path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--18-org-roam-technical-presentation--leo-vivier-autogen.sbv
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authorSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 12:17:50 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 12:17:50 -0500
commit839b298776e262a99eec18d23f4e52363fe937bc (patch)
tree05db68082ebe5fdb7f389a07a52596764d7fd8d1 /2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--18-org-roam-technical-presentation--leo-vivier-autogen.sbv
parente7d7db03ac4e24d2ee7d7a8741f9e3da7edffab1 (diff)
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1 files changed, 1803 insertions, 0 deletions
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+at the end we are right on time so i'm
+sorry if you have a lot of questions
+you had some so many questions and i
+couldn't answer all of them and i'm
+really happy about it but i'm also
+really sad that i don't have enough time
+to do so
+so i'm gonna try to do a better job this
+time of leaving you a little more time
+for the questions so just before
+a little addendum because i did screw up
+in the previous presentation
+you remember i tried to rename the file
+and it didn't work
+well it turns out uh i had two file name
+baz so
+my software works great thank you very
+much uh
+all right so now what i'm gonna do
+during this presentation
+is that i'm going to oops i didn't stop
+my timer just give me
+a little second and let's subtract
+one minute okay good so
+what i'm going to do right now it's a
+little different from the previous
+talk i've gave you and different even
+from what nura gave you
+there's like uh scaling the mountain as
+far as difficulty is concerned and on
+this one
+i will be telling you about the
+technical aspects of orgrim
+because you know i've been telling you
+about the general philosophy
+of the notes and the general philosophy
+of organization
+but right now i really want to get into
+the nitty gritty about or grow
+so if we go in the git repository
+this at the very core is all grown and
+for some of you who have no experience
+uh developing stuff or programming or
+anything along those lines
+this is how all the development around
+the world
+is working you have a repository a
+git repository where you have all the
+files all the libraries you're using
+all the programs all the commands
+everything is inside your files
+and in a way this is the organ project
+you can see that we have many files we
+have organ buffer capture compat
+completion dailies
+etc etc so
+before we dive a little deeper i just
+want to give you a lay of the land so to
+speak to
+to know where we're heading so
+orgro is built on top of old mode
+and org mode gives us plenty of tools
+to play around with the files i'm moving
+the glass i'm
+i'm starting to move my hands a little
+bit you know when i get excited about
+something i move my hand
+and then that stuff happens so
+in all chrome we have org mode and
+augment gives us plenty of tools which
+are incredibly useful
+for writing stuff so you know we already
+have the links
+we already have the hierarchy which is
+given by having
+trees within trees within trees we have
+quote blocks we have babel blocks we
+have so much stuff we have an arsenal of
+tools that have been developed
+for the last 15 years and
+when you think about it all chrome just
+wants to create backlinks but it sounds
+something very simple but the problem is
+that we need
+to play nicely with all of those
+pieces and the fact is it takes quite a
+lot of expertise to be able to do so
+if right now we are in the brain of all
+but if i show you the brain of org mode
+so this is the brain of org mode and it
+looks very simple like this because i
+haven't entered the less folder
+but i'm just going to enter it i'm going
+zoom out a little bit don't worry if you
+don't see everything
+but i just want you to get a fear the
+sheer feel of magnitude
+that is um org mode so right now we are
+in a very small size what i'm gonna do
+i'm going to skip
+one page okay one two
+three we have let's just check how many
+lines we have
+okay let me just revert to a fairly
+readable side
+at the bottom you can see that we have
+oh it's not showing because it's a
+little small okay i'm just going to
+resize the window a little bit
+it's not showing up give me a second i
+can't see how many lines i have okay so
+let's do it to get away
+i'm going to go back at the beginning of
+the buffer and we're going to count
+how many lines we have so the bottom in
+a midi buffer and the mini buffer is
+this area
+we have 377 lines
+which means 377
+libraries within org mode and mind you
+that's not counting all the modules that
+we have on the side which
+come on top of volt mode now when you
+try to think
+about something so elemental
+as links you have to think about how to
+play well
+with every single one of these modules
+now obviously not
+the 370 370. sometimes you know
+one module it's not going to do anything
+like i'm not sure op car could be doing
+anything with it
+but it's something that we have to keep
+in mind and so
+really early on when we started
+developing all grown with jethro kwan my
+co-maintainer you know we had this idea
+we wanted to develop something that was
+something that would you know scale very
+nicely whether or not you had
+you know something that would work as
+fast if you had 10 files
+or if you had 100 files or if you had
+10 000 files and maybe more so the
+problem when you do this
+and i'm doing some callbacks to the talk
+i gave you earlier today about
+few small few big files this is many
+i got confused few big files versus many
+small files
+the problem with this is that we need to
+think about optimization from the get go
+and so one of the decision we took when
+we got started
+with orgrum is that if i go in my
+test repository so that's the one in
+which we were right before
+we have a file which is called orgrumdb
+now if i open it it's not it's a
+little garbage because uh it's a binary
+but what we have
+is a database with which we communicate
+via sorry it's an sql database
+and what this allows us to do
+is we store all the information we need
+inside this sql database which allows us
+to speed up a lot of the operations that
+necessary for the functioning of our
+so for instance if i go back to the
+index file that i had before
+let's just go back to who actually this
+way you'll see a little more on the side
+so you see that on the side we have
+two links i'm not going to click on them
+otherwise i'm going to open them but we
+have two links
+now there are many implementations of
+the zettol casten method inside
+emacs and inside and with old mode but
+what we've decided to do
+is that every time you have a link so if
+we go to
+the index again here at point we have
+the link
+foo every time we create a link we
+update our database
+to say okay so we have a link in the
+index which is leading to the file
+0:07:21.080,0:07:27.840 and it is situated
+under the heading a heading and
+if you check the site buffer you see
+that all this all these information
+which i just highlighted to you
+are present right here
+oh well sorry i forgot this thank you
+so let's see log okay i'm going to split
+actually i'm going to split like this
+i'm going to go back there
+the problem is that i can't show my
+keystrokes at the same time as a machine
+i'm showing the site buffer so i'll
+keep it right now for your own
+discretion anyway getting back to the
+so the thing is we have this
+sql database and the goal is to keep it
+now why is it better optimized than just
+orgrom sorry just using default org mode
+so in my talk about many big files
+a few i keep getting you know you got
+what i was saying i'm not going to
+repeat it
+by the way it is uh 10 to 10.
+i'm starting really to be tired now so
+uh moving on to
+um what did i want to show you so it was
+almost yes all the elements
+so what i'm going to do i'm going to
+see i believe it's org element pass
+so i was telling you about all elements
+and the main command sorry the main
+function that is used by org element
+is pass buffer what it does and you can
+see the dock string is that it
+recursively passed
+the buffer and return structure
+structure being all the information that
+we have in this buffer
+so just to show you a little more we're
+going to move into a scratch buffer
+and what we're going to do is that we're
+going to write this command
+pass buffer and we're going to check the
+output of this command
+oh sorry not this one we're going to go
+in the index so the index file you have
+a title you have a heading you have a
+link etc etc
+so what i'm going to do i'm going to
+evaluate this text
+and now at the bottom in the midi buffer
+in the mini buffer sorry
+you see an ast an abstract
+obviously don't remember what the s
+stands for semantic
+huh interesting anyway a representation
+of the data
+in a way that is exploitable by a
+machine now what i'm going to do
+syntax thank you so what i'm going to do
+i'm going to paste it inside the buffer
+in a way that is humanly readable and
+you can see that we have plenty of
+information we have a section which
+starts at the char
+1 which ends at the character 45
+we have the content so he makes scratch
+oh actually no
+never mind i did something wrong i run
+it in the wrong buffer
+so actually what i'm going to do we're
+going to run this command
+with the selected window next
+window okay that's a bit of live
+elise writing for you right now okay so
+now if i
+evaluate this and paste the content of
+the buffer
+it is doing its bidding so now what we
+we have a section we have the keyword
+title which you see right here you have
+the value
+if we scroll down a little bit we have a
+heading which is right here we have the
+which should be yes the content is not
+listed exactly here but you have a
+paragraph which is this
+and then you have a link etc etc it is
+uh parenthesis if you're not used to
+like right now i've selected only the
+content of the parenthesis link
+i can move like this etcetera etcetera
+i'm not it's not a needle
+lessons that i'm doing right now but
+if we were to use the default tooling of
+org mode sorry i keep getting too
+confused sorry for that
+uh it would be extremely slow to do what
+we're doing some people
+are doing so some implementations of the
+zettelkassen method inside emacs have
+for this method but the problem is that
+we think
+that it scales poorly now some other
+have decided to not do with a database
+and what they do is that they use a tool
+which is called rip grep
+you might know grep which is a tool that
+allows you to search
+a file the content of a file for a line
+so for instance if we open v term here
+uh let's see so i've opened the term i
+am in this repository what i'm going to
+do is that i'm going to
+load the content of the file uh
+how am i going to do this oh um i need
+to move to bash
+let's do crap
+for the line which links do we did we
+have grep foo
+inside the file is it three i can
+remember okay let's do this
+am i working no
+let's go for four why is it eight
+ah damn it oh you know what i'm just
+going to copy the name
+up there we go no
+ah problem with live presentation always
+you know what i'm struggling so i'm
+going to drop this point anyway
+so grep is a simple tool that allows you
+to search the content of a file but
+rig grep is a solution that is written
+in rust and which is supposed to be
+well not supposed which is far more
+capable now
+i'd like to talk to you about the future
+of orgrim right now i've told you about
+the general concept which is about using
+uh this sql database and about
+playing nicely with old mode but
+we think that there's something great
+that we can do about orgrim
+now i've been talking with the a lot of
+people who are behind org mode and you
+they've told us do you think that
+orgrom could have something to bring to
+old mode let's say
+backlinks is there something that we
+could be doing to
+import backlinks into old mode and
+we thought about it with jethro and the
+problem is uh
+we've always tried to have an
+experimental ground a very
+uh can a very isolated portion of your
+where we could track backlinks and
+that's why we use um
+a slipbox directory so that we only
+track backlinks in one specific place
+but now because there seems to be so
+much interest about the method and we
+have so much backing
+on uh you know on github we have like
+2 600 stars which is mind-boggling to us
+because we have so much success but
+we have plenty of ideas about the future
+one of the key
+parts of development being the writing
+of an external parser for orgrim
+so i've been telling you about org
+element org elements runs
+inside emacs but what if
+we wrote a background process
+that could read a file an augment file
+extract the same type of data that you
+see on your screen right now
+so that we could use to update a
+so that we could use to compute the
+links so that we could use it
+to show you know orgrim server all the
+connections between your nodes
+now there is a path of improvement here
+that is extremely important to us
+but you know that's the technical aspect
+and i'm out of time i'm just going to
+take one more minute to finish on this
+but we believe
+that orgrim has the potential to be a
+think tank
+in a way for org mode and the way we
+think about
+note-taking in general i've stressed a
+great deal in my first presentation
+sorry the one i did before neura that
+all chrome is really great as a way to
+think organically about knowledge
+and honestly we kind of want to put the
+theory into practice with orgrim
+we are holding something which has the
+potential to be
+a great factor of innovation for the
+future whether it be or org mode
+or even for software in general you know
+the way to think about
+build nodes of knowledge in a way
+and the way to represent all those ids
+with the graph
+the way to basically have a note-taking
+system that
+corresponds to the research that
+corresponds to the way you think
+so yeah i believe we are
+really excited about this and if you
+want to keep track of the development of
+all chrome
+i on my youtube channel which is already
+linked a little earlier
+inside this present inside the pad sorry
+i do have a youtube channel where i try
+to present novelties
+or the new stuff inside um orgrim
+but i also be recording videos about the
+technical aspects about the direction
+that we're taking with orgrim
+and if you want to talk with us we are
+available either on isc channel orgrom
+i believe there's a dash between org and
+rome but also
+on the discourse and i'll be putting all
+the links inside the conversation
+and that's me done so thank you for
+listening and now i'll be taking
+three minutes of questions so as to be
+right on time
+mini thanks for your awesome talk leo
+thank you
+so i'm just refreshing the page and i'm
+going to scroll down to my
+talk if i can find the right section
+let me just scroll a little bit
+uh reproducible emacs no i think it's
+god we have so many questions so at the
+same time i'm pissed because i can't
+find it
+but i'm really really impressed by the
+number of questions that we had oh yeah
+um which is about i think about line 600
+or so
+yes got it splendid
+so um the questions so why not run a
+background emacs for passing instead of
+implementing a new parser
+so i believe we've had this question uh
+i was giving a similar talk
+earlier this week and this week
+i'm not french this week sorry and
+someone asked me this question and the
+thing is running a background emacs
+process you know it sounds great
+but it's also very limited because all
+the problems we have
+about concurrency about threads in emacs
+well yes we can forward all our calls to
+background emacs
+just like uh you know when you export a
+with uh um sorry
+i mean could you mute microphone when
+you're speaking it's a little hard for
+me to concentrate
+that's fine don't worry you are now uh
+so um
+dammit where was i i'm sorry the
+question yes
+so basically forwarding all the
+questions uh sorry all our queries to uh
+background emacs
+that is what uh org export is doing like
+you have the ability to
+asynchronously export latex documents
+odt documents from
+org mode and it uses a very minimal
+version of emacs to do that but the
+problem is that we think that it's not
+going to scale as well as a true
+genuine background process and since we
+have been talking a lot
+as far as the old mode development is
+concerned about
+writing a proper parser writing a proper
+for the passing of old mode file and
+writing a proper document standard
+that says okay this is how the old mode
+format works you know to
+basically have a way to not fall into
+the traps of markdown which has many
+many standards
+we need to think about this and we
+believe that all grown has
+the ability to think about these
+questions and as a
+as a person i'm also really interested
+about this so
+i can take the question i mean so don't
+worry about feeding them to me so how
+often does the
+db index get updated in order to contain
+changes within the
+files so we have two ways either we
+update as soon as you save a file
+or we have a timer which is an idle
+timer which waits okay
+the user has not imputed inputted
+anything in the last
+five seconds so it's time to queue a
+passing a rebuild of the data not a an
+of the database i should say so
+did you ever think of uh i believe i
+have one more one more minutes and then
+i'll hand it to the other folks
+do you ever think of opening up or
+designing the sqldb as a general all
+speed up tool outside of orgrom so that
+other libraries
+that do execute complex queries are able
+to use it well
+a lot of people have been working on
+this and i believe alpha papa has been
+thinking quite a lot about this you know
+all ql
+is the ql stands for language
+and i i can't remember now what's uh
+what's the backend
+is for all ql but the idea is relatively
+relatively the same you know it's about
+finding ways to optimize the way we
+store the data about an old mode file
+and how we retrieve it
+and sql for us seems to seem to be a
+good idea now obviously
+maybe we could do something about old
+mode but the problem is i think a
+background process
+is not necessarily um in
+the core mentality of old mode but it's
+definitely a
+something that we could suggest uh when
+we are a little more mature because well
+orgrom was started last february and so
+it's a fairly
+young project in a way so uh i see
+plenty more questions but
+i'm out of time folks so i'm not sure uh
+the other speaker is probably ready
+so what i'll do is i'll probably try to
+answer your questions when i get the
+time inside the pad
+but feel free to ping me on isc
+or on the different channels we have
+foreground and
+i answer them with you know as much
+energy as i can gather
+all right thank you so much you are now
+thank you again very much leo and that
+was me done for today so you'll see me
+at the end but i'm
+officially done and i am free of
+thoughts i can focus on
+sleeping probably awesome
+all right see you guys later bye bye