- name: Load icecast vars tags: obs-profile, wip include_vars: file: ../../stream/defaults/main.yml - name: Add repo apt_repository: repo: ppa:obsproject/obs-studio when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" - name: Add packages apt: name: - xserver-xorg-video-dummy - i3 - inkscape # OBS overlaying PNG is prettier than SVG - socat - ffmpeg - pulseaudio - jackd2 - kitty - kitty-terminfo - alsa-utils - dbus-x11 - obs-studio - mumble - xserver-xorg-dev - xdotool update_cache: yes - name: Add Firefox apt: name: firefox-esr when: ansible_distribution == "Debian" - name: Add Firefox apt: name: firefox-esr when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" - name: Copy X11 config template: src: xorg.conf dest: /etc/X11/xorg.conf - name: Set up MPV and MPVC tags: mpv include: mpv.yml - name: Set up track-specific things include: track.yml loop: "{{ emacsconf_tracks }}" - debug: var: emacsconf_home - name: Add packages apt: name: - tigervnc-standalone-server - tigervnc-common tags: vnc - name: Allow SSH for the users replace: dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/emacsconf_ssh.conf regexp: '(AllowUsers(?!.*\b{{ emacsconf_id }}-{{ item.id }}\b).*)$' replace: \1 {{ emacsconf_id }}-{{ item.id }} loop: "{{ emacsconf_tracks }}" - name: Allow sudo from {{ emacsconf_user }} to the stream users become: true become_user: root copy: content: | {% for item in emacsconf_tracks %} {{ emacsconf_user }} ALL=({{ emacsconf_id }}-{{ item.id }}) NOPASSWD: ALL {% endfor %} dest: /etc/sudoers.d/50_emacsconf - name: Create directories file: owner: "{{ emacsconf_user }}" group: "{{ emacsconf_group }}" path: "{{ emacsconf_asset_dir }}" state: directory mode: 0775