# {{ ansible_managed }} # Requires mpv >= 0.34.0 # Comment out the next line if you don't want this profile loaded by default. profile={{ emacsconf_id }}-talks # Then you can load it with `--profile={{ emacsconf_id }}-talks` # This puts the video in the top right so that there's room on the left for the logo and some text [{{ emacsconf_id }}-talks] # Positioning video-zoom=-0.15 video-align-x=1 video-align-y=-1 sub-use-margins=yes sub-scale-by-window=yes sub-pos=103 sub-margin-x=120 sub-margin-y=20 sub-align-x=left # Style sub-font="{{ emacsconf_font }}" sub-color="1/0.82/0" sub-blur=0.2 sub-scale=0.9 sub-font-size=40 sub-border-size=0 sub-border-color=0/1 sub-shadow-color=0/1 sub-shadow-offset=1.2 sub-ass-force-style=Kerning=yes sub-ass-line-spacing=0 [{{ emacsconf_id }}-old] # Positioning video-zoom=-0.15 video-pan-y=-0.055 sub-use-margins=yes sub-scale-by-window=yes sub-pos=103 sub-margin-x=150 sub-margin-y=40 # Style sub-font="{{ emacsconf_font }}" sub-color="1/0.82/0" sub-blur=0.2 sub-scale=0.9 sub-font-size=40 sub-border-size=0 sub-border-color=0/1 sub-shadow-color=0/1 sub-shadow-offset=1.2 sub-ass-force-style=Kerning=yes sub-ass-line-spacing=0