path: root/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-nangulator--introducing-n-angulator--kevin-haddock--main.vtt
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2021-11-29 09:45:57 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2021-11-29 09:45:57 -0500
commite8e25c3c457b30b34bbae4c93ebd08ae48d1d710 (patch)
treea00344b4b26f2afe6842d2971b08832d27f6b4d5 /2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-nangulator--introducing-n-angulator--kevin-haddock--main.vtt
parent51620ae048f47c88b163fbb8844a5575c6b35c4e (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-nangulator--introducing-n-angulator--kevin-haddock--main.vtt b/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-nangulator--introducing-n-angulator--kevin-haddock--main.vtt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99d8802b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/captions/emacsconf-2021-nangulator--introducing-n-angulator--kevin-haddock--main.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+00:00.240 --> 00:00:02.800
+Hello. This is Kevin Haddock
+00:00:02.800 --> 00:00:05.839
+to announce the introduction of N-Angulator,
+00:00:05.839 --> 00:00:07.759
+hereafter called NA.
+00:07.759 --> 00:00:10.240
+NA allows you, the user, to supply
+00:00:10.240 --> 00:00:11.679
+the meaning to your data
+00:00:11.679 --> 00:00:13.599
+in a concise, efficient way.
+00:00:13.599 --> 00:00:14.880
+How does it work?
+00:14.880 --> 00:00:16.880
+Your files are stored on your hard disk
+00:00:16.880 --> 00:00:18.160
+in what technically is called
+00:00:18.160 --> 00:00:20.640
+a hierarchical file system.
+00:20.640 --> 00:00:22.240
+What this means is that
+00:00:22.240 --> 00:00:24.560
+the root of the directory tree can be
+00:00:24.560 --> 00:00:27.760
+not only files, or what we call leaves,
+00:00:27.760 --> 00:00:30.720
+but also other folders/branches
+00:00:30.720 --> 00:00:33.680
+that themselves contain other files, leaves,
+00:00:33.680 --> 00:00:36.000
+and/or branches.
+00:36.000 --> 00:00:37.680
+This structure is supposed to
+00:00:37.680 --> 00:00:40.079
+make it easy to locate your data,
+00:00:40.079 --> 00:00:42.079
+but as anyone knows who has worked with this
+00:00:42.079 --> 00:00:43.600
+single-dimensional file system
+00:00:43.600 --> 00:00:45.280
+for any length of time,
+00:45.280 --> 00:00:46.800
+it can get quite frustrating
+00:00:46.800 --> 00:00:48.960
+when your file would fit equally well
+00:00:48.960 --> 00:00:52.079
+on more than one branch of the tree.
+00:52.079 --> 00:00:53.920
+What are you to do?
+00:53.920 --> 00:00:55.920
+Create multiple copies everywhere
+00:00:55.920 --> 00:00:57.840
+it might appropriately fit.
+00:00:57.840 --> 00:00:59.039
+What if the file was something
+00:00:59.039 --> 00:01:01.120
+people would occasionally modify,
+00:01:01.120 --> 00:01:04.879
+like a spreadsheet or a computer source file?
+01:04.879 --> 00:01:07.760
+You would have to hunt it down in every place
+00:01:07.760 --> 00:01:11.840
+and apply those changes everywhere by hand.
+01:11.840 --> 00:01:14.720
+Also, let's say not only did you want
+00:01:14.720 --> 00:01:17.040
+to put the file in multiple places,
+00:01:17.040 --> 00:01:18.799
+but it was also more appropriate
+00:01:18.799 --> 00:01:21.280
+to give it different names?
+01:21.280 --> 00:01:23.280
+Plus, let's say in different areas
+00:01:23.280 --> 00:01:25.119
+of the tree, there were files
+00:01:25.119 --> 00:01:26.560
+with the same name
+01:26.560 --> 00:01:29.280
+that had totally different content?
+01:29.280 --> 00:01:31.280
+Then updating all the different instances
+00:01:31.280 --> 00:01:32.640
+of the file you need
+00:01:32.640 --> 00:01:35.200
+would become more and more of a nightmare.
+01:35.200 --> 00:01:37.920
+In addition, wouldn't it be great
+00:01:37.920 --> 00:01:39.520
+if we could all speed up
+00:01:39.520 --> 00:01:42.479
+the actual searching for a particular file
+01:42.479 --> 00:01:45.680
+by selecting multiple branches in the tree
+00:01:45.680 --> 00:01:47.200
+and simply asking the computer
+00:01:47.200 --> 00:01:49.680
+to tell us which branches under those
+01:49.680 --> 00:01:52.560
+contain the same file and which do not?
+01:52.560 --> 00:01:54.000
+This would be especially great
+00:01:54.000 --> 00:01:56.719
+if it were instantaneous.
+01:56.719 --> 00:01:58.640
+Well, believe it or not, this is what NA
+01:58.640 --> 00:02:00.079
+brings to the table.
+02:00.079 --> 00:02:03.040
+In fact, this is how NA got its name.
+02:03.040 --> 00:02:05.040
+Your data is located by a process
+00:02:05.040 --> 00:02:06.960
+very similar to the triangulation
+00:02:06.960 --> 00:02:09.119
+used to locate radio signals,
+00:02:09.119 --> 00:02:10.160
+only we are not limited
+00:02:10.160 --> 00:02:12.000
+to just two or three angles,
+00:02:12.000 --> 00:02:14.720
+but instead, many dozens can be used,
+02:14.720 --> 00:02:16.879
+this makes NA appear to be
+00:02:16.879 --> 00:02:18.640
+what is known in computer lingo
+00:02:18.640 --> 00:02:21.760
+as an n-dimensional sparse array.
+02:21.760 --> 00:02:23.599
+If that sounds complex, don't worry.
+00:02:23.599 --> 00:02:25.280
+It will become clear when you see it
+00:02:25.280 --> 00:02:28.720
+in operation in a couple of minutes.
+02:28.720 --> 00:02:32.560
+To start out, here we see the NA main screen.
+02:32.560 --> 00:02:36.080
+There are two vital aspects of mastering NA.
+00:02:36.080 --> 00:02:37.760
+First is the actual mechanics
+00:02:37.760 --> 00:02:39.120
+of using the program,
+00:02:39.120 --> 00:02:40.480
+which should be second nature
+00:02:40.480 --> 00:02:41.920
+for most anyone familiar with
+02:41.920 --> 00:02:46.160
+either a Windows or Unix/apple file system.
+02:46.160 --> 00:02:48.080
+We have the same operations
+00:02:48.080 --> 00:02:50.400
+as one might do with Windows Explorer
+02:50.400 --> 00:02:52.560
+or any number of other file tools,
+00:02:52.560 --> 00:02:54.560
+but what we also do
+00:02:54.560 --> 00:02:56.080
+that generally they do not
+00:02:56.080 --> 00:02:58.000
+is place a leaf on a branch,
+00:02:58.000 --> 00:03:00.560
+then cruise around adding links to that leaf
+03:00.560 --> 00:03:02.720
+on a multitude of other branches,
+00:03:02.720 --> 00:03:05.120
+which could include creating, renaming,
+00:03:05.120 --> 00:03:07.360
+or restructuring more branches on the fly
+03:07.360 --> 00:03:10.480
+as needed. Plus, when we find ourselves
+00:03:10.480 --> 00:03:12.319
+hunting for that file,
+00:03:12.319 --> 00:03:13.840
+we can incrementally select
+00:03:13.840 --> 00:03:15.120
+a stack of branches
+00:03:15.120 --> 00:03:17.200
+while seeking what the latter branches
+00:03:17.200 --> 00:03:19.920
+have in common with the earlier ones,
+03:19.920 --> 00:03:22.720
+to make putting one's finger on exactly
+00:03:22.720 --> 00:03:26.239
+the item they're looking for a snap.
+03:26.239 --> 00:03:28.319
+Secondly, you have the actual art
+00:03:28.319 --> 00:03:29.680
+of organizing your data,
+00:03:29.680 --> 00:03:31.120
+and NA doesn't really put
+00:03:31.120 --> 00:03:32.640
+any limitations on this,
+00:03:32.640 --> 00:03:34.799
+other than the underlying limitations
+00:03:34.799 --> 00:03:36.560
+of the file system.
+03:36.560 --> 00:03:39.760
+Let's get started, shall we?
+03:39.760 --> 00:03:41.920
+Right-clicking the mouse button here
+03:41.920 --> 00:03:43.760
+will bring up what we call
+00:03:43.760 --> 00:03:46.000
+a branch navigation menu,
+00:03:46.000 --> 00:03:46.959
+because it allows you
+00:03:46.959 --> 00:03:48.239
+to move around the tree
+00:03:48.239 --> 00:03:50.159
+or commence a new angle.
+03:50.159 --> 00:03:52.480
+We have chosen to organize our data
+00:03:52.480 --> 00:03:55.519
+with a hopper to put new items in,
+00:03:55.519 --> 00:03:57.360
+and the initial branches representing
+00:03:57.360 --> 00:03:59.519
+who, what, where, why, and how.
+00:03:59.519 --> 00:04:01.280
+We right-click on the root
+00:04:01.280 --> 00:04:03.439
+and select 0hopper,
+04:03.439 --> 00:04:06.000
+and that branch is added to the display.
+04:06.000 --> 00:04:08.080
+If we middle-click on the branch,
+04:08.080 --> 00:04:09.360
+we get what is called
+00:04:09.360 --> 00:04:11.280
+the branch command menu,
+00:04:11.280 --> 00:04:12.959
+which gives us many options,
+00:04:12.959 --> 00:04:13.920
+not the least of which
+00:04:13.920 --> 00:04:15.920
+is to create a leaf here.
+04:15.920 --> 00:04:18.000
+Remember this item as we progress,
+04:18.000 --> 00:04:20.320
+because it will become important.
+04:20.320 --> 00:04:22.960
+Next we pick what we know is a leaf item,
+04:22.960 --> 00:04:24.720
+due to the fact that it does not have
+00:04:24.720 --> 00:04:30.960
+a trailing slash.
+04:30.960 --> 00:04:32.960
+Now, when we right-click on it,
+04:32.960 --> 00:04:35.040
+notice the navigation menu is limited to
+00:04:35.040 --> 00:04:37.040
+the two items: New Angle
+00:04:37.040 --> 00:04:40.960
+and the leaf name itself.
+04:40.960 --> 00:04:43.680
+If we want to view or edit that leaf item,
+00:04:43.680 --> 00:04:45.440
+we can select that item.
+04:45.440 --> 00:04:47.280
+Now that we have selected a leaf,
+00:04:47.280 --> 00:04:48.560
+let's middle-click on it
+00:04:48.560 --> 00:04:49.520
+to bring up what we call
+00:04:49.520 --> 00:04:51.600
+the leaf command menu.
+04:51.600 --> 00:04:54.080
+This shows us a bunch of standard options
+00:04:54.080 --> 00:04:56.160
+one might do in a typical file tool
+00:04:56.160 --> 00:04:58.320
+like Microsoft Explorer.
+04:58.320 --> 00:05:00.479
+Since we want to do what they cannot do,
+05:00.479 --> 00:05:01.680
+let's right-click the leaf
+00:05:01.680 --> 00:05:04.639
+and select New Angle.
+05:04.639 --> 00:05:06.400
+Notice that another slash has appeared
+00:05:06.400 --> 00:05:09.840
+below the displayed path of the leaf.
+05:09.840 --> 00:05:11.520
+Right-click on it, and you will see
+00:05:11.520 --> 00:05:14.639
+the root branch navigation menu appears again,
+05:14.639 --> 00:05:19.039
+but now 0hopper entry has a line
+00:05:19.039 --> 00:05:20.960
+both above and below it.
+05:20.960 --> 00:05:23.199
+Items in between these two lines
+00:05:23.199 --> 00:05:24.560
+are called members,
+00:05:24.560 --> 00:05:27.520
+and items below them are called others.
+05:27.520 --> 00:05:29.680
+What this is saying is that
+00:05:29.680 --> 00:05:32.160
+the previously selected angle,
+05:32.160 --> 00:05:34.160
+which can be a single leaf
+05:34.160 --> 00:05:35.840
+as in this instance,
+05:35.840 --> 00:05:37.360
+or can be all of the leaves
+00:05:37.360 --> 00:05:38.960
+under a particular branch
+00:05:38.960 --> 00:05:43.039
+chosen to navigate new angle from,
+05:43.039 --> 00:05:44.880
+shares content with the items
+00:05:44.880 --> 00:05:47.680
+under the member area of the menu,
+00:05:47.680 --> 00:05:50.880
+but items in the others area do not.
+05:50.880 --> 00:05:53.600
+Since the first angle is 0hopper,
+05:53.600 --> 00:05:56.800
+of course it shares content with itself,
+05:56.800 --> 00:05:59.199
+and so it appears in members.
+05:59.199 --> 00:06:01.199
+Now let's click the middle button
+00:06:01.199 --> 00:06:02.960
+on the root branch, and see what
+00:06:02.960 --> 00:06:07.360
+the branch command menu has to say.
+06:07.360 --> 00:06:09.280
+Notice that the entry that used to say
+06:09.280 --> 00:06:13.120
+Create a New Leaf now says Add a Link.
+06:13.120 --> 00:06:15.039
+This is because we have already selected
+06:15.039 --> 00:06:17.360
+a leaf, and now we want to add links
+00:06:17.360 --> 00:06:20.479
+to it rather than create a new one.
+06:20.479 --> 00:06:21.840
+If you go back to the root
+00:06:21.840 --> 00:06:24.319
+and reselect 0hopper,
+06:24.319 --> 00:06:29.039
+that option will revert back again.
+06:29.039 --> 00:06:40.880
+So let's add a link under person.
+06:40.880 --> 00:06:42.720
+We right-click the root,
+00:06:42.720 --> 00:06:46.720
+select person, and let's add a link.
+06:46.720 --> 00:06:50.560
+Notice the bottom area (called the minibuffer)
+00:06:50.560 --> 00:06:53.360
+gives us the proposed name of the link,
+06:53.360 --> 00:06:55.680
+and we choose to accept it by hitting enter,
+00:06:55.680 --> 00:07:09.759
+or edit it to taste first.
+07:09.759 --> 00:07:10.960
+Now let's go back up to
+00:07:10.960 --> 00:07:13.120
+the end of the prior angle,
+07:13.120 --> 00:07:15.360
+select New Angle again,
+07:15.360 --> 00:07:18.319
+and then click the resultant /,
+00:07:18.319 --> 00:07:20.240
+and see what are members
+00:07:20.240 --> 00:07:21.840
+and what are others.
+07:21.840 --> 00:07:24.319
+Notice that the 0hopper and person
+07:24.319 --> 00:07:25.759
+are members.
+07:25.759 --> 00:07:28.319
+NA knows you added content to the person,
+00:07:28.319 --> 00:07:32.160
+so it moves to members.
+07:32.160 --> 00:07:33.599
+Now let's add some more links
+00:07:33.599 --> 00:07:35.360
+and perhaps a few subdirectories
+00:07:35.360 --> 00:08:06.960
+for this item.
+08:06.960 --> 00:08:08.960
+Notice how we can even eliminate
+00:08:08.960 --> 00:08:11.039
+the file name extension.
+08:11.039 --> 00:08:13.680
+It will still know how to display the item
+00:08:13.680 --> 00:08:15.440
+as it actually analyzes the file
+00:08:15.440 --> 00:08:17.120
+to determine its type.
+08:17.120 --> 00:08:19.120
+This greatly cleans up your metadata
+00:08:19.120 --> 00:08:40.719
+and makes it more human.
+08:40.719 --> 00:08:41.839
+Now let's pick a branch
+00:08:41.839 --> 00:08:43.519
+from one of the menus.
+08:43.519 --> 00:08:44.880
+For instance, let's look and see
+00:08:44.880 --> 00:08:54.880
+where any events broadcast were done from.
+08:54.880 --> 00:09:06.640
+We select event, broadcast, then New Angle,
+09:06.640 --> 00:09:09.600
+and we can see California is in members.
+09:09.600 --> 00:09:11.600
+Now we can also do New Angle
+00:09:11.600 --> 00:09:13.920
+and select person,
+09:13.920 --> 00:09:16.160
+and we can see who did them.
+09:16.160 --> 00:09:18.720
+Another thing we can do is pick a leaf
+09:18.720 --> 00:09:19.920
+and quickly display
+00:09:19.920 --> 00:09:21.920
+all angles or links for it,
+00:09:21.920 --> 00:09:24.160
+or if we are willing to wait a little longer,
+00:09:24.160 --> 00:09:26.720
+have NA construct all the display items
+00:09:26.720 --> 00:09:28.320
+with Edit All Angles,
+00:09:28.320 --> 00:09:30.160
+so we can manipulate them
+00:09:30.160 --> 00:09:31.440
+just as if we had entered
+00:09:31.440 --> 00:09:44.320
+or selected them by hand.
+09:44.320 --> 00:09:46.080
+There are many more tools in NA
+00:09:46.080 --> 00:09:47.440
+to handle sets of leaves
+00:09:47.440 --> 00:09:50.320
+such as scanned pages of a book,
+09:50.320 --> 00:09:53.040
+promoting /, demoting nodes,
+09:53.040 --> 00:09:54.560
+and so forth.
+09:54.560 --> 00:09:55.560
+Thanks for watching.
+00:09:55.560 --> 00:09:58.040
+[captions by sachac]