;;; emacsconf-hyperlist.el --- step-by-step checklists -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2022 Sacha Chua ;; Author: Sacha Chua ;; Keywords: convenience ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: (defun emacsconf-hyperlist-audio (source) (format "%s: [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-audio-mixer \"${track}\")][mixer (F3 output)]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-audio-quieter \"${track}\" \"%s\")][quieter]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-audio-louder \"${track}\" \"%s\")][louder]] %s" source source source (mapconcat (lambda (val) (format "[[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-audio-set \"${track}\" \"%s\" \"%d%%\")][%d]]" source val val)) '(70 80 90 100 110 120) " "))) (defun emacsconf-hyperlist-format-talk-streamer (talk) (setq talk (emacsconf-resolve-talk talk)) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string (append (list :hhmm (format-time-string "%H:%M" (plist-get talk :start-time) emacsconf-timezone) :intro-type (if (plist-get talk :recorded-intro) "recorded" "live") :talk-type (if (plist-get talk :video-file) "recorded" "live") :qa-type (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "none") :qa-adjust (emacsconf-hyperlist-audio "qa") :mumble-adjust (emacsconf-hyperlist-audio "mumble")) talk) (concat "- ${hhmm} ${track-id} ${slug} (intro: ${intro-type}, talk: ${talk-type}, Q&A: ${qa-type}) [[${absolute-url}][talk page]]\n" (emacsconf-surround " - " (plist-get talk :hyperlist-note) "\n" "") " - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"PLAYING\")][set talk playing]]\n" ;; Intro (cond ((plist-get talk :recorded-intro) " - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-play-intro \"${slug}\")][backup: play intro]] - if that still doesn't work, [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-open-in-between-slide \"${slug}\"][open in-between slide]] and ask the host to intro it over Mumble\n" ) ((plist-get talk :video-file) ;; recorded talk, so intro comes from Mumble " - [[elisp:(emacsconf-play-intro \"${slug}\")][backup: open in-between slide]] - [ ] adjust audio as needed ${mumble-adjust}\n") (t ;; live talk and intro, join BBB " - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-bbb \"${slug}\")][backup: join BBB for live intro and talk]] - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-xdotool-set-up-bbb \"${slug}\"][backup: xdotool BBB]] - [ ] adjust audio as needed ${qa-adjust}\n")) ;; Talk (cond ;; video should already have played ((and (plist-get talk :recorded-intro) (plist-get talk :video-file)) " - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-play-video \"${slug}\")][backup: play video]]\n") ;; play video manually if intro was live ((plist-get talk :video-file) " - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-play-video \"${slug}\")][play video]] after the host finishes introducing it\n") ;; recorded intro, live talk ((plist-get talk :recorded-intro) " - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-bbb \"${slug}\")][join BBB for live talk]] - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-xdotool-set-up-bbb \"${slug}\"][xdotool BBB]] - [ ] adjust audio as needed ${qa-adjust}\n" )) (if (plist-get talk :video-file) "" ;; live talks will continue with Q&A " - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"CLOSED_Q\")][set talk closed q]] when the Q&A seems to be starting - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-open-pad \"${slug}\")][backup: open pad]] - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-join-chat \"${slug}\")][backup: join chat]] - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"OPEN_Q\")][set talk open q]] when the host gives the go-ahead - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"TO_ARCHIVE\")][set talk to archive]] when done " ) ))) ;; assumes the talk is not live (defun emacsconf-hyperlist-format-qa-streamer (talk) (setq talk (emacsconf-resolve-talk talk)) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string (append (list :hhmm (format-time-string "%H:%M" (plist-get talk :qa-time) emacsconf-timezone) :intro-type (if (plist-get talk :recorded-intro) "recorded" "live") :talk-type (if (plist-get talk :video-file) "recorded" "live") :qa-type (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "none") :qa-adjust (emacsconf-hyperlist-audio "qa") :mumble-adjust (emacsconf-hyperlist-audio "mumble") ) talk) (concat "- ${hhmm} ${track-id} ${slug} Q&A: ${q-and-a} [[${absolute-url}][talk page]] - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"CLOSED_Q\")][set talk closed q]] " (pcase (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "") ((rx "live") " - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-bbb \"${slug}\")][backup: join BBB]] - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-open-pad \"${slug}\")][backup: open pad]] - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-xdotool-set-up-bbb \"${slug}\"][xdotool BBB]] - [ ] Check that streaming has started AND RECORDING HAS STARTED - [ ] Give the host the go-ahead via Mumble or #emacsconf-org - [ ] ${qa-adjust} - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"OPEN_Q\")][set talk open q]] - [ ] Confirm BBB redirect at ${bbb-redirect} goes to BBB room, let host know ") ((rx "irc") " - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-join-chat \"${slug}\")][backup: join chat]] - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-open-pad \"${slug}\")][backup: open pad]] - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"OPEN_Q\")][set talk open q]] ") ((rx "Mumble") " - [ ] Bring the speaker's Mumble login over to the ${channel} channel in Mumble. - [ ] Confirm that Mumble is audible and adjust audio as needed: ${mumble-adjust}\n - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"OPEN_Q\")][set talk open q]] ") ((rx "after") " - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-join-chat \"${slug}\")][backup: join chat]] - [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-open-pad \"${slug}\")][backup: open pad]] - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"OPEN_Q\")][set talk open q]] " )) " - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status-with-hooks \"${slug}\" \".\" \"TO_ARCHIVE\")][set talk to archive]] " ))) (defun emacsconf-hyperlist-day-events (day &optional track info) (let* ((talks (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-filter-talks-by-time (concat day "T00:00:00" emacsconf-timezone-offset) (concat day "T23:59:59" emacsconf-timezone-offset) (if track (emacsconf-filter-talks-by-track (or info (emacsconf-get-talk-info))) (or info (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))))) (sort (apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (talk) (if (plist-get talk :video-file) (list (cons (plist-get talk :start-time) (emacsconf-hyperlist-format-talk-streamer talk)) (cons (plist-get talk :qa-time) (emacsconf-hyperlist-format-qa-streamer talk))) (list (cons (plist-get talk :start-time) (emacsconf-hyperlist-format-talk-streamer talk))))) talks)) (lambda (a b) (time-less-p (car a) (car b)))))) (defun emacsconf-hyperlist-format-streamer-day (day &optional track info) (setq info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (if info (mapcar #'emacsconf-resolve-talk info) (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))) (when track (setq info (emacsconf-filter-talks-by-track track info))) (when day (setq info (emacsconf-filter-talks-by-time (concat day "T00:00:00" emacsconf-timezone-offset) (concat day "T23:59:59" emacsconf-timezone-offset) info))) (let* ((events (sort (apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (talk) (if (plist-get talk :video-file) (list (cons (plist-get talk :start-time) (emacsconf-hyperlist-format-talk-streamer talk)) (cons (plist-get talk :qa-time) (emacsconf-hyperlist-format-qa-streamer talk))) (list (cons (plist-get talk :start-time) (emacsconf-hyperlist-format-talk-streamer talk))))) info)) (lambda (a b) (time-less-p (car a) (car b)))))) (mapconcat #'cdr events ""))) (defun emacsconf-hyperlist-show-streamer-day (date &optional track info) "Display the streamer hyperlist for DATE." (interactive (list (org-read-date "Date: "))) (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*hyperlist*")) (erase-buffer) (insert " Quick shortcuts: [[elisp:emacsconf-agenda][talk agenda]] [[elisp:(switch-to-buffer \"#emacsconf-org\")][#emacsconf-org]] [[elisp:(switch-to-buffer \"#emacsconf-gen\")][#emacsconf-gen]] [[elisp:(switch-to-buffer \"#emacsconf-dev\")][#emacsconf-dev]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-notebook-goto-custom-id \"shifts\")][shifts]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-show-playback-info \"General\")][Info: general]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-show-playback-info \"Development\")][Info: development]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-rebroadcast \"General\" \"Development\"][Rebroadcast Gen -> Dev]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-rebroadcast \"Development\" \"General\"][Rebroadcast Dev -> Gen]] [[file:/ssh:orga@front0.emacsconf.org:/var/www/status.emacsconf.org/index.html][status page]] [[elisp:(emacsconf-notebook-goto-custom-id \"exceptions\")][in case of...]] - Setup: - [ ] ssh live screen-fallbacks\n" (mapconcat (lambda (track) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string track " - ${name} - [ ] Connect via VNC ([[shell:mpv ${stream} &][restart MPV]] [[shell:konsole -e ssh -t emacsconf-${id}@res.emacsconf.org -p 46668 &][console]]) - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-track-ssh \"${name}\" \"nohup\" \"start-background-music\" \"&\")][start background music]] - [ ] Start recording with OBS (not streaming) - [ ] Check main stream with MPV ${stream} - [ ] Check 480p ${480p} - [ ] [[shell:ssh -t orga@live0.emacsconf.org 'screen -S restream-${id}-youtube /home/orga/restream-${id}-youtube.sh'][Start Youtube restream]] and then confirm ${youtube-studio-url} and ${youtube-url} - [ ] [[shell:ssh -t orga@live0.emacsconf.org 'screen -S restream-${id}-toobnix /home/orga/restream-${id}-toobnix.sh'][Start Toobnix restream]] and then confirm ${toobnix-url} - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-update-track-status \"${name}\")][Update emacsconf-tracks :status and update status page]] - [ ] Start Emacs and use emacsconf-stream-display-clock-and-countdown\n")) emacsconf-tracks "") (emacsconf-hyperlist-format-streamer-day date track info) "- Teardown - [ ] Stop recording " (mapconcat (lambda (track) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string track " - ${name} - [ ] [[shell:ssh orga@live0.emacsconf.org screen -S restream-${id}-youtube -X quit][stop youtube restream]] - [ ] [[shell:ssh orga@live0.emacsconf.org screen -S restream-${id}-toobnix -X quit][stop toobnix restream]] - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-stream-update-track-status \"${name}\")][Update emacsconf-tracks :status and update status page]] - [ ] Kill the fallback screens on live0 " )) emacsconf-tracks "")) (goto-char (point-min)) (org-mode)) ;;; Code: (provide 'emacsconf-hyperlist) ;;; emacsconf.el ends here