diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2022-11-13 13:38:12 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2022-11-13 13:38:12 -0500
commit3cbda731d7d2c6daf08bb9e645ec53d041651e35 (patch)
parentca9fe0077e98cc0f987867251cd5868af80e78d9 (diff)
Add hyperlists to pad
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emacsconf-pad.el b/emacsconf-pad.el
index 9137d98..d11f067 100644
--- a/emacsconf-pad.el
+++ b/emacsconf-pad.el
@@ -296,5 +296,157 @@ ${next-talk-list}
(not (string= cached-last-modified
(number-to-string .data.lastEdited))))))))
+(defun emacsconf-pad-export-initial-content-for-hyperlists (dir &optional info)
+ (interactive (list (read-file-name "Output directory: " nil nil nil nil 'file-directory-p)))
+ (setq info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
+ (unless (file-directory-p dir)
+ (make-directory dir))
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (shift)
+ (with-temp-file (expand-file-name (concat (plist-get shift :id) ".html") dir)
+ (insert (emacsconf-pad-format-shift-hyperlist
+ (append
+ (list
+ :year
+ emacsconf-year
+ :track-id
+ (plist-get
+ (emacsconf-get-track (plist-get shift :track))
+ :id)))
+ shift info))))
+ emacsconf-shifts))
+;; (emacsconf-pad-export-initial-content-for-hyperlists "/ssh:media:~/backstage/hyperlists")
+(defun emacsconf-pad-format-shift-hyperlist (shift info)
+ (concat
+ "<h1>" (plist-get shift :id) "</h1>"
+ (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string
+ shift
+ "<p>Host: ${host}, Streamer: ${streamer}, IRC: ${irc}, Pad: ${pad}, Check-in: ${checkin}</p>")
+ (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string
+ shift
+ "
+<ul><li>[ ] ${checkin}: Open the index:${year}/backstage/index-${track-id}.html</li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Open the intro pad and the index:${year}/backstage/index-${track-id}.html</li>
+<li>[ ] ${irc}: Watch the #emacsconf-${track-id} channel</li>
+<li>[ ] ${pad}: Open the index:${year}/backstage/index-${track-id}.html</li>
+<li>[ ] ${streamer}: Start streaming with OBS
+<ul><li>[ ] Set up the local environment
+<ul><li>[? gen] export TRACK=gen; export TRACK_PORT=5905; export SSH_PORT=46668</li>
+<li>[? dev] export TRACK=dev; export TRACK_PORT=5906; export SSH_PORT=46668</li></ul></li>
+<li>[ ] Copy the password file: scp emacsconf-$ vnc-passwd-$TRACK -p $SSH_PORT</li>
+<li>[ ] Forward your local ports: ssh emacsconf-$ -N -L $TRACK_PORT:$TRACK_PORT -p $SSH_PORT &</li>
+<li>[ ] Connect via VNC: xvncviewer$TRACK_PORT -shared -geometry 1280x720 -passwd vnc-passwd-$TRACK &
+<li>[? Can't connect to VNC]: ssh emacsconf-$ -p $SSH_PORT /home/emacsconf-$TRACK/bin/track-vnc</li>
+<li>[? Can't find OBS]: track-obs</li></ul></li>
+<li>[ ] Start recording (not streaming). (Alt-2, switch to workspace 2; Alt-Shift-2, move something to workspace 2).</li>
+<li>[ ] Watch the stream with MPV on your local system: mpv$TRACK.webm &</li>
+<li>[ ] Check 480p: mpv$TRACK-480p.webm &</li>
+<li>[ ] Test with a sample video or Q&A session: ssh emacsconf-$ -p 46668 \"~/bin/track-mpv meetups &\"</li>
+ "<ul>"
+ (emacsconf-pad-shift-hyperlist
+ (list
+ :start (plist-get shift :start)
+ :end (plist-get shift :end)
+ :host (emacsconf-surround "HOST-" (plist-get shift :host) "" "HOST")
+ :stream (emacsconf-surround "STREAM-" (plist-get shift :streamer) "" "STREAM")
+ :irc-volunteer (emacsconf-surround "IRC-" (plist-get shift :irc) "" "IRC")
+ :checkin (emacsconf-surround "CHECKIN-" (plist-get shift :checkin) "" "CHECKIN")
+ :pad (emacsconf-surround "PAD-" (plist-get shift :pad) "" "PAD"))
+ (seq-filter
+ (lambda (talk) (string= (plist-get talk :track) (plist-get shift :track)))
+ (emacsconf-filter-talks-by-time (plist-get shift :start) (plist-get shift :end) info)))
+ "</ul>"))
+(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-hyperlists ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))
+ (mapc (lambda (shift)
+ (let ((pad-id (format "private_%s" (plist-get shift :id))))
+ (emacsconf-pad-create-pad pad-id)
+ (emacsconf-pad-set-html
+ pad-id
+ (emacsconf-pad-format-shift-hyperlist shift info))))
+ emacsconf-shifts)))
+;; Related: emacsconf-talk-hyperlist
+(defun emacsconf-pad-talk-hyperlist (talk &optional do-insert)
+ (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info) t))
+ (let* ((track-id (plist-get (emacsconf-get-track talk) :id))
+ (modified-talk
+ (apply
+ #'append
+ (list
+ :track-id track-id
+ :ssh "ssh -p 46668 "
+ :ssh-audio (format "ex: ssh -p 46668 \"%s-vol 85%%\" (or %s-louder, %s-quieter)" track-id track-id track-id track-id))
+ talk
+ (mapcar (lambda (status)
+ (list (intern (concat ":ssh-" (replace-regexp-in-string "_" "" (downcase status))))
+ (format "ssh -p 46668 \"~/scripts/ %s . %s\""
+ (plist-get talk :slug)
+ status)))
+ (result
+ (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string
+ modified-talk
+ (format "<li><strong>%s %s %s %s <a href=\"%s%s\">%s%s</a></strong>\n%s</li>"
+ (format-time-string "%H:%M" (plist-get talk :start-time) emacsconf-timezone)
+ (plist-get talk :track)
+ (plist-get talk :slug)
+ (plist-get talk :title)
+ emacsconf-base-url
+ (plist-get talk :url)
+ emacsconf-base-url
+ (plist-get talk :url)
+ (pcase (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "")
+ ((rx "live")
+ "<ul>
+<li>[ ] ${checkin}: Check ${speakers-with-pronouns} (${irc}) into ${bbb-room} sometime beforehand and make them a moderator</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Display the in-between slide <a href=\"${year}/in-between/${slug}.png\">${year}/in-between/${slug}.png</a></li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Connect to the ${track} channel in Mumble and introduce the talk</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Start playing the talk: ${ssh-playing}</li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Join the Q&A room at <a href=\"${bbb-room}\">${bbb-room}</a> and open the pad at <a href=\"${pad-url}\">${pad-url}</a>; optionally open IRC for ${channel} (<a href=\"${webchat-url}\">${webchat-url}</a>)</li>
+<li>[ ] [? speaker missing?] ${host}: Let #emacsconf-org know so that we can text or call the speaker</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: After the talk, open the Q&A window and the pad: ${ssh-closedq} </li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Give the host the go-ahead via Mumble or #emacsconf-org</li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Start recording and read questions</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Adjust the audio levels as needed: ${ssh-audio}</li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Decide when to open the Q&A and let the streamer know</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Mark the Q&A as open: ${ssh-openq}</li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Announce that people can join using the URL on the talk page</li>
+<li>[? Open Q&A is still going on and it's about five minutes before the next talk]
+ <ul><li>[ ] ${host}: Let the speaker know about the time and that the Q&A can continue off-stream if people want to join</li></ul></li>
+<li>[? Open Q&A is still going on and it's about two minutes before the next talk]
+ <ul><li>[ ] ${host}: Announce that the Q&A will continue if people want to join the BBB room from the talk page, and the stream will now move to the next talk</li></ul></li>
+<li>[? Q&A is done early]
+ <ul>
+ <li>[ ] ${stream}: Mark the talk as archived: ${ssh} \"~/current/scripts/ ${slug} . TO_ARCHIVE\"</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Close the Q&A windows and move on to the next talk</li></ul>
+ ((rx "irc")
+ "
+<ul><li>[ ] ${stream}: Display the in-between slide <a href=\"${year}/in-between/${slug}.png\">${year}/in-between/${slug}.png</a></li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Connect to the ${track} channel in Mumble and introduce the talk</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: ${ssh-playing}</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Open the IRC channel (${channel}) and the pad, and arrange the windows: ${ssh-closedq}</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: When it's time for the next talk, close the Q&A windows and move on to the next talk</li></ul>
+ (_
+ "<ul><li>[ ] ${stream}: Display the in-between slide <a href=\"${year}/in-between/${slug}.png\">${year}/in-between/${slug}.png</a></li>
+<li>[ ] ${host}: Connect to the ${track} channel in Mumble and introduce the talk</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Start the talk: ${ssh-playing}</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: Open the IRC channel (${channel}) and the pad, and arrange the windows: ${ssh-closedq}</li>
+<li>[ ] ${stream}: When it's time for the next talk, close the Q&A windows and move on to the next talk</li>
+ nil nil 1))))
+ (if do-insert (insert result))
+ result))
(provide 'emacsconf-pad)
;;; emacsconf-pad.el ends here