--- - name: Set up packages ansible.builtin.apt: update_cache: true pkg: - ikiwiki - git - openssh-server - libimage-magick-perl - libtext-csv-perl - libxml-writer-perl - imagemagick - nginx - wget state: present - name: Create ikiwiki group group: name: ikiwiki state: present - name: Create ikiwiki user user: name: ikiwiki group: ikiwiki state: present - name: Template the config ansible.builtin.template: src: emacsconf.setup dest: "{{ ikiwiki_path }}/emacsconf.setup" owner: ikiwiki - name: Create the plugin directory file: path: "{{ ikiwiki_plugin_path }}/IkiWiki/Plugin" state: directory - name: Copy Ikiwiki plugins tags: wiki-plugins template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ ikiwiki_plugin_path }}/IkiWiki/Plugin/{{ item }}" loop: - copyright.pm - htmlscrubber.pm - license.pm - include: docker.yml when: docker - name: Chown all the files to ikiwiki tags: wiki-plugins file: dest: "{{ ikiwiki_path }}" owner: ikiwiki group: ikiwiki recurse: true - name: Regenerate all the files tags: wiki-regenerate, wiki-plugins become: true become_user: ikiwiki shell: cd ~ikiwiki; ikiwiki --setup "{{ ikiwiki_path }}/emacsconf.setup" --rebuild --wrappers register: output - debug: var: output