path: root/2020/info/
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authorEmacsConf Organizers <>2021-01-24 05:17:02 +0000
committerEmacsConf Organizers <>2021-01-24 05:17:02 +0000
commite0e7dcfde813d2995cc6283db424d0a9c1d49e97 (patch)
tree05c73f4785881c0d4310349e05090f2df3e49f75 /2020/info/
parent577704c04d530e715ba86526acd0a3d96117d13e (diff)
parent4654f2f81b12c9e52bd72e5f689360905cd98e88 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git://
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/2020/info/ b/2020/info/
index fbefd155..90d9f731 100644
--- a/2020/info/
+++ b/2020/info/
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
Rainer König
[[!template id=vid src="" subtitles="/2020/subtitles/"]]
-[Download compressed .webm video (12M)](
+[Download compressed .webm video (12M)](
+[View transcript](#transcript)
[[!template id=vid src="" download="Download Q&A video, 720p"]]
[Download compressed Q&A .webm video (5.8M)](
@@ -137,3 +138,147 @@ which helps me to identify the tasks I procrastinate. ;-)
customized setup. It's rather out-of-the-box only.
- Org-mode tutorial YouTube playlist:
+<a name="transcript"></a>
+# Transcript
+00:00:02.480 --> 00:00:22.560
+Hi there, this is Rainer. I have a
+10-minute time slot at the EmacsConf and
+I will show you a quick walk through my
+GTD system in Org mode, so let's start
+with capturing. We want to capture what
+we do here.
+00:00:22.560 --> 00:01:03.600
+So the idea is I press F6 and I say: "I
+want to make a small project because
+this video will be a small project," so
+the thing is: "Record a video for Emacs
+Conf 2020." Video is recorded, edited,
+and uploaded. We can also set the
+timeline because we want to upload it.
+The time, the deadline for uploads
+is--we know it already--the 14th of
+November. so let me put this in here.
+See, this is done.
+00:01:03.600 --> 00:01:40.400
+Now, because it's a project... I mean, I
+could say just one task to record a
+video, but it's too much, so let's split
+it down in a few small tasks. The next
+00:01:40.400 --> 00:02:18.560
+So you see, I've just typed a few quick
+tasks. We can see them if we look in the
+capture file. You see, there's my
+project entry and there are all my
+tasks. Since it's a project, I can now
+make it easy. I just indent every task
+by one and then, so...
+00:02:18.560 --> 00:02:45.599
+Okay, so you see we have one project
+here, and this one we refile now to our
+backlog. So if we look in our backlog,
+you see my project with all the tasks.
+00:02:45.599 --> 00:03:30.879
+So now, next one. I pretend now I'm
+doing a weekly review. C-c x b. And I
+already did some things, and now the
+point where I am is scheduled tasks with
+no date. Those are all those tasks. So I
+have a weekly review helper that says,
+okay, show me everything that I need to
+schedule, plan. So schedule this class.
+We do everything.
+00:03:30.879 --> 00:04:03.200
+So everything is scheduled now, and we
+can check off that and so on. We can...
+I have a plan for every day. That's my
+free plan. I press F6, and I say p p
+plan. Private things. You see there is
+the first day, 12th of November, German.
+And now I can look at what I have to do
+00:04:04.239 --> 00:04:37.680
+My agenda view is very long, and I just
+want to focus on a few tasks, so I
+copied them to my daily plan. I just
+want to show you. So I have a daily plan
+for every day, and that means this one
+is what I see, and this one is gone.
+00:04:37.680 --> 00:05:15.605
+So now, let's pretend we are working on
+the first: we find the requirements for
+the video. We had a look. Okay, I can
+mark this task as done here because I
+knew the requirements. C-c t. Done.
+Format is 720p, webm codec. So this one
+is done and I can mark it off here as
+well. So now I have marked it off
+00:05:15.605 --> 00:05:24.639
+The good thing of my daily plan is that
+I can really see it all the day. I stick
+to this, what I decided in the morning
+what I want to do.
+00:05:24.639 --> 00:05:58.319
+So let's go to the next one. Make a
+quick test. Yeah, I did the test
+already. I will do a small trick. I say,
+okay, I record the video here. Video
+recorded. Then let me do what to show.
+Now I'm recording the video.
+00:05:58.319 --> 00:07:02.560
+Let's see. What we do: we had capture,
+we had weekly review, we had daily
+planning. How are we processing this?
+Very nice. So let's pretend the video is
+recorded C-c t done. Let me put this to
+NEXT again. Start kdenlive to time
+lapse. After recording it, I pretend
+this is done now. C-c t done. Then I
+have a video ready. Let's pretend I did
+the upload as well. Done. Video
+uploaded. So I can say everything now is
+done. Save it, so tomorrow I see what I
+did yesterday. Here I'm completely done.
+00:07:02.560 --> 00:07:40.455
+We have the weekly review. We put
+another buffer here because I want to
+show you the final step of my weekly
+review. If you see, there's a final step
+that says: select finished tasks and
+make a bulk archive action. So if you
+look at my EmacsConf thing, okay, the
+project is done as well. Project C-c t
+done. And then, what I can do is now see
+a weekly review helper. Finished tasks.
+00:07:40.455 --> 00:08:00.320
+I could make a bulk operation that says
+archive everything, but at the moment I
+don't need to do that because we have a
+tree structure, so it's C-c x a I have
+this task away, and the task is done. So
+that's it.
+00:08:00.320 --> 00:08:21.959
+That's my system you see: from capturing
+tasks, to scheduling tasks, to putting
+it on the daily plan, performing it, and
+at the end, when everything is done, the
+next weekly review they will go to the
+archive file, because it's finished.
+Thank you for watching. That's it.