path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--31-lakota-language-and-emacs--questions--grant-shangreaux-aut...
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authorSacha Chua <>2020-12-13 00:08:14 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2020-12-13 00:08:14 -0500
commit72e48bc52524672fc6179d1f45f091df76cd2e02 (patch)
tree696482a8e1a37ffa68a06b930dffdc304284f50c /2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--31-lakota-language-and-emacs--questions--grant-shangreaux-autogen.sbv
parentb98df6fbe2a5c48013cfca81a95a5af41e202d07 (diff)
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diff --git a/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--31-lakota-language-and-emacs--questions--grant-shangreaux-autogen.sbv b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--31-lakota-language-and-emacs--questions--grant-shangreaux-autogen.sbv
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--- a/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--31-lakota-language-and-emacs--questions--grant-shangreaux-autogen.sbv
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-can you hear me yes I can awesome
-all right so we have a couple minutes
-uh it seems a couple questions as well
-so take it away
-okay I won't share my screen unless
-needed um
-looks like question one advantages
-advantages of using Emacs input methods
-over something like x compose
-well there's a there's a couple things
-there one is
-um Emacs is cross platform so
-writing this input mode for Emacs means
-if I do end up using
-a non-free operating system I can still
-use Emacs I can still type
-in the way that I would like to um
-I did look in I don't I actually don't
-know what x compose is
-I tried looking for it on my system I
-could not find it anywhere
-I did actually go and figure out how to
-write a
-x11 keyboard layout so that's also
-in the repository that has the Emacs
-package as well
-and it is handy to be able to have that
-so I can type in
-other applications besides Emacs
-but the main advantages for Emacs was it
-was actually
-much easier to discover and much easier
-manipulate and get feedback you know as
-I was developing it like I could just
-evaluate the coil package
-try it out and see if it works when I
-was trying to do the x11 inputs I'd have
-to log out
-read and and relog in again to get
-things read and
-it was you know it doesn't have that
-interactivity the way that Emacs does so
-for me it was a good place to start um
-especially because
-I had never done anything like this
-before like developing
-something that felt low level you know
-like a keyboard input
-I hope that answers your question
-question two can you give us a demo of
-you typing in
-either lakota and input method sure
-um share my screen now
-of course I always have to select which
-okay so control backslash opens the
-input modes
-although when you've selected one you
-have it already so
-uh yeah wash day
-that's it is good washed it so this is
-the suggested lakota
-orthography or otherwise known as the
-standard lakota orthography
-another benefit of doing it in Emacs is
-that I now get
-completion on lakota words so
-so I'm you know it's a second language
-for me and as I'm trying to learn it
-it's actually
-quite useful to have company mode as a
-bonus um
-for typing things
-I can show the other orthography so to
-to get another one you do
-the universal input control u backslash
-and I can try the white hat orthography
-oh yeah lost
-what's the command for that you are now
-yeah okay you are now muted
-thank you
-you are now unmuted you are now muted
-oops not quite as slick as that other
-demo we saw the other day
-okay so control u control backslash I
-can select a different
-input method um from the default so if I
-select white hat I can type
-wash day like that
-so it's a different orthography here um
-I won't go too deeply into that it's
-hard to think and talk and type all at
-the same time
-um I hope that's good
-I'm happy to do more maybe I'll put up a
-video of of demonstrating that sometimes
-why did I just go ahead
-um time about for like one more question
-okay on live yeah thank you
-um well real quick did I write the
-company back end
-no that's just the automatic company
-completion based on other things I've
-why did I decide on the the input method
-that's a good question um I just did it
-based on
-my experience um in the x input mode you
-type it first
-and honestly I would love any input on
-what's more
-usual for these type of combining
-and really what I would like to do is
-kind of confer with other
-people from the tribe and talk to elders
-and see
-what feels right what what is the best
-way to go about this
-I don't think that it should be an
-individual decision and in this case it
-is because
-I created it for myself but now that
-I've released it to the world I think
-there's more to think about
-okay I guess I have to go now so we can
-get to the next talk
-thank you for listening okay
-thank you very much grant for your
-awesome talk and for
-the questions and answers