rewrite ^/current/bbb-open.html$ {{ bbb_open_url }} redirect; location /{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage { auth_basic "Restricted"; auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ host_name }}-{{ emacsconf_year }}-htpasswd; autoindex on; rewrite ^/{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage/current/pad/([^/]*)$ https://{{ etherpad_server_name }}/{{ emacsconf_year }}-$1 redirect; rewrite ^/{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage/current/room/([^/]*)$ https://{{ media_server_name }}/{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage/assets/redirects/open/bbb-$1.html redirect; rewrite ^/{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage/current/([^/]*)/pad/?$ https://{{ etherpad_server_name }}/{{ emacsconf_year }}-$1 redirect; rewrite ^/{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage/current/([^/]*)/room/?$ https://{{ media_server_name }}/{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage/assets/redirects/open/bbb-$1.html redirect; } {% if media_protect_root|bool %} location /{{ emacsconf_year }} { # TODO: Figure out how to make this properly controlled by the variable # auth_basic "Restricted"; # auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ host_name }}-{{ emacsconf_year }}-htpasswd; autoindex on; } {% else %} location /{{ emacsconf_year }} { autoindex on; } {% endif %} location /{{ emacsconf_year }}/{{ emacsconf_id }}.ics { auth_basic off; } location /{{ emacsconf_year }}/schedules/ { auth_basic off; } {% for track in emacsconf_tracks %} location /{{ emacsconf_year }}/{{ emacsconf_id }}-{{ }}.ics { auth_basic off; } {% endfor %}