- name: Install Icecast become: true package: name: icecast2 state: present - name: Set up config become: true template: src: icecast.xml dest: /etc/icecast2/icecast-emacsconf.xml - name: Create restream dir file: path: "{{ icecast_restream_dir }}" owner: "{{ icecast_user }}" state: directory - name: Set up track-specific things include: track.yml loop: "{{ emacsconf_tracks }}" - name: Set up init file become: true template: src: icecast-emacsconf.init.d dest: /etc/init.d/emacsconf mode: 0755 - name: Set up nginx config become: true template: src: emacsconf.nginx.conf dest: /etc/nginx/emacsconf.nginx.conf mode: 0644 - name: Include emacsconf in nginx config tags: wip become: true lineinfile: line: include /etc/nginx/emacsconf.nginx.conf; regexp: '^\s*include /etc/nginx/emacsconf.nginx.conf;' insertafter: '.*tls/live0.conf.*' backup: yes path: /etc/nginx/sites-available/live0.emacsconf.org - name: Enable icecast become: true service: name: emacsconf state: started enabled: yes - name: Check if icecast is listening wait_for: port: "{{ icecast_port }}" delay: 5 timeout: 20 msg: "Timeout waiting for {{ icecast_port }} to respond" register: port_check ignore_errors: yes - name: Try to restart icecast if not started service: name=emacsconf state=started enabled=yes when: port_check.failed == true - name: Set up restream scripts tags: restream template: src: restream.sh dest: /home/orga/restream-{{ item[1].name }}-{{ item[0].name }}.sh owner: orga mode: 0755 loop: "{{ restreaming_platforms | subelements('streams') | list }}"