path: root/2021
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2021-03-04 23:22:25 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2021-03-04 23:22:25 -0500
commitc0d3b4b9283ec3e77e01f6f5248776583ccbdc92 (patch)
tree6620d30ac60984df5621dd5f5ee252aedfb32566 /2021
parent1670b72affe8c60e49a8c42849fcf244e5505969 (diff)
parent117ec813300bf4726545635262c1d3128f10d059 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/2021/ b/2021/
index 34127d5f..207be277 100644
--- a/2021/
+++ b/2021/
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
:CUSTOM_ID: ongoing-projects
+- Tech
+ - Figuring out a better streaming workflow (speakers & OBS)
+ - CDN with Nate Saltes: mplsCorwin, bandali
+ - Review whether we need FH’s BBB instance: mplsCorwin & bandali
- Subtitles/transcripts: sachac, bhavin192
- Calendar, connecting with meetups: sachac
- Streaming infrastructure for meetups?: bandali, sachac
@@ -24,9 +29,128 @@
- Diversity outreach: gopar, sachac, zaeph
- Finding a parallel monthly day for EmacsConf prep meetings
- Write-up for streaming with FLOSS
-- Review whether we need FH’s BBB instance: mplsCorwin & bandali
- Mediation project between MELPA and org-mode’s core: zaeph
+* February 27, 2021 meeting
+- Agenda
+ - Check-in
+ - Follow-ups from last week
+ - Podcast update
+ - bandali said he might have a version of the podcast that we could review
+ - bandali is almost done with editing the first episode
+ - Some re-recording might be warranted for the start and the end
+ - He’s aiming for a preview version by [2021-02-28 Sun]
+ - The editing workflow has been figured out, and gopar might be able to handle the editing for episode 2
+ - Release plan
+ - Order
+ - 1: EmacsConf
+ - 2: Maxima with Fermin
+ - 3: ERC
+ - Tentative agenda
+ - [2021-02-28 Sun] 1st episode for us to review (no pressure!)
+ - Tentative schedule
+ - Tue or Wed if we’re not worried about the intro music
+ - We do not have an intro song yet
+ - In January, bandali talked with shoshin in the #emsig channel for commissioning an intro, but shoshin didn’t have much time to work on this because of work
+ - TODO Maybe we could try pinging him again?
+ - Could we put out a call for people to submit their intro?
+ - Reddit
+ - No news segment for the two first one
+ - We still don’t have an intro song
+ - TODO Find an intro song
+ - Future topics
+ - bandali & gopar: They could invite zaeph to talk about the crowdfunding or any related projects
+ - So far, no proper agenda for the guests, but something that we might figure out in the coming weeks
+ - TODO Try to come up with a list of people to get on the show
+ - EmacsConf’s FLOSS streaming facility
+ - bandali updates
+ - In March, bandali might have more time on his hands, and he might have time to prepare his presentation for LibrePlanet
+ - (date of the talk: [2021-03-20 Sat], deadline for submitting the slides: [2021-03-08 Mon])
+ - Nice progress on Jami, and Amin might be done within 2 weeks
+ - bandali is planning to have some time to invest into writing the guide on streaming with FLOSS
+ - Some progress has been made, but it’s been mostly ad-hoc with the people who asked
+ - Tentative date for a rough draft: [2021-03-27 Sat]
+ - Tentative date for a release: mid-April (but again, no pressure! ಠ_ಠ)
+ - Negative feedback on the quality of one of the recordings
+ - [[][EmacsConf 2020 - 12 - One Big-ass Org File or multiple tiny ones? - Leo Vivier - YouTube]]
+ - The stream resolution is 720p with an external monitor to avoid rescaling the video
+ - One of the bottlenecks with the previous EmacsConf was the rescaling
+ - Setup: Laptop 720p + Streaming to 1080p
+ - This year, it looked nicer
+ - bandali does not think he’s got enough computing power to handle 1080p
+ - 2 days of 1080p streaming might be too much for bandali’s unit (understandably)
+ - Questions
+ - Do we agree that the quality was sub-par, for this talk or for others as well?
+ - bandali: Probably ‘yes’, and we knew it going into it; this is one of the reasons why we encouraged pre-recordings
+ - The pre-recordings had good quality (streamed at 720p, but published at the native resolution, which was up to 2k)
+ - It was very readable, and there wasn’t a time when bandali couldn’t read what was on the screen
+ - The shared video with BBB sometimes was subpar
+ - The problem
+ - Ways to solve the problem
+ - Composing the window maximally with OBS
+ - mplsCorwin: Using OBS and asking the speakers to stream to a URL that we’d provide to them; it’s EZPZ.
+ - Corwin has had real success with OBS, so that all his kids can have OBS running, and Corwin can bounce them via nginx
+ - TODO Let’s figure out an OBS-based workflow for webcam/screen feeds
+ - Having multiple tracks for speakers
+ - Offline talks
+ - Pre-recs
+ - Live talks
+ - Easy
+ - BBB
+ - Intermediate
+ - OBS & streaming to address
+ - FH’s BBB sitrep
+ - zaeph: No news from EmacsSF, so I’ll assume it’s next week; which also means that we’ve got no data
+ - At least
+ - CDN for the videos
+ - We got an offer for EU-based hosting (France & Germany)
+ - yang@freenode
+ - This would help us address the slow DL for EU viewers
+ - bandali is investigating FLOSS CDN options
+ - mplsCorwin: Definitely an offer we should take them up on
+ - Can we deploy a FLOSS CDN to handle those different servers?
+ - FH has a partnership with PacketFrame
+ - FLOSS CDN app, developed by Nate Sales; Corwin did some work with them on an org-inspired, lambda-based workflow; PoC underway
+ - CDN for video content is a bit of a weird usecase
+ - Optimisation is definitely done within routing-layer: ‘IP address, and network addresses which are specifically create subnets for delivery; beyond that, it’s just the usual caching thing’
+ - Could we get Nate Sales on board to help us with this topic?
+ - Let’s try to do it on the [2021-03-13 Sat], or any time during the following week
+ - mplsCorwin is sending them a note and will keep us in touch
+ - zaeph: EmacsBerlin update
+ - They might be interested in a BBB instance
+ - Michael Albinus (maint of TRAMP) is interested in working with me on advanced optimisation (for org-roam and org-mode)
+ - Mailing list
+ - bandali will ping bhavin192 for which email they want
+ - He didn’t have the time to do it yet; the TZ aren’t nice.
+ - Any other news?
+ - ERG update
+ - Today, weare meeting with Mark Dawson from ~M-x Research~
+ - zaeph’s crowfunding
+ - sitrep
+ - Discussion
+ - On funding for the dev of Emacs’s core
+ - RMS might have made a comment that financing Emacs should be done with FLOSS tools (e.g. non-free JS)
+ - [[][Liberapay]] might be a solution
+ - mplsCorwin: ‘The fact that we have multiple string-manipulation librairies is a sign of sickness in the community’
+ - Related to Perl and CPAN
+ - FSF sponsorship
+ - zaeph: No update
* February 20, 2021 meeting
- Discuss distribution of meetings / podcasts