path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-...
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authorSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 09:29:42 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 09:29:42 -0500
commit59b7d114b5126cb744fa9a3d2920e83ac2adb445 (patch)
tree4435a5128518f8b52b258af993ce50eb2c6a1700 /2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-of-music--grant-shangreaux.sbv
parentdae8c43fb49c84244cbb59f237ee35f8522e8d01 (diff)
Update subtitles
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-of-music--grant-shangreaux.sbv b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--05-bard-bivoumacs-building-a-bandcamp-like-page-for-an-album-of-music--grant-shangreaux.sbv
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--- /dev/null
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+hello my name is grant shangri
+this is my talk titled bard beavermax
+music with emacs i'm a software
+developer with unabridged software in
+lincoln nebraska
+long time emacs user relatively new
+emacs hacker
+and uh hopefully i'll be able to show
+you my workflow with
+how i publish music with emacs
+all right so as a musician i would like
+to publish my music online
+you know i could publish with popular
+online music services
+but i'm more of a diy type so i chose to
+go ahead and publish with emacs
+so what's the motivation behind this
+a lot of it comes down to some
+fundamental freedoms
+that you know emacs gnu software
+kind of represent to me as well as kind
+of my
+ideas on culture and my background i
+don't believe that music is a consumer
+um it's a form of knowledge like an
+and it's just like such a part of
+culture like in tribal cultures music
+was seen as a gift from the cosmos or
+the gods and it was
+a gift maybe through an individual
+vessel but was shared with the people
+and shared with everyone
+kept alive by the culture itself
+and so to me music is something that
+should be shared and should be
+freely enjoyed by everyone of course
+artists should be compensated as well
+but that's a whole different topic
+and so when i want to share my music i
+want to do it without impacting anyone's
+using gnu software like emacs is a good
+way that i can ensure that
+i won't be requiring people to
+uh sign away their freedoms for anything
+there's a lot more i could say about
+this but i don't have time
+feel free to reach out to me by email or
+um and part of the motivation for me
+personally is that emacs is super
+magical it's an all-in-one solution
+like i said the gnu software aligns with
+creative commons ideas
+i can do file management i can author
+html all the web stuff i need even
+illiterate style
+i can handle media and metadata i've got
+version control remote server access
+all the tools i need are right under my
+fingertips with this
+tool that i use every day for a long
+time i don't need to look
+elsewhere and it was a challenge i
+wanted to see if i could do this
+all within emacs itself so
+how do you use emacs to publish music
+well for me i needed
+a couple of things i needed to be able
+to audition unlabel
+unlabeled audio tracks i have a lot of
+files that i don't know where they
+came from i don't know what they are i
+need to be able to listen to them
+and i need to be able to add metadata to
+whatever audio format it is
+and rename the files based on that
+metadata potentially
+and in the end i wanted to take those
+files and programmatically produce a web
+for people to consume i found out that
+emacs scores a hundred percent on all of
+requirements that i had for this and
+a lot of that came from emms the emacs
+multimedia system
+um emms is is great um
+if you haven't checked it out please do
+it's a little bit unintuitive but
+once you get into it you know it works
+and basically what emms gave me was the
+ability to listen to the tracks organize
+and on top of that it gave me super
+powered metadata authoring
+and i'm going to demonstrate that to you
+so in order to do this
+you have to require markable playlists
+so require ems mark and so i'm going to
+go through and i'm going to open the red
+i've got this this these files here so
+you can see these files are mp3s
+um they're recorded on a digital
+um if i had the choice i would have a
+recorder that used a different format
+so be it so i can mark all these files
+and i can do ems
+add to red and now they've been loaded
+into a playlist
+so you can see the playlist here there's
+some leftover files
+so i've got these three files in my
+playlist and as you can see it's just
+the file name
+the path i don't have any metadata
+associated with them
+in this playlist i can hit e capital e
+and it'll bring up a buffer showing
+um the tag information that i have
+and so i could edit these here and i
+could edit them one at a time but that's
+not really great i want superpower
+metadata authoring so
+by marking them
+by marking them i can then hit e and i
+all three of the tracks loaded up in
+this tags buffer
+on top of that i can do emms
+tag editor set all ctrl c control
+r and i want to set the artist
+so these are some recordings of my
+so shangri-lux set all three of them
+i want to set the album um
+spring walk with lap harp
+and i want to set the year
+and then i'm going to go ahead and put
+these in
+but with the power of emacs keyboard
+macros and
+registers and so on i could do this
+programmatically as well
+which would make it a lot easier if i
+hadn't met much more than three files to
+do this with
+submit the changes with ctrl c ctrl c
+and now we've got the playlist you can
+see the artist and track number have
+been updated here
+and then the final piece of this is that
+if you look at this you can see that the
+file name is still the same
+so if i were looking to the directory i
+would still have this file name
+when packaging these up for a release
+for people to download
+it's nice to be able to have that file
+name reflect the track number and the
+artist and so on so there's another
+rename tag editor rename so it could be
+just capital r
+i think i need to mark all of these hit
+capital r and then it's going to ask me
+to confirm
+and say yes to all of them
+and now if you look in the dread
+whoops i have to update it you'll see
+it's been updated with the artist
+the name track and track number and
+track name
+um so this format is a format string so
+it's customizable of course
+i just decided to go with the default so
+pretty great this workflow
+just with emms i didn't have to do
+anything this is all there it's all
+all built in um it gave me exactly what
+i was looking for in terms of being able
+to process a lot of raw audio files
+add metadata to them and get them ready
+for publishing
+and this is for publishing for playback
+in any media player it'll it'll be
+not just for the web page that i'm
+building so the
+final part of course is um to build the
+web page and emacs makes authoring html
+like as i was going through this i
+wanted to challenge myself and just be
+like can i do this with all
+just all with emacs like can i just make
+i don't need a i don't need ruby i don't
+need rails i don't need node i don't
+need any of this other stuff i have my
+tool right here it's a fully
+it's a whole operating system basically
+plus programming languages
+so the first thing i started with was
+buffer scripting for manipulating text
+that's kind of the easiest way to do it
+and basically anything you can do in a
+buffer you can do
+programmatically with e-lisp so this
+might be a good example for beginners if
+you haven't done any e-lisp yet
+like a simple example is to create this
+this div
+output here i can you
+can use this with temp buffer so
+basically creating an imaginary buffer
+insert is just like typing so you put
+strings in you put new lines in
+can cap build some strings together and
+here you can see i'm
+i'm doing a random number so every time
+i execute this
+my content changes so i can generate
+dynamic content in html blocks
+with e-lisp for my
+web page builder it's a little more
+complex i'm pulling data out
+using emms data structures
+so it's pulling that out from the track
+and then i'm i'm using some program
+program to
+generate list elements so each track is
+going to have the title
+and track number and then a button for
+playing it plus the source
+of the audio file which will get added
+right now this is hard coded for opus so
+it won't work for my
+mp3s um
+i'm going to skip over snippets turns
+out format strings were good enough
+for me um snippets could be useful but
+format is super powerful and i didn't
+really even need all that much power
+basically just doing string
+interpolation so if you haven't seen
+format before
+you basically put these control strings
+or control characters inside of a string
+and you can generate you can generate an
+output string that you want
+so in my generator code basically it's
+down here
+um i'm calling format with this sparred
+vivomax template
+and that's basically a big
+a big string of html it's just each you
+know my whole page of html with a couple
+with those control characters in just
+four places
+and one of them populates the track list
+that's really the meat of the program
+and again this is a combination of using
+buffer scripting
+using html mode inserting text format
+and then i can indent region so the html
+actually looks pretty
+when it comes out of it as well
+um i will show that just really quick
+so you can see this is the html that got
+generated i've got my template
+i inserted the title here the style the
+font was all inserted
+and then this whole list of of tracks
+here it's kind of messy to look at
+but this track list this whole div here
+is all generated by
+my generator code and it works it's
+okay moving on
+um so the other thing was that as i was
+developing this i decided to use ort
+babel and some of his
+its features um for multi-language
+things because i needed to style it with
+css and
+and put actions in javascript and also i
+used svg for authoring stuff
+um and it was a little bit complicated i
+probably would have been simpler had i
+not used org babble but it's also really
+fun and it's i think it's a cool
+cool idea to use literate programming my
+idea was to create kind of like html
+components like i could name it like
+put a format string inside it and build
+a function
+in e-lisp to format it and spit out the
+html that i want
+and by doing this then i can like uh
+just change things in my org file which
+not getting a whole lot of time to work
+on it i can come back to it and
+i have a lot of notes and i can i can
+kind of generate things as i'm going and
+keep notes for myself and keep the
+i don't know it's cool literate
+programming is fun um so i don't need to
+go into that too much but you can see if
+i execute this here
+i get the the div that i want um it's a
+little bit funny you'll see i have the
+string like this the way that
+no web expands i can't do this on a
+single line
+it it it looks funny when you do that
+so that might be something to work out
+later css blocks can either be tangled
+and referenced in the html source or
+here's an example i have of inlining it
+so i've got my little css block name
+style javascript name script
+and then i've got this html source block
+with no web
+expansion um these double angle brackets
+are where i'm going to expand the block
+name style i'm actually calling a
+so i want the result of the function
+here and then the script will just get
+expanded here so or babel expand source
+you can see what it looks like you know
+i've got my style here i've got my title
+i've got that main content class i
+showed before
+and the script as well so that's kind of
+cool like
+i could just run org babel tangle and
+get my thing out and just
+edit one file instead of multiple files
+not for everyone
+but i i thought it was kind of fun
+all right oh and the final thing is that
+in emacs you can
+author and view svg so this is just an
+org um this svg i used to make the play
+and pause buttons but i didn't know this
+but if you edit an svg file you can
+toggle back and forth
+between the code and the and the image
+it's pretty sweet so i can kind of
+iteratively work
+work through this because of of how
+emacs is
+like that so um final considerations
+like when doing this i want it to be all
+free so i want to use fonts that use a
+free license
+i found gnu unifont it's kind of cool
+the content license i chose
+creative commons attribution share like
+which is kind of like the gpl
+ideally i could serve it with emacs i'd
+like to remove idiosyncrasy so other
+people can use it
+it's pretty much just my tool right now
+um not requiring the web browser i can
+playlists so that you can just you know
+or link to a playlist on your favorite
+player even emms if you want and then
+packing up those albums in like a zip or
+tar file
+so um you can go to
+it just has a link to this album i'll
+display it here in just a second
+you can contact me i'm shosheen on emacs
+in irc and on sourcehut you can email me
+grant at charles world personal or grant
+on a bridge software all right now let's
+about this
+this is up online so if you want to
+listen to my
+college band's album from 20 years ago
+here it is cassiopeia basement days
+whoops i made this art in krita you can
+play you can skip around
+i did i do have the playlist up here too
+so yeah thanks for listening
+i hope you enjoyed it and enjoy the rest
+of emacs conf