path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio-autog...
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authorSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 12:17:50 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 12:17:50 -0500
commit839b298776e262a99eec18d23f4e52363fe937bc (patch)
tree05db68082ebe5fdb7f389a07a52596764d7fd8d1 /2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio-autogen.sbv
parente7d7db03ac4e24d2ee7d7a8741f9e3da7edffab1 (diff)
Add more autogenerated subtitles
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 708 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio-autogen.sbv b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio-autogen.sbv
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index 00000000..bf24a873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--19-sharing-blogs-and-more-with-org-webring--brett-gilio-autogen.sbv
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+hi my name is brett gillio
+and today i'll be sharing a project that
+several people and i've been working on
+for the past few months called org
+the essential idea behind org webbering
+is to take the power of creating a
+website with org mode
+and its built-in features to control
+html and xml output
+and utilize it to share blogs git
+commits or other rss or atom static feed
+to share directly with your audiences
+my website is created entirely using org
+mode and i love the amount of
+flexibility it offers me while keeping
+everything quite simple
+i am able to put information about
+myself a blog
+and my org web ring tool directly on on
+the home page using symbol org syntax
+as you can see i am currently displaying
+three posts on my website
+the first is the geeksday announcement
+the second is a quarterly financial
+update from sourcehut
+and the third is a post from
+drewdevault's blog drew devault by the
+his open ring is what helped inspire
+what is today or
+web ring all this information is
+gathered using a sort of manifest file
+that org web ring will use to acquire
+and place the information in the correct
+according to your specification
+you can see that the geeksday
+announcement is post is pinned
+stylization is likewise controlled by
+using css
+you can add nice subtle color changes on
+mouse hover or control the size of the
+flexboxes all using standard css
+let's examine a simple scenario of using
+org webroom
+after you have org webbing installed
+you'll be able to create a manifest file
+that looks something like this
+this particular manifest file is an
+example offered in the repository under
+the assets directory
+please feel free to utilize them as a
+starting point if you are interested in
+using org web ring
+as you can see here we are able to place
+an rss or atom feed in this file and
+specify information about the feed we
+wish to produce
+for example the total number of items
+and the total number of entries per
+source item
+additionally you're able to filter posts
+you feel would not be relevant to your
+web ring
+we can take this example file and run
+the dispatch and see the result
+the web ring displays a proper summary
+set to a character limit you can specify
+additionally all the links in the web
+ring are navigable and will open in a
+new tab
+that way if someone wishes to view the
+content they simply need to
+click on the title or their source name
+now this particular example is not
+stylized because we have not given the
+website a css file to reference
+let's examine what is happening from
+behind the scenes a little bit
+from inside of the org mode file let's
+the org web ring function
+as you can see it takes that xml file
+and processes it into the correct html
+you will then be able to embed this org
+function into another org file to be
+able to display it on your website
+pretty neat let's look at an at another
+on my website we have an example of
+using org webbring to reply to another
+blog post
+what i have here is a post from drew to
+vault's blog it is showcased clearly at
+the top as a single entry
+and you can see it is pinned the pinning
+functionality ensures that this post is
+moved to the front of the hypothetical
+web ring
+and guaranteeing its visibility this is
+then coupled with a few changes such as
+disabling the generation time
+which would not be relevant to the
+readers and a change of the text in the
+to demonstrate is indeed used as a reply
+an example of this is also provided in
+the assets directory
+last we can use org webbring as a blog
+which is one of my favorites this takes
+after the emax life planet which i
+believe is moderated by sasha
+and others as well as the haskell and
+a planet for the uninitiated is a
+curated form of content sharing about a
+set of topics
+the max life haskell and ocampo planets
+as their names imply
+cover emacs haskell and ocampo blogs
+likewise my planet covers programming
+language theory and category theory
+it works in essentially the same way as
+the org web ring you provide it with a
+list of feeds that get parsed
+however unlike the web ring the planet
+function has no limits on the number of
+entries per source
+and the display number of posts is
+increased significantly
+the syndicates or sources have their
+feeds shown
+visibly to users who may wish to fetch
+a planet is typically meant to be a
+standalone page and not something you
+would embed in another page like a web
+all this is provided under a single file
+in the org web ring package as the code
+reuse is quite high
+aside from my own website we can view
+the org web ring being used in neat
+context with varying stylizations
+here's a nice example from mikhail
+kirilov at
+featuring a four symmetrical flexbox
+an appropriate russian language timing
+coding which can be also set in the org
+web ring manifest
+another is an example from camilo mesa
+using ox hugo with org webring and
+likewise correct
+features the correct spanish time
+last my other website
+shows the web ring being used in
+combination with ocamo's tool link
+to fetch git logs for that project
+you may obtain org web ring directly
+from source hut and add it to your load
+additionally you will need to obtain
+which is unfortunately not yet on alpha
+although i have been trying to get this
+rectified so i do not have to rewrite
+org web brings xml to html parser
+or if you're one of the cool kids using
+my favorite package manager gnu geeks
+you can obtain it like so
+all of the documentation for org web
+ring is available
+on the sourceup website or in the readme
+file after you check it out from the get
+there are so many ways to customize org
+web ring
+as there are just as many variables as
+there are
+parts and components to org web ring for
+you to change
+all of this is able to be done simply
+from that same manifest file
+now taking a moment to examine some of
+the org web ring code
+you can see it is all done in the same
+e-lisp that everybody else is used to
+now admittedly my e-lisp is not as
+strong as
+probably somebody else's so if you are
+an e-lisp ninja please feel free to
+send a contribution or a patch and tell
+me what i'm doing wrong
+it's i am not going to be offended by
+that at all i would love to see this
+code to
+improve otherwise i don't think it's
+half bad
+considering that my experience with
+lisps is usually in scheme
+me moving from scheme to e-lisp was not
+all that hard
+taking the syntax apart
+we're able to see that we can
+fetch urls which are then parsed and
+filtered sorted and then kind of reverse
+rather to get you to the web ring result
+all of this is then passed through
+different parts of the xmlgen.el
+functions which gets you that html that
+you saw earlier
+org webbring is fully free software
+distributed under the gnu general public
+license versions three or later
+at your option i love accepting patches
+and collaborating
+i hope you will consider using
+orawebring you can contact me on
+freenode oftc or many other ioc irc
+networks at brettgillio
+or email me at brettgee
+thanks so much to amin bendali and the
+emacs cough
+organizers and to you the audience