#!/bin/bash # {{ ansible_managed }} # This script waits for new webm and mov files # in the current directory (recursively) and then calls # process-captions to process all the new files that need work. inotifywait -r -m "{{ emacsconf_caption_dir }}" -e create -e moved_to | while read directory action file; do if [[ "$file" =~ .*(webm|mov)$ ]]; then "{{ emacsconf_caption_dir }}"/process-captions.py | tee -a "{{ emacsconf_caption_dir }}/captions.log" elif [[ "$file" =~ .*(vtt|srv2|ogg|opus)$ ]]; then # Copy to backstage area rsync --ignore-existing $directory/$file orga@media.emacsconf.org:/var/www/media.emacsconf.org/{{ emacsconf_year }}/backstage/ fi done