160
+provide something called pipelines. So you can just schedule things and I have a cronjob
+14:40.160 --> 14:47.880
+you can say sort of on their platform itself, which goes and gets triggered on certain days
+14:47.880 --> 14:57.920
+and my script basically takes care of publishing a new blog entry basically. And there was
+14:57.920 --> 15:08.280
+one question, what is iLuxy? So it is a new Linux user group from Chennai, India. So yeah,
+15:08.280 --> 15:15.080
+I think I've been using their mailing list and there have been a couple of people from
+15:15.080 --> 15:23.160
+that part of the country who joined the meetup as well.
+15:23.160 --> 15:28.240
+And we're definitely trying to make Emacs user group a thing. Like Lug, Linux user group
+15:28.240 --> 15:33.520
+has been a thing for decades at this point. And if only we could manage to make, I mean,
+15:33.520 --> 15:41.760
+the thing it doesn't sound as well, a huge, probably the worst argument in its favor really,
+15:41.760 --> 15:47.000
+but Emacs user group feels like it should be something that is widely adopted as much
+15:47.000 --> 15:51.240
+as Linux user groups. Because when you think about it, whether it be Linux or whether it
+15:51.240 --> 15:57.080
+be Emacs, those groups are where a lot of people get to experiment with those tools
+15:57.080 --> 16:02.600
+and learn, especially a lot of beginners who make it to those meetings. They get propelled
+16:02.600 --> 16:07.200
+in the future in terms of how much they learn and it's so much better. You probably heard
+16:07.200 --> 16:13.000
+more about this in the Android talk we had earlier today. Right, I'm blabbering on about,
+16:13.000 --> 16:18.960
+but it's a topic very dear to my heart and I'm so glad that you managed to feel sorry
+16:18.960 --> 16:26.080
+a topic and a presentation. Sorry, I'm mixing up everything there.
+16:26.080 --> 16:33.140
+We will soon be moving on to the next stream. So I see that we have a couple of people still
+16:33.140 --> 16:38.120
+on BBB, but no one with a microphone. So again, when we open the BBB chat room, if you want
+16:38.120 --> 16:42.800
+to join and ask questions, it's all the better. It's good if you want to join and listen,
+16:42.800 --> 16:47.520
+but we need people to actually be asking questions because that's when we have the speaker in
+16:47.520 --> 16:52.400
+one room and you can gather all the questions. I'm going to give you a little secret. If
+16:52.400 --> 16:56.360
+sometimes it doesn't sound like I'm making any sense, it's because on one here, I am
+16:56.360 --> 17:00.520
+listening to Bavin. That's the left here. On the right here, I'm listening to production
+17:00.520 --> 17:07.640
+and sometimes stuff is burning in the background and I have to take a deep breath and focus
+17:07.640 --> 17:12.120
+on, for instance, everyone is talking in my ear. It's really complicated. So what I'll
+17:12.120 --> 17:16.880
+be doing is that in about 1 minute and 20 seconds, we'll be moving into the next talk.
+17:16.880 --> 17:21.480
+Bavin, thank you so much for taking the time to answer all the questions. You'll probably
+17:21.480 --> 17:24.960
+be sleeping fairly soon, right?
+17:24.960 --> 17:31.880
+Yeah, please help us in the backstage. But yes, thank you so much for all your help.
+17:31.880 --> 17:36.000
+Thank you for your presentation. As for the others, we are about to move to the next talk
+17:36.000 --> 17:40.840
+in about 1 minute. So it's going to be a bit of an awkward pause again. Sorry for this,
+17:40.840 --> 17:46.800
+but at the top of the next minute, we'll be starting the next talk. See you in a bit,
+17:46.800 --> 17:49.400
+I suppose. Thank you again, Bavin.
+17:49.400 --> 17:53.760
+Thank you. Thank you for organizing the event. It has been fun.
+17:53.760 --> 17:54.880
+Thank you for participating in it.